path: root/day1/cheatsheet1.tex
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-12-08Minor edits to correct spellings.Santosh G. Vattam
2009-12-08Minor edits to remove errors.Santosh G. Vattam
2009-11-23Made minor English changesrivermaker@kalyani
2009-11-19Modified cheat sheet of session 1 and session 6 day 1.Shantanu
2009-11-18cheat sheet 1 Interactive Plotting.Shantanu
2009-11-18Added changes for cheat sheet 1.Shantanu
2009-11-10Added all day 1 cheatsheets.Madhusudan.C.S
2009-10-31Updated day1 session1.Puneeth Chaganti
2009-10-13Added rough draft of slides and cheatsheet for Interactive Plotting.Puneeth Chaganti