path: root/day1/session4.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'day1/session4.tex')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/day1/session4.tex b/day1/session4.tex
index 67988de..fb8e2e4 100644
--- a/day1/session4.tex
+++ b/day1/session4.tex
@@ -249,9 +249,55 @@ In []: integrate.quad(f, 0, 1)
+\frametitle{Functions - Calling them}
+In [15]: f()
+\alert{\typ{TypeError:}}\typ{f() takes exactly 1 argument}
+\typ{(0 given)}
+In []: f(0)
+Out[]: 0.0
+In []: f(1)
+Out[]: 1.8414709848078965
+\frametitle{Functions - Default Arguments}
+In []: def f(x=1):
+ return sin(x)+x**2
+In []: f(10)
+Out[]: 99.455978889110625
+In []: f(1)
+Out[]: 1.8414709848078965
+In []: f()
+Out[]: 1.8414709848078965
+\frametitle{Functions - Keyword Arguments}
+In []: def f(x=1, y=pi):
+ return sin(y)+x**2
+In []: f()
+Out[]: 1.0000000000000002
+In []: f(2)
+Out[]: 4.0
+In []: f(y=2)
+Out[]: 1.9092974268256817
+In []: f(y=pi/2,x=0)
+Out[]: 1.0
\frametitle{More on functions}
- \item Support default and keyword arguments
\item Scope of variables in the function is local
\item Mutable items are \alert{passed by reference}
\item First line after definition may be a documentation string
@@ -262,6 +308,13 @@ In []: integrate.quad(f, 0, 1)
+\frametitle{Quadrature \ldots}
+In []: integrate.quad(f, 0, 1)
+Returns the integral and an estimate of the absolute error in the result.