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authorShantanu2009-11-19 11:04:11 +0530
committerShantanu2009-11-19 11:04:11 +0530
commitd30f5ceedf841e49b51d13b3975225d93717da30 (patch)
parent0bb3878cf0c287a230e7a3af1e06d4d780c2eecb (diff)
Modified cheat sheet of session 4 day 1.
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/day1/cheatsheet4.tex b/day1/cheatsheet4.tex
index 3f67f2d..d7e8327 100755
--- a/day1/cheatsheet4.tex
+++ b/day1/cheatsheet4.tex
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ array([[ 1, 1, 2],
In []: C[1,2]
Out[]: 1
-Two indexes seperated by ',' specifies row, column. So \kwrd{C[1,2]} gets third element of second row(indices starts from 0).
+Two indexes seperated by \typ{','} specifies [row, column]. So \kwrd{C[1,2]} gets third element of second row(indices starts from 0).
In []: C[1]
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ array([[ 0, 0],
\typ{'1:'} => Start from second row, till last row\\
\typ{':2'} => Start from first column, till and excluding third column.
Often apart from submatrix, one needs to get some mechanism to jump a step. For example, how can we have all alternate rows of a Matrix. \\
Following method will return Matrix with alternate rows.
@@ -146,8 +147,7 @@ Out[]:
array([[ 1, 2],
[-1, 7]])
-\Section{Matrix Operations}
+\section{Matrix Operations}
For a Matrix A and B of equal shapes.
In []: A.T # Transpose
@@ -158,7 +158,6 @@ In []: dot(A,b) #Matrix multiplication
In []: inv(A) # Inverse
In []: det(A) # Determinant
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
In []: eig(A) #Eigen Values and Vectors
@@ -172,14 +171,33 @@ In []: eigvals(A) #Eigen Values
%% \begin{lstlisting}
%% In []: svd(A)
%% \end{lstlisting}
-Least Square Fit Line
+\section{Least Square Fit Line}
+L = []
+T = []
+for line in open('pendulum.txt'):
+ point = line.split()
+ L.append(float(point[0]))
+ T.append(float(point[1]))
+Tsq = []
+for time in T:
+ Tsq.append(time*time)
+plot(L, Tsq, '.')
+This is exact curve we get from L Vs Tsq from data.This relation among L and Tsq is not of straight line. For getting Least Square Fit line, we have to solve the relations:\\
+$L=m*Tsq+c$ (something similar to $y=m*x+c$)\\
+For present scenario, we have L and corresponding Tsq values. For finding m and c at given points we use \typ{lstlq} function provided by pylab. It returns the least-squares solution to an equation. \\
+For finding Least Square Fit line for this particular data we have to do following steps:\\
+\typ{In []: A = array([L, ones\_like(L)])}\\
+A is 2x(Length of array L) array.
-In []: A = array([L, ones_like(L)])
-In []: A = A.T
+In []: A = A.T #now A.shape = (Length of array L)x2
In []: result = lstsq(A,TSq)
In []: coef = result[0]
In []: Tline = coef[0]*L + coef[1]
-In []: plot(L, Tline)
+\typ{coef[0]} is array with all $m$ values, and \typ{coef[1]} contains $c$.\\
+To get the final plot.\\
+\typ{In []: plot(L, Tline)}