path: root/requirements.txt
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-05-04Propose workshop calendar bug fix, updated settings and requirements.txtpnshiralkar
2020-04-26Propose workshop by coordinator and accept workshop by instructor donepnshiralkar
2019-10-03Remove the usage of pandas and unused monthly average workshop calculationankitjavalkar
2018-10-22Adds Workshop Month MeanAkshen
2017-10-07Adds Share Details and LoggingAkshen
2017-06-07Adds coverage and moves test scripts to a separate foldermahesh
2017-05-30Modifies travis.yml and requirements.txtAkshen
2017-05-30modifies requirements.txtAkshen
2017-05-30Testing DoneAkshen
2017-05-19Created RequestWorkshopAkshen Doke
2017-05-19Courses Model AddedAkshen
2017-05-19Basic Login DoneAkshen
2017-05-19Initial CommitAkshen