path: root/static/recurrence/js
diff options
authorMahesh Gudi2017-05-30 14:59:05 +0530
committerGitHub2017-05-30 14:59:05 +0530
commit83d0d398fa81515ce2b6033a6f4e642e04c34a28 (patch)
tree2ccca3b4c524aaba9ef853734ac3df8bc2b9f6b0 /static/recurrence/js
parentd73abca9000d1c90f39ed92de53302c27cc00d19 (diff)
parent626baecca1ac4cd57ce28512926d028d9b465ec7 (diff)
Merge pull request #1 from Akshen/recurrance
Python Workshop Website
Diffstat (limited to 'static/recurrence/js')
2 files changed, 2900 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/static/recurrence/js/recurrence-widget.js b/static/recurrence/js/recurrence-widget.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..817add8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/recurrence/js/recurrence-widget.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1795 @@
+if (!recurrence)
+ var recurrence = {};
+recurrence.widget = {};
+recurrence.widget.Grid = function(cols, rows) {
+ this.init(cols, rows);
+recurrence.widget.Grid.prototype = {
+ init: function(cols, rows) {
+ this.disabled = false;
+ this.cells = [];
+ this.cols = cols;
+ this.rows = rows;
+ this.init_dom();
+ },
+ init_dom: function() {
+ var tbody = recurrence.widget.e('tbody');
+ for (var y=0; y < this.rows; y++) {
+ var tr = recurrence.widget.e('tr');
+ tbody.appendChild(tr);
+ for (var x=0; x < this.cols; x++) {
+ var td = recurrence.widget.e('td');
+ tr.appendChild(td);
+ this.cells.push(td);
+ }
+ }
+ var table = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'table', {
+ 'class': 'grid', 'cellpadding': 0,
+ 'cellspacing': 0, 'border': 0},
+ [tbody]);
+ this.elements = {'root': table, 'table': table, 'tbody': tbody};
+ },
+ cell: function(col, row) {
+ return this.elements.tbody.childNodes[row].childNodes[col];
+ },
+ enable: function () {
+ recurrence.widget.remove_class('disabled');
+ this.disabled = false;
+ },
+ disable: function () {
+ recurrence.widget.add_class('disabled');
+ this.disabled = true;
+ }
+recurrence.widget.Calendar = function(date, options) {
+ this.init(date, options);
+recurrence.widget.Calendar.prototype = {
+ init: function(date, options) {
+ = date || recurrence.widget.date_today();
+ this.month =;
+ this.year =;
+ this.options = options || {};
+ if (this.options.onchange)
+ this.onchange = this.options.onchange;
+ if (this.options.onclose)
+ this.onclose = this.options.onclose;
+ this.init_dom();
+ this.show_month(this.year, this.month);
+ },
+ init_dom: function() {
+ var calendar = this;
+ // navigation
+ var remove = recurrence.widget.e('a', {
+ 'class': 'remove',
+ 'href': 'javascript:void(0)',
+ 'title': recurrence.display.labels.remove,
+ 'onclick': function() {
+ calendar.close();
+ }
+ }, '&times;');
+ var year_prev = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'a', {
+ 'href': 'javascript:void(0)', 'class': 'prev-year',
+ 'onclick': function() {calendar.show_prev_year();}},
+ '&lt;&lt;');
+ var year_next = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'a', {
+ 'href': 'javascript:void(0)', 'class': 'next-year',
+ 'onclick': function() {calendar.show_next_year();}},
+ '&gt;&gt;');
+ var month_prev = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'a', {
+ 'href': 'javascript:void(0)', 'class': 'prev-month',
+ 'onclick': function() {calendar.show_prev_month();}},
+ '&lt;');
+ var month_next = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'a', {
+ 'href': 'javascript:void(0)', 'class': 'next-month',
+ 'onclick': function() {calendar.show_next_month();}},
+ '&gt;');
+ var month_label = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'},
+ recurrence.display.months[this.month]);
+ var header_elements = [
+ year_prev, month_prev, month_label, month_next, year_next];
+ var header_grid = new recurrence.widget.Grid(header_elements.length, 1);
+ recurrence.array.foreach(header_elements, function(item, i) {
+ header_grid.cells[i].appendChild(item);
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(
+ header_grid.cells[i], item.className);
+ });
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(header_grid.elements.root, 'navigation');
+ // core
+ var calendar_year = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'year'}, this.year);
+ var calendar_navigation = header_grid.elements.root;
+ // var calendar_week = week_grid.elements.root;
+ var calendar_body = recurrence.widget.e('div', {'class': 'body'});
+ var calendar_footer = recurrence.widget.e('div', {'class': 'footer'});
+ var td = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'td', {},
+ [remove, calendar_year, calendar_navigation,
+ calendar_body, calendar_footer]);
+ var tr = recurrence.widget.e('tr', {}, [td]);
+ var tbody = recurrence.widget.e('tbody', {}, [tr]);
+ var root = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'table', {'class': 'recurrence-calendar'}, [tbody]);
+ = 'none';
+ this.elements = {
+ 'root': root,
+ 'year': calendar_year,
+ 'year_prev': year_prev,
+ 'year_next': year_next,
+ 'month_prev': month_prev,
+ 'month_next': month_next,
+ 'month_label': month_label,
+ 'calendar_body': calendar_body
+ };
+ },
+ get_month_grid: function(year, month) {
+ var calendar = this;
+ var dt = new Date(year, month, 1);
+ var start = dt.getDay();
+ var days =;
+ var rows = Math.ceil((days + start) / 7) + 1;
+ var grid = new recurrence.widget.Grid(7, rows);
+ var number = 1;
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ grid.cells, function(cell, i) {
+ var cell = grid.cells[i];
+ if (i < 7) {
+ var weekday_number = i - 1;
+ if (weekday_number < 0)
+ weekday_number = 6;
+ else if (weekday_number > 6)
+ weekday_number = 0;
+ cell.innerHTML = recurrence.display.weekdays_oneletter[
+ weekday_number];
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'header');
+ } else if (i - 7 < start || number > days) {
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'empty');
+ } else {
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'day');
+ if ( == number &&
+ == dt.getFullYear() &&
+ == dt.getMonth())
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'active');
+ cell.innerHTML = number;
+ number = number + 1;
+ cell.onclick = function () {
+ calendar.set_date(
+ calendar.year, calendar.month,
+ parseInt(this.innerHTML, 10));
+ };
+ }
+ }, this);
+ return grid;
+ },
+ show_month: function(year, month) {
+ if (this.elements.calendar_body.childNodes.length)
+ this.elements.calendar_body.removeChild(
+ this.elements.calendar_body.childNodes[0]);
+ this.elements.month_grid = this.get_month_grid(year, month);
+ this.elements.calendar_body.appendChild(
+ this.elements.month_grid.elements.root);
+ this.elements.month_label.firstChild.nodeValue = (
+ recurrence.display.months[this.month]);
+ this.elements.year.firstChild.nodeValue = this.year;
+ },
+ show_prev_year: function() {
+ this.year = this.year - 1;
+ this.show_month(this.year, this.month);
+ },
+ show_next_year: function() {
+ this.year = this.year + 1;
+ this.show_month(this.year, this.month);
+ },
+ show_prev_month: function() {
+ this.month = this.month - 1;
+ if (this.month < 0) {
+ this.month = 11;
+ this.year = this.year - 1;
+ }
+ this.show_month(this.year, this.month);
+ },
+ show_next_month: function() {
+ this.month = this.month + 1;
+ if (this.month > 11) {
+ this.month = 0;
+ this.year = this.year + 1;
+ }
+ this.show_month(this.year, this.month);
+ },
+ set_date: function(year, month, day) {
+ if (year != ||
+ month != ||
+ day != {
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ this.elements.month_grid.cells, function(cell) {
+ if (recurrence.widget.has_class(cell, 'day')) {
+ var number = parseInt(cell.innerHTML, 10);
+ if (number == day) {
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'active');
+ } else {
+ recurrence.widget.remove_class(cell, 'active');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.onchange)
+ this.onchange(;
+ }
+ },
+ set_position: function(x, y) {
+ = x + 'px';
+ = y + 'px';
+ },
+ show: function() {
+ = '';
+ },
+ hide: function() {
+ = 'none';
+ },
+ close: function() {
+ if (this.elements.root.parentNode) {
+ this.elements.root.parentNode.removeChild(this.elements.root);
+ if (this.onclose)
+ this.onclose();
+ }
+ }
+recurrence.widget.DateSelector = function(date, options) {
+ this.init(date, options);
+recurrence.widget.DateSelector.prototype = {
+ init: function(date, options) {
+ this.disabled = false;
+ = date;
+ this.calendar = null;
+ this.options = options || {};
+ if (this.options.onchange)
+ this.onchange = this.options.onchange;
+ this.init_dom();
+ },
+ init_dom: function() {
+ var dateselector = this;
+ if (
+ var date_value =, '%Y-%m-%d');
+ else
+ var date_value = '';
+ var date_field = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'input', {
+ 'class': 'date-field', 'size': 10,
+ 'value': date_value,
+ 'onchange': function() {dateselector.set_date(this.value);}});
+ var calendar_button = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'a', {
+ 'class': 'calendar-button',
+ 'href': 'javascript:void(0)',
+ 'title': recurrence.display.labels.calendar,
+ 'onclick': function() {
+ if (!dateselector.disabled)
+ dateselector.show_calendar();
+ }
+ },
+ '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;');
+ var root = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'span', {'class': 'date-selector'},
+ [date_field, calendar_button]);
+ this.elements = {
+ 'root': root,
+ 'date_field': date_field,
+ 'calendar_button': calendar_button
+ };
+ },
+ show_calendar: function() {
+ var dateselector = this;
+ var calendar_blur = function(event) {
+ var element =;
+ var is_in_dom = recurrence.widget.element_in_dom(
+ element, dateselector.calendar.elements.root);
+ if (!is_in_dom &&
+ element != dateselector.elements.calendar_button) {
+ // clicked outside of calendar
+ dateselector.calendar.close();
+ if (window.detachEvent)
+ window.detachEvent('onclick', calendar_blur);
+ else
+ window.removeEventListener('click', calendar_blur, false);
+ }
+ };
+ if (!this.calendar) {
+ this.calendar = new recurrence.widget.Calendar(
+ new Date(( || recurrence.widget.date_today()).valueOf()), {
+ 'onchange': function() {
+ dateselector.set_date(
+, '%Y-%m-%d'));
+ dateselector.calendar.close();
+ },
+ 'onclose': function() {
+ if (window.detachEvent)
+ window.detachEvent('onclick', calendar_blur);
+ else
+ window.removeEventListener(
+ 'click', calendar_blur, false);
+ dateselector.hide_calendar();
+ }
+ });
+ document.body.appendChild(this.calendar.elements.root);
+ this.set_calendar_position();
+ if (window.attachEvent)
+ window.attachEvent('onclick', calendar_blur);
+ else
+ window.addEventListener('click', calendar_blur, false);
+ }
+ },
+ set_date: function(datestring) {
+ var tokens = datestring.split('-');
+ var year = parseInt(tokens[0], 10);
+ var month = parseInt(tokens[1], 10) - 1;
+ var day = parseInt(tokens[2], 10);
+ var dt = new Date(year, month, day);
+ if (String(dt) == 'Invalid Date' || String(dt) == 'NaN') {
+ if ( && !this.options.allow_null) {
+ this.elements.date_field.value =
+, '%Y-%m-%d');
+ } else {
+ if (this.elements.date_field.value != '') {
+ if (this.onchange)
+ this.onchange(null);
+ }
+ this.elements.date_field.value = '';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (! ||
+ (year != ||
+ month != ||
+ day != {
+ if (!
+ = recurrence.widget.date_today();
+ this.elements.date_field.value = datestring;
+ if (this.onchange)
+ this.onchange(;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ set_calendar_position: function() {
+ var loc = recurrence.widget.cumulative_offset(
+ this.elements.calendar_button);
+ var calendar_x = loc[0];
+ var calendar_y = loc[1];
+ var calendar_right = (
+ loc[0] + this.calendar.elements.root.clientWidth);
+ var calendar_bottom = (
+ loc[1] + this.calendar.elements.root.clientHeight);
+ if (calendar_right > document.scrollWidth)
+ calendar_x = calendar_x - (
+ calendar_right - document.scrollWidth);
+ if (calendar_bottom > document.scrollHeight)
+ calendar_y = calendar_y - (
+ calendar_bottom - document.scrollHeight);
+ this.calendar.set_position(calendar_x, calendar_y);
+ },
+ hide_calendar: function() {
+ this.calendar = null;
+ },
+ enable: function () {
+ this.disabled = false;
+ this.elements.date_field.disabled = false;
+ },
+ disable: function () {
+ this.disabled = true;
+ this.elements.date_field.disabled = true;
+ if (this.calendar)
+ this.calendar.close();
+ }
+recurrence.widget.Widget = function(textarea, options) {
+ this.init(textarea, options);
+recurrence.widget.Widget.prototype = {
+ init: function(textarea, options) {
+ if (textarea.toLowerCase)
+ textarea = document.getElementById(textarea);
+ this.selected_panel = null;
+ this.panels = [];
+ = recurrence.deserialize(textarea.value);
+ this.textarea = textarea;
+ this.options = options;
+ this.default_freq = options.default_freq || recurrence.WEEKLY;
+ this.init_dom();
+ this.init_panels();
+ },
+ init_dom: function() {
+ var widget = this;
+ var panels = recurrence.widget.e('div', {'class': 'panels'});
+ var control = recurrence.widget.e('div', {'class': 'control'});
+ var root = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': this.textarea.className}, [panels, control]);
+ var add_rule = new recurrence.widget.AddButton(
+ recurrence.display.labels.add_rule, {
+ 'onclick': function () {widget.add_rule();}
+ });
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(add_rule.elements.root, 'add-rule');
+ control.appendChild(add_rule.elements.root);
+ var add_date = new recurrence.widget.AddButton(
+ recurrence.display.labels.add_date, {
+ 'onclick': function () {widget.add_date();}
+ });
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(add_date.elements.root, 'add-date');
+ control.appendChild(add_date.elements.root);
+ this.elements = {
+ 'root': root,
+ 'panels': panels,
+ 'control': control
+ };
+ // attach immediately
+ = 'none';
+ this.textarea.parentNode.insertBefore(
+ this.elements.root, this.textarea);
+ },
+ init_panels: function() {
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+, function(item) {
+ this.add_rule_panel(recurrence.widget.INCLUSION, item);
+ }, this);
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+, function(item) {
+ this.add_rule_panel(recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION, item);
+ }, this);
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+, function(item) {
+ this.add_date_panel(recurrence.widget.INCLUSION, item);
+ }, this);
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+, function(item) {
+ this.add_date_panel(recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION, item);
+ }, this);
+ },
+ add_rule_panel: function(mode, rule) {
+ var panel = new recurrence.widget.Panel(this);
+ var form = new recurrence.widget.RuleForm(panel, mode, rule);
+ panel.onexpand = function() {
+ if (panel.widget.selected_panel)
+ if (panel.widget.selected_panel != this)
+ panel.widget.selected_panel.collapse();
+ panel.widget.selected_panel = this;
+ };
+ panel.onremove = function() {
+ form.remove();
+ };
+ this.elements.panels.appendChild(panel.elements.root);
+ this.panels.push(panel);
+ this.update();
+ return panel;
+ },
+ add_date_panel: function(mode, date) {
+ var panel = new recurrence.widget.Panel(this);
+ var form = new recurrence.widget.DateForm(panel, mode, date);
+ panel.onexpand = function() {
+ if (panel.widget.selected_panel)
+ if (panel.widget.selected_panel != this)
+ panel.widget.selected_panel.collapse();
+ panel.widget.selected_panel = this;
+ };
+ panel.onremove = function() {
+ form.remove();
+ };
+ this.elements.panels.appendChild(panel.elements.root);
+ this.panels.push(panel);
+ this.update();
+ return panel;
+ },
+ add_rule: function(rule) {
+ var rule = rule || new recurrence.Rule(this.default_freq);
+ this.add_rule_panel(recurrence.widget.INCLUSION, rule).expand();
+ },
+ add_date: function(date) {
+ var date = date || recurrence.widget.date_today();
+ this.add_date_panel(recurrence.widget.INCLUSION, date).expand();
+ },
+ update: function() {
+ this.textarea.value =;
+ }
+recurrence.widget.AddButton = function(label, options) {
+ this.init(label, options);
+recurrence.widget.AddButton.prototype = {
+ init: function(label, options) {
+ this.label = label;
+ this.options = options || {};
+ this.init_dom();
+ },
+ init_dom: function() {
+ var addbutton = this;
+ var plus = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'span', {'class': 'plus'}, '+');
+ var label = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, this.label);
+ var root = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'a', {'class': 'add-button', 'href': 'javascript:void(0)'},
+ [plus, label]);
+ root.onclick = function() {
+ addbutton.options.onclick();
+ };
+ this.elements = {'root': root, 'plus': plus, 'label': label};
+ }
+recurrence.widget.Panel = function(widget, options) {
+ this.init(widget, options);
+recurrence.widget.Panel.prototype = {
+ init: function(widget, options) {
+ this.collapsed = false;
+ this.widget = widget;
+ this.options = options || {};
+ if (this.options.onremove)
+ this.onremove = this.options.onremove;
+ if (this.options.onexpand)
+ this.onexpand = this.options.onexpand;
+ if (this.options.oncollapse)
+ this.oncollapse = this.options.oncollapse;
+ this.init_dom();
+ },
+ init_dom: function() {
+ var panel = this;
+ var remove = recurrence.widget.e('a', {
+ 'class': 'remove',
+ 'href': 'javascript:void(0)',
+ 'title': recurrence.display.labels.remove,
+ 'onclick': function() {
+ panel.remove();
+ }
+ }, '&times;');
+ var label = recurrence.widget.e('a', {
+ 'class': 'recurrence-label',
+ 'href': 'javascript:void(0)',
+ 'onclick': function() {
+ if (panel.collapsed)
+ panel.expand();
+ else
+ panel.collapse();
+ }
+ }, '&nbsp;');
+ var header = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'header'}, [remove, label]);
+ var body = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'body'});
+ var root = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'panel'}, [header, body]);
+ this.elements = {
+ 'root': root, 'remove': remove, 'label': label,
+ 'header': header, 'body': body
+ };
+ this.collapse();
+ },
+ set_label: function(label) {
+ this.elements.label.innerHTML = label;
+ },
+ set_body: function(element) {
+ if (this.elements.body.childNodes.length)
+ this.elements.body.removeChild(this.elements.body.childNodes[0]);
+ this.elements.body.appendChild(element);
+ },
+ expand: function() {
+ this.collapsed = false;
+ = '';
+ if (this.onexpand)
+ this.onexpand(this);
+ },
+ collapse: function() {
+ this.collapsed = true;
+ = 'none';
+ if (this.oncollapse)
+ this.oncollapse(this);
+ },
+ remove: function() {
+ var parent = this.elements.root.parentNode;
+ if (parent)
+ parent.removeChild(this.elements.root);
+ if (this.onremove)
+ this.onremove(parent);
+ }
+recurrence.widget.RuleForm = function(panel, mode, rule, options) {
+ this.init(panel, mode, rule, options);
+recurrence.widget.RuleForm.prototype = {
+ init: function(panel, mode, rule, options) {
+ this.selected_freq = rule.freq;
+ this.panel = panel;
+ this.mode = mode;
+ this.rule = rule;
+ this.options = options || {};
+ var rule_options = {
+ interval: rule.interval, until: rule.until, count: rule.count
+ };
+ this.freq_rules = [
+ new recurrence.Rule(recurrence.YEARLY, rule_options),
+ new recurrence.Rule(recurrence.MONTHLY, rule_options),
+ new recurrence.Rule(recurrence.WEEKLY, rule_options),
+ new recurrence.Rule(recurrence.DAILY, rule_options)
+ ];
+ this.freq_rules[this.rule.freq].update(this.rule);
+ this.init_dom();
+ this.set_freq(this.selected_freq);
+ },
+ init_dom: function() {
+ var form = this;
+ // mode
+ var mode_checkbox = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'input', {'class': 'checkbox', 'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'mode'});
+ var mode_label = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'},
+ recurrence.display.labels.exclude_occurrences);
+ var mode_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'mode'},
+ [mode_checkbox, mode_label]);
+ if (this.mode == recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION)
+ // delay for ie6 compatibility
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ mode_checkbox.checked = true;
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(form.panel, 'exclusion');
+ }, 10);
+ // freq
+ var freq_choices = recurrence.display.frequencies.slice(0, 4);
+ var freq_options = recurrence.array.foreach(
+ freq_choices, function(item, i) {
+ var option = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'option', {'value': i},
+ recurrence.string.capitalize(item));
+ return option;
+ });
+ var freq_select = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'select', {'name': 'freq'}, freq_options);
+ var freq_label = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'},
+ recurrence.display.labels.frequency + ':');
+ var freq_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'freq'},
+ [freq_label, freq_select]);
+ // interval
+ var interval_field = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'input', {
+ 'name': 'interval', 'size': 1, 'value': this.rule.interval});
+ var interval_label1 = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'},
+ recurrence.display.labels.every);
+ var interval_label2 = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'span', {'class': 'label'},
+ recurrence.display.timeintervals_plural[this.rule.freq]);
+ var interval_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'interval'},
+ [interval_label1, interval_field, interval_label2]);
+ // until
+ if (this.rule.until)
+ until_value =, '%Y-%m-%d');
+ else
+ until_value = '';
+ var until_radio = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'input', {'class': 'radio', 'type': 'radio',
+ 'name': 'until_count', 'value': 'until'});
+ var until_date_selector = new recurrence.widget.DateSelector(
+ this.rule.until, {
+ 'onchange': function(date) {form.set_until(date);},
+ 'allow_null': true
+ });
+ var until_label = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'},
+ + ':');
+ var until_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'li', {'class': 'until'},
+ [until_radio, until_label, until_date_selector.elements.root]);
+ // count
+ if (this.rule.count)
+ count_value = this.rule.count;
+ else
+ count_value = 1;
+ var count_radio = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'input', {
+ 'class': 'radio', 'type': 'radio',
+ 'name': 'until_count', 'value': 'count'});
+ var count_field = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'input', {'name': 'count', 'size': 1, 'value': count_value});
+ if (this.rule.count && this.rule.count < 2)
+ var token = recurrence.string.capitalize(
+ recurrence.display.labels.count);
+ else
+ var token = recurrence.string.capitalize(
+ recurrence.display.labels.count_plural);
+ var count_label1 = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, token.split('%(number)s')[0]);
+ var count_label2 = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, token.split('%(number)s')[1]);
+ var count_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'li', {'class': 'count'},
+ [count_radio, count_label1, count_field, count_label2]);
+ // limit container
+ var until_count_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'ul', {'class': 'until-count'},
+ [until_container, count_container]);
+ var limit_checkbox = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'input', {
+ 'class': 'checkbox', 'type': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'limit'});
+ var limit_label = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'},
+ recurrence.display.labels.repeat_until + ':');
+ var limit_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'limit'},
+ [limit_checkbox, limit_label, until_count_container]);
+ if (this.rule.until || this.rule.count) {
+ // compatibility with ie, we delay
+ setTimeout(function() {limit_checkbox.checked = true;}, 10);
+ } else {
+ until_radio.disabled = true;
+ count_radio.disabled = true;
+ until_date_selector.disable();
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(until_count_container, 'disabled');
+ }
+ // core
+ var freq_form_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'form'});
+ var root = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'form', {}, [
+ mode_container, freq_container, interval_container,
+ freq_form_container, limit_container]);
+ // events
+ mode_checkbox.onclick = function() {
+ if (this.checked)
+ form.set_mode(recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION);
+ else
+ form.set_mode(recurrence.widget.INCLUSION);
+ };
+ freq_select.onchange = function() {
+ form.set_freq(parseInt(this.value), 10);
+ };
+ interval_field.onchange = function() {
+ form.set_interval(parseInt(this.value), 10);
+ };
+ limit_checkbox.onclick = function () {
+ if (this.checked) {
+ recurrence.widget.remove_class(
+ until_count_container, 'disabled');
+ until_radio.disabled = false;
+ count_radio.disabled = false;
+ if (until_radio.checked) {
+ until_date_selector.enable();
+ form.set_until(;
+ }
+ if (count_radio.checked) {
+ count_field.disabled = false;
+ form.set_count(parseInt(count_field.value));
+ }
+ } else {
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(
+ until_count_container, 'disabled');
+ until_radio.disabled = true;
+ count_radio.disabled = true;
+ until_date_selector.disable();
+ count_field.disabled = true;
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ form.freq_rules, function(rule) {
+ rule.until = null;
+ rule.count = null;
+ });
+ form.update();
+ }
+ }
+ // for compatibility with ie, use timeout
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ if (form.rule.count) {
+ count_radio.checked = true;
+ until_date_selector.disable();
+ } else {
+ until_radio.checked = true;
+ count_field.disabled = true;
+ }
+ }, 1);
+ until_radio.onclick = function () {
+ this.checked = true;
+ until_date_selector.enable();
+ count_radio.checked = false;
+ count_field.disabled = true;
+ form.set_until(;
+ };
+ count_radio.onclick = function () {
+ this.checked = true;
+ count_field.disabled = false;
+ until_radio.checked = false;
+ until_date_selector.disable();
+ form.set_count(parseInt(count_field.value), 10);
+ };
+ count_field.onchange = function () {
+ form.set_count(parseInt(this.value), 10);
+ };
+ // freq forms
+ var forms = [
+ recurrence.widget.RuleYearlyForm,
+ recurrence.widget.RuleMonthlyForm,
+ recurrence.widget.RuleWeeklyForm,
+ recurrence.widget.RuleDailyForm
+ ];
+ var freq_forms = recurrence.array.foreach(
+ forms, function(form, i) {
+ var rule = this.freq_rules[i];
+ var f = new form(this, rule);
+ freq_form_container.appendChild(f.elements.root);
+ return f;
+ }, this);
+ this.freq_forms = freq_forms;
+ // install dom
+ this.panel.set_label(this.get_display_text());
+ this.panel.set_body(root);
+ this.elements = {
+ 'root': root,
+ 'mode_checkbox': mode_checkbox,
+ 'freq_select': freq_select,
+ 'interval_field': interval_field,
+ 'freq_form_container': freq_form_container,
+ 'until_radio': until_radio,
+ 'count_field': count_field,
+ 'count_radio': count_radio,
+ 'limit_checkbox': limit_checkbox
+ };
+ },
+ get_display_text: function() {
+ var text = this.freq_rules[this.selected_freq].get_display_text();
+ if (this.mode == recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION)
+ text = recurrence.display.mode.exclusion + ' ' + text;
+ return recurrence.string.capitalize(text);
+ },
+ set_until: function(until) {
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ this.freq_rules, function(rule) {
+ rule.count = null;
+ rule.until = until;
+ });
+ this.update();
+ },
+ set_count: function(count) {
+ if (count < 2)
+ var token = recurrence.string.capitalize(
+ recurrence.display.labels.count);
+ else
+ var token = recurrence.string.capitalize(
+ recurrence.display.labels.count_plural);
+ var label1 = this.elements.count_field.previousSibling;
+ var label2 = this.elements.count_field.nextSibling;
+ label1.firstChild.nodeValue = token.split('%(number)s')[0];
+ label2.firstChild.nodeValue = token.split('%(number)s')[1];
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ this.freq_rules, function(rule) {
+ rule.until = null;
+ rule.count = count;
+ });
+ this.update();
+ },
+ set_interval: function(interval) {
+ interval = parseInt(interval, 10);
+ if (String(interval) == 'NaN') {
+ // invalid value, reset to previous value
+ this.elements.interval_field.value = (
+ this.freq_rules[this.selected_freq].interval);
+ return;
+ }
+ var label = this.elements.interval_field.nextSibling;
+ if (interval < 2)
+ label.firstChild.nodeValue = (
+ recurrence.display.timeintervals[this.selected_freq]);
+ else
+ label.firstChild.nodeValue = (
+ recurrence.display.timeintervals_plural[this.selected_freq]);
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ this.freq_rules, function(rule) {
+ rule.interval = interval;
+ });
+ this.elements.interval_field.value = interval;
+ this.update();
+ },
+ set_freq: function(freq) {
+ this.freq_forms[this.selected_freq].hide();
+ this.freq_forms[freq].show();
+ this.elements.freq_select.value = freq;
+ this.selected_freq = freq;
+ // need to update interval to display different label
+ this.set_interval(parseInt(this.elements.interval_field.value), 10);
+ this.update();
+ },
+ set_mode: function(mode) {
+ if (this.mode != mode) {
+ if (this.mode == recurrence.widget.INCLUSION) {
+ recurrence.array.remove(
+, this.rule);
+ recurrence.widget.remove_class(
+ this.panel.elements.root, 'inclusion');
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(
+ this.panel.elements.root, 'exclusion');
+ } else {
+ recurrence.array.remove(
+, this.rule);
+ recurrence.widget.remove_class(
+ this.panel.elements.root, 'exclusion');
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(
+ this.panel.elements.root, 'inclusion');
+ }
+ this.mode = mode;
+ }
+ this.update();
+ },
+ update: function() {
+ this.panel.set_label(this.get_display_text());
+ this.rule.update(this.freq_rules[this.selected_freq]);
+ this.panel.widget.update();
+ },
+ remove: function() {
+ var parent = this.elements.root.parentNode;
+ if (parent)
+ parent.removeChild(this.elements.root);
+ if (this.mode == recurrence.widget.INCLUSION)
+ recurrence.array.remove(, this.rule);
+ else
+ recurrence.array.remove(, this.rule);
+ this.panel.widget.update();
+ }
+recurrence.widget.RuleYearlyForm = function(panel, rule) {
+ this.init(panel, rule);
+recurrence.widget.RuleYearlyForm.prototype = {
+ init: function(panel, rule) {
+ this.panel = panel;
+ this.rule = rule;
+ this.init_dom();
+ },
+ init_dom: function() {
+ var form = this;
+ var grid = new recurrence.widget.Grid(4, 3);
+ var number = 0;
+ for (var y=0; y < 3; y++) {
+ for (var x=0; x < 4; x++) {
+ var cell = grid.cell(x, y);
+ if (this.rule.bymonth.indexOf(number + 1) > -1)
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'active');
+ cell.value = number + 1;
+ cell.innerHTML = recurrence.display.months_short[number];
+ cell.onclick = function () {
+ if (recurrence.widget.has_class(this, 'active'))
+ recurrence.widget.remove_class(this, 'active');
+ else
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(this, 'active');
+ form.set_bymonth();
+ };
+ number += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // by weekday checkbox
+ var byday_checkbox = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'input', {
+ 'class': 'checkbox', 'type': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'byday'});
+ var byday_label = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'},
+ recurrence.string.capitalize(
+ recurrence.display.labels.on_the) + ':');
+ var byday_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'byday'},
+ [byday_checkbox, byday_label]);
+ // weekday-position
+ var position_options = recurrence.array.foreach(
+ [1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -2, -3], function(value) {
+ var option = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'option', {'value': value},
+ recurrence.string.strip(recurrence.display.weekdays_position[
+ String(value)].split('%(weekday)s')[0]));
+ return option;
+ });
+ var position_select = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'select', {'name': 'position'}, position_options);
+ var weekday_options = recurrence.array.foreach(
+ recurrence.display.weekdays, function(weekday, i) {
+ var option = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'option', {'value': i}, weekday);
+ return option;
+ });
+ var weekday_select = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'select', {'name': 'weekday'}, weekday_options);
+ var weekday_position_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'section'}, [position_select, weekday_select]);
+ // core
+ var year = recurrence.widget.e('div');
+ year.appendChild(grid.elements.root);
+ var root = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'yearly'},
+ [year, byday_container, weekday_position_container]);
+ = 'none';
+ if (this.rule.byday.length) {
+ if (form.rule.bysetpos.length) {
+ position_select.value = String(form.rule.bysetpos[0]);
+ } else {
+ position_select.value = String(form.rule.byday[0].index);
+ }
+ weekday_select.value = String(form.rule.byday[0].number);
+ byday_checkbox.checked = true;
+ } else {
+ position_select.disabled = true;
+ weekday_select.disabled = true;
+ }
+ // events
+ byday_checkbox.onclick = function () {
+ if (this.checked) {
+ position_select.disabled = false;
+ weekday_select.disabled = false;
+ form.set_byday();
+ } else {
+ position_select.disabled = true;
+ weekday_select.disabled = true;
+ form.rule.byday = [];
+ form.panel.update();
+ }
+ };
+ position_select.onchange = function () {
+ form.set_byday();
+ };
+ weekday_select.onchange = function () {
+ form.set_byday();
+ };
+ this.elements = {
+ 'root': root,
+ 'grid': grid,
+ 'byday_checkbox': byday_checkbox,
+ 'position_select': position_select,
+ 'weekday_select': weekday_select
+ };
+ },
+ get_weekday: function() {
+ var number = parseInt(this.elements.weekday_select.value, 10);
+ var index = parseInt(this.elements.position_select.value, 10);
+ return new recurrence.Weekday(number, index);
+ },
+ set_bymonth: function() {
+ var bymonth = [];
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ this.elements.grid.cells, function(cell) {
+ if (recurrence.widget.has_class(cell, 'active'))
+ bymonth.push(cell.value);
+ })
+ this.rule.bymonth = bymonth;
+ this.panel.update();
+ },
+ set_byday: function() {
+ this.rule.byday = [this.get_weekday()];
+ this.panel.update();
+ },
+ show: function() {
+ = '';
+ },
+ hide: function() {
+ = 'none';
+ }
+recurrence.widget.RuleMonthlyForm = function(panel, rule) {
+ this.init(panel, rule);
+recurrence.widget.RuleMonthlyForm.prototype = {
+ init: function(panel, rule) {
+ this.panel = panel;
+ this.rule = rule;
+ this.init_dom();
+ },
+ init_dom: function() {
+ var form = this;
+ // monthday
+ var monthday_grid = new recurrence.widget.Grid(7, Math.ceil(31 / 7));
+ var number = 0;
+ for (var y=0; y < Math.ceil(31 / 7); y++) {
+ for (var x=0; x < 7; x++) {
+ number += 1;
+ var cell = monthday_grid.cell(x, y);
+ if (number > 31) {
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'empty');
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ cell.innerHTML = number;
+ if (this.rule.bymonthday.indexOf(number) > -1)
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'active');
+ cell.onclick = function () {
+ if (monthday_grid.disabled)
+ return;
+ var day = parseInt(this.innerHTML, 10) || null;
+ if (day) {
+ if (recurrence.widget.has_class(this, 'active'))
+ recurrence.widget.remove_class(this, 'active');
+ else
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(this, 'active');
+ form.set_bymonthday();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var monthday_grid_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'section'});
+ monthday_grid_container.appendChild(monthday_grid.elements.root);
+ var monthday_radio = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'input', {
+ 'class': 'radio', 'type': 'radio',
+ 'name': 'monthly', 'value': 'monthday'});
+ var monthday_label = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'},
+ recurrence.display.labels.each + ':');
+ var monthday_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'li', {'class': 'monthday'},
+ [monthday_radio, monthday_label, monthday_grid_container]);
+ // weekday-position
+ var position_options = recurrence.array.foreach(
+ [1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -2, -3], function(value) {
+ var option = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'option', {'value': value},
+ recurrence.string.strip(
+ recurrence.display.weekdays_position[
+ String(value)].split('%(weekday)s')[0]));
+ return option;
+ });
+ var position_select = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'select', {'name': 'position'}, position_options);
+ var weekday_options = recurrence.array.foreach(
+ recurrence.display.weekdays, function(weekday, i) {
+ var option = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'option', {'value': i}, weekday);
+ return option;
+ });
+ var weekday_select = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'select', {'name': 'weekday'}, weekday_options);
+ var weekday_position_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'section'}, [position_select, weekday_select]);
+ var weekday_radio = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'input', {
+ 'class': 'radio', 'type': 'radio',
+ 'name': 'monthly', 'value': 'weekday'});
+ var weekday_label = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'},
+ recurrence.display.labels.on_the + ':');
+ var weekday_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'li', {'class': 'weekday'},
+ [weekday_radio, weekday_label, weekday_position_container]);
+ // core
+ var monthday_weekday_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'ul', {'class': 'monthly'},
+ [monthday_container, weekday_container]);
+ var root = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'monthly'}, [monthday_weekday_container]);
+ = 'none';
+ // events
+ // for compatibility with ie, use timeout
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ if (form.rule.byday.length) {
+ weekday_radio.checked = true;
+ if (form.rule.bysetpos.length) {
+ position_select.value = String(form.rule.bysetpos[0]);
+ } else {
+ position_select.value = String(form.rule.byday[0].index);
+ }
+ weekday_select.value = String(form.rule.byday[0].number);
+ monthday_grid.disable();
+ } else {
+ monthday_radio.checked = true;
+ position_select.disabled = true;
+ weekday_select.disabled = true;
+ }
+ }, 1);
+ monthday_radio.onclick = function () {
+ this.checked = true;
+ weekday_radio.checked = false;
+ position_select.disabled = true;
+ weekday_select.disabled = true;
+ monthday_grid.enable();
+ form.set_bymonthday();
+ };
+ weekday_radio.onclick = function () {
+ this.checked = true;
+ monthday_radio.checked = false;
+ position_select.disabled = false;
+ weekday_select.disabled = false;
+ monthday_grid.disable();
+ form.set_byday();
+ };
+ position_select.onchange = function () {
+ form.set_byday();
+ };
+ weekday_select.onchange = function () {
+ form.set_byday();
+ };
+ this.elements = {
+ 'root': root,
+ 'monthday_grid': monthday_grid,
+ 'monthday_radio': monthday_radio,
+ 'weekday_radio': weekday_radio,
+ 'position_select': position_select,
+ 'weekday_select': weekday_select
+ };
+ },
+ get_weekday: function() {
+ var number = parseInt(this.elements.weekday_select.value, 10);
+ var index = parseInt(this.elements.position_select.value, 10);
+ return new recurrence.Weekday(number, index);
+ },
+ set_byday: function() {
+ this.rule.bymonthday = [];
+ this.rule.bysetpos = [];
+ this.rule.byday = [this.get_weekday()];
+ this.panel.update();
+ },
+ set_bymonthday: function() {
+ this.rule.bysetpos = [];
+ this.rule.byday = [];
+ var monthdays = [];
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ this.elements.monthday_grid.cells, function(cell) {
+ var day = parseInt(cell.innerHTML, 10) || null;
+ if (day && recurrence.widget.has_class(cell, 'active'))
+ monthdays.push(day);
+ });
+ this.rule.bymonthday = monthdays;
+ this.panel.update();
+ },
+ show: function() {
+ = '';
+ },
+ hide: function() {
+ = 'none';
+ }
+recurrence.widget.RuleWeeklyForm = function(panel, rule) {
+ this.init(panel, rule);
+recurrence.widget.RuleWeeklyForm.prototype = {
+ init: function(panel, rule) {
+ this.panel = panel;
+ this.rule = rule;
+ this.init_dom();
+ },
+ init_dom: function() {
+ var form = this;
+ var weekday_grid = new recurrence.widget.Grid(7, 1);
+ var days = [];
+ var days = recurrence.array.foreach(
+ this.rule.byday, function(day) {
+ return recurrence.to_weekday(day).number;
+ });
+ for (var x=0; x < 7; x++) {
+ var cell = weekday_grid.cell(x, 0);
+ if (days.indexOf(x) > -1)
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(cell, 'active');
+ cell.value = x;
+ cell.innerHTML = recurrence.display.weekdays_short[x];
+ cell.onclick = function () {
+ if (weekday_grid.disabled)
+ return;
+ if (recurrence.widget.has_class(this, 'active'))
+ recurrence.widget.remove_class(this, 'active');
+ else
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(this, 'active');
+ form.set_byday();
+ };
+ }
+ var weekday_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'section'});
+ weekday_container.appendChild(weekday_grid.elements.root);
+ var root = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'weekly'}, [weekday_container]);
+ = 'none';
+ this.elements = {
+ 'root': root,
+ 'weekday_grid': weekday_grid
+ };
+ },
+ set_byday: function() {
+ var byday = [];
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ this.elements.weekday_grid.cells, function(cell) {
+ if (recurrence.widget.has_class(cell, 'active'))
+ byday.push(new recurrence.Weekday(cell.value));
+ });
+ this.rule.byday = byday;
+ this.panel.update();
+ },
+ show: function() {
+ = '';
+ },
+ hide: function() {
+ = 'none';
+ }
+recurrence.widget.RuleDailyForm = function(panel, rule) {
+ this.init(panel, rule);
+recurrence.widget.RuleDailyForm.prototype = {
+ init: function(panel, rule) {
+ this.panel = panel;
+ this.rule = rule;
+ this.init_dom();
+ },
+ init_dom: function() {
+ var root = recurrence.widget.e('div', {'class': 'daily'});
+ = 'none';
+ this.elements = {'root': root};
+ },
+ show: function() {
+ // = '';
+ },
+ hide: function() {
+ // = 'none';
+ }
+recurrence.widget.DateForm = function(panel, mode, date) {
+ this.init(panel, mode, date);
+recurrence.widget.DateForm.prototype = {
+ init: function(panel, mode, date) {
+ this.collapsed = true;
+ this.panel = panel;
+ this.mode = mode;
+ = date;
+ this.init_dom();
+ },
+ init_dom: function() {
+ var form = this;
+ // mode
+ var mode_checkbox = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'input', {
+ 'class': 'checkbox', 'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'mode',
+ 'onclick': function() {
+ if (this.checked)
+ form.set_mode(recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION);
+ else
+ form.set_mode(recurrence.widget.INCLUSION);
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.mode == recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION)
+ mode_checkbox.checked = true;
+ var mode_label = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'},
+ recurrence.display.labels.exclude_date);
+ var mode_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'mode'}, [mode_checkbox, mode_label]);
+ // date
+ var date_label = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'span', {'class': 'recurrence-label'}, + ':');
+ var date_selector = new recurrence.widget.DateSelector(
+, {'onchange': function() {form.update();}});
+ var date_container = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'div', {'class': 'date'}, [date_label, date_selector.elements.root]);
+ // core
+ var root = recurrence.widget.e(
+ 'form', {'class': 'date'}, [mode_container, date_container]);
+ // init dom
+ this.panel.set_label(this.get_display_text());
+ this.panel.set_body(root);
+ this.elements = {'root': root};
+ },
+ get_display_text: function() {
+ var text =, pgettext('date', '%l, %F %j, %Y'));
+ if (this.mode == recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION)
+ text = recurrence.display.mode.exclusion + ' ' + text;
+ return recurrence.string.capitalize(text);
+ },
+ set_mode: function(mode) {
+ if (this.mode != mode) {
+ if (this.mode == recurrence.widget.INCLUSION) {
+ recurrence.array.remove(
+ recurrence.widget.remove_class(
+ this.elements.root, 'inclusion');
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(
+ this.elements.root, 'exclusion');
+ this.update();
+ } else {
+ recurrence.array.remove(
+ recurrence.widget.remove_class(
+ this.elements.root, 'exclusion');
+ recurrence.widget.add_class(
+ this.elements.root, 'inclusion');
+ this.update();
+ }
+ this.mode = mode;
+ }
+ this.update();
+ },
+ update: function() {
+ this.panel.set_label(this.get_display_text());
+ this.panel.widget.update();
+ },
+ remove: function() {
+ var parent = this.elements.root.parentNode;
+ if (parent)
+ parent.removeChild(this.elements.root);
+ if (this.mode == recurrence.widget.INCLUSION)
+ recurrence.array.remove(,;
+ else
+ recurrence.array.remove(,;
+ this.panel.widget.update();
+ }
+recurrence.widget.e = function(tag_name, attrs, inner) {
+ var element = document.createElement(tag_name);
+ if (attrs)
+ recurrence.widget.set_attrs(element, attrs);
+ if (inner) {
+ if (!inner.toLowerCase && inner.length)
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ inner, function(e) {element.appendChild(e);});
+ else
+ element.innerHTML = inner;
+ }
+ return element;
+recurrence.widget.set_attrs = function(element, attrs) {
+ for (var attname in attrs)
+ if (attname.match(/^on/g))
+ element[attname] = attrs[attname];
+ else if (attname == 'class')
+ element.className = attrs[attname];
+ else
+ element.setAttribute(attname, attrs[attname]);
+recurrence.widget.add_class = function(element, class_name) {
+ var names = (element.className || '').split(/[ \r\n\t]+/g);
+ if (names.indexOf(class_name) == -1) {
+ names.push(class_name);
+ element.className = names.join(' ');
+ }
+recurrence.widget.remove_class = function(element, class_name) {
+ var names = (element.className || '').split(/[ \r\n\t]+/g);
+ if (names.indexOf(class_name) > -1) {
+ recurrence.array.remove(names, class_name);
+ element.className = names.join(' ');
+ }
+recurrence.widget.has_class = function(element, class_name) {
+ var names = (element.className || '').split(/[ \r\n\t]+/g);
+ if (names.indexOf(class_name) > -1)
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+recurrence.widget.element_in_dom = function(element, dom) {
+ if (element == dom) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ for (var i=0; i < dom.childNodes.length; i++)
+ if (recurrence.widget.element_in_dom(element, dom.childNodes[i]))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+recurrence.widget.cumulative_offset = function(element) {
+ var y = 0, x = 0;
+ do {
+ y += element.offsetTop || 0;
+ x += element.offsetLeft || 0;
+ element = element.offsetParent;
+ } while (element);
+ return [x, y];
+recurrence.widget.textareas_to_widgets = function(token) {
+ var elements = [];
+ if (!token)
+ token = 'recurrence-widget';
+ if (token.toLowerCase) {
+ var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ textareas, function(textarea) {
+ if (recurrence.widget.has_class(textarea, token))
+ elements.push(textarea);
+ });
+ }
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ elements, function(e) {
+ new recurrence.widget.Widget(e, window[] || {});
+ });
+recurrence.widget.date_today = function() {
+ var date = new Date();
+ date.setHours(0);
+ date.setMinutes(0);
+ date.setSeconds(0);
+ return date;
+recurrence.widget.INCLUSION = true;
+recurrence.widget.EXCLUSION = false;
+// display
+if (!recurrence.display)
+ recurrence.display = {};
+recurrence.display.mode = {
+ 'inclusion': gettext('including'), 'exclusion': gettext('excluding')
+recurrence.display.labels = {
+ 'frequency': gettext('Frequency'),
+ 'on_the': gettext('On the'),
+ 'each': gettext('Each'),
+ 'every': gettext('Every'),
+ 'until': gettext('Until'),
+ 'count': gettext('Occurs %(number)s time'),
+ 'count_plural': gettext('Occurs %(number)s times'),
+ 'date': gettext('Date'),
+ 'time': gettext('Time'),
+ 'repeat_until': gettext('Repeat until'),
+ 'exclude_occurrences': gettext('Exclude these occurences'),
+ 'exclude_date': gettext('Exclude this date'),
+ 'add_rule': gettext('Add recurrence'),
+ 'add_date': gettext('Add date'),
+ 'remove': gettext('Remove'),
+ 'calendar': gettext('Calendar')
diff --git a/static/recurrence/js/recurrence.js b/static/recurrence/js/recurrence.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c00fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/recurrence/js/recurrence.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1105 @@
+if (!recurrence)
+ var recurrence = {};
+recurrence.Rule = function(freq, options) {
+ this.init(freq, options);
+recurrence.Rule.prototype = {
+ init: function(freq, options) {
+ this.freq = freq;
+ options = options || {};
+ this.interval = options.interval || 1;
+ this.wkst = options.wkst || null;
+ this.count = options.count || null;
+ this.until = options.until || null;
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ recurrence.byparams, function (param) {
+ if (options[param]) {
+ var value = options[param];
+ if (value == null)
+ value = [];
+ this[param] = recurrence.array.from(value);
+ } else {
+ this[param] = [];
+ }
+ }, this);
+ },
+ copy: function() {
+ var until = this.until;
+ if (until)
+ until = new Date(until.valueOf());
+ var rule = new recurrence.Rule(this.freq, this);
+ rule.until = until;
+ return rule;
+ },
+ update: function(rule) {
+ rule = rule.copy();
+ this.freq = rule.freq;
+ this.interval = rule.interval;
+ this.wkst = rule.wkst;
+ this.until = rule.until;
+ this.count = rule.count;
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ recurrence.byparams, function(param) {
+ this[param] = rule[param];
+ }, this);
+ },
+ get_display_text: function(short) {
+ short = short || false;
+ var parts = [];
+ var get_position_display = function(position) {
+ if (short)
+ return recurrence.display.weekdays_position_short[
+ String(position)];
+ else
+ return recurrence.display.weekdays_position[
+ String(position)];
+ };
+ var get_weekday_display = function(number) {
+ if (short)
+ return recurrence.display.weekdays_short[number];
+ else
+ return recurrence.display.weekdays[number];
+ };
+ var get_position_weekday = function(rule) {
+ var items = [];
+ if (rule.bysetpos.length && rule.byday.length) {
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ rule.bysetpos, function(x) {
+ var label = get_position_display(x || 1);
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ rule.byday, function(y) {
+ var weekday_display = get_weekday_display(
+ recurrence.to_weekday(y).number);
+ items.push(
+ interpolate(
+ label, {'weekday': weekday_display}, true));
+ });
+ });
+ } else if (rule.byday.length) {
+ // TODO byday Weekday objects without index means
+ // every weekday in the month, and so should appear in
+ // plural. i.e. 'on sundays' instead of
+ // 'on the first sunday'.
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ rule.byday, function(x, i) {
+ var label = get_position_display(x.index || 1);
+ var weekday_display = get_weekday_display(
+ recurrence.to_weekday(x).number);
+ items.push(
+ interpolate(
+ label, {'weekday': weekday_display}, true));
+ });
+ }
+ return items.join(', ');
+ }
+ if (this.interval > 1)
+ parts.push(
+ interpolate(
+ recurrence.display.tokens.every_number_freq, {
+ 'number': this.interval,
+ 'freq': recurrence.display.timeintervals_plural[this.freq]
+ }, true));
+ else
+ parts.push(recurrence.display.frequencies[this.freq]);
+ if (this.freq == recurrence.YEARLY) {
+ if (this.bymonth.length) {
+ // i.e. 'each january, june'
+ if (short)
+ var months = recurrence.display.months_short;
+ else
+ var months = recurrence.display.months;
+ var items = recurrence.array.foreach(
+ this.bymonth, function(month, i) {
+ return months[month - 1];
+ });
+ items = items.join(', ');
+ parts.push(
+ interpolate(
+ recurrence.display.tokens.each,
+ {'items': items}, true));
+ }
+ if (this.byday.length || this.bysetpos.length) {
+ var weekday_items = get_position_weekday(this);
+ parts.push(
+ interpolate(
+ recurrence.display.tokens.on_the_items,
+ {'items': weekday_items}, true));
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.freq == recurrence.MONTHLY) {
+ if (this.bymonthday.length) {
+ // i.e. 'on the 1st, 5th, 10th'
+ var items = recurrence.array.foreach(
+ this.bymonthday, function(day, i) {
+ var dt = new Date();
+ dt.setMonth(0);
+ dt.setDate(day);
+ return, recurrence.display.month_day);
+ });
+ items = items.join(', ');
+ parts.push(
+ interpolate(
+ recurrence.display.tokens.on_the_items,
+ {'items': items}, true));
+ } else if (this.byday.length) {
+ if (this.byday.length || this.bysetpos.length) {
+ var weekday_items = get_position_weekday(this);
+ parts.push(
+ interpolate(
+ recurrence.display.tokens.on_the_items,
+ {'items': weekday_items}, true));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.freq == recurrence.WEEKLY) {
+ if (this.byday.length) {
+ // i.e. 'each tuesday, wednesday'
+ var items = recurrence.array.foreach(
+ this.byday, function(byday) {
+ var weekday_number = recurrence.to_weekday(byday).number;
+ if (short)
+ var weekday = recurrence.display.weekdays_short[
+ weekday_number];
+ else
+ var weekday = recurrence.display.weekdays[
+ weekday_number];
+ return weekday;
+ });
+ items = items.join(', ');
+ parts.push(
+ interpolate(
+ recurrence.display.tokens.each,
+ {'items': items}, true));
+ }
+ }
+ // daily frequencies has no additional formatting,
+ // hour/minute/second formatting not supported.
+ if (this.count) {
+ if (this.count == 1)
+ parts.push(
+ interpolate(
+ recurrence.display.tokens.count,
+ {'number': this.count}, true));
+ else
+ parts.push(
+ interpolate(
+ recurrence.display.tokens.count_plural,
+ {'number': this.count}, true));
+ } else if (this.until) {
+ parts.push(
+ interpolate(
+ recurrence.display.tokens.until,
+ {'date':, pgettext('Until date format', '%Y-%m-%d'))}, true));
+ }
+ return parts.join(', ');
+ }
+recurrence.Recurrence = function(options) {
+ this.init(options);
+recurrence.Recurrence.prototype = {
+ init: function(options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ this.dtstart = options.dtstart || null;
+ this.dtend = options.dtend || null;
+ this.rrules = recurrence.array.from(options.rrules || []);
+ this.exrules = recurrence.array.from(options.exrules || []);
+ this.rdates = recurrence.array.from(options.rdates || []);
+ this.exdates = recurrence.array.from(options.exdates || []);
+ },
+ copy: function() {
+ return new recurrence.Recurrence({
+ 'rrules': recurrence.array.foreach(
+ this.rrules, function(item) {return item.copy();}),
+ 'exrules': recurrence.array.foreach(
+ this.exrules, function(item) {return item.copy();}),
+ 'rdates': recurrence.array.foreach(
+ this.rdates, function(item) {return item.copy();}),
+ 'exdates': recurrence.array.foreach(
+ this.exdates, function(item) {return item.copy();})
+ });
+ },
+ serialize: function() {
+ return recurrence.serialize(this);
+ }
+recurrence.Weekday = function(number, index) {
+ this.init(number, index);
+recurrence.Weekday.prototype = {
+ init: function(number, index) {
+ this.number = number;
+ this.index = index || null;
+ },
+ with_index: function(index) {
+ if (index == this.index)
+ return this;
+ else
+ return new recurrence.Weekday(this.number, index);
+ },
+ equals: function(other) {
+ if (this.number == other.number && this.index == other.index)
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ if (this.index)
+ return this.index + recurrence.weekdays[this.number];
+ else
+ return recurrence.weekdays[this.number];
+ }
+recurrence.DateFormat = function(date) {
+ this.init(date);
+recurrence.DateFormat.prototype = {
+ init: function(date) {
+ = date;
+ },
+ format: function(format) {
+ var tokens = format.match(recurrence.DateFormat.formatchars);
+ recurrence.array.foreach(tokens, function(token) {
+ if (this[token.charAt(1)])
+ format = format.replace(token, this[token.charAt(1)]());
+ }, this);
+ return format;
+ },
+ a: function() {
+ if ( > 11)
+ return;
+ else
+ return;
+ },
+ A: function() {
+ if ( > 11)
+ return recurrence.display.ampm.AM;
+ else
+ return recurrence.display.ampm.PM;
+ },
+ f: function() {
+ if ( == 0)
+ return this.g();
+ else
+ return [this.g(), this.i()].join(':');
+ },
+ g: function() {
+ if ( == 0)
+ return 12;
+ else
+ return - 12;
+ return;
+ },
+ G: function() {
+ return;
+ },
+ h: function() {
+ return recurrence.string.rjust(String(this.g()), 2, '0');
+ },
+ H: function() {
+ return recurrence.string.rjust(String(this.G()), 2, '0');
+ },
+ i: function() {
+ return recurrence.string.rjust(String(, 2, '0');
+ },
+ P: function() {
+ if ( == 0 && == 0)
+ return recurrence.display.tokens.midnight;
+ if ( == 0 && == 12)
+ return recurrence.display.tokens.noon;
+ },
+ s: function() {
+ return recurrence.string.rjust(String(, 2, '0');
+ },
+ Y: function() {
+ return;
+ },
+ b: function() {
+ return recurrence.display.months_short[];
+ },
+ d: function() {
+ return recurrence.string.rjust(String(, 2, '0');
+ },
+ D: function() {
+ return recurrence.display.weekdays_short[
+ },
+ F: function() {
+ return recurrence.display.months[];
+ },
+ I: function() {
+ var now = new Date();
+ var date1 = new Date(now.getFullYear(), 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ var date2 = new Date(now.getFullYear(), 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ var temp = date1.toGMTString();
+ var date3 = new Date(temp.substring(0, temp.lastIndexOf(' ')-1));
+ var temp = date2.toGMTString();
+ var date4 = new Date(temp.substring(0, temp.lastIndexOf(" ")-1));
+ var hours_diff_standard_time = (date1 - date3) / (1000 * 60 * 60);
+ var hours_diff_daylight_time = (date2 - date4) / (1000 * 60 * 60);
+ if (hours_diff_daylight_time == hours_diff_standard_time)
+ return '0';
+ else
+ return '1';
+ },
+ j: function() {
+ return;
+ },
+ l: function() {
+ return recurrence.display.weekdays[
+ },
+ L: function() {
+ return;
+ },
+ m: function() {
+ return recurrence.string.rjust(
+ String( + 1), 2, '0');
+ },
+ M: function() {
+ return recurrence.display.months_short[];
+ },
+ n: function() {
+ return + 1;
+ },
+ N: function() {
+ return recurrence.display.months_ap[];
+ },
+ O: function() {
+ var seconds = this.Z();
+ return (
+ '+' +
+ recurrence.string.rjust(
+ String(Math.floor(seconds / 3600)), 2, '0') +
+ recurrence.string.rjust(
+ String(Math.floor((seconds / 60) % 60)), 2, '0'));
+ },
+ r: function() {
+ return, '%D, %j %M %Y %H:%i:%s %O');
+ },
+ S: function() {
+ var day =;
+ var ordinal_indicator = recurrence.display.ordinal_indicator;
+ var language_code = recurrence.language_code;
+ if (language_code in ordinal_indicator)
+ return ordinal_indicator[language_code](day);
+ return '';
+ },
+ t: function() {
+ var month =
+ var ndays =
+ recurrence.DateFormat.mdays[month] +
+ (month == recurrence.FEBRUARY && this.L());
+ return recurrence.string.rjust(String(ndays), 2, '0');
+ },
+ T: function() {
+ var tzname = String(\([^\)]+\)/g).slice(1, -1);
+ if (!tzname)
+ tzname =, '%O');
+ return tzname;
+ },
+ U: function() {
+ return;
+ },
+ w: function() {
+ return;
+ },
+ W: function() {
+ var week_number = null;
+ var jan1_weekday = new Date(
+,, 1);
+ var weekday =;
+ var day_of_year = self.z();
+ var prev_year = new Date( - 1, 0, 1);
+ if (day_of_year <= (8 - jan1_weekday) && jan1_weekday > 4) {
+ if (jan1_weekday == 5 ||
+ (jan1_weekday == 6 &&
+ week_number = 53;
+ else
+ week_number = 52;
+ } else {
+ if (
+ var i = 366;
+ else
+ var i = 365;
+ if ((i - day_of_year) < (4 - weekday)) {
+ week_number = 1;
+ } else {
+ var j = day_of_year + (7 - weekday) + (jan1_weekday - 1);
+ week_number = Math.floor(j / 7);
+ if (jan1_weekday > 4)
+ week_number = week_number - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return week_number;
+ },
+ y: function() {
+ return String(;
+ },
+ Y: function() {
+ return;
+ },
+ z: function() {
+ var doy = recurrence.DateFormat.year_days[] +
+ if (this.L() && > 2)
+ doy += 1;
+ return doy;
+ },
+ Z: function() {
+ var offset =;
+ return offset * 60;
+ }
+recurrence.DateFormat.formatchars = RegExp(
+ '%[aAbBdDfFgGhHiIjlLmMnNOPrsStTUwWyYzZ]', 'g');
+recurrence.DateFormat.year_days = [
+ 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334];
+recurrence.DateFormat.mdays = [
+ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
+recurrence.to_weekday = function(token) {
+ if (token.number && token.index) {
+ return new recurrence.Weekday(token.number, token.index);
+ } else if (String(token).match(/[^0-9\-]/g)) {
+ var token = String(token);
+ var constant = token.slice(-2, token.length);
+ var nth = token.slice(0, -2);
+ if (nth.match(/[^0-9\-]/g))
+ throw Error('Invalid weekday token.');
+ var weekday = recurrence.weekdays.indexOf(constant);
+ if (weekday < 0)
+ throw Error('Invalid weekday token.');
+ else
+ return new recurrence.Weekday(weekday, nth || null);
+ } else {
+ return new recurrence.Weekday(parseInt(token, 10));
+ }
+ throw Error('Invalid weekday token.');
+recurrence.serialize = function(rule_or_recurrence) {
+ var serialize_dt = function(dt) {
+ var pad = function(initial, length) {
+ initial = String(initial)
+ var offset = length - initial.length;
+ if (offset < 0) {
+ return initial;
+ } else {
+ while (initial.length < length) {
+ initial = '0' + initial;
+ }
+ return initial;
+ }
+ };
+ return pad(dt.getUTCFullYear(), 4) +
+ pad(dt.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2) +
+ pad(dt.getUTCDate(), 2) + 'T' +
+ pad(dt.getUTCHours(), 2) +
+ pad(dt.getUTCMinutes(), 2) +
+ pad(dt.getUTCSeconds(), 2) + 'Z';
+ };
+ var serialize_rule = function(rule) {
+ var map_to_string = function(sequence) {
+ var new_sequence = [];
+ recurrence.array.foreach(sequence, function(item) {
+ new_sequence.push(String(item));
+ });
+ return new_sequence;
+ };
+ var map_to_param = function(sequence) {
+ var new_sequence = [];
+ recurrence.array.foreach(sequence, function(item) {
+ new_sequence.push(item[0] + '=' + item[1].join(','));
+ });
+ return new_sequence;
+ };
+ var values = [];
+ values.push(['FREQ', [recurrence.frequencies[rule.freq]]]);
+ if (rule.interval != 1)
+ values.push(['INTERVAL', [String(rule.interval)]]);
+ if (rule.wkst)
+ values.push(['WKST', [recurrence.weekdays[rule.wkst]]]);
+ if (rule.count != null)
+ values.push(['COUNT', [String(rule.count)]]);
+ else if (rule.until != null)
+ values.push(['UNTIL', [serialize_dt(rule.until)]]);
+ if (rule.byday.length) {
+ var days = recurrence.array.foreach(rule.byday, function(item) {
+ return recurrence.to_weekday(item).toString();
+ });
+ values.push(['BYDAY', days]);
+ }
+ recurrence.array.foreach(recurrence.byparams, function(param) {
+ if (param != 'byday') {
+ var value_list = rule[param] || [];
+ if (value_list.length)
+ values.push([param.toUpperCase(), map_to_string(value_list)]);
+ }
+ });
+ return map_to_param(values).join(';');
+ };
+ var map_to_property = function(sequence) {
+ var new_sequence = recurrence.array.foreach(
+ sequence, function(item) {
+ return item.join(':');
+ });
+ return new_sequence;
+ };
+ var obj = rule_or_recurrence;
+ if (obj.freq)
+ obj = new recurrence.Recurrence({'rrules': [obj]});
+ var items = [];
+ if (obj.dtstart)
+ items.push(['DTSTART', serialize_dt(obj.dtstart)]);
+ if (obj.dtend)
+ items.push(['DTEND', serialize_dt(obj.dtend)]);
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ obj.rrules, function(item) {
+ items.push(['RRULE', serialize_rule(item)]);
+ });
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ obj.exrules, function(item) {
+ items.push(['EXRULE', serialize_rule(item)]);
+ });
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ obj.rdates, function(item) {
+ items.push(['RDATE', serialize_dt(item)]);
+ });
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ obj.exdates, function(item) {
+ items.push(['EXDATE', serialize_dt(item)]);
+ });
+ return map_to_property(items).join('\n');
+recurrence.deserialize = function(text) {
+ var deserialize_dt = function(text) {
+ var year = parseInt(text.slice(0, 4), 10);
+ var month = parseInt(text.slice(4, 6), 10);
+ var day = parseInt(text.slice(6, 8), 10);
+ if (text.indexOf('T') > 0) {
+ var hour = parseInt(text.slice(9, 11), 10);
+ var minute = parseInt(text.slice(11, 13), 10);
+ var second = parseInt(text.slice(13, 15), 10);
+ } else {
+ var hour = 0;
+ var minute = 0;
+ var second = 0;
+ }
+ var dt = new Date();
+ if (text.indexOf('Z') > 0) {
+ dt.setUTCFullYear(year);
+ dt.setUTCMonth(month - 1);
+ dt.setUTCDate(day);
+ dt.setUTCHours(hour);
+ dt.setUTCMinutes(minute);
+ dt.setUTCSeconds(second);
+ } else {
+ dt.setFullYear(year);
+ dt.setMonth(month - 1);
+ dt.setDate(day);
+ dt.setHours(hour);
+ dt.setMinutes(minute);
+ dt.setSeconds(second);
+ }
+ return dt;
+ };
+ var dtstart = null;
+ var dtend = null;
+ var rrules = [];
+ var exrules = [];
+ var rdates = [];
+ var exdates = [];
+ var pattern = /(DTSTART|DTEND|RRULE|EXRULE|RDATE|EXDATE)[^:]*:(.*)/g;
+ var tokens = text.match(pattern) || [];
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ tokens, function(token) {
+ var label = token.split(':', 2)[0];
+ var param_text = token.split(':', 2)[1];
+ if (param_text.indexOf('=') < 0) {
+ var params = param_text;
+ } else {
+ var param_tokens = param_text.split(';');
+ var params = recurrence.array.foreach(
+ param_tokens, function(item) {
+ var param_name = recurrence.string.strip(
+ item.split('=', 2)[0]);
+ var param_value = recurrence.string.strip(
+ item.split('=', 2)[1]);
+ var value_list = param_value.split(',');
+ var value_list = recurrence.array.foreach(
+ param_value.split(','), function(item) {
+ return recurrence.string.strip(item);
+ });
+ return [param_name, value_list];
+ });
+ }
+ if (label == 'RRULE' || label == 'EXRULE') {
+ var freq = 0;
+ var options = {};
+ recurrence.array.foreach(
+ params, function(item) {
+ var key = item[0];
+ var param = key.toLowerCase();
+ var value = item[1];
+ if (key == 'FREQ') {
+ if (recurrence.frequencies.indexOf(value[0]) != -1) {
+ freq = recurrence.frequencies.indexOf(value[0]);
+ }
+ } else if (key == 'INTERVAL') {
+ options[param] = parseInt(value[0], 10);
+ } else if (key == 'WKST') {
+ options[param] = recurrence.to_weekday(value[0]);
+ } else if (key == 'COUNT') {
+ options[param] = parseInt(value[0], 10);
+ } else if (key == 'UNTIL') {
+ options[param] = deserialize_dt(value[0]);
+ } else if (key == 'BYDAY') {
+ options[param] = recurrence.array.foreach(
+ value, function(item) {
+ return recurrence.to_weekday(item);
+ });
+ } else {
+ options[param] = recurrence.array.foreach(
+ value, function(item) {
+ return parseInt(item, 10);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ if (label == 'RRULE')
+ rrules.push(new recurrence.Rule(freq, options));
+ else
+ exrules.push(new recurrence.Rule(freq, options));
+ } else if (label == 'DTSTART') {
+ dtstart = deserialize_dt(params);
+ } else if (label == 'DTEND') {
+ dtend = deserialize_dt(params);
+ } else if (label == 'RDATE') {
+ rdates.push(deserialize_dt(params));
+ } else if (label == 'EXDATE') {
+ exdates.push(deserialize_dt(params));
+ }
+ });
+ return new recurrence.Recurrence({
+ 'dtstart': dtstart, 'dtend': dtend,
+ 'rrules': rrules, 'exrules': exrules,
+ 'rdates': rdates, 'exdates': exdates
+ });
+recurrence.log = function(message) {
+ var dom = document.createElement('div');
+ dom.innerHTML = message;
+ document.body.insertBefore(dom, document.body.firstChild);
+recurrence.string = {
+ format: function(string, map) {
+ for (var key in map)
+ string = string.replace(RegExp('%' + key, 'g'), map[key]);
+ return string
+ },
+ capitalize: function(string) {
+ return (
+ string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() +
+ string.slice(1, string.length));
+ },
+ strip: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(
+ /^[ \t\n\r]*/, '').replace(/[ \t\n\r]*$/, '');
+ },
+ rjust: function(string, length, character) {
+ var initial = String(string);
+ var offset = length - initial.length;
+ character = character || ' ';
+ if (offset < 0) {
+ return initial;
+ } else {
+ while (initial.length < length) {
+ initial = character.charAt(0) + initial;
+ }
+ return initial;
+ }
+ },
+ ljust: function(string, length, character) {
+ var initial = String(string);
+ var offset = length - initial.length;
+ character = character || ' ';
+ if (offset < 0) {
+ return initial;
+ } else {
+ while (initial.length < length) {
+ initial = initial + character[0];
+ }
+ return initial;
+ }
+ }
+ = {
+ format: function(date, format) {
+ return new recurrence.DateFormat(date).format(format);
+ },
+ isleap: function(date) {
+ var year = date.getFullYear();
+ return year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0);
+ },
+ weekday: function(date) {
+ var day = date.getDay() - 1;
+ if (day < 0)
+ day = day + 7;
+ else if (day > 6)
+ day = day - 7;
+ return day;
+ },
+ days_in_month: function(date) {
+ var m = date.getMonth() + 1;
+ var y = date.getFullYear();
+ if (m == 1 || m == 3 || m == 5 || m == 7 ||
+ m == 8 || m == 10 || m == 12)
+ return 31;
+ else if (m == 4 || m == 6 || m == 9 || m == 11)
+ return 30;
+ else if (m == 2 &&
+ return 29;
+ else
+ return 28;
+ }
+recurrence.array = {
+ foreach: function(array, func, bindto) {
+ if (bindto)
+ func = recurrence.func.bind(func, bindto);
+ array = recurrence.array.from(array);
+ var return_values = [];
+ for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++)
+ return_values.push(func(array[i], i));
+ return return_values;
+ },
+ from: function(iterable) {
+ if (!iterable)
+ return [];
+ if (iterable.toArray) {
+ return iterable.toArray();
+ } else {
+ var results = [];
+ for (var i=0, length=iterable.length; i < length; i++)
+ results.push(iterable[i]);
+ return results;
+ }
+ },
+ remove: function(array, item) {
+ array.splice(array.indexOf(item), 1);
+ }
+recurrence.func = {
+ bind: function() {
+ var args = recurrence.array.from(arguments);
+ var func = args.shift();
+ var object = args.shift();
+ return function() {
+ return func.apply(
+ object, args.concat(recurrence.array.from(arguments)));
+ }
+ }
+if (!Array.indexOf) {
+ // ie doesn't have indexOf on arrays
+ Array.prototype.indexOf = function(obj) {
+ for (var i=0; i < this.length; i++)
+ if (this[i] == obj)
+ return i;
+ return -1;
+ };
+// frequencies
+recurrence.YEARLY = 0;
+recurrence.MONTHLY = 1;
+recurrence.WEEKLY = 2;
+recurrence.DAILY = 3;
+recurrence.HOURLY = 4;
+recurrence.MINUTELY = 5;
+recurrence.SECONDLY = 6;
+// months
+recurrence.JANUARY = 1;
+recurrence.FEBRUARY = 2;
+recurrence.MARCH = 3;
+recurrence.APRIL = 4;
+recurrence.MAY = 5;
+recurrence.JUNE = 6;
+recurrence.JULY = 7;
+recurrence.AUGUST = 8;
+recurrence.SEPTEMBER = 9;
+recurrence.OCTOBER = 10;
+recurrence.NOVEMBER = 11;
+recurrence.DECEMBER = 12;
+// weekdays
+recurrence.MONDAY = recurrence.MO = new recurrence.Weekday(0, null);
+recurrence.TUEDSAY = recurrence.TU = new recurrence.Weekday(1, null);
+recurrence.WEDNESDAY = recurrence.WE = new recurrence.Weekday(2, null);
+recurrence.THURSDAY = recurrence.TH = new recurrence.Weekday(3, null);
+recurrence.FRIDAY = recurrence.FR = new recurrence.Weekday(4, null);
+recurrence.SATURDAY = recurrence.SA = new recurrence.Weekday(5, null);
+recurrence.SUNDAY = recurrence.SU = new recurrence.Weekday(6, null);
+// enumerations
+recurrence.byparams = [
+ 'bysetpos', 'bymonth', 'bymonthday', 'byyearday',
+ 'byweekno', 'byday', 'byhour', 'byminute', 'bysecond'
+recurrence.frequencies = [
+recurrence.weekdays = [
+ 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA', 'SU'
+// recurrence.firstweekday = 0;
+// i18n no-ops if jsi18n not loaded
+if (typeof(catalog) === 'undefined') {
+ var catalog = [];
+} else {
+ var catalog = catalog;
+var gettext = gettext || function(msgid) {
+ var value = catalog[msgid];
+ if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') {
+ return msgid;
+ } else {
+ return (typeof(value) == 'string') ? value : value[0];
+ }
+var interpolate = interpolate || function(fmt, obj, named) {
+ if (named) {
+ return fmt.replace(/%\(\w+\)s/g, function(match) {
+ return String(obj[match.slice(2,-2)])
+ });
+ } else {
+ return fmt.replace(/%s/g, function(match) {
+ return String(obj.shift())
+ });
+ }
+// display
+if (!recurrence.display)
+ recurrence.display = {};
+recurrence.display.tokens = {
+ 'midnight': gettext('midnight'),
+ 'noon': gettext('noon'),
+ 'on_the_items': gettext('on the %(items)s'),
+ 'every_number_freq': gettext('every %(number)s %(freq)s'),
+ 'each': gettext('each %(items)s'),
+ 'count': gettext('occuring %(number)s time'),
+ 'count_plural': gettext('occuring %(number)s times'),
+ 'until': gettext('until %(date)s')
+recurrence.display.timeintervals = [
+ gettext('year'), gettext('month'), gettext('week'), gettext('day'),
+ gettext('hour'), gettext('minute'), gettext('second')
+recurrence.display.timeintervals_plural = [
+ gettext('years'), gettext('months'), gettext('weeks'), gettext('days'),
+ gettext('hours'), gettext('minutes'), gettext('seconds')
+recurrence.display.frequencies = [
+ gettext('annually'), gettext('monthly'), gettext('weekly'), gettext('daily'),
+ gettext('hourly'), gettext('minutely'), gettext('secondly')
+recurrence.display.weekdays = [
+ gettext('Monday'), gettext('Tuesday'), gettext('Wednesday'), gettext('Thursday'),
+ gettext('Friday'), gettext('Saturday'), gettext('Sunday')
+recurrence.display.weekdays_short = [
+ gettext('Mon'), gettext('Tue'), gettext('Wed'), gettext('Thu'),
+ gettext('Fri'), gettext('Sat'), gettext('Sun')
+recurrence.display.weekdays_oneletter = [
+ pgettext('Monday first letter', 'M'),
+ pgettext('Tuesday first letter', 'T'),
+ pgettext('Wednesday first letter', 'W'),
+ pgettext('Thursday first letter', 'T'),
+ pgettext('Friday first letter', 'F'),
+ pgettext('Saturday first letter', 'S'),
+ pgettext('Sunday first letter', 'S')
+recurrence.display.weekdays_position = {
+ '1': gettext('first %(weekday)s'),
+ '2': gettext('second %(weekday)s'),
+ '3': gettext('third %(weekday)s'),
+ '4': gettext('fourth %(weekday)s'),
+ '-1': gettext('last %(weekday)s'),
+ '-2': gettext('second last %(weekday)s'),
+ '-3': gettext('third last %(weekday)s')
+recurrence.display.weekdays_position_short = {
+ '1': gettext('1st %(weekday)s'),
+ '2': gettext('2nd %(weekday)s'),
+ '3': gettext('3rd %(weekday)s'),
+ '4': gettext('4th %(weekday)s'),
+ '-1': gettext('last %(weekday)s'),
+ '-2': gettext('2nd last %(weekday)s'),
+ '-3': gettext('3rd last %(weekday)s')
+recurrence.display.months = [
+ gettext('January'), gettext('February'), gettext('March'),
+ gettext('April'), pgettext('month name', 'May'), gettext('June'),
+ gettext('July'), gettext('August'), gettext('September'),
+ gettext('October'), gettext('November'), gettext('December')
+recurrence.display.months_short = [
+ gettext('Jan'), gettext('Feb'), gettext('Mar'),
+ gettext('Apr'), pgettext('month name', 'May'), gettext('Jun'),
+ gettext('Jul'), gettext('Aug'), gettext('Sep'),
+ gettext('Oct'), gettext('Nov'), gettext('Dec')
+recurrence.display.months_ap = [
+ gettext('Jan.'), gettext('Feb.'), gettext('March'),
+ gettext('April'), pgettext('month name', 'May'), gettext('June'),
+ gettext('July'), gettext('Aug.'), gettext('Sept.'),
+ gettext('Oct.'), gettext('Nov.'), gettext('Dec.')
+recurrence.display.ampm = {
+ 'am': gettext('a.m.'), 'pm': gettext('p.m.'),
+ 'AM': gettext('AM'), 'PM': gettext('PM')
+recurrence.display.month_day = pgettext('Day of month', '%j%S');
+recurrence.display.ordinal_indicator = {
+ 'en-us': function(day) {
+ if (day == 11 || day == 12 || day == 13)
+ return 'th';
+ var last = day % 10;
+ if (last == 1)
+ return 'st';
+ if (last == 2)
+ return 'nd';
+ if (last == 3)
+ return 'rd';
+ return 'th';
+ },
+ 'fr-FR': function(day) {
+ if (day == 1)
+ return 'er';
+ return '';
+ }