path: root/General/Drupal6-Drupal7-upgrade-process.rst
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+***Process to upgrade from drupal 6 to drupal 7***
+Document Information
+Name of the Document: Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 Upgradation process
+Date: 5/04/2015
+Author: Priyanka Bhagwat and Prashant Sinalakar
+**step 1:**
+**take a backup of your drupal site and database**
+**step 2:**
+**Login as superuser/first user and disable all custom modules and
+custom theme of drupal 6 site.**
+**step 3:**
+ 1) **Install drush into your system**
+ sudo apt-get install drush
+ 2) **Download latest version of drupal**
+ drush dl drupal-7
+ 3) **Connect your existing drupal 6 database with new drupal 7** (make
+ changes in setting.php of drupal 7 to connect with old database)
+ 4) **Go to project directory then run**
+ drush updb
+ 5) **Login in to drupal 7 as first user**
+ 6) **move all old site data to new drupal 7 expect theme**
+ 7) **remove modulename\_bck modules**
+ 8) **update all modules using**
+ drush dl -y acl references author\_pane ckeditor votingapi views ctools
+ references xmlsitemap webform advanced\_forum captcha cck ckeditor
+ comment\_notify email\_verify extlink feedback fivestar formblock
+ google\_analytics jquery\_ui jquery\_update link linkchecker masquerade
+ mimemail nice\_menus notify recaptcha spambot views
+ drush dl -y views date easy\_social captcha cck email\_verify sharethis
+ socila\_share wysiwyg google\_analytics jquery\_ui link masquerade
+ recaptcha
+ 9) enable all necessary modules
+ drush en module\_name
+ drush updb
+ if any error in webform take out webform form modules then,
+ **drush updb**
+ **drush command to update all modules without updating the core.**
+ drush upc --no-core
+**step 4:**
+ 1) drush dl drupal-7
+ 2) make settings.php
+ 3) connect with old db then, go to project dir run
+ # references, link
+ 4) drush updb
+ 5) login to first user and mv all old sites data to new d7 except theme,remove modulename\_bck modules, them update all modules using
+ drush dl -y acl references author\_pane ckeditor votingapi views ctools
+ references xmlsitemap webform advanced\_forum captcha cck ckeditor
+ comment\_notify email\_verify extlink feedback fivestar formblock
+ google\_analytics jquery\_ui jquery\_update link linkchecker masquerade
+ mimemail nice\_menus notify recaptcha spambot views
+ ## acl references views ctools references webform cck link views
+ 6) enable all necessary modules
+ 7) drush updb
+ 8) if any error in webform take out webform form modules then,
+ drush updb
+ node\_access => references
+**step 5:**
+ Scilink Query - Only for Scilab Website
+ content type => Documentation Page
+ select \* from content\_field\_link where nid in (SELECT nid FROM
+ \`content\_type\_link\` where \`field\_parent\_page\_nid\`=118)
+ 1) **changed query structure..**
+ 2) **theme\_table must be replaced to ‘Section title..
+===============theme(“”, “”, array =()) **
+***Error and solution :***
+ **If you get error like following: **
+ **“Undefined index: distribution\_name in
+ drupal\_install\_profile\_distribution\_name() (line 207 of
+ /var/www/html/drupal-7.37/includes/ “**
+ **Then run following query in database**
+ `***UPDATE*** <>`__
+ `***system*** <http://localhost/adminer/adminer.php?username=root&db=anuduino_os_hardware_in&table=system>`__
+ **`*SET* <>`__
+ status=1 WHERE name='standard';**
+ **This will resolve profile error**
+ **While going for changing query of theme**
+ theme('table', array('header' => $pending\_header, 'rows' =>
+ $pending\_rows ));
+ solve error of mail sending: change following line
+ change
+ **$language-language** replace with **array('language' =>
+ $language->language)**
+ **$message['body'] = t('…...’);** replace with **$message['body'] =
+ array('body' => t('…….));**
+ **Error:** *Notice*: Undefined index: distribution\_name in
+ *drupal\_install\_profile\_distribution\_name()* (line *207* of
+ */var/www/html/cfd\_fossee\_in\_7/includes/*).
+ FIX this:
+ UPDATE \`drupal\`.\`system\` SET \`status\` = '1' WHERE
+ \`system\`.\`filename\` = 'profiles/standard/standard.profile';