path: root/tbc_comments.txt
diff options
authorprashant2015-01-29 15:36:45 +0530
committerprashant2015-01-29 15:36:45 +0530
commit4d55002e7acd845fdf2ed3d5577751e3dedf574d (patch)
tree0b483379812f3a5c1fea902536115ae274670ef6 /tbc_comments.txt
first commit added all the files
Diffstat (limited to 'tbc_comments.txt')
1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tbc_comments.txt b/tbc_comments.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bead73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tbc_comments.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+function tbc_comments_menu() {
+ $items = array();
+ $items["comments"] = array(
+ "title" => "Non-aicte books",
+ "page callback" => "tbc_comments_all",
+ "access arguments" => array("tbc comments"),
+ "type" => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM
+ );
+ $items["comments/ajax"] = array(
+ "page callback" => "tbc_comments_ajax",
+ "access callback" => TRUE,
+ "type" => MENU_CALLBACK
+ );
+ $items["comments/books/ajax"] = array(
+ "page callback" => "tbc_comments_books_ajax",
+ "access callback" => TRUE,
+ "type" => MENU_CALLBACK
+ );
+ $items["comments/books/all/ajax"] = array(
+ "page callback" => "tbc_comments_books_all_ajax",
+ "access callback" => TRUE,
+ "type" => MENU_CALLBACK
+ );
+ return $items;
+ }
+ function tbc_comments_init() {
+ drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path("module", "tbc_comments") . "/css/tbc_comments_styles.css");
+ drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path("module", "tbc_comments") . "/css/tbc_comments.css");
+ drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path("module", "tbc_comments") . "/js/tbc_comment_ajax.js");
+ drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path("module", "tbc_comments") . "/js/jquery-1.4.1.min.js");
+ drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path("module", "tbc_comments") . "/js/jquery-1.2.6.min.js");
+ }
+function tbc_comments_perm() {
+ return array(
+ "tbc comments",
+ );
+ }
+ function tbc_comments_all($type, $id, $count){
+ $page_content = "";
+ $page_content .= "test";
+ $query= db_query("
+ SELECT as book, as author, pe.publisher as publisher, pe.year as year, as pe_id, pe.pLike, pe.pDislike, po.approval_date as approval_date
+ FROM {textbook_companion_preference} pe LEFT JOIN {textbook_companion_proposal} po ON pe.proposal_id =
+ WHERE po.proposal_status = 0 AND pe.approval_status = 0 AND po.proposal_type = 1 ORDER BY ASC
+ ");
+ $res=$query;
+ $countProduct=mysql_num_rows($res);
+ $page_content .= $countProduct;
+ $page_content .= "<div id='wrapper'>";
+ $base_url = $GLOBALS['base_url']. '/sites/all/modules/tbc_comments/image/';
+ //
+ $preference_q = db_query("
+ SELECT as book, as author, pe.publisher as publisher, pe.year as year, as pe_id, pe.pLike, pe.pDislike, po.approval_date as approval_date
+ FROM {textbook_companion_preference} pe LEFT JOIN {textbook_companion_proposal} po ON pe.proposal_id =
+ WHERE po.proposal_status = 0 AND pe.approval_status = 0 AND po.proposal_type = 1 ORDER BY ASC"
+ );
+ $page_content .= "<ol>";
+ while ($preference_datas = db_fetch_object($res)) {
+ $page_content .= "<li>";
+ $page_content .= $preference_datas->book . " by " . $preference_datas->author . ", " . $preference_datas->publisher . ", " . $preference_datas->year. $preference_datas->pLike;
+ $page_content .= "</li>";
+ }
+ $page_content .= "</ol>";
+ //
+ $page_content .= "<div id='wrapper'>";
+ $base_url = $GLOBALS['base_url']. '/sites/all/modules/tbc_comments/image/';
+ if($countProduct > 0 ){
+ while ($preference_data = db_fetch_object($preference_q)) {
+ $comment_query = db_query("
+ SELECT * FROM tbc_comments WHERE post_id = %d ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 15
+ ", $preference_data->pe_id);
+ $page_content .= "<script src=''></script>";
+ $page_content .= "<div class='product_list'>";
+ $page_content .= "<div class='product_name'>".$preference_data->book.$preference_data->pe_id.$preference_data->pLike."</div>";
+ $page_content .= "<div class='product_flash' id='product_flash_".$preference_data->id.">&nbsp;</div>";
+ $page_content .= "<div class='product_like'><img class= 'likebt' src='".$base_url."like.png' data-name='like', data-bid ='".$preference_data->pe_id."'> <span id='product_like_".$preference_data->pe_id."'>".$preference_data->pLike."</span></div>";
+ $page_content .= "<div class='product_dislike'><img class= 'dislikebt'src='".$base_url."dislike.png' data-name='dislike', data-bid ='".$preference_data->pe_id."'> <span id='product_dislike_".$preference_data->pe_id."'>".$preference_data->pDislike."</span></div>";
+ $page_content .= "<a id='tbc-comments_".$preference_data->pe_id."' href='#' data-bookid='".$preference_data->pe_id."' class= 'comment_click'>comments</a>";
+ $page_content .= "<a id='testform' href='#' data-bookid='".$preference_data->pe_id."' class= 'ccomment_click'>commentss</a><div id= '#share'></div>";
+ $page_content .= "<div id='popup_box_".$preference_data->pe_id."' class = 'popup_comment_box'> <div class='wrap'>";
+ $page_content .= "<h2>Comments.....</h2>";
+ $page_content .= "<div id='comment-block' class='comment-block'>";
+ while ($comments_data = db_fetch_object($comment_query)) {
+ $page_content .= "<div class='comment-item' id = 'comment-item_".$comments_data->id."'>";
+ $page_content .= "<div class='comment-avatar'>";
+ $page_content .= "<img src='".$base_url."default_avatar.gif' alt='avatar'>";
+ $page_content .= "</div>";
+ $page_content .= "<div class='comment-post'>";
+ $page_content .= "<h3>".$comments_data->name."<span>said....</span></h3>";
+ $page_content .= "<p>".$comments_data->comment."</p>";
+ $page_content .= "</div></div>";
+ }
+ $page_content .= "</div>";
+ $page_content .= "<form id='form_".$preference_data->pe_id."' method='post' class= 'form_comments' data-fid='".$preference_data->pe_id."'>";
+ $page_content .= "<input type='hidden' name='postid' value=".$preference_data->pe_id.">";
+ $page_content .= "<label>";
+ $page_content .= "<span>Name *</span>";
+ $page_content .= "<input type='text' name='name' id='comment-name' placeholder='Your name here.... 'required>";
+ $page_content .= "</label><label>";
+ $page_content .= "<span>Email *</span>";
+ $page_content .= "<input type='email' name='mail' id='comment-mail' placeholder='Your mail here....' required>";
+ $page_content .= " </label><label>";
+ $page_content .= "<span>Your comment *</span>";
+ $page_content .= " <textarea name='comment' id='comment' cols='30' rows='10' placeholder='Type your comment here....' required></textarea>";
+ $page_content .= "</label>";
+ $page_content .= " <input type='submit' id='submit_".$preference_data->pe_id."' value='Submit Comment' class= 'submit_form' data-sid = '".$preference_data->pe_id."'>";
+ $page_content .= "</form>";
+ $page_content .= "<div id ='close_button_".$preference_data->pe_id."' class = 'close_button'>&#x2716;</div>";
+ $page_content .= "</div></div>";
+ // $page_content .= "</div>";
+ $page_content .= "</div>";
+ }
+ }else{
+ $page_content .= "Data Not Found";
+ }
+ $page_content .= "</div>";
+ // $page_content .= drupal_get_form("tbc_comments_book_form");
+ return $page_content;
+ }
+ function tbc_comments_ajax($type, $id, $count) {
+ $data = "";
+ $type=$_POST['type'];
+ $id=$_POST['id'];
+ if($type=='like'){
+ $fieldName='pLike';
+ }elseif($type=='dislike'){
+ $fieldName='pDislike';
+ }else{
+ //die();
+ }
+ $query= "
+ update textbook_companion_preference set $fieldName=$fieldName+1 where id= %d
+ ";
+ $res= db_query($query, $id);
+ $query= "select $fieldName from textbook_companion_preference where id= %d";
+ $res= db_query($query, $id);
+ $result= db_fetch_array($res);
+ //result= mysql_fetch_array($res);
+ $count= $result[$fieldName];
+ $data = $count;
+ echo $data;
+ exit();
+// function tbc_comments_book_form(){
+// $form = array();
+// $form["name"] = array(
+// "#type" => "textfield",
+// "#title" => "Name",
+// "#description" => t("Please enter your name."),
+// );
+// $form["email"] = array(
+// "#type" => "textfield",
+// "#title" => "Email",
+// "#description" => t("Please enter your valid email id."),
+// );
+// $form["number"] = array(
+// "#type" => "textfield",
+// "#title" => "Number",
+// "#description" => t("Please enter your valid phone number."),
+// );
+// $form["book"] = array(
+// "#type" => "select",
+// "#title" => "AICTE Book",
+// "#description" => t("Please select a book."),
+// "#options" => $books
+// );
+// $form["comment"] = array(
+// "#type" => "textarea",
+// "#title" => "Any other comment?",
+// "#description" => t("Please enter your query (if any)")
+// );
+// $form["submit"] = array(
+// "#type" => "submit",
+// "#value" => "Submit"
+// );
+// return $form;
+// }
+// function tbc_comments_books_form(){
+// $form = array();
+// $form["name"] = array(
+// "#type" => "textfield",
+// "#title" => "Your Name",
+// "#description" => t("Please enter your name."),
+// "#size" => '50',
+// );
+// $form["email"] = array(
+// "#type" => "textfield",
+// "#title" => "Your Email",
+// "#description" => t("Please enter your valid email id."),
+// "#size" => '50',
+// );
+// $form["url"] = array(
+// '#type' => 'hidden',
+// "#title" => "Url",
+// "#description" => t("Please enter your valid phone number."),
+// '#attributes' => array('style'=>'font-weight: bold'),
+// );
+// $form["body"] = array(
+// "#type" => "textarea",
+// "#title" => "Any other comment?",
+// "#description" => t("Please enter your query (if any)")
+// );
+// $form["submit"] = array(
+// "#type" => "submit",
+// "#value" => "Submit",
+// );
+// return $form;
+// function tbc_comments_books_form_submit(){
+// $v = $form_state["values"];
+// $query = "
+// INSERT INTO tbc_comments
+// (name, email, url, body)
+// ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')
+// ";
+// $result = db_query($query,
+// $v["name"], $v["email"], $v["url"], $v["body"]
+// );
+// drupal_set_message("Thank you for comment.", "status");
+// }
+function tbc_comments_books_ajax($name,$mail,$comment,$id) {
+ $base_url = $GLOBALS['base_url']. '/sites/all/modules/tbc_comments/image/';
+ $data = "";
+ if (!empty($_POST['name']) AND !empty($_POST['mail']) AND !empty($_POST['comment']) AND !empty($_POST['postid'])) {
+ $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']);
+ $mail = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['mail']);
+ $comment = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['comment']);
+ $postId = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['postid']);
+ mysql_query("INSERT INTO tbc_comments (name, mail, comment, post_id) VALUES('{$name}', '{$mail}', '{$comment}', '{$postId}')");
+ }
+ $data .= "<div class='comment-item'>";
+ $data .= "<div class='comment-avatar'>";
+ $data .= "<img src='".$base_url."default_avatar.gif' alt='avatar' />";
+ $data .= "</div>";
+ $data .= "<div class='comment-post'>";
+ $data .= "<h3>". $name ." <span>said....</span></h3>";
+ $data .= "<p>". $comment."</p>";
+ $data .= "</div></div>";
+ echo $data;
+ exit();
+function tbc_comments_books_all_ajax($id) {
+ $data = "";
+ $base_url = $GLOBALS['base_url']. '/sites/all/modules/tbc_comments/image/';
+ $comment_query = db_query("
+ SELECT * FROM tbc_comments WHERE post_id = %s ORDER BY id DESC
+ ");
+ // $comment_result = db_query($comment_query, );
+ $data .= "<h2>Comments.....</h2>";
+ $data .= "<div id='comment-block_".$id."' class='comment-block'>";
+ while ($comments_data = db_fetch_object($comment_query,$id)) {
+ $data .= "<div class='comment-item'>";
+ $data .= "<div class='comment-avatar'>";
+ $data .= "<img src='".$base_url."default_avatar.gif' alt='avatar'>";
+ $data .= "</div>";
+ $data .= "<div class='comment-post'>";
+ $data .= "<h3>".$comments_data->name."<span>said....</span></h3>";
+ $data .= "<p>".$comments_data->comment."</p>";
+ $data .= "</div></div>";
+ }
+ $data .= "</div>";
+ echo $data;
+ exit();