path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/IpSolveStatistics.hpp
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authorGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
committerGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
commit938fef4a37a7b7c61b4b6ff74cb4cfd2f100c427 (patch)
treeb343c0ee5609433c80e0de1db8b6886c9126dc2d /thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/IpSolveStatistics.hpp
parent5b72577efe080c5294b32d804e4d26351fef30bc (diff)
Added linux shared libraries and header files for int and ecos functions
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/IpSolveStatistics.hpp')
1 files changed, 150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/IpSolveStatistics.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/IpSolveStatistics.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..625ddfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/IpSolveStatistics.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpSolveStatistics.hpp 1861 2010-12-21 21:34:47Z andreasw $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2005-08-15
+#include "IpReferenced.hpp"
+#include "IpSmartPtr.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ // forward declaration (to avoid inclusion of too many header files)
+ class IpoptNLP;
+ class IpoptData;
+ class IpoptCalculatedQuantities;
+ /** This class collects statistics about an optimziation run, such
+ * as iteration count, final infeasibilities etc. It is meant to
+ * provide such information to a user of Ipopt during the
+ * finalize_solution call.
+ */
+ class SolveStatistics : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor. It takes in those collecting Ipopt
+ * objects that can provide the statistics information. Those
+ * statistics are retrieved at the time of the constructor
+ * call. */
+ SolveStatistics(const SmartPtr<IpoptNLP>& ip_nlp,
+ const SmartPtr<IpoptData>& ip_data,
+ const SmartPtr<IpoptCalculatedQuantities>& ip_cq);
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~SolveStatistics()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** @name Accessor methods for retrieving different kind of solver
+ * statistics information */
+ //@{
+ /** Iteration counts. */
+ virtual Index IterationCount() const;
+ /** Total CPU time, including function evaluations. */
+ virtual Number TotalCpuTime() const;
+ /** Total CPU time, including function evaluations. Included for
+ * backward compatibility. */
+ Number TotalCPUTime() const
+ {
+ return TotalCpuTime();
+ }
+ /** Total System time, including function evaluations. */
+ virtual Number TotalSysTime() const;
+ /** Total wall clock time, including function evaluations. */
+ virtual Number TotalWallclockTime() const;
+ /** Number of NLP function evaluations. */
+ virtual void NumberOfEvaluations(Index& num_obj_evals,
+ Index& num_constr_evals,
+ Index& num_obj_grad_evals,
+ Index& num_constr_jac_evals,
+ Index& num_hess_evals) const;
+ /** Unscaled solution infeasibilities */
+ virtual void Infeasibilities(Number& dual_inf,
+ Number& constr_viol,
+ Number& complementarity,
+ Number& kkt_error) const;
+ /** Scaled solution infeasibilities */
+ virtual void ScaledInfeasibilities(Number& scaled_dual_inf,
+ Number& scaled_constr_viol,
+ Number& scaled_complementarity,
+ Number& scaled_kkt_error) const;
+ /** Final value of objective function */
+ virtual Number FinalObjective() const;
+ /** Final scaled value of objective function */
+ virtual Number FinalScaledObjective() const;
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ SolveStatistics();
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ SolveStatistics(const SolveStatistics&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const SolveStatistics&);
+ //@}
+ /** @name Fields for storing the statistics data */
+ //@{
+ /** Number of iterations. */
+ Index num_iters_;
+ /* Total CPU time */
+ Number total_cpu_time_;
+ /* Total system time */
+ Number total_sys_time_;
+ /* Total wall clock time */
+ Number total_wallclock_time_;
+ /** Number of objective function evaluations. */
+ Index num_obj_evals_;
+ /** Number of constraints evaluations (max of equality and
+ * inequality) */
+ Index num_constr_evals_;
+ /** Number of objective gradient evaluations. */
+ Index num_obj_grad_evals_;
+ /** Number of constraint Jacobian evaluations. */
+ Index num_constr_jac_evals_;
+ /** Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations. */
+ Index num_hess_evals_;
+ /** Final scaled value of objective function */
+ Number scaled_obj_val_;
+ /** Final unscaled value of objective function */
+ Number obj_val_;
+ /** Final scaled dual infeasibility (max-norm) */
+ Number scaled_dual_inf_;
+ /** Final unscaled dual infeasibility (max-norm) */
+ Number dual_inf_;
+ /** Final scaled constraint violation (max-norm) */
+ Number scaled_constr_viol_;
+ /** Final unscaled constraint violation (max-norm) */
+ Number constr_viol_;
+ /** Final scaled complementarity error (max-norm) */
+ Number scaled_compl_;
+ /** Final unscaled complementarity error (max-norm) */
+ Number compl_;
+ /** Final overall scaled KKT error (max-norm) */
+ Number scaled_kkt_error_;
+ /** Final overall unscaled KKT error (max-norm) */
+ Number kkt_error_;
+ //@}
+ };
+} // namespace Ipopt