path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CoinParam.hpp
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authorGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
committerGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
commit938fef4a37a7b7c61b4b6ff74cb4cfd2f100c427 (patch)
treeb343c0ee5609433c80e0de1db8b6886c9126dc2d /thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CoinParam.hpp
parent5b72577efe080c5294b32d804e4d26351fef30bc (diff)
Added linux shared libraries and header files for int and ecos functions
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CoinParam.hpp')
1 files changed, 644 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CoinParam.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CoinParam.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30cccc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CoinParam.hpp
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+/* $Id: CoinParam.hpp 1493 2011-11-01 16:56:07Z tkr $ */
+#ifndef CoinParam_H
+#define CoinParam_H
+ Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
+ Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
+/*! \file CoinParam.hpp
+ \brief Declaration of a class for command line parameters.
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <cstdio>
+/*! \class CoinParam
+ \brief A base class for `keyword value' command line parameters.
+ The underlying paradigm is that a parameter specifies an action to be
+ performed on a target object. The base class provides two function
+ pointers, a `push' function and a `pull' function. By convention, a push
+ function will set some value in the target object or perform some action
+ using the target object. A `pull' function will retrieve some value from
+ the target object. This is only a convention, however; CoinParam and
+ associated utilities make no use of these functions and have no hardcoded
+ notion of how they should be used.
+ The action to be performed, and the target object, will be specific to a
+ particular application. It is expected that users will derive
+ application-specific parameter classes from this base class. A derived
+ class will typically add fields and methods to set/get a code for the
+ action to be performed (often, an enum class) and the target object (often,
+ a pointer or reference).
+ Facilities provided by the base class and associated utility routines
+ include:
+ <ul>
+ <li> Support for common parameter types with numeric, string, or
+ keyword values.
+ <li> Support for short and long help messages.
+ <li> Pointers to `push' and `pull' functions as described above.
+ <li> Command line parsing and keyword matching.
+ </ul>
+ All utility routines are declared in the #CoinParamUtils namespace.
+ The base class recognises five types of parameters: actions (which require
+ no value); numeric parameters with integer or real (double) values; keyword
+ parameters, where the value is one of a defined set of value-keywords;
+ and string parameters (where the value is a string).
+ The base class supports the definition of a valid range, a default value,
+ and short and long help messages for a parameter.
+ As defined by the #CoinParamFunc typedef, push and pull functions
+ should take a single parameter, a pointer to a CoinParam. Typically this
+ object will actually be a derived class as described above, and the
+ implementation function will have access to all capabilities of CoinParam and
+ of the derived class.
+ When specified as command line parameters, the expected syntax is `-keyword
+ value' or `-keyword=value'. You can also use the Gnu double-dash style,
+ `--keyword'. Spaces around the `=' will \e not work.
+ The keyword (name) for a parameter can be defined with an `!' to mark the
+ minimal match point. For example, allow!ableGap will be considered matched
+ by the strings `allow', `allowa', `allowab', \e etc. Similarly, the
+ value-keyword strings for keyword parameters can be defined with `!' to
+ mark the minimal match point. Matching of keywords and value-keywords is
+ \e not case sensitive.
+class CoinParam
+/*! \name Subtypes */
+ /*! \brief Enumeration for the types of parameters supported by CoinParam
+ CoinParam provides support for several types of parameters:
+ <ul>
+ <li> Action parameters, which require no value.
+ <li> Integer and double numeric parameters, with upper and lower bounds.
+ <li> String parameters that take an arbitrary string value.
+ <li> Keyword parameters that take a defined set of string (value-keyword)
+ values. Value-keywords are associated with integers in the order in
+ which they are added, starting from zero.
+ </ul>
+ */
+ typedef enum { coinParamInvalid = 0,
+ coinParamAct, coinParamInt, coinParamDbl,
+ coinParamStr, coinParamKwd } CoinParamType ;
+ /*! \brief Type declaration for push and pull functions.
+ By convention, a return code of 0 indicates execution without error, >0
+ indicates nonfatal error, and <0 indicates fatal error. This is only
+ convention, however; the base class makes no use of the push and pull
+ functions and has no hardcoded interpretation of the return code.
+ */
+ typedef int (*CoinParamFunc)(CoinParam *param) ;
+/*! \name Constructors and Destructors
+ Be careful how you specify parameters for the constructors! Some compilers
+ are entirely too willing to convert almost anything to bool.
+ /*! \brief Default constructor */
+ CoinParam() ;
+ /*! \brief Constructor for a parameter with a double value
+ The default value is 0.0. Be careful to clearly indicate that \p lower and
+ \p upper are real (double) values to distinguish this constructor from the
+ constructor for an integer parameter.
+ */
+ CoinParam(std::string name, std::string help,
+ double lower, double upper, double dflt = 0.0,
+ bool display = true) ;
+ /*! \brief Constructor for a parameter with an integer value
+ The default value is 0.
+ */
+ CoinParam(std::string name, std::string help,
+ int lower, int upper, int dflt = 0,
+ bool display = true) ;
+ /*! \brief Constructor for a parameter with keyword values
+ The string supplied as \p firstValue becomes the first value-keyword.
+ Additional value-keywords can be added using appendKwd(). It's necessary
+ to specify both the first value-keyword (\p firstValue) and the default
+ value-keyword index (\p dflt) in order to distinguish this constructor
+ from the constructors for string and action parameters.
+ Value-keywords are associated with an integer, starting with zero and
+ increasing as each keyword is added. The value-keyword given as \p
+ firstValue will be associated with the integer zero. The integer supplied
+ for \p dflt can be any value, as long as it will be valid once all
+ value-keywords have been added.
+ */
+ CoinParam(std::string name, std::string help,
+ std::string firstValue, int dflt, bool display = true) ;
+ /*! \brief Constructor for a string parameter
+ For some compilers, the default value (\p dflt) must be specified
+ explicitly with type std::string to distinguish the constructor for a
+ string parameter from the constructor for an action parameter. For
+ example, use std::string("default") instead of simply "default", or use a
+ variable of type std::string.
+ */
+ CoinParam(std::string name, std::string help,
+ std::string dflt, bool display = true) ;
+ /*! \brief Constructor for an action parameter */
+ CoinParam(std::string name, std::string help,
+ bool display = true) ;
+ /*! \brief Copy constructor */
+ CoinParam(const CoinParam &orig) ;
+ /*! \brief Clone */
+ virtual CoinParam *clone() ;
+ /*! \brief Assignment */
+ CoinParam &operator=(const CoinParam &rhs) ;
+ /*! \brief Destructor */
+ virtual ~CoinParam() ;
+/*! \name Methods to query and manipulate the value(s) of a parameter */
+ /*! \brief Add an additional value-keyword to a keyword parameter */
+ void appendKwd(std::string kwd) ;
+ /*! \brief Return the integer associated with the specified value-keyword
+ Returns -1 if no value-keywords match the specified string.
+ */
+ int kwdIndex(std::string kwd) const ;
+ /*! \brief Return the value-keyword that is the current value of the
+ keyword parameter
+ */
+ std::string kwdVal() const ;
+ /*! \brief Set the value of the keyword parameter using the integer
+ associated with a value-keyword.
+ If \p printIt is true, the corresponding value-keyword string will be
+ echoed to std::cout.
+ */
+ void setKwdVal(int value, bool printIt = false) ;
+ /*! \brief Set the value of the keyword parameter using a value-keyword
+ string.
+ The given string will be tested against the set of value-keywords for
+ the parameter using the shortest match rules.
+ */
+ void setKwdVal(const std::string value ) ;
+ /*! \brief Prints the set of value-keywords defined for this keyword
+ parameter
+ */
+ void printKwds() const ;
+ /*! \brief Set the value of a string parameter */
+ void setStrVal(std::string value) ;
+ /*! \brief Get the value of a string parameter */
+ std::string strVal() const ;
+ /*! \brief Set the value of a double parameter */
+ void setDblVal(double value) ;
+ /*! \brief Get the value of a double parameter */
+ double dblVal() const ;
+ /*! \brief Set the value of a integer parameter */
+ void setIntVal(int value) ;
+ /*! \brief Get the value of a integer parameter */
+ int intVal() const ;
+ /*! \brief Add a short help string to a parameter */
+ inline void setShortHelp(const std::string help) { shortHelp_ = help ; }
+ /*! \brief Retrieve the short help string */
+ inline std::string shortHelp() const { return (shortHelp_) ; }
+ /*! \brief Add a long help message to a parameter
+ See printLongHelp() for a description of how messages are broken into
+ lines.
+ */
+ inline void setLongHelp(const std::string help) { longHelp_ = help ; }
+ /*! \brief Retrieve the long help message */
+ inline std::string longHelp() const { return (longHelp_) ; }
+ /*! \brief Print long help
+ Prints the long help string, plus the valid range and/or keywords if
+ appropriate. The routine makes a best effort to break the message into
+ lines appropriate for an 80-character line. Explicit line breaks in the
+ message will be observed. The short help string will be used if
+ long help is not available.
+ */
+ void printLongHelp() const ;
+/*! \name Methods to query and manipulate a parameter object */
+ /*! \brief Return the type of the parameter */
+ inline CoinParamType type() const { return (type_) ; }
+ /*! \brief Set the type of the parameter */
+ inline void setType(CoinParamType type) { type_ = type ; }
+ /*! \brief Return the parameter keyword (name) string */
+ inline std::string name() const { return (name_) ; }
+ /*! \brief Set the parameter keyword (name) string */
+ inline void setName(std::string name) { name_ = name ; processName() ; }
+ /*! \brief Check if the specified string matches the parameter keyword (name)
+ string
+ Returns 1 if the string matches and meets the minimum match length,
+ 2 if the string matches but doesn't meet the minimum match length,
+ and 0 if the string doesn't match. Matches are \e not case-sensitive.
+ */
+ int matches (std::string input) const ;
+ /*! \brief Return the parameter keyword (name) string formatted to show
+ the minimum match length
+ For example, if the parameter name was defined as allow!ableGap, the
+ string returned by matchName would be allow(ableGap).
+ */
+ std::string matchName() const ;
+ /*! \brief Set visibility of parameter
+ Intended to control whether the parameter is shown when a list of
+ parameters is processed. Used by CoinParamUtils::printHelp when printing
+ help messages for a list of parameters.
+ */
+ inline void setDisplay(bool display) { display_ = display ; }
+ /*! \brief Get visibility of parameter */
+ inline bool display() const { return (display_) ; }
+ /*! \brief Get push function */
+ inline CoinParamFunc pushFunc() { return (pushFunc_) ; }
+ /*! \brief Set push function */
+ inline void setPushFunc(CoinParamFunc func) { pushFunc_ = func ; }
+ /*! \brief Get pull function */
+ inline CoinParamFunc pullFunc() { return (pullFunc_) ; }
+ /*! \brief Set pull function */
+ inline void setPullFunc(CoinParamFunc func) { pullFunc_ = func ; }
+/*! \name Private methods */
+ /*! Process a name for efficient matching */
+ void processName() ;
+/*! \name Private parameter data */
+ /// Parameter type (see #CoinParamType)
+ CoinParamType type_ ;
+ /// Parameter name
+ std::string name_ ;
+ /// Length of parameter name
+ size_t lengthName_ ;
+ /*! \brief Minimum length required to declare a match for the parameter
+ name.
+ */
+ size_t lengthMatch_ ;
+ /// Lower bound on value for a double parameter
+ double lowerDblValue_ ;
+ /// Upper bound on value for a double parameter
+ double upperDblValue_ ;
+ /// Double parameter - current value
+ double dblValue_ ;
+ /// Lower bound on value for an integer parameter
+ int lowerIntValue_ ;
+ /// Upper bound on value for an integer parameter
+ int upperIntValue_ ;
+ /// Integer parameter - current value
+ int intValue_ ;
+ /// String parameter - current value
+ std::string strValue_ ;
+ /// Set of valid value-keywords for a keyword parameter
+ std::vector<std::string> definedKwds_ ;
+ /*! \brief Current value for a keyword parameter (index into #definedKwds_)
+ */
+ int currentKwd_ ;
+ /// Push function
+ CoinParamFunc pushFunc_ ;
+ /// Pull function
+ CoinParamFunc pullFunc_ ;
+ /// Short help
+ std::string shortHelp_ ;
+ /// Long help
+ std::string longHelp_ ;
+ /// Display when processing lists of parameters?
+ bool display_ ;
+} ;
+/*! \relatesalso CoinParam
+ \brief A type for a parameter vector.
+typedef std::vector<CoinParam*> CoinParamVec ;
+/*! \relatesalso CoinParam
+ \brief A stream output function for a CoinParam object.
+std::ostream &operator<< (std::ostream &s, const CoinParam &param) ;
+ Bring in the utility functions for parameter handling (CbcParamUtils).
+/*! \brief Utility functions for processing CoinParam parameters.
+ The functions in CoinParamUtils support command line or interactive
+ parameter processing and a help facility. Consult the `Related Functions'
+ section of the CoinParam class documentation for individual function
+ documentation.
+namespace CoinParamUtils {
+ /*! \relatesalso CoinParam
+ \brief Take command input from the file specified by src.
+ Use stdin for \p src to specify interactive prompting for commands.
+ */
+ void setInputSrc(FILE *src) ;
+ /*! \relatesalso CoinParam
+ \brief Returns true if command line parameters are being processed.
+ */
+ bool isCommandLine() ;
+ /*! \relatesalso CoinParam
+ \brief Returns true if parameters are being obtained from stdin.
+ */
+ bool isInteractive() ;
+ /*! \relatesalso CoinParam
+ \brief Attempt to read a string from the input.
+ \p argc and \p argv are used only if isCommandLine() would return true.
+ If \p valid is supplied, it will be set to 0 if a string is parsed
+ without error, 2 if no field is present.
+ */
+ std::string getStringField(int argc, const char *argv[], int *valid) ;
+ /*! \relatesalso CoinParam
+ \brief Attempt to read an integer from the input.
+ \p argc and \p argv are used only if isCommandLine() would return true.
+ If \p valid is supplied, it will be set to 0 if an integer is parsed
+ without error, 1 if there's a parse error, and 2 if no field is present.
+ */
+ int getIntField(int argc, const char *argv[], int *valid) ;
+ /*! \relatesalso CoinParam
+ \brief Attempt to read a real (double) from the input.
+ \p argc and \p argv are used only if isCommandLine() would return true.
+ If \p valid is supplied, it will be set to 0 if a real number is parsed
+ without error, 1 if there's a parse error, and 2 if no field is present.
+ */
+ double getDoubleField(int argc, const char *argv[], int *valid) ;
+ /*! \relatesalso CoinParam
+ \brief Scan a parameter vector for parameters whose keyword (name) string
+ matches \p name using minimal match rules.
+ \p matchNdx is set to the index of the last parameter that meets the
+ minimal match criteria (but note there should be at most one matching
+ parameter if the parameter vector is properly configured). \p shortCnt
+ is set to the number of short matches (should be zero for a properly
+ configured parameter vector if a minimal match is found). The return
+ value is the number of matches satisfying the minimal match requirement
+ (should be 0 or 1 in a properly configured vector).
+ */
+ int matchParam(const CoinParamVec &paramVec, std::string name,
+ int &matchNdx, int &shortCnt) ;
+ /*! \relatesalso CoinParam
+ \brief Get the next command keyword (name)
+ To be precise, return the next field from the current command input
+ source, after a bit of processing. In command line mode (isCommandLine()
+ returns true) the next field will normally be of the form `-keyword' or
+ `--keyword' (\e i.e., a parameter keyword), and the string returned would
+ be `keyword'. In interactive mode (isInteractive() returns true), the
+ user will be prompted if necessary. It is assumed that the user knows
+ not to use the `-' or `--' prefixes unless specifying parameters on the
+ command line.
+ There are a number of special cases if we're in command line mode. The
+ order of processing of the raw string goes like this:
+ <ul>
+ <li> A stand-alone `-' is forced to `stdin'.
+ <li> A stand-alone '--' is returned as a word; interpretation is up to
+ the client.
+ <li> A prefix of '-' or '--' is stripped from the string.
+ </ul>
+ If the result is the string `stdin', command processing shifts to
+ interactive mode and the user is immediately prompted for a new command.
+ Whatever results from the above sequence is returned to the user as the
+ return value of the function. An empty string indicates end of input.
+ \p prompt will be used only if it's necessary to prompt the user in
+ interactive mode.
+ */
+ std::string getCommand(int argc, const char *argv[],
+ const std::string prompt, std::string *pfx = 0) ;
+ /*! \relatesalso CoinParam
+ \brief Look up the command keyword (name) in the parameter vector.
+ Print help if requested.
+ In the most straightforward use, \p name is a string without `?', and the
+ value returned is the index in \p paramVec of the single parameter that
+ matched \p name. One or more '?' characters at the end of \p name is a
+ query for information. The routine prints short (one '?') or long (more
+ than one '?') help messages for a query. Help is also printed in the case
+ where the name is ambiguous (some of the matches did not meet the minimal
+ match length requirement).
+ Note that multiple matches meeting the minimal match requirement is a
+ configuration error. The mimimal match length for the parameters
+ involved is too short.
+ If provided as parameters, on return
+ <ul>
+ <li> \p matchCnt will be set to the number of matches meeting the
+ minimal match requirement
+ <li> \p shortCnt will be set to the number of matches that did not
+ meet the miminal match requirement
+ <li> \p queryCnt will be set to the number of '?' characters at the
+ end of the name
+ </ul>
+ The return values are:
+ <ul>
+ <li> >0: index in \p paramVec of the single unique match for \p name
+ <li> -1: a query was detected (one or more '?' characters at the end
+ of \p name
+ <li> -2: one or more short matches, not a query
+ <li> -3: no matches, not a query
+ <li> -4: multiple matches meeting the minimal match requirement
+ (configuration error)
+ </ul>
+ */
+ int lookupParam(std::string name, CoinParamVec &paramVec,
+ int *matchCnt = 0, int *shortCnt = 0, int *queryCnt = 0) ;
+ /*! \relatesalso CoinParam
+ \brief Utility to print a long message as filled lines of text
+ The routine makes a best effort to break lines without exceeding the
+ standard 80 character line length. Explicit newlines in \p msg will
+ be obeyed.
+ */
+ void printIt(const char *msg) ;
+ /*! \relatesalso CoinParam
+ \brief Utility routine to print help given a short match or explicit
+ request for help.
+ The two really are related, in that a query (a string that ends with
+ one or more `?' characters) will often result in a short match. The
+ routine expects that \p name matches a single parameter, and does not
+ look for multiple matches.
+ If called with \p matchNdx < 0, the routine will look up \p name in \p
+ paramVec and print the full name from the parameter. If called with \p
+ matchNdx > 0, it just prints the name from the specified parameter. If
+ the name is a query, short (one '?') or long (more than one '?') help
+ is printed.
+ */ void shortOrHelpOne(CoinParamVec &paramVec,int matchNdx, std::string
+ name, int numQuery) ;
+ /*! \relatesalso CoinParam
+ \brief Utility routine to print help given multiple matches.
+ If the name is not a query, or asks for short help (\e i.e., contains
+ zero or one '?' characters), the list of matching names is printed. If
+ the name asks for long help (contains two or more '?' characters),
+ short help is printed for each matching name.
+ */
+ void shortOrHelpMany(CoinParamVec &paramVec,
+ std::string name, int numQuery) ;
+ /*! \relatesalso CoinParam
+ \brief Print a generic `how to use the command interface' help message.
+ The message is hard coded to match the behaviour of the parsing utilities.
+ */
+ void printGenericHelp() ;
+ /*! \relatesalso CoinParam
+ \brief Utility routine to print help messages for one or more
+ parameters.
+ Intended as a utility to implement explicit `help' commands. Help will be
+ printed for all parameters in \p paramVec from \p firstParam to \p
+ lastParam, inclusive. If \p shortHelp is true, short help messages will
+ be printed. If \p longHelp is true, long help messages are printed. \p
+ shortHelp overrules \p longHelp. If neither is true, only command
+ keywords are printed. \p prefix is printed before each line; it's an
+ imperfect attempt at indentation.
+ */
+ void printHelp(CoinParamVec &paramVec, int firstParam, int lastParam,
+ std::string prefix,
+ bool shortHelp, bool longHelp, bool hidden) ;
+#endif /* CoinParam_H */