path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CoinIndexedVector.hpp
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authorGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
committerGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
commit938fef4a37a7b7c61b4b6ff74cb4cfd2f100c427 (patch)
treeb343c0ee5609433c80e0de1db8b6886c9126dc2d /thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CoinIndexedVector.hpp
parent5b72577efe080c5294b32d804e4d26351fef30bc (diff)
Added linux shared libraries and header files for int and ecos functions
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CoinIndexedVector.hpp')
1 files changed, 1164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CoinIndexedVector.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CoinIndexedVector.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c386c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CoinIndexedVector.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1164 @@
+/* $Id: CoinIndexedVector.hpp 1767 2015-01-05 12:36:13Z forrest $ */
+// Copyright (C) 2000, International Business Machines
+// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
+#ifndef CoinIndexedVector_H
+#define CoinIndexedVector_H
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+// Turn off compiler warning about long names
+# pragma warning(disable:4786)
+#include <map>
+#include "CoinFinite.hpp"
+#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
+#include "CoinPackedVectorBase.hpp"
+#include "CoinSort.hpp"
+#include "CoinHelperFunctions.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+#ifndef COIN_FLOAT
+/** Indexed Vector
+This stores values unpacked but apart from that is a bit like CoinPackedVector.
+It is designed to be lightweight in normal use.
+It now has a "packed" mode when it is even more like CoinPackedVector
+Indices array has capacity_ extra chars which are zeroed and can
+be used for any purpose - but must be re-zeroed
+Stores vector of indices and associated element values.
+Supports sorting of indices.
+Does not support negative indices.
+Does NOT support testing for duplicates
+*** getElements is no longer supported
+Here is a sample usage:
+ const int ne = 4;
+ int inx[ne] = { 1, 4, 0, 2 }
+ double el[ne] = { 10., 40., 1., 50. }
+ // Create vector and set its valuex1
+ CoinIndexedVector r(ne,inx,el);
+ // access as a full storage vector
+ assert( r[ 0]==1. );
+ assert( r[ 1]==10.);
+ assert( r[ 2]==50.);
+ assert( r[ 3]==0. );
+ assert( r[ 4]==40.);
+ // sort Elements in increasing order
+ r.sortIncrElement();
+ // access each index and element
+ assert( r.getIndices ()[0]== 0 );
+ assert( r.getIndices ()[1]== 1 );
+ assert( r.getIndices ()[2]== 4 );
+ assert( r.getIndices ()[3]== 2 );
+ // access as a full storage vector
+ assert( r[ 0]==1. );
+ assert( r[ 1]==10.);
+ assert( r[ 2]==50.);
+ assert( r[ 3]==0. );
+ assert( r[ 4]==40.);
+ // Tests for equality and equivalence
+ CoinIndexedVector r1;
+ r1=r;
+ assert( r==r1 );
+ assert( r.equivalent(r1) );
+ r.sortIncrElement();
+ assert( r!=r1 );
+ assert( r.equivalent(r1) );
+ // Add indexed vectors.
+ // Similarly for subtraction, multiplication,
+ // and division.
+ CoinIndexedVector add = r + r1;
+ assert( add[0] == 1.+ 1. );
+ assert( add[1] == 10.+10. );
+ assert( add[2] == 50.+50. );
+ assert( add[3] == 0.+ 0. );
+ assert( add[4] == 40.+40. );
+ assert( r.sum() == 10.+40.+1.+50. );
+class CoinIndexedVector {
+ friend void CoinIndexedVectorUnitTest();
+ /**@name Get methods. */
+ //@{
+ /// Get the size
+ inline int getNumElements() const { return nElements_; }
+ /// Get indices of elements
+ inline const int * getIndices() const { return indices_; }
+ /// Get element values
+ // ** No longer supported virtual const double * getElements() const ;
+ /// Get indices of elements
+ inline int * getIndices() { return indices_; }
+ /** Get the vector as a dense vector. This is normal storage method.
+ The user should not not delete [] this.
+ */
+ inline double * denseVector() const { return elements_; }
+ /// For very temporary use when user needs to borrow a dense vector
+ inline void setDenseVector(double * array)
+ { elements_ = array;}
+ /// For very temporary use when user needs to borrow an index vector
+ inline void setIndexVector(int * array)
+ { indices_ = array;}
+ /** Access the i'th element of the full storage vector.
+ */
+ double & operator[](int i) const;
+ //@}
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Set indices and elements
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**@name Set methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Set the size
+ inline void setNumElements(int value) { nElements_ = value;
+ if (!nElements_) packedMode_=false;}
+ /// Reset the vector (as if were just created an empty vector). This leaves arrays!
+ void clear();
+ /// Reset the vector (as if were just created an empty vector)
+ void empty();
+ /** Assignment operator. */
+ CoinIndexedVector & operator=(const CoinIndexedVector &);
+#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
+ /** Assignment operator from a CoinPackedVectorBase. <br>
+ <strong>NOTE</strong>: This assumes no duplicates */
+ CoinIndexedVector & operator=(const CoinPackedVectorBase & rhs);
+ /** Copy the contents of one vector into another. If multiplier is 1
+ It is the equivalent of = but if vectors are same size does
+ not re-allocate memory just clears and copies */
+ void copy(const CoinIndexedVector & rhs, double multiplier=1.0);
+ /** Borrow ownership of the arguments to this vector.
+ Size is the length of the unpacked elements vector. */
+ void borrowVector(int size, int numberIndices, int* inds, double* elems);
+ /** Return ownership of the arguments to this vector.
+ State after is empty .
+ */
+ void returnVector();
+ /** Set vector numberIndices, indices, and elements.
+ NumberIndices is the length of both the indices and elements vectors.
+ The indices and elements vectors are copied into this class instance's
+ member data. Assumed to have no duplicates */
+ void setVector(int numberIndices, const int * inds, const double * elems);
+ /** Set vector size, indices, and elements.
+ Size is the length of the unpacked elements vector.
+ The indices and elements vectors are copied into this class instance's
+ member data. We do not check for duplicate indices */
+ void setVector(int size, int numberIndices, const int * inds, const double * elems);
+ /** Elements set to have the same scalar value */
+ void setConstant(int size, const int * inds, double elems);
+ /** Indices are not specified and are taken to be 0,1,...,size-1 */
+ void setFull(int size, const double * elems);
+ /** Set an existing element in the indexed vector
+ The first argument is the "index" into the elements() array
+ */
+ void setElement(int index, double element);
+ /// Insert an element into the vector
+ void insert(int index, double element);
+ /// Insert a nonzero element into the vector
+ inline void quickInsert(int index, double element)
+ {
+ assert (!elements_[index]);
+ indices_[nElements_++] = index;
+ assert (nElements_<=capacity_);
+ elements_[index] = element;
+ }
+ /** Insert or if exists add an element into the vector
+ Any resulting zero elements will be made tiny */
+ void add(int index, double element);
+ /** Insert or if exists add an element into the vector
+ Any resulting zero elements will be made tiny.
+ This version does no checking */
+ inline void quickAdd(int index, double element)
+ {
+ if (elements_[index]) {
+ element += elements_[index];
+ if ((element > 0 ? element : -element) >= COIN_INDEXED_TINY_ELEMENT) {
+ elements_[index] = element;
+ } else {
+ elements_[index] = 1.0e-100;
+ }
+ } else if ((element > 0 ? element : -element) >= COIN_INDEXED_TINY_ELEMENT) {
+ indices_[nElements_++] = index;
+ assert (nElements_<=capacity_);
+ elements_[index] = element;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Insert or if exists add an element into the vector
+ Any resulting zero elements will be made tiny.
+ This knows element is nonzero
+ This version does no checking */
+ inline void quickAddNonZero(int index, double element)
+ {
+ assert (element);
+ if (elements_[index]) {
+ element += elements_[index];
+ if ((element > 0 ? element : -element) >= COIN_INDEXED_TINY_ELEMENT) {
+ elements_[index] = element;
+ } else {
+ elements_[index] = COIN_DBL_MIN;
+ }
+ } else {
+ indices_[nElements_++] = index;
+ assert (nElements_<=capacity_);
+ elements_[index] = element;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Makes nonzero tiny.
+ This version does no checking */
+ inline void zero(int index)
+ {
+ if (elements_[index])
+ elements_[index] = COIN_DBL_MIN;
+ }
+ /** set all small values to zero and return number remaining
+ - < tolerance => 0.0 */
+ int clean(double tolerance);
+ /// Same but packs down
+ int cleanAndPack(double tolerance);
+ /// Same but packs down and is safe (i.e. if order is odd)
+ int cleanAndPackSafe(double tolerance);
+ /// Mark as packed
+ inline void setPacked()
+ { packedMode_ = true;}
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /// For debug check vector is clear i.e. no elements
+ void checkClear();
+ /// For debug check vector is clean i.e. elements match indices
+ void checkClean();
+ inline void checkClear() {};
+ inline void checkClean() {};
+ /// Scan dense region and set up indices (returns number found)
+ int scan();
+ /** Scan dense region from start to < end and set up indices
+ returns number found
+ */
+ int scan(int start, int end);
+ /** Scan dense region and set up indices (returns number found).
+ Only ones >= tolerance */
+ int scan(double tolerance);
+ /** Scan dense region from start to < end and set up indices
+ returns number found. Only >= tolerance
+ */
+ int scan(int start, int end, double tolerance);
+ /// These are same but pack down
+ int scanAndPack();
+ int scanAndPack(int start, int end);
+ int scanAndPack(double tolerance);
+ int scanAndPack(int start, int end, double tolerance);
+ /// Create packed array
+ void createPacked(int number, const int * indices,
+ const double * elements);
+ /// Create unpacked array
+ void createUnpacked(int number, const int * indices,
+ const double * elements);
+ /// Create unpacked singleton
+ void createOneUnpackedElement(int index, double element);
+ /// This is mainly for testing - goes from packed to indexed
+ void expand();
+#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
+ /// Append a CoinPackedVector to the end
+ void append(const CoinPackedVectorBase & caboose);
+ /// Append a CoinIndexedVector to the end (with extra space)
+ void append(const CoinIndexedVector & caboose);
+ /// Append a CoinIndexedVector to the end and modify indices
+ void append(CoinIndexedVector & other,int adjustIndex,bool zapElements=false);
+ /// Swap values in positions i and j of indices and elements
+ void swap(int i, int j);
+ /// Throw away all entries in rows >= newSize
+ void truncate(int newSize);
+ /// Print out
+ void print() const;
+ //@}
+ /**@name Arithmetic operators. */
+ //@{
+ /// add <code>value</code> to every entry
+ void operator+=(double value);
+ /// subtract <code>value</code> from every entry
+ void operator-=(double value);
+ /// multiply every entry by <code>value</code>
+ void operator*=(double value);
+ /// divide every entry by <code>value</code> (** 0 vanishes)
+ void operator/=(double value);
+ //@}
+ /**@name Comparison operators on two indexed vectors */
+ //@{
+#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
+ /** Equal. Returns true if vectors have same length and corresponding
+ element of each vector is equal. */
+ bool operator==(const CoinPackedVectorBase & rhs) const;
+ /// Not equal
+ bool operator!=(const CoinPackedVectorBase & rhs) const;
+ /** Equal. Returns true if vectors have same length and corresponding
+ element of each vector is equal. */
+ bool operator==(const CoinIndexedVector & rhs) const;
+ /// Not equal
+ bool operator!=(const CoinIndexedVector & rhs) const;
+ /// Equal with a tolerance (returns -1 or position of inequality).
+ int isApproximatelyEqual(const CoinIndexedVector & rhs, double tolerance=1.0e-8) const;
+ //@}
+ /**@name Index methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Get value of maximum index
+ int getMaxIndex() const;
+ /// Get value of minimum index
+ int getMinIndex() const;
+ //@}
+ /**@name Sorting */
+ //@{
+ /** Sort the indexed storage vector (increasing indices). */
+ void sort()
+ { std::sort(indices_,indices_+nElements_); }
+ void sortIncrIndex()
+ { std::sort(indices_,indices_+nElements_); }
+ void sortDecrIndex();
+ void sortIncrElement();
+ void sortDecrElement();
+ void sortPacked();
+ //@}
+ //#############################################################################
+ /**@name Arithmetic operators on packed vectors.
+ <strong>NOTE</strong>: These methods operate on those positions where at
+ least one of the arguments has a value listed. At those positions the
+ appropriate operation is executed, Otherwise the result of the operation is
+ considered 0.<br>
+ <strong>NOTE 2</strong>: Because these methods return an object (they can't
+ return a reference, though they could return a pointer...) they are
+ <em>very</em> inefficient...
+ */
+/// Return the sum of two indexed vectors
+CoinIndexedVector operator+(
+ const CoinIndexedVector& op2);
+/// Return the difference of two indexed vectors
+CoinIndexedVector operator-(
+ const CoinIndexedVector& op2);
+/// Return the element-wise product of two indexed vectors
+CoinIndexedVector operator*(
+ const CoinIndexedVector& op2);
+/// Return the element-wise ratio of two indexed vectors (0.0/0.0 => 0.0) (0 vanishes)
+CoinIndexedVector operator/(
+ const CoinIndexedVector& op2);
+/// The sum of two indexed vectors
+void operator+=(const CoinIndexedVector& op2);
+/// The difference of two indexed vectors
+void operator-=( const CoinIndexedVector& op2);
+/// The element-wise product of two indexed vectors
+void operator*=(const CoinIndexedVector& op2);
+/// The element-wise ratio of two indexed vectors (0.0/0.0 => 0.0) (0 vanishes)
+void operator/=(const CoinIndexedVector& op2);
+ /**@name Memory usage */
+ //@{
+ /** Reserve space.
+ If one knows the eventual size of the indexed vector,
+ then it may be more efficient to reserve the space.
+ */
+ void reserve(int n);
+ /** capacity returns the size which could be accomodated without
+ having to reallocate storage.
+ */
+ inline int capacity() const { return capacity_; }
+ inline void setCapacity(int value)
+ { capacity_ = value; }
+ /// Sets packed mode
+ inline void setPackedMode(bool yesNo)
+ { packedMode_=yesNo;}
+ /// Gets packed mode
+ inline bool packedMode() const
+ { return packedMode_;}
+ //@}
+ /**@name Constructors and destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor */
+ CoinIndexedVector();
+ /** Alternate Constructors - set elements to vector of doubles */
+ CoinIndexedVector(int size, const int * inds, const double * elems);
+ /** Alternate Constructors - set elements to same scalar value */
+ CoinIndexedVector(int size, const int * inds, double element);
+ /** Alternate Constructors - construct full storage with indices 0 through
+ size-1. */
+ CoinIndexedVector(int size, const double * elements);
+ /** Alternate Constructors - just size */
+ CoinIndexedVector(int size);
+ /** Copy constructor. */
+ CoinIndexedVector(const CoinIndexedVector &);
+ /** Copy constructor.2 */
+ CoinIndexedVector(const CoinIndexedVector *);
+#ifndef CLP_NO_VECTOR
+ /** Copy constructor <em>from a PackedVectorBase</em>. */
+ CoinIndexedVector(const CoinPackedVectorBase & rhs);
+ /** Destructor */
+ ~CoinIndexedVector ();
+ //@}
+ /**@name Private methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Copy internal data
+ void gutsOfSetVector(int size,
+ const int * inds, const double * elems);
+ void gutsOfSetVector(int size, int numberIndices,
+ const int * inds, const double * elems);
+ void gutsOfSetPackedVector(int size, int numberIndices,
+ const int * inds, const double * elems);
+ ///
+ void gutsOfSetConstant(int size,
+ const int * inds, double value);
+ //@}
+ /**@name Private member data */
+ //@{
+ /// Vector indices
+ int * indices_;
+ ///Vector elements
+ double * elements_;
+ /// Size of indices and packed elements vectors
+ int nElements_;
+ /// Amount of memory allocated for indices_, and elements_.
+ int capacity_;
+ /// Offset to get where new allocated array
+ int offset_;
+ /// If true then is operating in packed mode
+ bool packedMode_;
+ //@}
+/** A function that tests the methods in the CoinIndexedVector class. The
+ only reason for it not to be a member method is that this way it doesn't
+ have to be compiled into the library. And that's a gain, because the
+ library should be compiled with optimization on, but this method should be
+ compiled with debugging. */
+/** Pointer with length in bytes
+ This has a pointer to an array and the number of bytes in array.
+ If number of bytes==-1 then
+ CoinConditionalNew deletes existing pointer and returns new pointer
+ of correct size (and number bytes still -1).
+ CoinConditionalDelete deletes existing pointer and NULLs it.
+ So behavior is as normal (apart from New deleting pointer which will have
+ no effect with good coding practices.
+ If number of bytes >=0 then
+ CoinConditionalNew just returns existing pointer if array big enough
+ otherwise deletes existing pointer, allocates array with spare 1%+64 bytes
+ and updates number of bytes
+ CoinConditionalDelete sets number of bytes = -size-2 and then array
+ returns NULL
+class CoinArrayWithLength {
+ /**@name Get methods. */
+ //@{
+ /// Get the size
+ inline int getSize() const
+ { return size_; }
+ /// Get the size
+ inline int rawSize() const
+ { return size_; }
+ /// See if persistence already on
+ inline bool switchedOn() const
+ { return size_!=-1; }
+ /// Get the capacity (just read it)
+ inline int capacity() const
+ { return (size_>-2) ? size_ : (-size_)-2; }
+ /// Set the capacity to >=0 if <=-2
+ inline void setCapacity()
+ { if (size_<=-2) size_ = (-size_)-2; }
+ /// Get Array
+ inline const char * array() const
+ { return (size_>-2) ? array_ : NULL; }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Set methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Set the size
+ inline void setSize(int value)
+ { size_ = value; }
+ /// Set the size to -1
+ inline void switchOff()
+ { size_ = -1; }
+ /// Set the size to -2 and alignment
+ inline void switchOn(int alignment=3)
+ { size_ = -2; alignment_=alignment;}
+ /// Does what is needed to set persistence
+ void setPersistence(int flag,int currentLength);
+ /// Zero out array
+ void clear();
+ /// Swaps memory between two members
+ void swap(CoinArrayWithLength & other);
+ /// Extend a persistent array keeping data (size in bytes)
+ void extend(int newSize);
+ //@}
+ /**@name Condition methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Conditionally gets new array
+ char * conditionalNew(long sizeWanted);
+ /// Conditionally deletes
+ void conditionalDelete();
+ //@}
+ /**@name Constructors and destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor - NULL*/
+ inline CoinArrayWithLength()
+ : array_(NULL),size_(-1),offset_(0),alignment_(0)
+ { }
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes - size_ -1 */
+ inline CoinArrayWithLength(int size)
+ : size_(-1),offset_(0),alignment_(0)
+ { array_=new char [size];}
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes
+ mode - 0 size_ set to size
+ mode>0 size_ set to size and zeroed
+ if size<=0 just does alignment
+ If abs(mode) >2 then align on that as power of 2
+ */
+ CoinArrayWithLength(int size, int mode);
+ /** Copy constructor. */
+ CoinArrayWithLength(const CoinArrayWithLength & rhs);
+ /** Copy constructor.2 */
+ CoinArrayWithLength(const CoinArrayWithLength * rhs);
+ /** Assignment operator. */
+ CoinArrayWithLength& operator=(const CoinArrayWithLength & rhs);
+ /** Assignment with length (if -1 use internal length) */
+ void copy(const CoinArrayWithLength & rhs, int numberBytes=-1);
+ /** Assignment with length - does not copy */
+ void allocate(const CoinArrayWithLength & rhs, int numberBytes);
+ /** Destructor */
+ ~CoinArrayWithLength ();
+ /// Get array with alignment
+ void getArray(int size);
+ /// Really get rid of array with alignment
+ void reallyFreeArray();
+ /// Get enough space (if more needed then do at least needed)
+ void getCapacity(int numberBytes,int numberIfNeeded=-1);
+ //@}
+ /**@name Private member data */
+ //@{
+ /// Array
+ char * array_;
+ /// Size of array in bytes
+ CoinBigIndex size_;
+ /// Offset of array
+ int offset_;
+ /// Alignment wanted (power of 2)
+ int alignment_;
+ //@}
+/// double * version
+class CoinDoubleArrayWithLength : public CoinArrayWithLength {
+ /**@name Get methods. */
+ //@{
+ /// Get the size
+ inline int getSize() const
+ { return size_/CoinSizeofAsInt(double); }
+ /// Get Array
+ inline double * array() const
+ { return reinterpret_cast<double *> ((size_>-2) ? array_ : NULL); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Set methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Set the size
+ inline void setSize(int value)
+ { size_ = value*CoinSizeofAsInt(double); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Condition methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Conditionally gets new array
+ inline double * conditionalNew(int sizeWanted)
+ { return reinterpret_cast<double *> ( CoinArrayWithLength::conditionalNew(sizeWanted>=0 ? static_cast<long> ((sizeWanted)*CoinSizeofAsInt(double)) : -1)); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Constructors and destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor - NULL*/
+ inline CoinDoubleArrayWithLength()
+ { array_=NULL; size_=-1;}
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes - size_ -1 */
+ inline CoinDoubleArrayWithLength(int size)
+ { array_=new char [size*CoinSizeofAsInt(double)]; size_=-1;}
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes
+ mode - 0 size_ set to size
+ 1 size_ set to size and zeroed
+ */
+ inline CoinDoubleArrayWithLength(int size, int mode)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(size*CoinSizeofAsInt(double),mode) {}
+ /** Copy constructor. */
+ inline CoinDoubleArrayWithLength(const CoinDoubleArrayWithLength & rhs)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(rhs) {}
+ /** Copy constructor.2 */
+ inline CoinDoubleArrayWithLength(const CoinDoubleArrayWithLength * rhs)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(rhs) {}
+ /** Assignment operator. */
+ inline CoinDoubleArrayWithLength& operator=(const CoinDoubleArrayWithLength & rhs)
+ { CoinArrayWithLength::operator=(rhs); return *this;}
+ //@}
+/// CoinFactorizationDouble * version
+class CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength : public CoinArrayWithLength {
+ /**@name Get methods. */
+ //@{
+ /// Get the size
+ inline int getSize() const
+ { return size_/CoinSizeofAsInt(CoinFactorizationDouble); }
+ /// Get Array
+ inline CoinFactorizationDouble * array() const
+ { return reinterpret_cast<CoinFactorizationDouble *> ((size_>-2) ? array_ : NULL); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Set methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Set the size
+ inline void setSize(int value)
+ { size_ = value*CoinSizeofAsInt(CoinFactorizationDouble); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Condition methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Conditionally gets new array
+ inline CoinFactorizationDouble * conditionalNew(int sizeWanted)
+ { return reinterpret_cast<CoinFactorizationDouble *> (CoinArrayWithLength::conditionalNew(sizeWanted>=0 ? static_cast<long> (( sizeWanted)*CoinSizeofAsInt(CoinFactorizationDouble)) : -1)); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Constructors and destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor - NULL*/
+ inline CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength()
+ { array_=NULL; size_=-1;}
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes - size_ -1 */
+ inline CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength(int size)
+ { array_=new char [size*CoinSizeofAsInt(CoinFactorizationDouble)]; size_=-1;}
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes
+ mode - 0 size_ set to size
+ 1 size_ set to size and zeroed
+ */
+ inline CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength(int size, int mode)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(size*CoinSizeofAsInt(CoinFactorizationDouble),mode) {}
+ /** Copy constructor. */
+ inline CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength(const CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength & rhs)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(rhs) {}
+ /** Copy constructor.2 */
+ inline CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength(const CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength * rhs)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(rhs) {}
+ /** Assignment operator. */
+ inline CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength& operator=(const CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength & rhs)
+ { CoinArrayWithLength::operator=(rhs); return *this;}
+ //@}
+/// CoinFactorizationLongDouble * version
+class CoinFactorizationLongDoubleArrayWithLength : public CoinArrayWithLength {
+ /**@name Get methods. */
+ //@{
+ /// Get the size
+ inline int getSize() const
+ { return size_/CoinSizeofAsInt(long double); }
+ /// Get Array
+ inline long double * array() const
+ { return reinterpret_cast<long double *> ((size_>-2) ? array_ : NULL); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Set methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Set the size
+ inline void setSize(int value)
+ { size_ = value*CoinSizeofAsInt(long double); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Condition methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Conditionally gets new array
+ inline long double * conditionalNew(int sizeWanted)
+ { return reinterpret_cast<long double *> (CoinArrayWithLength::conditionalNew(sizeWanted>=0 ? static_cast<long> (( sizeWanted)*CoinSizeofAsInt(long double)) : -1)); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Constructors and destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor - NULL*/
+ inline CoinFactorizationLongDoubleArrayWithLength()
+ { array_=NULL; size_=-1;}
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes - size_ -1 */
+ inline CoinFactorizationLongDoubleArrayWithLength(int size)
+ { array_=new char [size*CoinSizeofAsInt(long double)]; size_=-1;}
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes
+ mode - 0 size_ set to size
+ 1 size_ set to size and zeroed
+ */
+ inline CoinFactorizationLongDoubleArrayWithLength(int size, int mode)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(size*CoinSizeofAsInt(long double),mode) {}
+ /** Copy constructor. */
+ inline CoinFactorizationLongDoubleArrayWithLength(const CoinFactorizationLongDoubleArrayWithLength & rhs)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(rhs) {}
+ /** Copy constructor.2 */
+ inline CoinFactorizationLongDoubleArrayWithLength(const CoinFactorizationLongDoubleArrayWithLength * rhs)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(rhs) {}
+ /** Assignment operator. */
+ inline CoinFactorizationLongDoubleArrayWithLength& operator=(const CoinFactorizationLongDoubleArrayWithLength & rhs)
+ { CoinArrayWithLength::operator=(rhs); return *this;}
+ //@}
+/// int * version
+class CoinIntArrayWithLength : public CoinArrayWithLength {
+ /**@name Get methods. */
+ //@{
+ /// Get the size
+ inline int getSize() const
+ { return size_/CoinSizeofAsInt(int); }
+ /// Get Array
+ inline int * array() const
+ { return reinterpret_cast<int *> ((size_>-2) ? array_ : NULL); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Set methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Set the size
+ inline void setSize(int value)
+ { size_ = value*CoinSizeofAsInt(int); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Condition methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Conditionally gets new array
+ inline int * conditionalNew(int sizeWanted)
+ { return reinterpret_cast<int *> (CoinArrayWithLength::conditionalNew(sizeWanted>=0 ? static_cast<long> (( sizeWanted)*CoinSizeofAsInt(int)) : -1)); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Constructors and destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor - NULL*/
+ inline CoinIntArrayWithLength()
+ { array_=NULL; size_=-1;}
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes - size_ -1 */
+ inline CoinIntArrayWithLength(int size)
+ { array_=new char [size*CoinSizeofAsInt(int)]; size_=-1;}
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes
+ mode - 0 size_ set to size
+ 1 size_ set to size and zeroed
+ */
+ inline CoinIntArrayWithLength(int size, int mode)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(size*CoinSizeofAsInt(int),mode) {}
+ /** Copy constructor. */
+ inline CoinIntArrayWithLength(const CoinIntArrayWithLength & rhs)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(rhs) {}
+ /** Copy constructor.2 */
+ inline CoinIntArrayWithLength(const CoinIntArrayWithLength * rhs)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(rhs) {}
+ /** Assignment operator. */
+ inline CoinIntArrayWithLength& operator=(const CoinIntArrayWithLength & rhs)
+ { CoinArrayWithLength::operator=(rhs); return *this;}
+ //@}
+/// CoinBigIndex * version
+class CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength : public CoinArrayWithLength {
+ /**@name Get methods. */
+ //@{
+ /// Get the size
+ inline int getSize() const
+ { return size_/CoinSizeofAsInt(CoinBigIndex); }
+ /// Get Array
+ inline CoinBigIndex * array() const
+ { return reinterpret_cast<CoinBigIndex *> ((size_>-2) ? array_ : NULL); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Set methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Set the size
+ inline void setSize(int value)
+ { size_ = value*CoinSizeofAsInt(CoinBigIndex); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Condition methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Conditionally gets new array
+ inline CoinBigIndex * conditionalNew(int sizeWanted)
+ { return reinterpret_cast<CoinBigIndex *> (CoinArrayWithLength::conditionalNew(sizeWanted>=0 ? static_cast<long> (( sizeWanted)*CoinSizeofAsInt(CoinBigIndex)) : -1)); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Constructors and destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor - NULL*/
+ inline CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength()
+ { array_=NULL; size_=-1;}
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes - size_ -1 */
+ inline CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength(int size)
+ { array_=new char [size*CoinSizeofAsInt(CoinBigIndex)]; size_=-1;}
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes
+ mode - 0 size_ set to size
+ 1 size_ set to size and zeroed
+ */
+ inline CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength(int size, int mode)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(size*CoinSizeofAsInt(CoinBigIndex),mode) {}
+ /** Copy constructor. */
+ inline CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength(const CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength & rhs)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(rhs) {}
+ /** Copy constructor.2 */
+ inline CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength(const CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength * rhs)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(rhs) {}
+ /** Assignment operator. */
+ inline CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength& operator=(const CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength & rhs)
+ { CoinArrayWithLength::operator=(rhs); return *this;}
+ //@}
+/// unsigned int * version
+class CoinUnsignedIntArrayWithLength : public CoinArrayWithLength {
+ /**@name Get methods. */
+ //@{
+ /// Get the size
+ inline int getSize() const
+ { return size_/CoinSizeofAsInt(unsigned int); }
+ /// Get Array
+ inline unsigned int * array() const
+ { return reinterpret_cast<unsigned int *> ((size_>-2) ? array_ : NULL); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Set methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Set the size
+ inline void setSize(int value)
+ { size_ = value*CoinSizeofAsInt(unsigned int); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Condition methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Conditionally gets new array
+ inline unsigned int * conditionalNew(int sizeWanted)
+ { return reinterpret_cast<unsigned int *> (CoinArrayWithLength::conditionalNew(sizeWanted>=0 ? static_cast<long> (( sizeWanted)*CoinSizeofAsInt(unsigned int)) : -1)); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Constructors and destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor - NULL*/
+ inline CoinUnsignedIntArrayWithLength()
+ { array_=NULL; size_=-1;}
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes - size_ -1 */
+ inline CoinUnsignedIntArrayWithLength(int size)
+ { array_=new char [size*CoinSizeofAsInt(unsigned int)]; size_=-1;}
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes
+ mode - 0 size_ set to size
+ 1 size_ set to size and zeroed
+ */
+ inline CoinUnsignedIntArrayWithLength(int size, int mode)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(size*CoinSizeofAsInt(unsigned int),mode) {}
+ /** Copy constructor. */
+ inline CoinUnsignedIntArrayWithLength(const CoinUnsignedIntArrayWithLength & rhs)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(rhs) {}
+ /** Copy constructor.2 */
+ inline CoinUnsignedIntArrayWithLength(const CoinUnsignedIntArrayWithLength * rhs)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(rhs) {}
+ /** Assignment operator. */
+ inline CoinUnsignedIntArrayWithLength& operator=(const CoinUnsignedIntArrayWithLength & rhs)
+ { CoinArrayWithLength::operator=(rhs); return *this;}
+ //@}
+/// void * version
+class CoinVoidStarArrayWithLength : public CoinArrayWithLength {
+ /**@name Get methods. */
+ //@{
+ /// Get the size
+ inline int getSize() const
+ { return size_/CoinSizeofAsInt(void *); }
+ /// Get Array
+ inline void ** array() const
+ { return reinterpret_cast<void **> ((size_>-2) ? array_ : NULL); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Set methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Set the size
+ inline void setSize(int value)
+ { size_ = value*CoinSizeofAsInt(void *); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Condition methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Conditionally gets new array
+ inline void ** conditionalNew(int sizeWanted)
+ { return reinterpret_cast<void **> ( CoinArrayWithLength::conditionalNew(sizeWanted>=0 ? static_cast<long> ((sizeWanted)*CoinSizeofAsInt(void *)) : -1)); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Constructors and destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor - NULL*/
+ inline CoinVoidStarArrayWithLength()
+ { array_=NULL; size_=-1;}
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes - size_ -1 */
+ inline CoinVoidStarArrayWithLength(int size)
+ { array_=new char [size*CoinSizeofAsInt(void *)]; size_=-1;}
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes
+ mode - 0 size_ set to size
+ 1 size_ set to size and zeroed
+ */
+ inline CoinVoidStarArrayWithLength(int size, int mode)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(size*CoinSizeofAsInt(void *),mode) {}
+ /** Copy constructor. */
+ inline CoinVoidStarArrayWithLength(const CoinVoidStarArrayWithLength & rhs)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(rhs) {}
+ /** Copy constructor.2 */
+ inline CoinVoidStarArrayWithLength(const CoinVoidStarArrayWithLength * rhs)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(rhs) {}
+ /** Assignment operator. */
+ inline CoinVoidStarArrayWithLength& operator=(const CoinVoidStarArrayWithLength & rhs)
+ { CoinArrayWithLength::operator=(rhs); return *this;}
+ //@}
+/// arbitrary version
+class CoinArbitraryArrayWithLength : public CoinArrayWithLength {
+ /**@name Get methods. */
+ //@{
+ /// Get the size
+ inline int getSize() const
+ { return size_/lengthInBytes_; }
+ /// Get Array
+ inline void ** array() const
+ { return reinterpret_cast<void **> ((size_>-2) ? array_ : NULL); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Set methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Set the size
+ inline void setSize(int value)
+ { size_ = value*lengthInBytes_; }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Condition methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Conditionally gets new array
+ inline char * conditionalNew(int length, int sizeWanted)
+ { lengthInBytes_=length;return reinterpret_cast<char *> ( CoinArrayWithLength::conditionalNew(sizeWanted>=0 ? static_cast<long>
+ ((sizeWanted)*lengthInBytes_) : -1)); }
+ //@}
+ /**@name Constructors and destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor - NULL*/
+ inline CoinArbitraryArrayWithLength(int length=1)
+ { array_=NULL; size_=-1;lengthInBytes_=length;}
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes - size_ -1 */
+ inline CoinArbitraryArrayWithLength(int length, int size)
+ { array_=new char [size*length]; size_=-1; lengthInBytes_=length;}
+ /** Alternate Constructor - length in bytes
+ mode - 0 size_ set to size
+ 1 size_ set to size and zeroed
+ */
+ inline CoinArbitraryArrayWithLength(int length, int size, int mode)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(size*length,mode) {lengthInBytes_=length;}
+ /** Copy constructor. */
+ inline CoinArbitraryArrayWithLength(const CoinArbitraryArrayWithLength & rhs)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(rhs) {}
+ /** Copy constructor.2 */
+ inline CoinArbitraryArrayWithLength(const CoinArbitraryArrayWithLength * rhs)
+ : CoinArrayWithLength(rhs) {}
+ /** Assignment operator. */
+ inline CoinArbitraryArrayWithLength& operator=(const CoinArbitraryArrayWithLength & rhs)
+ { CoinArrayWithLength::operator=(rhs); return *this;}
+ //@}
+ /**@name Private member data */
+ //@{
+ /// Length in bytes
+ int lengthInBytes_;
+ //@}
+class CoinPartitionedVector : public CoinIndexedVector {
+ /**@name Get methods. */
+ //@{
+ /// Get the size of a partition
+ inline int getNumElements(int partition) const { assert (partition<COIN_PARTITIONS);
+ return numberElementsPartition_[partition]; }
+ /// Get number of partitions
+ inline int getNumPartitions() const
+ { return numberPartitions_; }
+ /// Get the size
+ inline int getNumElements() const { return nElements_; }
+ /// Get starts
+ inline int startPartition(int partition) const { assert (partition<=COIN_PARTITIONS);
+ return startPartition_[partition]; }
+ /// Get starts
+ inline const int * startPartitions() const
+ { return startPartition_; }
+ //@}
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Set indices and elements
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**@name Set methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Set the size of a partition
+ inline void setNumElementsPartition(int partition, int value) { assert (partition<COIN_PARTITIONS);
+ if (numberPartitions_) numberElementsPartition_[partition]=value; }
+ /// Set the size of a partition (just for a tiny while)
+ inline void setTempNumElementsPartition(int partition, int value) { assert (partition<COIN_PARTITIONS);
+ numberElementsPartition_[partition]=value; }
+ /// Add up number of elements in partitions
+ void computeNumberElements();
+ /// Add up number of elements in partitions and pack and get rid of partitions
+ void compact();
+ /** Reserve space.
+ */
+ void reserve(int n);
+ /// Setup partitions (needs end as well)
+ void setPartitions(int number,const int * starts);
+ /// Reset the vector (as if were just created an empty vector). Gets rid of partitions
+ void clearAndReset();
+ /// Reset the vector (as if were just created an empty vector). Keeps partitions
+ void clearAndKeep();
+ /// Clear a partition.
+ void clearPartition(int partition);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /// For debug check vector is clear i.e. no elements
+ void checkClear();
+ /// For debug check vector is clean i.e. elements match indices
+ void checkClean();
+ inline void checkClear() {};
+ inline void checkClean() {};
+ /// Scan dense region and set up indices (returns number found)
+ int scan(int partition, double tolerance=0.0);
+ /** Scan dense region from start to < end and set up indices
+ returns number found
+ */
+ /// Print out
+ void print() const;
+ //@}
+ /**@name Sorting */
+ //@{
+ /** Sort the indexed storage vector (increasing indices). */
+ void sort();
+ //@}
+ /**@name Constructors and destructors (not all wriiten) */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor */
+ CoinPartitionedVector();
+ /** Alternate Constructors - set elements to vector of doubles */
+ CoinPartitionedVector(int size, const int * inds, const double * elems);
+ /** Alternate Constructors - set elements to same scalar value */
+ CoinPartitionedVector(int size, const int * inds, double element);
+ /** Alternate Constructors - construct full storage with indices 0 through
+ size-1. */
+ CoinPartitionedVector(int size, const double * elements);
+ /** Alternate Constructors - just size */
+ CoinPartitionedVector(int size);
+ /** Copy constructor. */
+ CoinPartitionedVector(const CoinPartitionedVector &);
+ /** Copy constructor.2 */
+ CoinPartitionedVector(const CoinPartitionedVector *);
+ /** Assignment operator. */
+ CoinPartitionedVector & operator=(const CoinPartitionedVector &);
+ /** Destructor */
+ ~CoinPartitionedVector ();
+ //@}
+ /**@name Private member data */
+ //@{
+ /// Starts
+ int startPartition_[COIN_PARTITIONS+1];
+ /// Size of indices in a partition
+ int numberElementsPartition_[COIN_PARTITIONS];
+ /// Number of partitions (0 means off)
+ int numberPartitions_;
+ //@}