path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglClique.hpp
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authorGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
committerGeorgey2017-07-05 11:40:43 +0530
commit938fef4a37a7b7c61b4b6ff74cb4cfd2f100c427 (patch)
treeb343c0ee5609433c80e0de1db8b6886c9126dc2d /thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglClique.hpp
parent5b72577efe080c5294b32d804e4d26351fef30bc (diff)
Added linux shared libraries and header files for int and ecos functions
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglClique.hpp')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglClique.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglClique.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b47b40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin1/CglClique.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+// $Id: CglClique.hpp 1119 2013-04-06 20:24:18Z stefan $
+// Copyright (C) 2000, International Business Machines
+// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
+#ifndef _CglClique_h_
+#define _CglClique_h_
+#include "CglCutGenerator.hpp"
+//class OsiCuts;
+//class OsiSolverInterface;
+class CglClique : public CglCutGenerator {
+ friend void CglCliqueUnitTest(const OsiSolverInterface * siP,
+ const std::string mpdDir );
+ /// Copy constructor
+ CglClique(const CglClique& rhs);
+ /// Clone
+ virtual CglCutGenerator * clone() const;
+ /// Assignment operator
+ CglClique& operator=(const CglClique& rhs);
+ virtual void
+ generateCuts(const OsiSolverInterface& si, OsiCuts & cs,
+ const CglTreeInfo info = CglTreeInfo());
+ /**@name Constructors and destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor.
+ If the setPacking argument is set to true then CglClique will assume that the
+ problem in the solverinterface passed to the generateCuts() method
+ describes a set packing problem, i.e.,
+ - all variables are binary
+ - the matrix is a 0-1 matrix
+ - all constraints are '= 1' or '<= 1'
+ Otherwise the user can use the considerRows() method to set the list of
+ clique rows, that is,
+ - all coeffs corresponding to binary variables at fractional level is 1
+ - all other coeffs are non-negative
+ - the constraint is '= 1' or '<= 1'.
+ If the user does not set the list of clique rows then CglClique will
+ start the generateCuts() methods by scanning the matrix for them.
+ Also justOriginalRows can be set to true to limit clique creation
+ */
+ CglClique(bool setPacking = false, bool justOriginalRows = false);
+ /// Destructor
+ virtual ~CglClique() {}
+ /// Create C++ lines to get to current state
+ virtual std::string generateCpp( FILE * fp);
+ void considerRows(const int numRows, const int* rowInd);
+ /** possible choices for selecting the next node in the star clique search
+ */
+ enum scl_next_node_method {
+ };
+ void setStarCliqueNextNodeMethod(scl_next_node_method method) {
+ scl_next_node_rule = method;
+ }
+ void setStarCliqueCandidateLengthThreshold(int maxlen) {
+ scl_candidate_length_threshold = maxlen;
+ }
+ void setRowCliqueCandidateLengthThreshold(int maxlen) {
+ rcl_candidate_length_threshold = maxlen;
+ }
+ void setStarCliqueReport(bool yesno = true) { scl_report_result = yesno; }
+ void setRowCliqueReport(bool yesno = true) { rcl_report_result = yesno; }
+ void setDoStarClique(bool yesno = true) { do_star_clique = yesno; }
+ void setDoRowClique(bool yesno = true) { do_row_clique = yesno; }
+ void setMinViolation(double minviol) { petol = minviol; }
+ double getMinViolation() const { return petol; }
+ struct frac_graph ;
+ friend struct frac_graph ;
+ /** A node of the fractional graph. There is a node for every variable at
+ fractional level. */
+ struct fnode {
+ /** pointer into all_nbr */
+ int *nbrs;
+ /** 1-x_i-x_j, needed for odd holes, in the same order as the adj list,
+ pointer into all_edgecost */
+ double *edgecosts;
+ /** degree of the node */
+ int degree;
+ /** the fractional value of the variable corresponding to this node */
+ double val;
+ };
+ /** A graph corresponding to a fractional solution of an LP. Two nodes are
+ adjacent iff their columns are non-orthogonal. */
+ struct frac_graph {
+ /** # of nodes = # of fractional values in the LP solution */
+ int nodenum;
+ /** # of edges in the graph */
+ int edgenum;
+ /** density= edgenum/(nodenum choose 2) */
+ double density;
+ int min_deg_node;
+ int min_degree;
+ int max_deg_node;
+ int max_degree;
+ /** The array of the nodes in the graph */
+ fnode *nodes;
+ /** The array of all the neighbors. First the indices of the nodes
+ adjacent to node 0 are listed, then those adjacent to node 1, etc. */
+ int *all_nbr;
+ /** The array of the costs of the edges going to the neighbors */
+ double *all_edgecost;
+ frac_graph() :
+ nodenum(0), edgenum(0), density(0),
+ min_deg_node(0), min_degree(0), max_deg_node(0), max_degree(0),
+ nodes(0), all_nbr(0), all_edgecost(0) {}
+ };
+ /** An indicator showing whether the whole matrix in the solverinterface is
+ a set packing problem or not */
+ bool setPacking_;
+ /// True if just look at original rows
+ bool justOriginalRows_;
+ /** pieces of the set packing part of the solverinterface */
+ int sp_numrows;
+ int* sp_orig_row_ind;
+ int sp_numcols;
+ int* sp_orig_col_ind;
+ double* sp_colsol;
+ int* sp_col_start;
+ int* sp_col_ind;
+ int* sp_row_start;
+ int* sp_row_ind;
+ /** the intersection graph corresponding to the set packing problem */
+ frac_graph fgraph;
+ /** the node-node incidence matrix of the intersection graph. */
+ bool* node_node;
+ /** The primal tolerance in the solverinterface. */
+ double petol;
+ /** data for the star clique algorithm */
+ /** Parameters */
+ /**@{*/
+ /** whether to do the row clique algorithm or not. */
+ bool do_row_clique;
+ /** whether to do the star clique algorithm or not. */
+ bool do_star_clique;
+ /** How the next node to be added to the star clique should be selected */
+ scl_next_node_method scl_next_node_rule;
+ /** In the star clique method the maximal length of the candidate list
+ (those nodes that are in a star, i.e., connected to the center of the
+ star) to allow complete enumeration of maximal cliques. Otherwise a
+ greedy algorithm is used. */
+ int scl_candidate_length_threshold;
+ /** whether to give a detailed statistics on the star clique method */
+ bool scl_report_result;
+ /** In the row clique method the maximal length of the candidate list
+ (those nodes that can extend the row clique, i.e., connected to all
+ nodes in the row clique) to allow complete enumeration of maximal
+ cliques. Otherwise a greedy algorithm is used. */
+ int rcl_candidate_length_threshold;
+ /** whether to give a detailed statistics on the row clique method */
+ bool rcl_report_result;
+ /**@}*/
+ /** variables/arrays that are used across many methods */
+ /**@{*/
+ /** List of indices that must be in the to be created clique. This is just
+ a pointer, it is never new'd and therefore does not need to be
+ delete[]'d either. */
+ const int* cl_perm_indices;
+ /** The length of cl_perm_indices */
+ int cl_perm_length;
+ /** List of indices that should be considered for extending the ones listed
+ in cl_perm_indices. */
+ int* cl_indices;
+ /** The length of cl_indices */
+ int cl_length;
+ /** An array of nodes discarded from the candidate list. These are
+ rechecked when a maximal clique is found just to make sure that the
+ clique is really maximal. */
+ int* cl_del_indices;
+ /** The length of cl_del_indices */
+ int cl_del_length;
+ /**@}*/
+ /** Scan through the variables and select those that are binary and are at
+ a fractional level. */
+ void selectFractionalBinaries(const OsiSolverInterface& si);
+ /** Scan through the variables and select those that are at a fractional
+ level. We already know that everything is binary. */
+ void selectFractionals(const OsiSolverInterface& si);
+ /** */
+ void selectRowCliques(const OsiSolverInterface& si,int numOriginalRows);
+ /** */
+ void createSetPackingSubMatrix(const OsiSolverInterface& si);
+ /** */
+ void createFractionalGraph();
+ /** */
+ int createNodeNode();
+ /** */
+ void deleteSetPackingSubMatrix();
+ /** */
+ void deleteFractionalGraph();
+ /** */
+ void find_scl(OsiCuts& cs);
+ /** */
+ void find_rcl(OsiCuts& cs);
+ /** */
+ int scl_choose_next_node(const int current_nodenum,
+ const int *current_indices,
+ const int *current_degrees,
+ const double *current_values);
+ /** */
+ void scl_delete_node(const int del_ind, int& current_nodenum,
+ int *current_indices, int *current_degrees,
+ double *current_values);
+ /** */
+ int enumerate_maximal_cliques(int& pos, bool* scl_label, OsiCuts& cs);
+ /** */
+ int greedy_maximal_clique(OsiCuts& cs);
+ /** */
+ void recordClique(const int len, int* indices, OsiCuts& cs);
+/** A function that tests the methods in the CglClique class. The
+ only reason for it not to be a member method is that this way it doesn't
+ have to be compiled into the library. And that's a gain, because the
+ library should be compiled with optimization on, but this method should be
+ compiled with debugging. */
+void CglCliqueUnitTest(const OsiSolverInterface * siP,
+ const std::string mpdDir);
+/// This works on a fake solver i.e. invented rows
+class CglProbing;
+class CglFakeClique : public CglClique {
+ /// Copy constructor
+ CglFakeClique(const CglFakeClique& rhs);
+ /// Clone
+ virtual CglCutGenerator * clone() const;
+ /// Assignment operator
+ CglFakeClique& operator=(const CglFakeClique& rhs);
+ virtual void
+ generateCuts(const OsiSolverInterface& si, OsiCuts & cs,
+ const CglTreeInfo info = CglTreeInfo());
+ /**@name Constructors and destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default constructor.
+ If the setPacking argument is set to true then CglFakeClique will assume that the
+ problem in the solverinterface passed to the generateCuts() method
+ describes a set packing problem, i.e.,
+ - all variables are binary
+ - the matrix is a 0-1 matrix
+ - all constraints are '= 1' or '<= 1'
+ Otherwise the user can use the considerRows() method to set the list of
+ clique rows, that is,
+ - all coeffs corresponding to binary variables at fractional level is 1
+ - all other coeffs are non-negative
+ - the constraint is '= 1' or '<= 1'.
+ If the user does not set the list of clique rows then CglFakeClique will
+ start the generateCuts() methods by scanning the matrix for them.
+ */
+ CglFakeClique(OsiSolverInterface * solver=NULL,bool setPacking = false);
+ /// Destructor
+ virtual ~CglFakeClique();
+ /// Assign solver (generator takes over ownership)
+ void assignSolver(OsiSolverInterface * fakeSolver);
+ /// fake solver to use
+ OsiSolverInterface * fakeSolver_;
+ /// Probing object
+ CglProbing * probing_;