path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/OsiSymSolverInterface.hpp
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authorHarpreet2015-08-27 02:32:30 +0530
committerHarpreet2015-08-27 02:32:30 +0530
commitf9afc284ce324fa3c13606ad90895beec507c249 (patch)
treea1680fec3342c4eb00b73cd056ff9fad519c5877 /thirdparty/linux/include/coin/OsiSymSolverInterface.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin/OsiSymSolverInterface.hpp')
1 files changed, 806 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/OsiSymSolverInterface.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/OsiSymSolverInterface.hpp
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index 0000000..46f6514
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+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/OsiSymSolverInterface.hpp
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+/* */
+/* This file is part of the SYMPHONY Branch, Cut, and Price Callable */
+/* Library. */
+/* */
+/* SYMPHONY was jointly developed by Ted Ralphs ( and */
+/* Laci Ladanyi ( */
+/* */
+/* (c) Copyright 2004-2006 Ted Ralphs and Lehigh University. */
+/* All Rights Reserved. */
+/* */
+/* The authors of this file are Menal Guzelsoy and Ted Ralphs */
+/* */
+/* This software is licensed under the Eclipse Public License. Please see */
+/* accompanying file for terms. */
+/* */
+#ifndef OsiSymSolverInterface_hpp
+#define OsiSymSolverInterface_hpp
+#include "OsiSolverInterface.hpp"
+#include "OsiSymSolverParameters.hpp"
+#include "SymWarmStart.hpp"
+#include <string>
+typedef struct SYM_ENVIRONMENT sym_environment;
+/** OSI Solver Interface for SYMPHONY
+ Many OsiSolverInterface query methods return a const pointer to the
+ requested read-only data. If the model data is changed or the solver
+ is called, these pointers may no longer be valid and should be
+ refreshed by invoking the member function to obtain an updated copy
+ of the pointer.
+ For example:
+ \code
+ OsiSolverInterface solverInterfacePtr ;
+ const double * ruBnds = solverInterfacePtr->getRowUpper();
+ solverInterfacePtr->applyCuts(someSetOfCuts);
+ // ruBnds is no longer a valid pointer and must be refreshed
+ ruBnds = solverInterfacePtr->getRowUpper();
+ \endcode
+ Querying a problem that has no data associated with it will result in
+ zeros for the number of rows and columns, and NULL pointers from
+ the methods that return vectors.
+class OsiSymSolverInterface : virtual public OsiSolverInterface {
+ friend void OsiSymSolverInterfaceUnitTest(const std::string & mpsDir, const std::string & netlibDir);
+ ///@name Solve methods
+ //@{
+ /// Solve initial LP relaxation
+ virtual void initialSolve();
+ /// Resolve an IP problem modification
+ virtual void resolve();
+ /// Invoke solver's built-in enumeration algorithm
+ virtual void branchAndBound();
+ /// Invoke solver's multi-criteria enumeration algorithm
+ virtual void multiCriteriaBranchAndBound();
+ /// Get a lower bound for the new rhs problem using the warm start tree.
+ virtual double getLbForNewRhs(int cnt, int *index,
+ double * value);
+ /// Get an upper bound for the new rhs problem using the warm start tree.
+ virtual double getUbForNewRhs(int cnt, int *index,
+ double * value);
+#if 0
+ /// Get a lower bound for the new obj problem using the warm start tree.
+ virtual double getLbForNewObj(int cnt, int *index,
+ double * value);
+ /// Get an upper bound for the new obj problem using the warm start tree.
+ virtual double getUbForNewObj(int cnt, int *index,
+ double * value);
+ //@}
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**@name Parameter set/get methods
+ The set methods return true if the parameter was set to the given value,
+ false otherwise. There can be various reasons for failure: the given
+ parameter is not applicable for the solver (e.g., refactorization
+ frequency for the volume algorithm), the parameter is not yet implemented
+ for the solver or simply the value of the parameter is out of the range
+ the solver accepts. If a parameter setting call returns false check the
+ details of your solver.
+ The get methods return true if the given parameter is applicable for the
+ solver and is implemented. In this case the value of the parameter is
+ returned in the second argument. Otherwise they return false.
+ */
+ //@{
+ // Set an integer parameter
+ virtual bool setIntParam(OsiIntParam key, int value);
+ // Set SYMPHONY int parameter
+ virtual bool setSymParam(OsiSymIntParam key, int value);
+ // Set SYMPHONY int parameter directly by the C interface parameter name
+ virtual bool setSymParam(const std::string key, int value);
+ // Set an double parameter
+ virtual bool setDblParam(OsiDblParam key, double value);
+ // Set SYMPHONY double parameter
+ virtual bool setSymParam(OsiSymDblParam key, double value);
+ // Set SYMPHONY double parameter directly by the C interface parameter name
+ virtual bool setSymParam(const std::string key, double value);
+ // Set a string parameter
+ virtual bool setStrParam(OsiStrParam key, const std::string & value);
+ // Set SYMPHONY string parameter
+ virtual bool setSymParam(OsiSymStrParam key, const std::string & value);
+ // Set SYMPHONY string parameter directly by the C interface parameter name
+ virtual bool setSymParam(const std::string key, const std::string value);
+ // Get an integer parameter
+ virtual bool getIntParam(OsiIntParam key, int& value) const;
+ // Get SYMPHONY int parameter
+ virtual bool getSymParam(OsiSymIntParam key, int& value) const;
+ // Get SYMPHONY int parameter directly by the C interface parameter name
+ virtual bool getSymParam(const std::string key, int& value) const;
+ // Get an double parameter
+ virtual bool getDblParam(OsiDblParam key, double& value) const;
+ // Get SYMPHONY double parameter
+ virtual bool getSymParam(OsiSymDblParam key, double& value) const;
+ // Get SYMPHONY double parameter directly by the C interface parameter name
+ virtual bool getSymParam(const std::string key, double& value) const;
+ // Get a string parameter
+ virtual bool getStrParam(OsiStrParam key, std::string& value) const;
+ // Get SYMPHONY string parameter
+ virtual bool getSymParam(OsiSymStrParam key, std::string& value) const;
+ // Get SYMPHONY string parameter directly by the C interface parameter name
+ virtual bool getSymParam(const std::string key, std::string& value) const;
+ //@}
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ///@name Methods returning info on how the solution process terminated
+ //@{
+ /// Are there numerical difficulties?
+ virtual bool isAbandoned() const;
+ /// Is optimality proven?
+ virtual bool isProvenOptimal() const;
+ /// Is primal infeasiblity proven?
+ virtual bool isProvenPrimalInfeasible() const;
+ /// Is dual infeasiblity proven?
+ virtual bool isProvenDualInfeasible() const {
+ throw CoinError("Error: Function not implemented",
+ "isProvenDualInfeasible", "OsiSymSolverInterface");
+ }
+ /// Is the given primal objective limit reached?
+ //virtual bool isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached() const;
+ /// Is the given dual objective limit reached?
+ //virtual bool isDualObjectiveLimitReached() const{
+ // throw CoinError("Error: Function not implemented",
+ // "isDualObjectiveLimitReached", "OsiSymSolverInterface");
+ //}
+ /// Iteration limit reached?
+ virtual bool isIterationLimitReached() const;
+ /// Time limit reached?
+ virtual bool isTimeLimitReached() const;
+ /// Target gap achieved?
+ virtual bool isTargetGapReached() const;
+ //@}
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**@name Warm start methods */
+ //@{
+ /*! \brief Get an empty warm start object
+ This routine returns an empty warm start object. Its purpose is
+ to provide a way to give a client a warm start object of the
+ appropriate type, which can resized and modified as desired.
+ */
+ virtual CoinWarmStart *getEmptyWarmStart () const{
+ throw CoinError("Error: Function not implemented",
+ "getEmptyWarmStart", "OsiSymSolverInterface");
+ }
+ /** Get warm start information.
+ If there is no valid solution, an empty warm start object (0 rows, 0
+ columns) wil be returned.
+ */
+ /*
+ virtual CoinWarmStart* getWarmStart(bool keepTreeInSymEnv = false) const;
+ */
+ virtual CoinWarmStart* getWarmStart() const;
+ /** Set warm start information.
+ Return true/false depending on whether the warm start information was
+ accepted or not. */
+ virtual bool setWarmStart(const CoinWarmStart* warmstart);
+ //@}
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**@name Problem query methods
+ Querying a problem that has no data associated with it will result in
+ zeros for the number of rows and columns, and NULL pointers from
+ the methods that return vectors.
+ Const pointers returned from any data-query method are valid as
+ long as the data is unchanged and the solver is not called.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /// Get pointer to SYMPHONY environment (eventually we won't need this)
+ sym_environment *getSymphonyEnvironment() const {return env_;}
+ /// Get number of columns
+ virtual int getNumCols() const;
+ /// Get number of rows
+ virtual int getNumRows() const;
+ /// Get number of nonzero elements
+ virtual int getNumElements() const;
+ /// Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of column lower bounds
+ virtual const double * getColLower() const;
+ /// Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of column upper bounds
+ virtual const double * getColUpper() const;
+ /** Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row constraint senses.
+ <ul>
+ <li>'L': <= constraint
+ <li>'E': = constraint
+ <li>'G': >= constraint
+ <li>'R': ranged constraint
+ <li>'N': free constraint
+ </ul>
+ */
+ virtual const char * getRowSense() const;
+ /** Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row right-hand sides
+ <ul>
+ <li> if getRowSense()[i] == 'L' then
+ getRightHandSide()[i] == getRowUpper()[i]
+ <li> if getRowSense()[i] == 'G' then
+ getRightHandSide()[i] == getRowLower()[i]
+ <li> if getRowSense()[i] == 'R' then
+ getRightHandSide()[i] == getRowUpper()[i]
+ <li> if getRowSense()[i] == 'N' then
+ getRightHandSide()[i] == 0.0
+ </ul>
+ */
+ virtual const double * getRightHandSide() const;
+ /** Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row ranges.
+ <ul>
+ <li> if getRowSense()[i] == 'R' then
+ getRowRange()[i] == getRowUpper()[i] - getRowLower()[i]
+ <li> if getRowSense()[i] != 'R' then
+ getRowRange()[i] is 0.0
+ </ul>
+ */
+ virtual const double * getRowRange() const;
+ /// Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row lower bounds
+ virtual const double * getRowLower() const;
+ /// Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row upper bounds
+ virtual const double * getRowUpper() const;
+ /// Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of objective function coefficients
+ virtual const double * getObjCoefficients() const;
+ /** Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of second
+ objective function coefficients if loaded before.
+ */
+ virtual const double * getObj2Coefficients() const;
+ /// Get objective function sense (1 for min (default), -1 for max)
+ virtual double getObjSense() const;
+ /// Return true if variable is continuous
+ virtual bool isContinuous(int colIndex) const;
+ /// Return true if variable is binary
+ virtual bool isBinary(int colIndex) const;
+ /** Return true if column is integer.
+ Note: This function returns true if the the column
+ is binary or a general integer.
+ */
+ virtual bool isInteger(int colIndex) const;
+ /// Return true if variable is general integer
+ virtual bool isIntegerNonBinary(int colIndex) const;
+ /// Return true if variable is binary and not fixed at either bound
+ virtual bool isFreeBinary(int colIndex) const;
+ /// Get pointer to row-wise copy of matrix
+ virtual const CoinPackedMatrix * getMatrixByRow() const;
+ /// Get pointer to column-wise copy of matrix
+ virtual const CoinPackedMatrix * getMatrixByCol() const;
+ /// Get solver's value for infinity
+ virtual double getInfinity() const;
+ //@}
+ /**@name Solution query methods */
+ //@{
+ /// Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of primal variable values
+ virtual const double * getColSolution() const;
+ /// Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of dual variable values
+ virtual const double * getRowPrice() const;
+ /// Get a pointer to array[getNumCols()] of reduced costs
+ virtual const double * getReducedCost() const;
+ /** Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row activity levels (constraint
+ matrix times the solution vector). */
+ virtual const double * getRowActivity() const;
+ /// Get objective function value
+ virtual double getObjValue() const;
+ /// Get the current upper/lower bound
+ virtual double getPrimalBound() const;
+ /** Get the number of iterations it took to solve the problem (whatever
+ ``iteration'' means to the solver). */
+ virtual int getIterationCount() const;
+ /** Get as many dual rays as the solver can provide. In case of proven
+ primal infeasibility there should be at least one.
+ \note
+ Implementors of solver interfaces note that
+ the double pointers in the vector should point to arrays of length
+ getNumRows() and they should be allocated via new[].
+ \note
+ Clients of solver interfaces note that
+ it is the client's responsibility to free the double pointers in the
+ vector using delete[].
+ */
+ virtual std::vector<double*> getDualRays(int maxNumRays,
+ bool fullRay = false) const{
+ throw CoinError("Error: Function not implemented",
+ "getDualRays", "OsiSymSolverInterface");
+ }
+ /** Get as many primal rays as the solver can provide. (In case of proven
+ dual infeasibility there should be at least one.)
+ <strong>NOTE for implementers of solver interfaces:</strong> <br>
+ The double pointers in the vector should point to arrays of length
+ getNumCols() and they should be allocated via new[]. <br>
+ <strong>NOTE for users of solver interfaces:</strong> <br>
+ It is the user's responsibility to free the double pointers in the
+ vector using delete[].
+ */
+ virtual std::vector<double*> getPrimalRays(int maxNumRays) const{
+ throw CoinError("Error: Function not implemented",
+ "getPrimalRays", "OsiSymSolverInterface");
+ }
+ //@}
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**@name Methods to modify the objective, bounds, and solution
+ For functions which take a set of indices as parameters
+ (\c setObjCoeffSet(), \c setColSetBounds(), \c setRowSetBounds(),
+ \c setRowSetTypes()), the parameters follow the C++ STL iterator
+ convention: \c indexFirst points to the first index in the
+ set, and \c indexLast points to a position one past the last index
+ in the set.
+ */
+ //@{
+ /** Set an objective function coefficient */
+ virtual void setObjCoeff( int elementIndex, double elementValue );
+ /** Set an objective function coefficient for the second objective */
+ virtual void setObj2Coeff( int elementIndex, double elementValue );
+ using OsiSolverInterface::setColLower ;
+ /** Set a single column lower bound.
+ Use -getInfinity() for -infinity. */
+ virtual void setColLower( int elementIndex, double elementValue );
+ using OsiSolverInterface::setColUpper ;
+ /** Set a single column upper bound.
+ Use getInfinity() for infinity. */
+ virtual void setColUpper( int elementIndex, double elementValue );
+ /** Set a single row lower bound.
+ Use -getInfinity() for -infinity. */
+ virtual void setRowLower( int elementIndex, double elementValue );
+ /** Set a single row upper bound.
+ Use getInfinity() for infinity. */
+ virtual void setRowUpper( int elementIndex, double elementValue );
+ /** Set the type of a single row */
+ virtual void setRowType(int index, char sense, double rightHandSide,
+ double range);
+ /// Set the objective function sense.
+ /// (1 for min (default), -1 for max)
+ virtual void setObjSense(double s);
+ /** Set the primal solution variable values
+ colsol[getNumCols()] is an array of values for the primal variables.
+ These values are copied to memory owned by the solver interface object
+ or the solver. They will be returned as the result of getColSolution()
+ until changed by another call to setColSolution() or by a call to any
+ solver routine. Whether the solver makes use of the solution in any
+ way is solver-dependent.
+ */
+ virtual void setColSolution(const double *colsol);
+ /** Set the a priori upper/lower bound */
+ virtual void setPrimalBound(const double bound);
+ /** Set dual solution variable values
+ rowprice[getNumRows()] is an array of values for the dual
+ variables. These values are copied to memory owned by the solver
+ interface object or the solver. They will be returned as the result of
+ getRowPrice() until changed by another call to setRowPrice() or by a
+ call to any solver routine. Whether the solver makes use of the
+ solution in any way is solver-dependent.
+ */
+ virtual void setRowPrice(const double * rowprice);
+ //@}
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**@name Methods to set variable type */
+ //@{
+ using OsiSolverInterface::setContinuous ;
+ /** Set the index-th variable to be a continuous variable */
+ virtual void setContinuous(int index);
+ using OsiSolverInterface::setInteger ;
+ /** Set the index-th variable to be an integer variable */
+ virtual void setInteger(int index);
+ using OsiSolverInterface::setColName ;
+ virtual void setColName(char **colname);
+ //@}
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**@name Methods to expand a problem.
+ Note that new columns are added as continuous variables.
+ */
+ //@{
+ using OsiSolverInterface::addCol ;
+ /** Add a column (primal variable) to the problem. */
+ virtual void addCol(const CoinPackedVectorBase& vec,
+ const double collb, const double colub,
+ const double obj);
+ /** Remove a set of columns (primal variables) from the problem. */
+ virtual void deleteCols(const int num, const int * colIndices);
+ using OsiSolverInterface::addRow ;
+ /** Add a row (constraint) to the problem. */
+ virtual void addRow(const CoinPackedVectorBase& vec,
+ const double rowlb, const double rowub);
+ /** */
+ virtual void addRow(const CoinPackedVectorBase& vec,
+ const char rowsen, const double rowrhs,
+ const double rowrng);
+ /** Delete a set of rows (constraints) from the problem. */
+ virtual void deleteRows(const int num, const int * rowIndices);
+ //@}
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**@name Methods to input a problem */
+ //@{
+ virtual void loadProblem();
+ /** Load in an problem by copying the arguments (the constraints on the
+ rows are given by lower and upper bounds). If a pointer is 0 then the
+ following values are the default:
+ <ul>
+ <li> <code>colub</code>: all columns have upper bound infinity
+ <li> <code>collb</code>: all columns have lower bound 0
+ <li> <code>rowub</code>: all rows have upper bound infinity
+ <li> <code>rowlb</code>: all rows have lower bound -infinity
+ <li> <code>obj</code>: all variables have 0 objective coefficient
+ </ul>
+ */
+ virtual void loadProblem(const CoinPackedMatrix& matrix,
+ const double* collb, const double* colub,
+ const double* obj,
+ const double* rowlb, const double* rowub);
+ /** Load in an problem by assuming ownership of the arguments (the
+ constraints on the rows are given by lower and upper bounds).
+ For default values see the previous method.
+ \warning
+ The arguments passed to this method will be
+ freed using the C++ <code>delete</code> and <code>delete[]</code>
+ functions.
+ */
+ virtual void assignProblem(CoinPackedMatrix*& matrix,
+ double*& collb, double*& colub, double*& obj,
+ double*& rowlb, double*& rowub);
+ /** Load in an problem by copying the arguments (the constraints on the
+ rows are given by sense/rhs/range triplets). If a pointer is 0 then the
+ following values are the default:
+ <ul>
+ <li> <code>colub</code>: all columns have upper bound infinity
+ <li> <code>collb</code>: all columns have lower bound 0
+ <li> <code>obj</code>: all variables have 0 objective coefficient
+ <li> <code>rowsen</code>: all rows are >=
+ <li> <code>rowrhs</code>: all right hand sides are 0
+ <li> <code>rowrng</code>: 0 for the ranged rows
+ </ul>
+ */
+ virtual void loadProblem(const CoinPackedMatrix& matrix,
+ const double* collb, const double* colub,
+ const double* obj,
+ const char* rowsen, const double* rowrhs,
+ const double* rowrng);
+ /** Load in an problem by assuming ownership of the arguments (the
+ constraints on the rows are given by sense/rhs/range triplets). For
+ default values see the previous method.
+ \warning
+ The arguments passed to this method will be
+ freed using the C++ <code>delete</code> and <code>delete[]</code>
+ functions.
+ */
+ virtual void assignProblem(CoinPackedMatrix*& matrix,
+ double*& collb, double*& colub, double*& obj,
+ char*& rowsen, double*& rowrhs,
+ double*& rowrng);
+ /** Just like the other loadProblem() methods except that the matrix is
+ given in a standard column major ordered format (without gaps). */
+ virtual void loadProblem(const int numcols, const int numrows,
+ const CoinBigIndex * start, const int* index,
+ const double* value,
+ const double* collb, const double* colub,
+ const double* obj,
+ const double* rowlb, const double* rowub);
+ /** Just like the other loadProblem() methods except that the matrix is
+ given in a standard column major ordered format (without gaps). */
+ virtual void loadProblem(const int numcols, const int numrows,
+ const CoinBigIndex * start, const int* index,
+ const double* value,
+ const double* collb, const double* colub,
+ const double* obj,
+ const char* rowsen, const double* rowrhs,
+ const double* rowrng);
+ /** Write the problem in MPS format to the specified file.
+ If objSense is non-zero, a value of -1.0 causes the problem to be
+ written with a maximization objective; +1.0 forces a minimization
+ objective. If objSense is zero, the choice is left to implementation.
+ */
+ virtual void writeMps(const char *filename,
+ const char *extension = "mps",
+ double objSense=0.0) const;
+ void parseCommandLine(int argc, char **argv);
+ using OsiSolverInterface::readMps ;
+ virtual int readMps(const char * infile, const char *extension = "mps");
+ virtual int readGMPL(const char * modelFile, const char * dataFile=NULL);
+ void findInitialBounds();
+ int createPermanentCutPools();
+ //@}
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ enum keepCachedFlag {
+ /// discard all cached data (default)
+ /// column information: objective values, lower and upper bounds, variable types
+ /// row information: right hand sides, ranges and senses, lower and upper bounds for row
+ /// problem matrix: matrix ordered by column and by row
+ /// LP solution: primal and dual solution, reduced costs, row activities
+ /// only discard cached LP solution
+ /// keep all cached data (similar to getMutableLpPtr())
+ /// free only cached column and LP solution information
+ /// free only cached row and LP solution information
+ /// free only cached matrix and LP solution information
+ /// free only cached LP solution information
+ };
+ ///@name Constructors and destructors
+ //@{
+ /// Default Constructor
+ OsiSymSolverInterface();
+ /** Clone
+ The result of calling clone(false) is defined to be equivalent to
+ calling the default constructor OsiSolverInterface().
+ */
+ virtual OsiSolverInterface * clone(bool copyData = true) const;
+ /// Copy constructor
+ OsiSymSolverInterface(const OsiSymSolverInterface &);
+ /// Assignment operator
+ OsiSymSolverInterface & operator=(const OsiSymSolverInterface& rhs);
+ /// Destructor
+ virtual ~OsiSymSolverInterface ();
+ /** Reset the solver interface.
+ A call to reset() returns the solver interface to the same state as
+ it would have if it had just been constructed by calling the default
+ constructor OsiSolverInterface().
+ */
+ virtual void reset();
+ //@}
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ///@name Protected methods
+ //@{
+ /** Apply a row cut (append to the constraint matrix). */
+ virtual void applyRowCut( const OsiRowCut & rc );
+ /** Apply a column cut (adjust the bounds of one or more variables). */
+ virtual void applyColCut( const OsiColCut & cc );
+ /** Set OsiSolverInterface object state for default constructor
+ This routine establishes the initial values of data fields in the
+ OsiSolverInterface object when the object is created using the
+ default constructor.
+ */
+ void setInitialData();
+ //@}
+ /// The real work of the constructor
+ void gutsOfConstructor();
+ /// The real work of the destructor
+ void gutsOfDestructor();
+ /// free cached column rim vectors
+ void freeCachedColRim();
+ /// free cached row rim vectors
+ void freeCachedRowRim();
+ /// free cached result vectors
+ void freeCachedResults();
+ /// free cached matrices
+ void freeCachedMatrix();
+ /// free all cached data (except specified entries, see getLpPtr())
+ void freeCachedData( int keepCached = KEEPCACHED_NONE );
+ /// free all allocated memory
+ void freeAllMemory();
+ /**@name Private member data */
+ //@{
+ /// The pointer to the SYMPHONY problem environment
+ sym_environment *env_;
+ //@}
+ /// Pointer to objective vector
+ mutable double *obj_;
+ /// Pointer to second objective vector to be used in bicriteria solver
+ mutable double *obj2_;
+ /// Pointer to dense vector of variable lower bounds
+ mutable double *collower_;
+ /// Pointer to dense vector of variable lower bounds
+ mutable double *colupper_;
+ /// Pointer to dense vector of variable lower bounds
+ mutable double *colredcost_;
+ /// Pointer to dense vector of row sense indicators
+ mutable char *rowsense_;
+ /// Pointer to dense vector of row right-hand side values
+ mutable double *rhs_;
+ /** Pointer to dense vector of slack upper bounds for range constraints
+ (undefined for non-range rows)
+ */
+ mutable double *rowrange_;
+ /// Pointer to dense vector of row lower bounds
+ mutable double *rowlower_;
+ /// Pointer to dense vector of row upper bounds
+ mutable double *rowupper_;
+ /// Pointer to dense vector of row prices
+ mutable double *rowprice_;
+ /// Pointer to primal solution vector
+ mutable double *colsol_;
+ /// Pointer to row activity (slack) vector
+ mutable double *rowact_;
+ /// Pointer to row-wise copy of problem matrix coefficients.
+ mutable CoinPackedMatrix *matrixByRow_;
+ /// Pointer to row-wise copy of problem matrix coefficients.
+ mutable CoinPackedMatrix *matrixByCol_;
+/** A function that tests the methods in the OsiSymSolverInterface class. */
+void OsiSymSolverInterfaceUnitTest(const std::string & mpsDir, const std::string & netlibDir);