path: root/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptData.hpp
diff options
authorHarpreet2015-09-23 18:22:28 +0530
committerHarpreet2015-09-23 18:22:28 +0530
commite34332a406e4f3fba9b99c6f9ec5138edfcc6aa2 (patch)
treea7dd948f18ddb1927d482a56b4a3b56486cb7e3d /thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptData.hpp
parent33bdd144438436b759bc8d0b0beba715f0e39e5d (diff)
qpipopt added
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptData.hpp')
1 files changed, 819 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptData.hpp b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptData.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6973bab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/linux/include/coin/IpIpoptData.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,819 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2009 International Business Machines and others.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
+// $Id: IpIpoptData.hpp 2472 2014-04-05 17:47:20Z stefan $
+// Authors: Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter IBM 2004-08-13
+#ifndef __IPIPOPTDATA_HPP__
+#define __IPIPOPTDATA_HPP__
+#include "IpSymMatrix.hpp"
+#include "IpOptionsList.hpp"
+#include "IpIteratesVector.hpp"
+#include "IpRegOptions.hpp"
+#include "IpTimingStatistics.hpp"
+namespace Ipopt
+ /* Forward declaration */
+ class IpoptNLP;
+ /** Base class for additional data that is special to a particular
+ * type of algorithm, such as the CG penalty function, or using
+ * iterative linear solvers. The regular IpoptData object should
+ * be given a derivation of this base class when it is created. */
+ class IpoptAdditionalData : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Default Constructor */
+ IpoptAdditionalData()
+ {}
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~IpoptAdditionalData()
+ {}
+ //@}
+ /** This method is called to initialize the global algorithmic
+ * parameters. The parameters are taken from the OptionsList
+ * object. */
+ virtual bool Initialize(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ const OptionsList& options,
+ const std::string& prefix) = 0;
+ /** Initialize Data Structures at the beginning. */
+ virtual bool InitializeDataStructures() = 0;
+ /** Do whatever is necessary to accept a trial point as current
+ * iterate. This is also used to finish an iteration, i.e., to
+ * release memory, and to reset any flags for a new iteration. */
+ virtual void AcceptTrialPoint() = 0;
+ private:
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ IpoptAdditionalData(const IpoptAdditionalData&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const IpoptAdditionalData&);
+ //@}
+ };
+ /** Class to organize all the data required by the algorithm.
+ * Internally, once this Data object has been initialized, all
+ * internal curr_ vectors must always be set (so that prototyes are
+ * available). The current values can only be set from the trial
+ * values. The trial values can be set by copying from a vector or
+ * by adding some fraction of a step to the current values. This
+ * object also stores steps, which allows to easily communicate the
+ * step from the step computation object to the line search object.
+ */
+ class IpoptData : public ReferencedObject
+ {
+ public:
+ /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
+ //@{
+ /** Constructor */
+ IpoptData(SmartPtr<IpoptAdditionalData> add_data = NULL,
+ Number cpu_time_start = -1.);
+ /** Default destructor */
+ virtual ~IpoptData();
+ //@}
+ /** Initialize Data Structures */
+ bool InitializeDataStructures(IpoptNLP& ip_nlp,
+ bool want_x,
+ bool want_y_c,
+ bool want_y_d,
+ bool want_z_L,
+ bool want_z_U);
+ /** This method must be called to initialize the global
+ * algorithmic parameters. The parameters are taken from the
+ * OptionsList object. */
+ bool Initialize(const Journalist& jnlst,
+ const OptionsList& options,
+ const std::string& prefix);
+ /** @name Get Methods for Iterates */
+ //@{
+ /** Current point */
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> curr() const;
+ /** Get the current point in a copied container that is non-const.
+ The entries in the container cannot be modified, but
+ the container can be modified to point to new entries.
+ */
+ // SmartPtr<IteratesVector> curr_container() const;
+ /** Get Trial point */
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> trial() const;
+ /** Get Trial point in a copied container that is non-const.
+ * The entries in the container can not be modified, but
+ * the container can be modified to point to new entries.
+ */
+ //SmartPtr<IteratesVector> trial_container() const;
+ /** Set the trial point - this method copies the pointer for
+ * efficiency (no copy and to keep cache tags the same) so
+ * after you call set you cannot modify the data again
+ */
+ inline
+ void set_trial(SmartPtr<IteratesVector>& trial);
+ /** Set the values of the primal trial variables (x and s) from
+ * provided Step with step length alpha.
+ */
+ void SetTrialPrimalVariablesFromStep(Number alpha,
+ const Vector& delta_x,
+ const Vector& delta_s);
+ /** Set the values of the trial values for the equality constraint
+ * multipliers (y_c and y_d) from provided step with step length
+ * alpha.
+ */
+ void SetTrialEqMultipliersFromStep(Number alpha,
+ const Vector& delta_y_c,
+ const Vector& delta_y_d);
+ /** Set the value of the trial values for the bound multipliers
+ * (z_L, z_U, v_L, v_U) from provided step with step length
+ * alpha.
+ */
+ void SetTrialBoundMultipliersFromStep(Number alpha,
+ const Vector& delta_z_L,
+ const Vector& delta_z_U,
+ const Vector& delta_v_L,
+ const Vector& delta_v_U);
+ /** ToDo: I may need to add versions of set_trial like the
+ * following, but I am not sure
+ */
+ // void set_trial(const SmartPtr<IteratesVector>& trial_iterates);
+ // void set_trial(SmartPtr<const IteratesVector>& trial_iterates);
+ /** get the current delta */
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> delta() const;
+ /** Set the current delta - like the trial point, this method copies
+ * the pointer for efficiency (no copy and to keep cache tags the
+ * same) so after you call set, you cannot modify the data
+ */
+ inline
+ void set_delta(SmartPtr<IteratesVector>& delta);
+ /** Set the current delta - like the trial point, this method
+ * copies the pointer for efficiency (no copy and to keep cache
+ * tags the same) so after you call set, you cannot modify the
+ * data. This is the version that is happy with a pointer to
+ * const IteratesVector.
+ */
+ inline
+ void set_delta(SmartPtr<const IteratesVector>& delta);
+ /** Affine Delta */
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> delta_aff() const;
+ /** Set the affine delta - like the trial point, this method copies
+ * the pointer for efficiency (no copy and to keep cache tags the
+ * same) so after you call set, you cannot modify the data
+ */
+ inline
+ void set_delta_aff(SmartPtr<IteratesVector>& delta_aff);
+ /** Hessian or Hessian approximation (do not hold on to it, it might be changed) */
+ SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> W()
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsValid(W_));
+ return W_;
+ }
+ /** Set Hessian approximation */
+ void Set_W(SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> W)
+ {
+ W_ = W;
+ }
+ /** @name ("Main") Primal-dual search direction. Those fields are
+ * used to store the search directions computed from solving the
+ * primal-dual system, and can be used in the line search. They
+ * are overwritten in every iteration, so do not hold on to the
+ * pointers (make copies instead) */
+ //@{
+ /** Returns true, if the primal-dual step have been already
+ * computed for the current iteration. This flag is reset after
+ * every call of AcceptTrialPoint(). If the search direction is
+ * computed during the computation of the barrier parameter, the
+ * method computing the barrier parameter should call
+ * SetHaveDeltas(true) to tell the IpoptAlgorithm object that it
+ * doesn't need to recompute the primal-dual step. */
+ bool HaveDeltas() const
+ {
+ return have_deltas_;
+ }
+ /** Method for setting the HaveDeltas flag. This method should be
+ * called if some method computes the primal-dual step (and
+ * stores it in the delta_ fields of IpoptData) at an early part
+ * of the iteration. If that flag is set to true, the
+ * IpoptAlgorithm object will not recompute the step. */
+ void SetHaveDeltas(bool have_deltas)
+ {
+ have_deltas_ = have_deltas;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** @name Affine-scaling step. Those fields can be used to store
+ * the affine scaling step. For example, if the method for
+ * computing the current barrier parameter computes the affine
+ * scaling steps, then the corrector step in the line search does
+ * not have to recompute those solutions of the linear system. */
+ //@{
+ /** Returns true, if the affine-scaling step have been already
+ * computed for the current iteration. This flag is reset after
+ * every call of AcceptTrialPoint(). If the search direction is
+ * computed during the computation of the barrier parameter, the
+ * method computing the barrier parameter should call
+ * SetHaveDeltas(true) to tell the line search does not have to
+ * recompute them in case it wants to do a corrector step. */
+ bool HaveAffineDeltas() const
+ {
+ return have_affine_deltas_;
+ }
+ /** Method for setting the HaveDeltas flag. This method should be
+ * called if some method computes the primal-dual step (and
+ * stores it in the delta_ fields of IpoptData) at an early part
+ * of the iteration. If that flag is set to true, the
+ * IpoptAlgorithm object will not recompute the step. */
+ void SetHaveAffineDeltas(bool have_affine_deltas)
+ {
+ have_affine_deltas_ = have_affine_deltas;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** @name Public Methods for updating iterates */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy the trial values to the current values */
+ inline
+ void CopyTrialToCurrent();
+ /** Set the current iterate values from the
+ * trial values. */
+ void AcceptTrialPoint();
+ //@}
+ /** @name General algorithmic data */
+ //@{
+ Index iter_count() const
+ {
+ return iter_count_;
+ }
+ void Set_iter_count(Index iter_count)
+ {
+ iter_count_ = iter_count;
+ }
+ Number curr_mu() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(mu_initialized_);
+ return curr_mu_;
+ }
+ void Set_mu(Number mu)
+ {
+ curr_mu_ = mu;
+ mu_initialized_ = true;
+ }
+ bool MuInitialized() const
+ {
+ return mu_initialized_;
+ }
+ Number curr_tau() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(tau_initialized_);
+ return curr_tau_;
+ }
+ void Set_tau(Number tau)
+ {
+ curr_tau_ = tau;
+ tau_initialized_ = true;
+ }
+ bool TauInitialized() const
+ {
+ return tau_initialized_;
+ }
+ void SetFreeMuMode(bool free_mu_mode)
+ {
+ free_mu_mode_ = free_mu_mode;
+ }
+ bool FreeMuMode() const
+ {
+ return free_mu_mode_;
+ }
+ /** Setting the flag that indicates if a tiny step (below machine
+ * precision) has been detected */
+ void Set_tiny_step_flag(bool flag)
+ {
+ tiny_step_flag_ = flag;
+ }
+ bool tiny_step_flag()
+ {
+ return tiny_step_flag_;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** Overall convergence tolerance. It is used in the convergence
+ * test, but also in some other parts of the algorithm that
+ * depend on the specified tolerance, such as the minimum value
+ * for the barrier parameter. */
+ //@{
+ /** Obtain the tolerance. */
+ Number tol() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(initialize_called_);
+ return tol_;
+ }
+ /** Set a new value for the tolerance. One should be very careful
+ * when using this, since changing the predefined tolerance might
+ * have unexpected consequences. This method is for example used
+ * in the restoration convergence checker to tighten the
+ * restoration phase convergence tolerance, if the restoration
+ * phase converged to a point that has not a large value for the
+ * constraint violation. */
+ void Set_tol(Number tol)
+ {
+ tol_ = tol;
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** Cpu time counter at the beginning of the optimization. This
+ * is useful to see how much CPU time has been spent in this
+ * optimization run. */
+ Number cpu_time_start() const
+ {
+ return cpu_time_start_;
+ }
+ /** @name Information gathered for iteration output */
+ //@{
+ Number info_regu_x() const
+ {
+ return info_regu_x_;
+ }
+ void Set_info_regu_x(Number regu_x)
+ {
+ info_regu_x_ = regu_x;
+ }
+ Number info_alpha_primal() const
+ {
+ return info_alpha_primal_;
+ }
+ void Set_info_alpha_primal(Number alpha_primal)
+ {
+ info_alpha_primal_ = alpha_primal;
+ }
+ char info_alpha_primal_char() const
+ {
+ return info_alpha_primal_char_;
+ }
+ void Set_info_alpha_primal_char(char info_alpha_primal_char)
+ {
+ info_alpha_primal_char_ = info_alpha_primal_char;
+ }
+ Number info_alpha_dual() const
+ {
+ return info_alpha_dual_;
+ }
+ void Set_info_alpha_dual(Number alpha_dual)
+ {
+ info_alpha_dual_ = alpha_dual;
+ }
+ Index info_ls_count() const
+ {
+ return info_ls_count_;
+ }
+ void Set_info_ls_count(Index ls_count)
+ {
+ info_ls_count_ = ls_count;
+ }
+ bool info_skip_output() const
+ {
+ return info_skip_output_;
+ }
+ void Append_info_string(const std::string& add_str)
+ {
+ info_string_ += add_str;
+ }
+ const std::string& info_string() const
+ {
+ return info_string_;
+ }
+ /** Set this to true, if the next time when output is written, the
+ * summary line should not be printed. */
+ void Set_info_skip_output(bool info_skip_output)
+ {
+ info_skip_output_ = info_skip_output;
+ }
+ /** gives time when the last summary output line was printed */
+ Number info_last_output()
+ {
+ return info_last_output_;
+ }
+ /** sets time when the last summary output line was printed */
+ void Set_info_last_output(Number info_last_output)
+ {
+ info_last_output_ = info_last_output;
+ }
+ /** gives number of iteration summaries actually printed
+ * since last summary header was printed */
+ int info_iters_since_header()
+ {
+ return info_iters_since_header_;
+ }
+ /** increases number of iteration summaries actually printed
+ * since last summary header was printed */
+ void Inc_info_iters_since_header()
+ {
+ info_iters_since_header_++;
+ }
+ /** sets number of iteration summaries actually printed
+ * since last summary header was printed */
+ void Set_info_iters_since_header(int info_iters_since_header)
+ {
+ info_iters_since_header_ = info_iters_since_header;
+ }
+ /** Reset all info fields */
+ void ResetInfo()
+ {
+ info_regu_x_ = 0;
+ info_alpha_primal_ = 0;
+ info_alpha_dual_ = 0.;
+ info_alpha_primal_char_ = ' ';
+ info_skip_output_ = false;
+ info_string_.erase();
+ }
+ //@}
+ /** Return Timing Statistics Object */
+ TimingStatistics& TimingStats()
+ {
+ return timing_statistics_;
+ }
+ /** Check if additional data has been set */
+ bool HaveAddData()
+ {
+ return IsValid(add_data_);
+ }
+ /** Get access to additional data object */
+ IpoptAdditionalData& AdditionalData()
+ {
+ return *add_data_;
+ }
+ /** Set a new pointer for additional Ipopt data */
+ void SetAddData(SmartPtr<IpoptAdditionalData> add_data)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(!HaveAddData());
+ add_data_ = add_data;
+ }
+ /** Set the perturbation of the primal-dual system */
+ void setPDPert(Number pd_pert_x, Number pd_pert_s,
+ Number pd_pert_c, Number pd_pert_d)
+ {
+ pd_pert_x_ = pd_pert_x;
+ pd_pert_s_ = pd_pert_s;
+ pd_pert_c_ = pd_pert_c;
+ pd_pert_d_ = pd_pert_d;
+ }
+ /** Get the current perturbation of the primal-dual system */
+ void getPDPert(Number& pd_pert_x, Number& pd_pert_s,
+ Number& pd_pert_c, Number& pd_pert_d)
+ {
+ pd_pert_x = pd_pert_x_;
+ pd_pert_s = pd_pert_s_;
+ pd_pert_c = pd_pert_c_;
+ pd_pert_d = pd_pert_d_;
+ }
+ /** Methods for IpoptType */
+ //@{
+ static void RegisterOptions(const SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions>& roptions);
+ //@}
+ private:
+ /** @name Iterates */
+ //@{
+ /** Main iteration variables
+ * (current iteration) */
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> curr_;
+ /** Main iteration variables
+ * (trial calculations) */
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> trial_;
+ /** Hessian (approximation) - might be changed elsewhere! */
+ SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> W_;
+ /** @name Primal-dual Step */
+ //@{
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> delta_;
+ /** The following flag is set to true, if some other part of the
+ * algorithm (like the method for computing the barrier
+ * parameter) has already computed the primal-dual search
+ * direction. This flag is reset when the AcceptTrialPoint
+ * method is called.
+ * ToDo: we could cue off of a null delta_;
+ */
+ bool have_deltas_;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Affine-scaling step. This used to transfer the
+ * information about the affine-scaling step from the computation
+ * of the barrier parameter to the corrector (in the line
+ * search). */
+ //@{
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> delta_aff_;
+ /** The following flag is set to true, if some other part of the
+ * algorithm (like the method for computing the barrier
+ * parameter) has already computed the affine-scaling step. This
+ * flag is reset when the AcceptTrialPoint method is called.
+ * ToDo: we could cue off of a null delta_aff_;
+ */
+ bool have_affine_deltas_;
+ //@}
+ /** iteration count */
+ Index iter_count_;
+ /** current barrier parameter */
+ Number curr_mu_;
+ bool mu_initialized_;
+ /** current fraction to the boundary parameter */
+ Number curr_tau_;
+ bool tau_initialized_;
+ /** flag indicating if Initialize method has been called (for
+ * debugging) */
+ bool initialize_called_;
+ /** flag for debugging whether we have already curr_ values
+ * available (from which new Vectors can be generated */
+ bool have_prototypes_;
+ /** @name Global algorithm parameters. Those are options that can
+ * be modified by the user and appear at different places in the
+ * algorithm. They are set using an OptionsList object in the
+ * Initialize method. */
+ //@{
+ /** Overall convergence tolerance */
+ Number tol_;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Status data **/
+ //@{
+ /** flag indicating whether the algorithm is in the free mu mode */
+ bool free_mu_mode_;
+ /** flag indicating if a tiny step has been detected */
+ bool tiny_step_flag_;
+ //@}
+ /** @name Gathered information for iteration output */
+ //@{
+ /** Size of regularization for the Hessian */
+ Number info_regu_x_;
+ /** Primal step size */
+ Number info_alpha_primal_;
+ /** Info character for primal step size */
+ char info_alpha_primal_char_;
+ /** Dual step size */
+ Number info_alpha_dual_;
+ /** Number of backtracking trial steps */
+ Index info_ls_count_;
+ /** true, if next summary output line should not be printed (eg
+ * after restoration phase. */
+ bool info_skip_output_;
+ /** any string of characters for the end of the output line */
+ std::string info_string_;
+ /** time when the last summary output line was printed */
+ Number info_last_output_;
+ /** number of iteration summaries actually printed since last
+ * summary header was printed */
+ int info_iters_since_header_;
+ //@}
+ /** VectorSpace for all the iterates */
+ SmartPtr<IteratesVectorSpace> iterates_space_;
+ /** TimingStatistics object collecting all Ipopt timing
+ * statistics */
+ TimingStatistics timing_statistics_;
+ /** CPU time counter at initialization. */
+ Number cpu_time_start_;
+ /** Object for the data specific for the Chen-Goldfarb penalty
+ * method algorithm */
+ SmartPtr<IpoptAdditionalData> add_data_;
+ /** @name Information about the perturbation of the primal-dual
+ * system */
+ //@{
+ Number pd_pert_x_;
+ Number pd_pert_s_;
+ Number pd_pert_c_;
+ Number pd_pert_d_;
+ //@}
+ /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
+ * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
+ * These methods are not implemented and
+ * we do not want the compiler to implement
+ * them for us, so we declare them private
+ * and do not define them. This ensures that
+ * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
+ //@{
+ /** Copy Constructor */
+ IpoptData(const IpoptData&);
+ /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
+ void operator=(const IpoptData&);
+ //@}
+ /** Some debug flags to make sure vectors are not changed
+ * behind the IpoptData's back
+ */
+ //@{
+ TaggedObject::Tag debug_curr_tag_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag debug_trial_tag_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag debug_delta_tag_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag debug_delta_aff_tag_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag debug_curr_tag_sum_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag debug_trial_tag_sum_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag debug_delta_tag_sum_;
+ TaggedObject::Tag debug_delta_aff_tag_sum_;
+ //@}
+ };
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> IpoptData::curr() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsNull(curr_) || (curr_->GetTag() == debug_curr_tag_ && curr_->GetTagSum() == debug_curr_tag_sum_) );
+ return curr_;
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> IpoptData::trial() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsNull(trial_) || (trial_->GetTag() == debug_trial_tag_ && trial_->GetTagSum() == debug_trial_tag_sum_) );
+ return trial_;
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> IpoptData::delta() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsNull(delta_) || (delta_->GetTag() == debug_delta_tag_ && delta_->GetTagSum() == debug_delta_tag_sum_) );
+ return delta_;
+ }
+ inline
+ SmartPtr<const IteratesVector> IpoptData::delta_aff() const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsNull(delta_aff_) || (delta_aff_->GetTag() == debug_delta_aff_tag_ && delta_aff_->GetTagSum() == debug_delta_aff_tag_sum_) );
+ return delta_aff_;
+ }
+ inline
+ void IpoptData::CopyTrialToCurrent()
+ {
+ curr_ = trial_;
+ if (IsValid(curr_)) {
+ debug_curr_tag_ = curr_->GetTag();
+ debug_curr_tag_sum_ = curr_->GetTagSum();
+ }
+ else {
+ debug_curr_tag_ = 0;
+ debug_curr_tag_sum_ = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ inline
+ void IpoptData::set_trial(SmartPtr<IteratesVector>& trial)
+ {
+ trial_ = ConstPtr(trial);
+ // verify the correct space
+ DBG_ASSERT(trial_->OwnerSpace() == (VectorSpace*)GetRawPtr(iterates_space_));
+ if (IsValid(trial)) {
+ debug_trial_tag_ = trial->GetTag();
+ debug_trial_tag_sum_ = trial->GetTagSum();
+ }
+ else {
+ debug_trial_tag_ = 0;
+ debug_trial_tag_sum_ = 0;
+ }
+ trial = NULL;
+ }
+ inline
+ void IpoptData::set_delta(SmartPtr<IteratesVector>& delta)
+ {
+ delta_ = ConstPtr(delta);
+ if (IsValid(delta)) {
+ debug_delta_tag_ = delta->GetTag();
+ debug_delta_tag_sum_ = delta->GetTagSum();
+ }
+ else {
+ debug_delta_tag_ = 0;
+ debug_delta_tag_sum_ = 0;
+ }
+ delta = NULL;
+ }
+ inline
+ void IpoptData::set_delta(SmartPtr<const IteratesVector>& delta)
+ {
+ delta_ = delta;
+ if (IsValid(delta)) {
+ debug_delta_tag_ = delta->GetTag();
+ debug_delta_tag_sum_ = delta->GetTagSum();
+ }
+ else {
+ debug_delta_tag_ = 0;
+ debug_delta_tag_sum_ = 0;
+ }
+ delta = NULL;
+ }
+ inline
+ void IpoptData::set_delta_aff(SmartPtr<IteratesVector>& delta_aff)
+ {
+ delta_aff_ = ConstPtr(delta_aff);
+ if (IsValid(delta_aff)) {
+ debug_delta_aff_tag_ = delta_aff->GetTag();
+ debug_delta_aff_tag_sum_ = delta_aff->GetTagSum();
+ }
+ else {
+ debug_delta_aff_tag_ = 0;
+ debug_delta_aff_tag_sum_ = delta_aff->GetTagSum();
+ }
+ delta_aff = NULL;
+ }
+} // namespace Ipopt