path: root/sci_gateway/cpp/sci_minconNLP.cpp
diff options
authorHarpreet2016-02-24 16:22:06 +0530
committerHarpreet2016-02-24 16:22:06 +0530
commit03241d180c9d65fa1e75ceac4c257df44438a1ce (patch)
treeeb6e3875f136ec94ce138382adb90e925ff84750 /sci_gateway/cpp/sci_minconNLP.cpp
parent7996c2704975d61e03cfb4204cfb8e202367a448 (diff)
fmincon examples added
Diffstat (limited to 'sci_gateway/cpp/sci_minconNLP.cpp')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 349 deletions
diff --git a/sci_gateway/cpp/sci_minconNLP.cpp b/sci_gateway/cpp/sci_minconNLP.cpp
index 2c6d6af..600aed6 100644
--- a/sci_gateway/cpp/sci_minconNLP.cpp
+++ b/sci_gateway/cpp/sci_minconNLP.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2015 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
+// Copyright (C) 1815 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
// Author: R.Vidyadhar & Vignesh Kannan
// Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ bool minconNLP::get_nlp_info(Index& n, Index& m, Index& nnz_jac_g, Index& nnz_h_
m=numConstr_; // Number of constraints
nnz_jac_g = n*m; // No. of elements in Jacobian of constraints
- nnz_h_lag = n*(n+1)/2; // No. of elements in lower traingle of Hessian of the Lagrangian.
+ nnz_h_lag = n*n; // No. of elements in lower traingle of Hessian of the Lagrangian.
index_style=C_STYLE; // Index style of matrices
return true;
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ bool minconNLP::get_bounds_info(Index n, Number* x_l, Number* x_u, Index m, Numb
//bounds of non-linear inequality constraints
- g_l[c]=-1.0e19;
+ g_l[c]=-1.0e17;
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ bool minconNLP::get_bounds_info(Index n, Number* x_l, Number* x_u, Index m, Numb
//bounds of linear inequality constraints
- g_l[c]=-1.0e19;
+ g_l[c]=-1.0e17;
@@ -113,11 +113,121 @@ bool minconNLP::get_bounds_info(Index n, Number* x_l, Number* x_u, Index m, Numb
return true;
+// This method sets initial values for required vectors . For now we are assuming 0 to all values.
+bool minconNLP::get_starting_point(Index n, bool init_x, Number* x,bool init_z, Number* z_L, Number* z_U,Index m, bool init_lambda,Number* lambda)
+ assert(init_x == true);
+ assert(init_z == false);
+ assert(init_lambda == false);
+ if (init_x == true)
+ { //we need to set initial values for vector x
+ for (Index var=0;var<n;var++)
+ x[var]=varGuess_[var];
+ }
+ return true;
+//get value of objective function at vector x
+bool minconNLP::eval_f(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x, Number& obj_value)
+ int* funptr=NULL;
+ if(getFunctionFromScilab(1,&funptr))
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ char name[18]="f";
+ double obj=0;
+ double *xNew=x;
+ double check;
+ createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 14, 1, numVars_, xNew);
+ int positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction = 14;
+ int numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction = 1;
+ int numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction = 2;
+ int pointerOnScilabFunction = *funptr;
+ C2F(scistring)(&positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction,name,
+ &numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction,
+ &numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction,(unsigned long)strlen(name));
+ if(getDoubleFromScilab(15,&check))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (check==1)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(getDoubleFromScilab(14,&obj))
+ {
+ sciprint("No obj value");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ obj_value=obj;
+ return true;
+ }
+//get value of gradient of objective function at vector x.
+bool minconNLP::eval_grad_f(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x, Number* grad_f)
+ int* gradptr=NULL;
+ if(getFunctionFromScilab(11,&gradptr))
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ double *xNew=x;
+ createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 14, 1, numVars_, xNew);
+ int positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction = 14;
+ int numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction = 1;
+ int numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction = 2;
+ int pointerOnScilabFunction = *gradptr;
+ char name[18]="fGrad1";
+ C2F(scistring)(&positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction,name,
+ &numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction,
+ &numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction,(unsigned long)strlen(name));
+ double* resg;
+ double check;
+ int x0_rows,x0_cols;
+ if(getDoubleFromScilab(15,&check))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (check==1)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(14, &x0_rows, &x0_cols, &resg))
+ {
+ sciprint("No results");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ Index i;
+ for(i=0;i<numVars_;i++)
+ {
+ grad_f[i]=resg[i];
+ finalGradient_[i]=resg[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
// return the value of the constraints: g(x)
bool minconNLP::eval_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x, Index m, Number* g)
// return the value of the constraints: g(x)
unsigned int i;
unsigned int j;
@@ -132,26 +242,27 @@ bool minconNLP::eval_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x, Index m, Number* g)
int* constr=NULL;
- if(getFunctionFromScilab(11,&constr))
+ if(getFunctionFromScilab(10,&constr))
return 1;
- char name[20]="addnlc1";
double *xNew=x;
double check;
- createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 18, 1, numVars_, xNew);
- int positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction = 18;
+ createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 14, 1, numVars_, xNew);
+ int positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction = 14;
int numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction = 1;
int numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction = 2;
int pointerOnScilabFunction = *constr;
+ char name[18]="addnlc1";
&numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction,(unsigned long)strlen(name));
double* resc;
int xC_rows,xC_cols;
- if(getDoubleFromScilab(19,&check))
+ if(getDoubleFromScilab(15,&check))
return true;
@@ -161,7 +272,7 @@ bool minconNLP::eval_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x, Index m, Number* g)
- if(getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(18, &xC_rows, &xC_cols, &resc))
+ if(getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(14, &xC_rows, &xC_cols, &resc))
sciprint("No results");
return 1;
@@ -201,11 +312,11 @@ bool minconNLP::eval_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x, Index m, Number* g)
// return the structure or values of the jacobian
bool minconNLP::eval_jac_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,Index m, Index nele_jac, Index* iRow, Index *jCol,Number* values)
if (values == NULL)
- if(m==0)// return the structure of the jacobian of the constraints
- {
+ if(m==0)// return the structure of the jacobian of the constraints
+ {
@@ -235,71 +346,19 @@ bool minconNLP::eval_jac_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,Index m, Index n
//jacobian of non-linear constraints
- if(flag3_==0)
- {
- int* gradhessptr=NULL;
- if(getFunctionFromScilab(2,&gradhessptr))
- {
- return 1;
- }
- double *xNew=x;
- double t=3;
- createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 18, 1, numVars_, xNew);
- createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, 19,t);
- int positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction = 18;
- int numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction = 2;
- int numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction = 2;
- int pointerOnScilabFunction = *gradhessptr;
- char name[20]="gradhess";
- C2F(scistring)(&positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction,name,
- &numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction,
- &numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction,(unsigned long)strlen(name));
- double* resj;
- int xJ_rows,xJ_cols;
- if(getDoubleFromScilab(19,&check))
- {
- return true;
- }
- if (check==1)
- {
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- if(getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(18, &xJ_rows, &xJ_cols, &resj))
- {
- sciprint("No results");
- return 1;
- }
- for(i=0;i<nonlinCon_;i++)
- {
- for(j=0;j<n;j++)
- {
- values[c] = resj[j*(int)nonlinCon_+i];
- c++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
int* jacptr=NULL;
- if(getFunctionFromScilab(17,&jacptr))
+ if(getFunctionFromScilab(13,&jacptr))
return 1;
double *xNew=x;
- createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 18, 1, numVars_, xNew);
- int positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction = 18;
+ createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 14, 1, numVars_, xNew);
+ int positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction = 14;
int numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction = 1;
int numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction = 2;
int pointerOnScilabFunction = *jacptr;
- char name[20]="addcGrad1";
+ char name[18]="addcGrad1";
@@ -307,7 +366,7 @@ bool minconNLP::eval_jac_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,Index m, Index n
double* resj;
int xJ_rows,xJ_cols;
- if(getDoubleFromScilab(19,&check))
+ if(getDoubleFromScilab(15,&check))
return true;
@@ -317,7 +376,7 @@ bool minconNLP::eval_jac_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,Index m, Index n
- if(getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(18, &xJ_rows, &xJ_cols, &resj))
+ if(getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(14, &xJ_rows, &xJ_cols, &resj))
sciprint("No results");
return 1;
@@ -330,7 +389,6 @@ bool minconNLP::eval_jac_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,Index m, Index n
- }
//jacobian of linear equality constraints
@@ -359,139 +417,6 @@ bool minconNLP::eval_jac_g(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,Index m, Index n
return true;
-//get value of objective function at vector x
-bool minconNLP::eval_f(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x, Number& obj_value)
- int* funptr=NULL;
- if(getFunctionFromScilab(1,&funptr))
- {
- return 1;
- }
- char name[20]="f";
- double obj=0;
- double *xNew=x;
- double check;
- createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 18, 1, numVars_, xNew);
- int positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction = 18;
- int numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction = 1;
- int numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction = 2;
- int pointerOnScilabFunction = *funptr;
- C2F(scistring)(&positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction,name,
- &numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction,
- &numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction,(unsigned long)strlen(name));
- if(getDoubleFromScilab(19,&check))
- {
- return true;
- }
- if (check==1)
- {
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- if(getDoubleFromScilab(18,&obj))
- {
- sciprint("No obj value");
- return 1;
- }
- obj_value=obj;
- return true;
- }
-//get value of gradient of objective function at vector x.
-bool minconNLP::eval_grad_f(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x, Number* grad_f)
- if (flag1_==0)
- {
- int* gradhessptr=NULL;
- if(getFunctionFromScilab(2,&gradhessptr))
- {
- return 1;
- }
- double *xNew=x;
- double t=1;
- createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 18, 1, numVars_, xNew);
- createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, 19,t);
- int positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction = 18;
- int numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction = 2;
- int numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction = 2;
- int pointerOnScilabFunction = *gradhessptr;
- char name[20]="gradhess";
- C2F(scistring)(&positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction,name,
- &numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction,
- &numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction,(unsigned long)strlen(name));
- }
- else
- {
- int* gradptr=NULL;
- if(getFunctionFromScilab(13,&gradptr))
- {
- return 1;
- }
- double *xNew=x;
- createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 18, 1, numVars_, xNew);
- int positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction = 18;
- int numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction = 1;
- int numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction = 2;
- int pointerOnScilabFunction = *gradptr;
- char name[20]="fGrad1";
- C2F(scistring)(&positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction,name,
- &numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction,
- &numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction,(unsigned long)strlen(name));
- }
- double* resg;
- double check;
- int x0_rows,x0_cols;
- if(getDoubleFromScilab(19,&check))
- {
- return true;
- }
- if (check==1)
- {
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- if(getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(18, &x0_rows, &x0_cols, &resg))
- {
- sciprint("No results");
- return 1;
- }
- Index i;
- for(i=0;i<numVars_;i++)
- {
- grad_f[i]=resg[i];
- finalGradient_[i]=resg[i];
- }
- }
- return true;
-// This method sets initial values for required vectors . For now we are assuming 0 to all values.
-bool minconNLP::get_starting_point(Index n, bool init_x, Number* x,bool init_z, Number* z_L, Number* z_U,Index m, bool init_lambda,Number* lambda)
- assert(init_x == true);
- assert(init_z == false);
- assert(init_lambda == false);
- if (init_x == true)
- { //we need to set initial values for vector x
- for (Index var=0;var<n;var++)
- x[var]=varGuess_[var];
- }
- return true;
* Return either the sparsity structure of the Hessian of the Lagrangian,
* or the values of the Hessian of the Lagrangian for the given values for
@@ -505,7 +430,7 @@ bool minconNLP::eval_h(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,Number obj_factor, I
Index idx=0;
for (Index row = 0; row < numVars_; row++)
- for (Index col = 0; col <= row; col++)
+ for (Index col = 0; col < numVars_; col++)
iRow[idx] = row;
jCol[idx] = col;
@@ -517,145 +442,23 @@ bool minconNLP::eval_h(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,Number obj_factor, I
double check;
- //hessian of the objective function
- if(flag2_==0)
- {
- int* gradhessptr=NULL;
- if(getFunctionFromScilab(2,&gradhessptr))
- {
- return 1;
- }
- double *xNew=x;
- double t=2;
- createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 18, 1, numVars_, xNew);
- createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, 19,t);
- int positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction = 18;
- int numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction = 2;
- int numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction = 2;
- int pointerOnScilabFunction = *gradhessptr;
- char name[20]="gradhess";
- C2F(scistring)(&positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction,name,
- &numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction,
- &numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction,(unsigned long)strlen(name));
- double* resTemph;
- int x0_rows,x0_cols;
- if(getDoubleFromScilab(19,&check))
- {
- return true;
- }
- if (check==1)
- {
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- if(getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(18, &x0_rows, &x0_cols, &resTemph))
- {
- sciprint("No results");
- return 1;
- }
- double* resh=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*n*n);
- Index i;
- for(i=0;i<numVars_*numVars_;i++)
- {
- resh[i]=resTemph[i];
- }
- //sum of hessians of constraints each multiplied by its own lambda factor
- double* sum=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*n*n);
- if(nonlinCon_!=0)
- {
- int* gradhessptr=NULL;
- if(getFunctionFromScilab(2,&gradhessptr))
- {
- return 1;
- }
- double *xNew=x;
- double t=4;
- createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 18, 1, numVars_, xNew);
- createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, 19,t);
- int positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction = 18;
- int numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction = 2;
- int numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction = 2;
- int pointerOnScilabFunction = *gradhessptr;
- char name[20]="gradhess";
- C2F(scistring)(&positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction,name,
- &numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction,
- &numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction,(unsigned long)strlen(name));
- double* resCh;
- int xCh_rows,xCh_cols;
- if(getDoubleFromScilab(19,&check))
- {
- return true;
- }
- if (check==1)
- {
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- if(getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(18, &xCh_rows, &xCh_cols, &resCh))
- {
- sciprint("No results");
- return 1;
- }
- Index j;
- for(i=0;i<numVars_*numVars_;i++)
- {
- sum[i]=0;
- for(j=0;j<nonlinCon_;j++)
- sum[i]+=lambda[j]*resCh[i*(int)nonlinCon_+j];
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(i=0;i<numVars_*numVars_;i++)
- sum[i]=0;
- }
- //computing the lagrangian
- Index index=0;
- for (Index row=0;row < numVars_ ;++row)
- {
- for (Index col=0; col <= row; ++col)
- {
- values[index++]=obj_factor*(resh[numVars_*row+col])+sum[numVars_*row+col];
- }
- }
- free(resh);
- free(sum);
- }
- }
- else
- {
int* hessptr=NULL;
- if(getFunctionFromScilab(15,&hessptr))
+ if(getFunctionFromScilab(12,&hessptr))
return 1;
double *xNew=x;
double *lambdaNew=lambda;
double objfac=obj_factor;
- createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 18, 1, numVars_, xNew);
- createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, 19,objfac);
- createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 20, 1, numConstr_, lambdaNew);
- int positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction = 18;
+ createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 14, 1, numVars_, xNew);
+ createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, 15,objfac);
+ createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 16, 1, numConstr_, lambdaNew);
+ int positionFirstElementOnStackForScilabFunction = 14;
int numberOfRhsOnScilabFunction = 3;
int numberOfLhsOnScilabFunction = 2;
int pointerOnScilabFunction = *hessptr;
- char name[20]="lHess1";
+ char name[18]="lHess1";
@@ -663,7 +466,7 @@ bool minconNLP::eval_h(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,Number obj_factor, I
double* resCh;
int xCh_rows,xCh_cols;
- if(getDoubleFromScilab(19,&check))
+ if(getDoubleFromScilab(15,&check))
return true;
@@ -673,7 +476,7 @@ bool minconNLP::eval_h(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,Number obj_factor, I
- if(getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(18, &xCh_rows, &xCh_cols, &resCh))
+ if(getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(14, &xCh_rows, &xCh_cols, &resCh))
sciprint("No results");
return 1;
@@ -682,14 +485,12 @@ bool minconNLP::eval_h(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,Number obj_factor, I
Index index=0;
for (Index row=0;row < numVars_ ;++row)
- for (Index col=0; col <= row; ++col)
+ for (Index col=0; col < numVars_; ++col)
- }
Index index=0;
for (Index row=0;row < numVars_ ;++row)
@@ -700,14 +501,6 @@ bool minconNLP::eval_h(Index n, const Number* x, bool new_x,Number obj_factor, I
- index=0;
- for (Index col=0;col < numVars_ ;++col)
- {
- for (Index row=0; row <= col; ++row)
- {
- finalHessian_[n*row+col]=values[index++];
- }
- }
return true;