path: root/macros/qpipoptmat.sci
diff options
authorHarpreet2016-01-29 16:38:03 +0530
committerHarpreet2016-01-29 16:38:03 +0530
commitf7c5cbc61d5b52c749824298cfa39a95db2d879c (patch)
tree27aafcca0159b7b3bb2926ff3a9c6c25834980d2 /macros/qpipoptmat.sci
parent2db803c34c6df02379ec88df3a7aa186700d9fbf (diff)
linprog general tests added
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/qpipoptmat.sci')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/macros/qpipoptmat.sci b/macros/qpipoptmat.sci
index ca32f8e..e64a83a 100644
--- a/macros/qpipoptmat.sci
+++ b/macros/qpipoptmat.sci
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ function [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lambda] = qpipoptmat (varargin)
// param : a list containing the parameters to be set.
// xopt : a vector of double, the computed solution of the optimization problem.
// fopt : a double, the value of the function at x.
- // residual : a vector of double, solution residuals returned as the vector d-C*x.
// exitflag : The exit status. See below for details.
// output : The structure consist of statistics about the optimization. See below for details.
// lambda : The structure consist of the Lagrange multipliers at the solution of problem. See below for details.
@@ -55,6 +54,15 @@ function [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lambda] = qpipoptmat (varargin)
// The routine calls Ipopt for solving the quadratic problem, Ipopt is a library written in C++.
+ // The options allows the user to set various parameters of the Optimization problem.
+ // It should be defined as type "list" and contains the following fields.
+ // <itemizedlist>
+ // <listitem>Syntax : options= list("MaxIter", [---], "CpuTime", [---]);</listitem>
+ // <listitem>MaxIter : a Scalar, containing the Maximum Number of Iteration that the solver should take.</listitem>
+ // <listitem>CpuTime : a Scalar, containing the Maximum amount of CPU Time that the solver should take.</listitem>
+ // <listitem>Default Values : options = list("MaxIter", [3000], "CpuTime", [600]);</listitem>
+ // </itemizedlist>
+ //
// The exitflag allows to know the status of the optimization which is given back by Ipopt.
// <itemizedlist>
// <listitem>exitflag=0 : Optimal Solution Found </listitem>
@@ -208,21 +216,32 @@ function [xopt,fopt,exitflag,output,lambda] = qpipoptmat (varargin)
+ //Check type of variables
+ Checktype("qpipoptmat", H, "H", 1, "constant")
+ Checktype("qpipoptmat", f, "f", 2, "constant")
+ Checktype("qpipoptmat", A, "A", 3, "constant")
+ Checktype("qpipoptmat", b, "b", 4, "constant")
+ Checktype("qpipoptmat", Aeq, "Aeq", 5, "constant")
+ Checktype("qpipoptmat", beq, "beq", 6, "constant")
+ Checktype("qpipoptmat", lb, "lb", 7, "constant")
+ Checktype("qpipoptmat", ub, "ub", 8, "constant")
+ Checktype("qpipoptmat", x0, "x0", 9, "constant")
options = list(..
"MaxIter" , [3000], ...
"CpuTime" , [600] ...
for i = 1:(size(param))/2
- select param(2*i-1)
- case "MaxIter" then
- options(2*i) = param(2*i);
- case "CpuTime" then
- options(2*i) = param(2*i);
- else
- errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unrecognized parameter name ''%s''."), "qpipoptmat", param(2*i-1));
- error(errmsg)
+ select convstr(param(2*i-1),'l')
+ case "maxiter" then
+ options(2*i) = param(2*i);
+ case "cputime" then
+ options(2*i) = param(2*i);
+ else
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Unrecognized parameter name ''%s''."), "lsqlin", param(2*i-1));
+ error(errmsg)