diff options
authorHarpreet2015-11-17 23:48:17 +0530
committerHarpreet2015-11-17 23:48:17 +0530
commita8277e2be90bf00bd70ab5e7d6b92b91c49b7320 (patch)
parentfa70075d0b04dfc1322354b80abf3adcdfe3a8dd (diff)
.gitignore added
2 files changed, 101 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30b307a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# All back up files
diff --git a/macros/symphony.sci~ b/macros/symphony.sci~
index d5c8e44..4b11ae8 100644
--- a/macros/symphony.sci~
+++ b/macros/symphony.sci~
@@ -19,20 +19,20 @@ function [xopt,fopt,status,output] = symphony (varargin)
// [xopt,fopt,status,output] = symphony( ... )
// Parameters
- // nbVar : a 1 x 1 matrix of doubles, number of variables
- // nbCon : a 1 x 1 matrix of doubles, number of constraints
- // objCoeff : a 1 x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, contains coefficients of the variables in the objective
- // isInt : a 1 x n matrix of boolean, where n is number of variables, representing wether a variable is constrained to be an integer
- // LB : a 1 x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, contains lower bounds of the variables. Bound can be negative infinity
- // UB : a 1 x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, contains upper bounds of the variables. Bound can be infinity
- // conMatrix : a m x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables and m is number of constraints, contains matrix representing the constraint matrix
- // conLB : a m x 1 matrix of doubles, where m is number of constraints, contains lower bounds of the constraints.
- // conUB : a m x 1 matrix of doubles, where m is number of constraints, contains upper bounds of the constraints
- // objSense : The sense (maximization/minimization) of the objective. Use 1(sym_minimize ) or -1 (sym_maximize) here
- // options : a 1xq marix of string, provided to set the paramters in symphony
- // xopt : a 1xn matrix of doubles, the computed solution of the optimization problem
- // fopt : a 1x1 matrix of doubles, the function value at x
- // status : status flag from symphony
+ // nbVar : a double, number of variables.
+ // nbCon : a double, number of constraints.
+ // objCoeff : a 1 x n matrix of doubles, where n is number of variables, represents coefficients of the variables in the objective.
+ // isInt : a vector of boolean, represents wether a variable is constrained to be an integer.
+ // LB : a vector of doubles, represents lower bounds of the variables.
+ // UB : a vector of doubles, represents upper bounds of the variables.
+ // conMatrix : a matrix of doubles, represents matrix representing the constraint matrix.
+ // conLB : a vector of doubles, represents lower bounds of the constraints.
+ // conUB : a vector of doubles, represents upper bounds of the constraints
+ // objSense : The sense (maximization/minimization) of the objective. Use 1(sym_minimize ) or -1 (sym_maximize) here.
+ // options : a a list containing the the parameters to be set.
+ // xopt : a vector of doubles, the computed solution of the optimization problem.
+ // fopt : a double, the function value at x.
+ // status : status flag from symphony.
// output : The output data structure contains detailed informations about the optimization process.
// Description
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ function [xopt,fopt,status,output] = symphony (varargin)
// Examples
// //A basic case :
// // Objective function
- // c = [350*5,330*3,310*4,280*6,500,450,400,100]
+ // c = [350*5,330*3,310*4,280*6,500,450,400,100]';
// // Lower Bound of variable
- // lb = repmat(0,1,8);
+ // lb = repmat(0,8,1);
// // Upper Bound of variables
- // ub = [repmat(1,1,4) repmat(%inf,1,4)];
+ // ub = [repmat(1,4,1);repmat(%inf,4,1)];
// // Constraint Matrix
// conMatrix = [5,3,4,6,1,1,1,1;
// 5*0.05,3*0.04,4*0.05,6*0.03,0.08,0.07,0.06,0.03;
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ function [xopt,fopt,status,output] = symphony (varargin)
// 957 798 669 625 467 1051 552 717 654 388 559 555 1104 783 ..
// 959 668 507 855 986 831 821 825 868 852 832 828 799 686 ..
// 510 671 575 740 510 675 996 636 826 1022 1140 654 909 799 ..
- // 1162 653 814 625 599 476 767 954 906 904 649 873 565 853 1008 632]
+ // 1162 653 814 625 599 476 767 954 906 904 649 873 565 853 1008 632]';
// //Constraint Matrix
// conMatrix = [
// //Constraint 1
@@ -137,16 +137,16 @@ function [xopt,fopt,status,output] = symphony (varargin)
// nbCon = size(conMatrix,1)
// nbVar = size(conMatrix,2)
// // Lower Bound of variables
- // lb = repmat(0,1,nbVar)
+ // lb = repmat(0,nbVar,1)
// // Upper Bound of variables
- // ub = repmat(1,1,nbVar)
+ // ub = repmat(1,nbVar,1)
// // Row Matrix for telling symphony that the is integer or not
// isInt = repmat(%t,1,nbVar)
// // Lower Bound of constrains
// conLB=repmat(0,nbCon,1);
// // Upper Bound of constraints
// conUB=[11927 13727 11551 13056 13460 ]';
- // options = ["time_limit" "25"]
+ // options = list("time_limit", 25);
// // The expected solution :
// // Output variables
// xopt = [0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 ..
@@ -185,43 +185,103 @@ function [xopt,fopt,status,output] = symphony (varargin)
objSense = varargin(10);
- if (rhs<11) then
+ if (rhs<11|size(varargin(11))==0) then
options = list();
options = varargin(11);
-//Check the size of constraint which should equal to the number of constraints
- if ( size(conMatrix,1) ~= nbCon) then
- errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The Lower Bound is not equal to the number of variables"), "Symphony");
+// Check if the user gives row vector
+// and Changing it to a column matrix
+ if (size(isInt,2)== [nbVar]) then
+ isInt = isInt';
+ end
+ if (size(LB,2)== [nbVar]) then
+ LB = LB';
+ end
+ if (size(UB,2)== [nbVar]) then
+ UB = UB';
+ end
+ if (size(conLB,2)== [nbVar]) then
+ conLB = conLB';
+ end
+ if (size(conUB,2)== [nbVar]) then
+ conUB = conUB';
+ end
+ if (size(objCoef,2)~=1) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Objective Coefficients should be a column matrix"), "Symphony");
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ if (size(objCoef,1)~=nbVar) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Number of variables in Objective Coefficients is not equal to number of variables given"), "Symphony");
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ //Check the size of isInt which should equal to the number of variables
+ if(size(isInt,1)~=nbVar) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The size of isInt is not equal to the number of variables"), "Symphony");
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ //Check the size of lower bound of inequality constraint which should equal to the number of constraints
+ if ( size(conLB,1) ~= nbCon) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The Lower Bound of constraint is not equal to the number of constraint"), "Symphony");
-//Check the size of Lower Bound which should equal to the number of variables
- if ( size(LB,2) ~= nbVar) then
- errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The Lower Bound is not equal to the number of variables"), "Symphony");
+ //Check the size of lower bound of inequality constraint which should equal to the number of constraints
+ if ( size(conUB,1) ~= nbCon) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The Upper Bound of constraint is not equal to the number of constraint"), "Symphony");
-//Check the size of Upper Bound which should equal to the number of variables
- if ( size(UB,2) ~= nbVar) then
- errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The Upper Bound is not equal to the number of variables"), "Symphony");
+ //Check the row of constraint which should equal to the number of constraints
+ if ( size(conMatrix,1) ~= nbCon) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The number of rows in constraint should be equal to the number of constraints"), "Symphony");
-//Check the size of constraints of Lower Bound which should equal to the number of constraints
- if ( size(conLB,1) ~= nbCon) then
- errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The Lower Bound of constraints is not equal to the number of constraints"), "Symphony");
+ //Check the column of constraint which should equal to the number of variables
+ if ( size(conMatrix,2) ~= nbVar) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The number of columns in constraint should equal to the number of variables"), "Symphony");
-//Check the size of constraints of Upper Bound which should equal to the number of constraints
- if ( size(conUB,1) ~= nbCon) then
- errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The Upper Bound of constraints is not equal to the number of constraints"), "Symphony");
+ //Check the size of Lower Bound which should equal to the number of variables
+ if ( size(LB,1) ~= nbVar) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The Lower Bound is not equal to the number of variables"), "Symphony");
+ //Check the size of Upper Bound which should equal to the number of variables
+ if ( size(UB,1) ~= nbVar) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: The Upper Bound is not equal to the number of variables"), "Symphony");
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ if (type(options) ~= 15) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Options should be a list "), "Symphony");
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ if (modulo(size(options),2)) then
+ errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Size of parameters should be even"), "Symphony");
+ error(errmsg);
+ end
+ LB = LB';
+ UB = UB';
+ isInt = isInt';
+ objCoef = objCoef';
[xopt,fopt,status,output] = symphony_call(nbVar,nbCon,objCoef,isInt,LB,UB,conMatrix,conLB,conUB,objSense,options);