path: root/stapp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-06-18Changed 'template' to 'templates'Parth Buch
2012-06-18Removed all the user and authentication codeParth Buch
2012-06-18Removed refrences to URL_ROOTParth Buch
2012-06-18Added migrations for video appParth Buch
2012-06-18Removing the Profile Model from video/ as we have a different app fo...Parth Buch
2012-06-18Displaying names instead of 'class' in django admin,gramatical changesParth Buch
2012-06-18Standardizing the file by removing the URL_ROOTParth Buch
2012-06-01Restart of project. Most of the changes have been done by @Jayparikh111parth