path: root/stapp/templates/base.html
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2012-07-27UI ChangesParth Buch
Changed style.css and base.html to bring the ground work up for popcornjs framework
2012-07-26added browser-compatibilty featureJay Parikh
2012-07-20UI Changes, added links to other apps on fosseeapps.inParth Buch
2012-07-20UI Changes, removed the 'well' class to get rid of padding problemParth Buch
2012-07-20Modified and base.html to work with not root urlsParth Buch
2012-07-19Changed URL_BASE to URL_ROOT for proper url linkingParth Buch
2012-07-19changed the UI to seperate the main video and removed thumbnailsJay Parikh
2012-07-18image loading instead of videoJay Parikh
2012-06-21Removed username and logout buttons, made the base template of span12Parth Buch
2012-06-01Restart of project. Most of the changes have been done by @Jayparikh111parth