path: root/using_plot_interactively/
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1 files changed, 9 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/using_plot_interactively/ b/using_plot_interactively/
index 2d02d13..0d32b59 100644
--- a/using_plot_interactively/
+++ b/using_plot_interactively/
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
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-* Question1
+* Question 1
Plot (sin(x)*sin(x))/x.
1. Save the plot by the sinsquarebyx.pdf in pdf format.
2. Zoom and find the maxima.
@@ -89,11 +89,16 @@
* Evaluation
1. Create 100 equally spaced points between -pi/2 and pi/2?
- 2. How do you clear a figure in ipython?
- 3. How do find the length of a sequen
+ 2. What will the command ''linspace(-pi,pi,100)'' do.
+ - returns 100 evenly spaced samples from -pi to pi
+ - returns 100 evenly spaced samples from -pi to pi excluding pi but including -pi
+ - returns 100 evenly spaced samples from -pi to pi excluding -pi but including pi
+ - returns 100 evenly spaced samples from -pi to pi including both -pi and pi
+ 3. How do find the length of a sequence.
* Solutions...
1. linspace(-pi/2,pi/2,100)
- 2. clf()
+ 2.
+returns 100 evenly spaced samples from -pi to pi including both -pi and pi
3. len(sequence\_name)