path: root/
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diff --git a/ b/
index c0e105d..1c5171e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
In this tutorial we shall look at solving linear equations, obtaining
- roots of polynomial and other non-linear equations. In the process, we
+ roots of polynomial and non-linear equations. In the process, we
shall look at defining functions as well.
We would be using concepts related to arrays which we have covered
@@ -18,17 +18,22 @@
Let's begin with solving linear equations.
{show a slide of the equations}
- We shall use the solve function, to solve this system of linear
+ Consider the set of equations,
+ 3x + 2y -z = 1, 2x-2y + 4z = -2, -x+ half y-z = 0.
+ We shall use the solve function, to solve the given system of linear
equations. Solve requires the coefficients and the constants to
- be in the form of matrices to solve the system of linear equations.
+ be in the form of matrices of the form Ax = b to solve the system of linear equations.
Lets start ipython -pylab interpreter.
We begin by entering the coefficients and the constants as
- In []: A = array([[3,2,-1],
- [2,-2,4],
+ In []: A = array([[3,2,-1],
+ [2,-2,4],
[-1, 0.5, -1]])
+ A is a 3X3 matrix of the coefficients of x, y and z
In []: b = array([1, -2, 0])
Now, we can use the solve function to solve the given system.
@@ -55,27 +60,27 @@
In []: allclose(Ax, b)
The function returns True, which implies that the product of A &
- x, and b are close enough. This validates our solution x.
+ x is very close to the value of b. This validates our solution x.
- Let's move to finding the roots of polynomials. We shall use the
- roots function to calculate the roots of a polynomial.
+ Let's move to finding the roots of a polynomial. We shall use the
+ roots function for this.
The function requires an array of the coefficients of the
polynomial in the descending order of powers.
- Consider the polynomial x^2-5x+6
+ Consider the polynomial x^2-5x+6 = 0
In []: coeffs = [1, -5, 6]
In []: roots(coeffs)
As we can see, roots returns the result in an array.
It even works for polynomials with imaginary roots.
roots([1, 1, 1])
+ As you can see, the roots of that equation are of the form a + bj
What if I want the solution of non linear equations?
- For that we use the fsolve function. We shall use the function
- sin(x)+cos^2(x) as our function, in this tutorial. This function
- is not part of pylab package which we import at the beginning,
- so we will have to import it. It is part of scipy package. Let's
- import it using.
+ For that we use the fsolve function. In this tutorial, we shall use
+ the equation sin(x)+cos^2(x). fsolve is not part of the pylab
+ package which we imported at the beginning, so we will have to import
+ it. It is part of scipy package. Let's import it using.
In []: from scipy.optimize import fsolve
@@ -100,13 +105,13 @@
... return sin(x)+cos(x)*cos(x)
- hit the enter key thrice for coming out of function definition.
+ hit the enter key to come out of function definition.
def, is a key word in python that tells the interpreter that a
function definition is beginning. f, here, is the name of the
function and x is the lone argument of the function. The whole
- definition of the function is done with in an indented block same
- as the loops and conditional statements we have used in our
+ definition of the function is done with in an indented block similar
+ to the loops and conditional statements we have used in our
earlier tutorials. Our function f has just one line in it's