path: root/matrices/
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diff --git a/matrices/ b/matrices/
index 4be93d2..b99bf7b 100644
--- a/matrices/
+++ b/matrices/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{mathpazo,courier,euler} \usepackage[scaled=.95]{helvet}
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#+LaTeX_HEADER: commentstyle=\color{red}\itshape, stringstyle=\color{darkgreen},
@@ -63,37 +64,23 @@
- Getting started with Lists.
- Getting started with Arrays.
- Accessing parts of Arrays.
-* Creating a matrix
- - Creating a matrix using direct data
- : In []: m1 = array([1, 2, 3, 4])
- - Creating a matrix using lists
- : In []: l1 = [[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]]
- : In []: m2 = array(l1)
* Exercise 1
- Create a (2, 4) matrix ~m3~
- : m3 = [[5, 6, 7, 8],
- : [9, 10, 11, 12
-* Matrix operations
- - Element-wise addition (both matrix should be of order ~mXn~)
- : In []: m3 + m2
- - Element-wise subtraction (both matrix should be of order ~mXn~)
- : In []: m3 - m2
+ - Create a two dimensional matrix ~m3~ of order (2, 4) with
+ elements 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
* Recall from ~array~
- - The functions
- - ~identity(n)~ -
- creates an identity matrix of order ~nXn~
- - ~zeros((m,n))~ -
- creates a matrix of order ~mXn~ with 0's
- - ~zeros_like(A)~ -
- creates a matrix with 0's similar to the shape of matrix ~A~
+ The following functions can also be used with matrices
+ - ~identity(n)~
+ - creates an identity matrix of order ~nXn~
+ - ~zeros((m,n))~
+ - creates a matrix of order ~mXn~ with 0's
+ - ~zeros\_like(A)~
+ - creates a matrix with 0's similar to the shape of matrix ~A~
- ~ones((m,n))~
- creates a matrix of order ~mXn~ with 1's
- - ~ones_like(A)~
- creates a matrix with 1's similar to the shape of matrix ~A~
- Can also be used with matrices
+ - creates a matrix of order ~mXn~ with 1's
+ - ~ones\_like(A)~
+ - creates a matrix with 1's similar to the shape of matrix ~A~
* Exercise 2 : Frobenius norm \& inverse
- Find out the Frobenius norm of inverse of a ~4 X 4~ matrix.
+ - Find out the Frobenius norm of inverse of a ~4 X 4~ matrix.
The matrix is
: m5 = arange(1,17).reshape(4,4)
@@ -108,7 +95,7 @@
$||A||_F = [\sum_{i,j} abs(a_{i,j})^2]^{1/2}$
* Exercise 3 : Infinity norm
- Find the infinity norm of the matrix ~im5~
+ - Find the infinity norm of the matrix ~im5~
- Infinity norm is defined as,
@@ -120,17 +107,11 @@
- Infinity norm
: In []: norm(im5, ord=inf)
* eigen values \& eigen vectors
- Find out the eigen values and eigen vectors of the matrix ~m5~.
- :
- - eigen values and vectors can be found out using
- : In []: eig(m5)
- returns a tuple of /eigen values/ and /eigen vectors/
- - /eigen values/ in tuple
- - ~In []: eig(m5)[0]~
- - /eigen vectors/ in tuple
- - ~In []: eig(m5)[1]~
- - Computing /eigen values/ using ~eigvals()~
- : In []: eigvals(m5)
+ eigen values and eigen vectors
+ - eig()
+ Only eigen values
+ - eigvals()
* Singular Value Decomposition (~svd~)
$M = U \Sigma V^*$
@@ -153,15 +134,39 @@
- Create matrices using arrays.
- Add and multiply the elements of matrix.
- - Find out the inverse of a matrix,using the function ``inv()``.
- - Use the function ``det()`` to find the determinant of a matrix.
+ - Find out the inverse of a matrix,using the function ``inv()''.
+ - Use the function ``det()'' to find the determinant of a matrix.
- Calculate the norm of a matrix using the for loop and also using
- the function ``norm()``.
+ the function ``norm()''.
- Find out the eigen vectors and eigen values of a matrix, using
- functions ``eig()`` and ``eigvals()``.
+ functions ``eig()'' and ``eigvals()''.
- Calculate singular value decomposition(SVD) of a matrix using the
- function ``svd()``.
+ function ``svd()''.
+* Evaluation
+1. A and B are two array objects. Element wise multiplication in
+ matrices are done by,
+ - A * B
+ - multiply(A, B)
+ - dot(A, B)
+ - element\_multiply(A,B)
+2. ``eig(A)[ 1 ]'' and ``eigvals(A)'' are the same.
+ - True
+ - False
+3. ``norm(A,ord='fro')'' is the same as ``norm(A)'' ?
+ - True
+ - False
+* Solutions
+1. A * B
+2. False
+3. True