path: root/getting-started-with-for
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-For loop:\\
-{\ex \lstinline| for i in range(1,11,2):|}
-{\ex \lstinline| s = s + i|}
-Range function:\\
-{\ex \lstinline| range([start,]stop[,step])|}
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-.. Objectives
-.. ----------
-.. At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to
-.. 1. Write blocks of code in python.
-.. #. Use for loop.
-.. #. Use ``range()`` function.
-.. #. Write blocks in python interpreter
-.. #. Write blocks in ipython interpreter.
-.. Prerequisites
-.. -------------
-.. 1. should have ``ipython`` and ``pylab`` installed.
-.. #. getting started with ``ipython``.
-.. #. getting started with lists.
-.. Author : Anoop Jacob Thomas <>
- Internal Reviewer : Nishanth
- Internal Reviewer(2): Amit
- External Reviewer :
- Language Reviewer : Bhanukiran
- Checklist OK? : <10-11-2010, Anand, OK> [2010-10-05]
-Getting started with for loop
-{{{ show welcome slide }}}
-Hello and welcome to the tutorial `Getting started with ``for`` loop`.
-{{{ switch to next slide, outline slide }}}
-In this tutorial we will learn about ``for`` loops in python, and also
-learn how to write blocks of code in Python.
-.. #[Nishanth]: Instead of saying basics of indenting code,
- say How to define code blocks in Python
-{{{ switch to next slide, about whitespaces }}}
-In Python whitespace is significant, and the blocks are visually
-.. #[nishanth]: Simply tell how blocks are defined in python.
- The details like braces are not used and its
- advantages like neat code can be told after completely
- explaining the indentation
-.. #[Amit]: Do you want to do that here. May be its better to talk about
- this after some initiation into the idea of blocks.
-The best practice is to indent the code using four spaces.
-.. #[Nishanth]: Even this detail may be skipped. Simply say use 4 spaces
- for indentation. Do that while typing so that they can
- actually see what is being typed.
-As you can see in the slide, ``Block B`` is an inner block and it is
-indented using 4 spaces, and after ``Block B`` the next statement in
-``Block A`` starts from the same indentation level of other ``Block
-A`` statements.
-Now let us move straight into ``for`` loop.
-{{{ switch to next slide, problem statement of exercise 1 }}}
-Write a for loop which iterates through a list of numbers and find the
-square root of each number.
- numbers are 1369, 7225, 3364, 7056, 5625, 729, 7056, 576, 2916
-.. #[nishanth]: making new list with square roots induces extra complication
- like appending which has no use case here
-.. #[Nishanth]: The problem focuses more on square root and creation
- of list. The problem must be simple and focusing on
- nothing more but the indentation and for loop.
- May be change the problem to print squares than to
- print square roots.
-For the problem, first we need to create a ``list`` of numbers and
-then iterate over the list and find the square root of each element in
-it. And let us create a script, rather than typing it out in the
-interpreter itself. Create a script called and type the
-{{{ open the text editor and paste the following code there }}}
- numbers = [1369, 7225, 3364, 7056, 5625, 729, 7056, 576, 2916]
- for each in numbers:
- print "Square root of", each, "is", sqrt(each)
- print "This is not in for loop!"
-.. numbers = [1, 12, 3, 4, 21, 17]
- for each in numbers:
- print each, each * each
-.. #[nishanth]: I don't see a use case to append the sq_root to
- square_roots. It is only complicating stuff.
- Simply iterate and print.
-{{{ switch to next slide, save and run script }}}
-{{{ save the script }}}
-Now save the script, and run it from your IPython interpreter. I
-assume that you have started your IPython interpreter using ``-pylab``
-Run the script as,
- %run -i
-.. #[Nishanth]: you don't have to use the -i option here
-{{{ run the script }}}
-So that was easy! All what we did was iterate over the list element by
-element and then use the element for calculation. Note that here we
-used two variables. One the variable ``numbers``, which is a list,
-another one ``each``, which is the element of list under consideration
-in each cycle of the ``for`` loop. The variable names can be chosen by
-.. #[Nishanth]: The details like we didn't have to find the length
- are relevant for people who have programmed in C or
- other languages earlier. But for a newbie it is more
- of confusing extra info. That part may be skipped.
- Simply go ahead and focus on the syntax of for loop.
- And how the variable name is used inside the for loop.
- If you modify the question to only print, the extra
- variable sq_root can also be avoided. let it be more
- about "each", "numbers" and "for". no other new names.
-{{{ show the script which was created }}}
-Note that the lines after ``for`` statement, is indented using four
-{{{ highlight the line after for statement }}}
-It means that line is part of the for loop. And it is a block of code,
-although it is only a single statement in the block. And the fourth
-line or the immediate line after the ``for`` block is not indented,
-{{{ highlight the fourth line - the line just after for loop }}}
-it means that it is not part of the ``for`` loop and the lines after
-that doesn't fall in the scope of the ``for`` loop. Thus each block is
-separated by the indentation level and that marks the importance of
-white-spaces in Python.
-{{{ switch to the slide which shows the problem statement of the first
-problem to be tried out }}}
-Now a question for you to try, from the given numbers make a list of
-perfect squares and a list of those which are not. The numbers are,
- 7225, 3268, 3364, 2966, 7056, 5625, 729, 5547, 7056, 576, 2916
-Pause here and try to solve the problem before proceeding further.
-{{{ switch to next slide, problem statement of second problem in
-solved exercise}}}
-Now let us try a simple one, to print the square root of numbers in
-the list. And this time let us do it right in the IPython
-{{{ switch to next slide, Indentation in ``ipython`` }}}
-{{{ switch focus to the IPython interpreter }}}
-So let us start with making a list. Type the following
- numbers = [1369, 7225, 3364, 7056, 5625, 729, 7056, 576, 2916]
- for each in numbers:
-and now you will notice that, as soon as you press the return key
-after for statement, the prompt changes to four dots and the cursor is
-not right after the four dots but there are four spaces from the
-dots. Please note that IPython automatically indents the block. The
-four dots tell you that you are inside a block. Now type the rest of
-the ``for`` loop,
-{{{ switch to next slide, Indentation in ``ipython`` (cont'd) }}}
-.. #[Nishanth]: Tell that IPython does auto indentation.
- print "Square root of", each,
- print "is", sqrt(each)
-Now we have finished the statements in the block, and still the
-interpreter is showing four dots, this means that you are still inside the
-block. To exit from the block press the return key or the enter key twice
-without entering anything else. It printed the square root of each
-number in the list, and that is executed in a ``for`` loop.
-{{{ switch to next slide, Indentation in ``python`` interpreter }}}
-Now, let us find the cube of all the numbers from one to ten. But this
-time let us try it in the vanilla version of Python interpreter.
-Start the vanilla version of Python interpreter by issuing the command
-``python`` in your terminal.
-{{{ open the python interpreter in the terminal using the command
-python to start the vanilla Python interpreter }}}
-{{{ switch to next slide, Indentation in ``python`` interpreter
-(cont'd) }}}
-Start with,
- for i in range(1,11):
-and press enter once, and we will see that this time it shows four
-dots, but the cursor is close to the dots, so we have to indent the
-block. The vanilla version of Python interpreter does not indent the
-code automatically. So enter four spaces there and then type the
- print i, "cube is", i**3
-Now when we hit enter, we still see the four dots, to get out of the
-block, hit enter once again
-.. #[Nishanth]: Here also the overhead on print can be reduced.
- Think of a simple print statement. This statement
- will be confusing for a newbie.
- We can focus more on indentation in python.
-.. #[nishanth]: Not sure if you must use range here. You can
- define a list of numbers and iterate on it.
- Then say this list can also be generated using
- the range function and hence introduce range.
-{{{ switch to the next slide, ``range()`` function }}}
-Okay! so the main thing that we learned here is how to use Python
-interpreter and IPython interpreter to specify blocks. But while we
-were generating the multiplication table we used something new,
-``range()`` function. ``range()`` is an inbuilt function in Python
-which can be used to generate a ``list`` of integers from a starting
-number to an ending number. Note that the ending number that you
-specify will not be included in the ``list``.
-.. #[Nishanth]: Show some examples of range without the step argument
- May be give an exercise with negative numbers as arguments
-{{{ switch to next slide, problem statement of the next problem in
-solved exercises }}}
-Now, let us print all the odd numbers from 1 to 50. Pause here and try
-to solve the problem yourself.
-Let us do it in our IPython interpreter for ease of use.
-{{{ switch focus to ipython interpreter }}}
-The problem can be solved by just using the ``range()`` function.
-It can be solved as,
- print range(1,51,2)
-This time we passed three parameters to ``range()`` function unlike
-the previous case where we passed only two parameters. The first two
-parameters are the same in both the cases. The first parameter is the
-starting number of the sequence and the second parameter is the end of
-the range. Note that the sequence doesn't include the ending
-number. The third parameter is for stepping through the sequence. Here
-we gave two which means we are skipping every alternate element.
-{{{ switch to next slide, summary slide }}}
-Thus we come to the end of this tutorial. We learned about blocks in
-Python, indentation, blocks in IPython, for loop, iterating over a
-list and then the ``range()`` function.
-.. #[Amit]: There does seem to too much overhead of details. Should
- the first example be done using script is it necessary.
- Do add some things in evolutionary manner. Like introducing
- range as a list and doing a very very simple for loop.Like
- iterating over [1,2,3] .Before getting into a problem.
- And club details about problem in one paragraph and syntactic details
- in other.
-{{{ switch to next slide, thank you slide }}}
-Thank you!
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-#+TITLE: Getting started with for
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-* Outline
- - ~for~ loop in Python.
- - Blocks of code in Python.
- - Indentation
-* Whitespace in Python
- - Whitespace is significant
- - blocks are visually separated
- - Blocks are indented using 4 spaces
- : Block A
- : Block A
- : Block B
- : Block B
- : Block A
- ~Block B~ is an inner block and is indented using 4 spaces
-* Exercise 1
- Write a ~for~ loop which iterates through a list of numbers and find
- the square root of each number.
- :
- The numbers are,
- : 1369, 7225, 3364, 7056, 5625, 729, 7056,
- : 576, 2916
-* Solution 1
- - Open text editor and type the following code
- #+begin_src python
- numbers = [1369, 7225, 3364, 7056, 5625, 729, 7056,
- 576, 2916]
- for each in numbers:
- print "Square root of", each, "is", sqrt(each)
- print "This is not in for loop!"
- #+end_src
-* Save \& run script
- - Save the script as
- - Run in ~ipython~ interpreter as,
- : In []: %run -i
-* Exercise 2
- From the given numbers make a list of perfect squares and a list of those which are not.
- :
- The numbers are,
- : 7225, 3268, 3364, 2966, 7056, 5625, 729, 5547,
- : 7056, 576, 2916
-* Exercise 3 (indentation in ~ipython~)
- Print the square root of numbers in the list.
- :
- Numbers are,
- : 7225, 3268, 3364, 2966, 7056, 5625, 729, 5547,
- : 7056, 576, 2916
-* Indentation in ~ipython~
- : In []: numbers = [1369, 7225, 3364, 7056, 5625,
- : ...: 729, 7056, 576, 2916]
- : In []: for each in numbers:
- : ...:
- Note the four spaces here
- :
- :
- :
- :
- :
- :
-* Indentation in ~ipython~ (cont'd)
- : In []: numbers = [1369, 7225, 3364, 7056, 5625,
- : ...: 729, 7056, 576, 2916]
- : In []: for each in numbers:
- : ...:
- Note the four spaces here
- :
- Now type the rest of the code
- : ...: print "Square root of", each,
- : ...: print "is", sqrt(each)
- : ...:
- : ...:
-* Indentation in ~python~ interpreter
- Find out the cube of all the numbers from 1 to 10.
- :
- /do it in the python interpreter/
-* Indentation in ~python~ interpreter (cont'd)
- #+begin_src python
- >>> for i in range(1, 11):
- ... print i, "cube is", i**3
- ...
- #+end_src
-* ~range()~ function
- - in built function in Python
- - generates a list of integers
- - /syntax:/ range([start,] stop[, step])
- - /example:/
- - range(1, 20) - /generates integers from 1 to 20/
- - range(20) - /generates integers from 0 to 20/
-* Exercise 4
- Print all the odd numbers from 1 to 50.
-* Summary
- - blocks in ~python~
- - indentation
- - blocks in ~ipython~ interpreter
- - ~for~ loop
- - iterating over list using ~for~ loop
- - ~range()~ function
-* Thank you!
- \begin{block}{}
- \begin{center}
- This spoken tutorial has been produced by the
- \textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the
- \end{center}
- \begin{center}
- \textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\
- Information \& Communication Technology \\
- MHRD, Govt. of India}.
- \end{center}
- \end{block}
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index f6c1eaa..0000000
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-% Created 2010-10-12 Tue 12:55
-\usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{ae,aecompl}
-\usepackage{mathpazo,courier,euler} \usepackage[scaled=.95]{helvet}
-\lstset{language=Python, basicstyle=\ttfamily\bfseries,
-commentstyle=\color{red}\itshape, stringstyle=\color{darkgreen},
-showstringspaces=false, keywordstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries}
-\title{Getting started with for}
-\item \texttt{for} loop in Python.
-\item Blocks of code in Python.
-\item Indentation
-\frametitle{Whitespace in Python}
-\item Whitespace is significant
-\item blocks are visually separated
-\item Blocks are indented using 4 spaces
- Block A
- Block A
- Block B
- Block B
- Block A
- \texttt{Block B} is an inner block and is indented using 4 spaces
-\frametitle{Exercise 1}
- Write a \texttt{for} loop which iterates through a list of numbers and find
- the square root of each number.
- The numbers are,
- 1369, 7225, 3364, 7056, 5625, 729, 7056,
- 576, 2916
-\frametitle{Solution 1}
-\item Open text editor and type the following code
-numbers = [1369, 7225, 3364, 7056, 5625, 729, 7056,
- 576, 2916]
-for each in numbers:
- print "Square root of", each, "is", sqrt(each)
-print "This is not in for loop!"
-\frametitle{Save \& run script}
-\item Save the script as \texttt{list\}
-\item Run in \texttt{ipython} interpreter as,
- In []: %run -i
-\frametitle{Exercise 2}
- From the given numbers make a list of perfect squares and a list of those which are not.
- The numbers are,
- 7225, 3268, 3364, 2966, 7056, 5625, 729, 5547,
- 7056, 576, 2916
-\frametitle{Exercise 3 (indentation in \texttt{ipython})}
- Print the square root of numbers in the list.
- Numbers are,
- 7225, 3268, 3364, 2966, 7056, 5625, 729, 5547,
- 7056, 576, 2916
-\frametitle{Indentation in \texttt{ipython}}
- In []: numbers = [1369, 7225, 3364, 7056, 5625,
- ...: 729, 7056, 576, 2916]
- In []: for each in numbers:
- ...:
- Note the four spaces here
-\frametitle{Indentation in \texttt{ipython} (cont'd)}
- In []: numbers = [1369, 7225, 3364, 7056, 5625,
- ...: 729, 7056, 576, 2916]
- In []: for each in numbers:
- ...:
- Note the four spaces here
- Now type the rest of the code
- ...: print "Square root of", each,
- ...: print "is", sqrt(each)
- ...:
- ...:
-\frametitle{Indentation in \texttt{python} interpreter}
- Find out the cube of all the numbers from 1 to 10.
- \emph{do it in the python interpreter}
-\frametitle{Indentation in \texttt{python} interpreter (cont'd)}
->>> for i in range(1, 11):
-... print i, "cube is", i**3
-\frametitle{\texttt{range()} function}
-\item in built function in Python
-\item generates a list of integers
-\item \emph{syntax:} range([start,] stop[, step])
-\item \emph{example:}
-\item range(1, 20) - \emph{generates integers from 1 to 20}
-\item range(20) - \emph{generates integers from 0 to 20}
-\frametitle{Exercise 4}
- Print all the odd numbers from 1 to 50.
-\item blocks in \texttt{python}
-\item indentation
-\item blocks in \texttt{ipython} interpreter
-\item \texttt{for} loop
-\item iterating over list using \texttt{for} loop
-\item \texttt{range()} function
-\frametitle{Thank you!}
- \begin{block}{}
- \begin{center}
- This spoken tutorial has been produced by the
- \textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the
- \end{center}
- \begin{center}
- \textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\
- Information \& Communication Technology \\
- MHRD, Govt. of India}.
- \end{center}
- \end{block}