path: root/getting-started-files/script.rst
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Diffstat (limited to 'getting-started-files/script.rst')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/getting-started-files/script.rst b/getting-started-files/script.rst
index e090406..df47fa2 100644
--- a/getting-started-files/script.rst
+++ b/getting-started-files/script.rst
@@ -1,10 +1,30 @@
- Script
+.. Objectives
+.. ----------
-Welcome to the tutorial on getting started with files.
+.. By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to
+.. 1. Open and read the contents of a file.
+.. #. Read files line by line.
+.. #. Read all the contents of the file at once.
+.. #. Close open files.
-{{{ Screen shows welcome slide }}}
+.. Prerequisites
+.. -------------
+.. 1. getting started with ipython
+.. #. getting started with lists
+.. #. getting started with for
+.. Author : Puneeth
+ Internal Reviewer :
+ External Reviewer :
+ Checklist OK? : <put date stamp here, if OK> [2010-10-05]
+{{{ Show the slide containing title }}}
+Hello Friends. Welcome to the tutorial on getting started with files.
{{{ Show the outline for this tutorial }}}
@@ -54,24 +74,29 @@ to see more explicitly, what it contains.
-%%1%% Pause the video here and split the variable into a list,
-``pend_list``, of the lines in the file and then resume the
-video. Hint, use the tab command to see what methods the string
-variable has.
+Following is an (are) exercise(s) that you must do.
+%%1%% Split the variable into a list, ``pend_list``, of the lines in
+the file. Hint, use the tab command to see what methods the string
+variable has.
+Please, pause the video here. Do the exercise and then continue.
+.. #[punch: should this even be put? add dependency to strings LO,
+.. where we mention that strings have methods for manipulation. hint:
+.. use splitlines()]
-#[punch: should this even be put? add dependency to strings LO,
-where we mention that strings have methods for manipulation. hint:
-use splitlines()]
pend_list = pend.splitlines()
-Now, let us learn to read the file line-by-line. But, before that
-we will have to close the file, since the file has already been
-read till the end.
-#[punch: should we mention file-pointer?]
+Now, let us learn to read the file line-by-line. But, before that we
+will have to close the file, since the file has already been read till
+the end.
+.. #[punch: should we mention file-pointer?]
Let us close the file opened into f.
@@ -89,8 +114,11 @@ opened, after their job is done.
Let us, now move on to reading files line-by-line.
-%%1%% Pause the video here and re-open the file ``pendulum.txt``
-with ``f`` as the file object, and then resume the video.
+Following is an exercise that you must do.
+%%2%% Re-open the file ``pendulum.txt`` with ``f`` as the file object.
+Please, pause the video here. Do the exercise and then continue.
We just use the up arrow until we reach the open command and issue
it again.
@@ -143,5 +171,11 @@ have learnt to open and close files, read the data in the files as
a whole, using the read command or reading it line by line by
iterating over the file object.
-Thank you!
+{{{ Show the "sponsored by FOSSEE" slide }}}
+This tutorial was created as a part of FOSSEE project, NME ICT, MHRD India
+Hope you have enjoyed and found it useful.
+Thank you!