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+* Functions
+*** Outline
+***** Functions
+******* review of what's been done in solving equations tutorial
+********* def
+********* name
+********* arguments
+********* indented block
+********* calling a function
+******* arguments are local to a function
+******* return values
+******* doc strings - with example.
+******* code reading exercises?
+******* default arguments
+******* keyword arguments
+******* availability library functions
+*** Script
+ Welcome friends.
+ In this tutorial we shall be looking at Functions. We already have
+ looked at the basics of functions in the tutorial on solving
+ equations. We shall first review these basics. Next we shall look
+ at other details like doc-strings, default arguments and keyword
+ arguments.
+ Let's write a simple function that prints a Hello message, after
+ accepting a name.
+ def welcome(name):
+ print "Hello", name
+ You would recall that def is a keyword that indicates a function
+ definition. 'welcome' is the name of the function and 'name' is
+ the lone argument to the function. Note that the function is
+ defined within an indented block, similar to any other block. Our
+ function welcome just has one line in it's definition.
+ We can call our function by passing, as follows -
+ welcome("World")
+ (arguments are local to a function)
+ In general functions should be accompanied by documentation on how
+ to use it. Python provides a convenient way of writing within the
+ function itself, using doc strings. They were mentioned in the
+ tutorial on strings. Let's look at how to write them here.
+ Let us add a simple doc string to our welcome function.
+ def welcome(name):
+ """ Prints a hello message to a person, given a name. """
+ print "Hello", name
+ Notice that the doc string uses triple quotes. If the doc-string
+ exceeded one line, we could have used new line characters in
+ it. Also, as expected the doc-string is indented as is required
+ for anything within a block.
+ We shall now look at default arguments.
+ [show slide with examples of functions with default arguments]
+ The strip function has been used in two different ways in the
+ previous tutorials - one for splitting on spaces and the other for
+ splitting on commas.
+ The function split is being called with no arguments and one
+ argument, respectively. In the first case, white space is being
+ used as a default value. Let's now edit our function, welcome, to
+ use default values. (For convenience, we have dropped the doc-string)
+ def welcome(name="World!"):
+ print "Hello", name
+ Now, we call the function 'welcome' without passing any arguments
+ to it.
+ welcome()
+ "World!" is used as a default argument, when no name argument is
+ passed to 'welcome'.
+ Let's now look at the use of keyword arguments.
+ [show slide with examples of functions with keyword arguments]
+ We have already looked at functions and keyword arguments in these
+ examples. loc, linewidth, xy, labels are all keywords.
+ Let's now see, how we can call our function 'welcome', using
+ keyword arguments. We can call the function in a variety of ways.
+ welcome("Hello", "James")
+ welcome("Hi", name="Guido")
+ welcome(name="Guido", greet="Hello")
+ Keyword arguments allow us to call functions by passing arguments
+ in any order and removes need to remember the order of arguments
+ in the function definition.
+***** return values
+***** arguments are local to a function
+***** availability library functions
+***** code reading exercises?
+ We come to the end of this tutorial on functions. In this tutorial
+ we have learnt about functions in a greater detail. We looked at
+ how to define functions, calling them, default and keyword
+ arguments.
+*** Notes