path: root/basic-python.txt
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diff --git a/basic-python.txt b/basic-python.txt
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-*Hello and welcome to this tutorial on Basic Python using Python.
-This tutorial formally introduces Python as a language . Through this tutorial we will be able to understand Basic Data types like number , Boolean and strings .Some basic operators , simple input/output and basic conditional flow .
-In numbers Python supports three kinds of data types ,
-floats,integers and complex numbers
-An integer can be defined as follows :
-This make a an integer variable with value 13 .
-You can also type 9 around 20 times
-a=99999999999999999999999 . as you can see Python does not have a limit on how long an integer has to be . Isn't that great .
-Now will try a float.
-let's type
-p=3.141592 if you type out p now you will notice that it is not absolutely equal to p you typed in . The reason for that is how a computer saves decimal values .
-Apart from integer and float, Python has an in-built support for complex numbers. Now we try to assign a complex value to a variable .
-c = 3+4j
-As you can see ,the notation for complex numbers is similar to the one used in electric engineering.
-We will now try some operations on complex numbers . First we will try to get the absolute value of the complex number . For this we will use the abs built in function . For this do :
-abs in parenthesis c .
-Do get the imaginary part of c you can do :
-and similarly for real part do :
-Python also has Boolean as a built-in type .
-Try it out just type ..
- t=True , note that T in true is capitalized .
-You can apply different Boolean operations on t now for example :
-f=not t , this saves the value of not t that is False in f.
-We can apply other operators like or and and ,
-f or t gives us the value True while
-f and t gives us the value false.
-You can use parenthesis for precedence ,
-Lets write some piece of code to check this out .
-To check how precedence changes with parenthesis . We will try two expressions and their evaluation.
-(a and b) or c
-This expression gives the value True
-where as the expression a and (b or c) gives the value False .
-Now we will have a look at strings
-w is now a string variable with the value "hello"
-printing out w[0] + w[2] + w[-1] gives hlo if you notice the expression for accessing characters of a string is similar to lists .
-Also functions like len work with strings just like the way they did with lists
-Now lets try changing a character in the string in the same way we change lists .
-type :
-oops this gives us a Type Error . Why? Because string are immutable . You can change a string simply by assigning a new element to it . This and some other features specific to string processing make string a different kind of data structure than lists .
-Now lets see some of the ways in which you can modify strings and other methods related to strings .
-Type :
-a = 'Hello world'
-To check if a particular string starts with a particular substring you can check that with startswith method
-Depending on whether the string starts with that substring the function returns true or false
-same is the case a.endwith('ld')
- returns another string that is all the letters of given string capitalized
-similarly a.lower returns all small letters .
-Earlier we showed you how to see documentations of functions . You can see the documentation of the lower function by doing a.lower?
-You can use a.join to joing a list of strings to one string using a given string as connector .
-for example
-type :
-', '.join(['a','b','c'])
-In this case strings are joined over , and space
-Python supports formatting values into strings. Although this can include very complicated expressions, the most basic usage is to insert values into a string with the %s placeholder. %d can be used for formatting things like integers and %f for floats
-Their are many other string formatting options you can look at for more information on other options available for string formatting.
-Operators ---- Probably can be a different chapter .
-We will start the discussion on operators first with arithmetic operators .
-% can be used for remainder for example
-864675 % 10 gives remainder 5
-you can use 2 *'s for power operation
-for example 4 ** 3 gives the result 64
-One thing one should notice is the type of result depends on the types of input for example :
-17 / 2 both the values being integer gives the integer result 2
-however the result when one or two of the operators are float is float for example: