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index 32e9e26..9cb0f1e 100644
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@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
In this tutorial we shall look at obtaining the least squares fit
of a given data-set. For this purpose, we shall use the same
pendulum data that we used in the tutorial on plotting from files.
+ Hope you have the file with you.
To be able to follow this tutorial comfortably, you should have a
working knowledge of arrays, plotting and file reading.
@@ -38,59 +39,59 @@
of values for L and the corresponding T^2 values. Using this, we
wish to obtain the equation of the straight line.
- In matrix form...
- {Show a slide here?}
+ In matrix form the equation is represented as shown,
+ Tsq = A.p where Tsq is an NX1 matrix, and A is an NX2 as shown.
+ And p is a 2X1 matrix of the slope and Y-intercept. In order to
+ obtain the least square fit curve we need to find the matrix p
+ Let's get started. As you can see, the file pendulum.txt
+ is on our Desktop and hence we navigate to the Desktop by typing
+ cd Desktop. Let's now fire up IPython: ipython -pylab
We have already seen (in a previous tutorial), how to read a file
- and obtain the data set. Let's quickly get the required data
+ and obtain the data set using loadtxt(). Let's quickly get the required data
from our file.
- In []: l = []
- In []: t = []
- In []: for line in open('pendulum.txt'):
- .... point = line.split()
- .... l.append(float(point[0]))
- .... t.append(float(point[1]))
- ....
- ....
+ l, t = loadtxt('pendulum.txt', unpack=True)
- Since, we have learnt to use arrays and know that they are more
- efficient, we shall use them. We convert the lists l and t to
- arrays and calculate the values of time-period squared.
+ loadtxt() directly stores the values in the pendulum.txt into arrays l and t
+ Let's now calculate the values of square of the time-period.
- In []: l = array(l)
- In []: t = array(t)
- In []: tsq = t*t
+ tsq = t*t
Now we shall obtain A, in the desired form using some simple array
- In []: A = array([l, ones_like(l)])
- In []: A = A.T
+ A = array([l, ones_like(l)])
+ As we have seen in a previous tutorial, ones_like() gives an array similar
+ in shape to the given array, in this case l, with all the elements as 1.
+ A = A.T to get the transpose of the given array.
Type A, to confirm that we have obtained the desired array.
- In []: A
+ A
Also note the shape of A.
- In []: A.shape
+ A.shape
We shall now use the lstsq function, to obtain the coefficients m
and c. lstsq returns a lot of things along with these
- coefficients. Look at the documentation of lstsq, for more
- information.
- In []: result = lstsq(A,tsq)
+ coefficients. We may look at the documentation of lstsq, for more
+ information by typing lstsq?
+ result = lstsq(A,tsq)
We extract the required coefficients, which is the first element
in the list of things that lstsq returns, and store them into the variable coef.
- In []: coef = result[0]
+ coef = result[0]
To obtain the plot of the line, we simply use the equation of the
line, we have noted before. T^2 = mL + c.
- In []: Tline = coef[0]*l + coef[1]
- In []: plot(l, Tline)
+ Tline = coef[0]*l + coef[1]
+ plot(l, Tline)
Also, it would be nice to have a plot of the points. So,
- In []: plot(l, tsq, 'o')
+ plot(l, tsq, 'o')
This brings us to the end of this tutorial. In this tutorial,
you've learnt how to obtain a least squares fit curve for a given