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diff --git a/basic-python.txt b/basic-python.txt
index c12bc3f..5fa2a8d 100644
--- a/basic-python.txt
+++ b/basic-python.txt
@@ -42,4 +42,49 @@ Python also has Boolean as a built-in type .
Try it out just type ..
t=True , note that T in true is capitalized .
+You can apply different Boolean operations on t now for example :
+f=not t , this saves the value of not t that is False in f.
+We can apply other operators like or and and ,
+f or t gives us the value True while
+f and t gives us the value false.
+You can use parenthesis for precedence ,
+Lets write some piece of code to check this out .
+To check how precedence changes with parenthesis . We will try two expressions and their evaluation.
+(a and b) or c
+This expression gives the value True
+where as the expression a and (b or c) gives the value False .
+Now we will have a look at strings
+w is now a string variable with the value "hello"
+printing out w[0] + w[2] + w[-1] gives hlo if you notice the expression for accessing characters of a string is similar to lists .
+Also functions like len work with strings just like the way they did with lists
+Now lets try changing a character in the string in the same way we change lists .
+type :
+w[0]='Capital H'
+oops this gives us a Type Error . Why? Because string are immutable . You can change a string simply by assigning a new element to it . This and some other features specific to string processing make string a different kind of data structure than lists .