path: root/statistics/script.rst
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authorAmit Sethi2010-11-11 01:37:32 +0530
committerAmit Sethi2010-11-11 01:37:32 +0530
commite1fe332d8c1e0bec4ed58e1ac7850c0c6b5b1797 (patch)
treef2d1fda8de12941218cbf098dd2ff8544bad08bd /statistics/script.rst
parent65939a9171f5d8ead0355e8a2d68c5f947b6ddd7 (diff)
Rewrite of statistics script as suggested by punch and change in slides accordingly
Diffstat (limited to 'statistics/script.rst')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/statistics/script.rst b/statistics/script.rst
index 5ba2c00..cd3dfe9 100644
--- a/statistics/script.rst
+++ b/statistics/script.rst
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
.. Getting started with IPython
.. Loading Data from files
.. Getting started with Lists
+.. Accessing Pieces of Arrays
.. Author : Amit Sethi
Internal Reviewer : Puneeth
@@ -28,8 +30,12 @@ Hello friends and welcome to the tutorial on Statistics using Python
{{{ Show the slide containing the outline slide }}}
In this tutorial, we shall learn
- * Doing simple statistical operations in Python
- * Applying these to real world problems
+ * Doing statistical operations in Python
+ * Summing set of numbers
+ * Finding there mean
+ * Finding there Median
+ * Finding there Standard Deviation
.. #[punch: since loadtxt is anyway a pre-req, I would recommend you
@@ -45,88 +51,13 @@ In this tutorial, we shall learn
.. smaller data-set or something. Using lists doesn't seem natural.]
-We will first start with the most necessary statistical operation i.e
-finding mean.
-We have a list of ages of a random group of people ::
- age_list = [4,45,23,34,34,38,65,42,32,7]
-One way of getting the mean could be getting sum of all the ages and
-dividing by the number of people in the group. ::
- sum_age_list = sum(age_list)
-sum function gives us the sum of the elements. Note that the
-``sum_age_list`` variable is an integer and the number of people or
-length of the list is also an integer. We will need to convert one of
-them to a float before carrying out the division. ::
- mean_using_sum = float(sum_age_list)/len(age_list)
-This obviously gives the mean age but there is a simpler way to do
-this in Python - using the mean function::
- mean(age_list)
-Mean can be used in more ways in case of 2 dimensional lists. Take a
-two dimensional list ::
- two_dimension=[[1,5,6,8],[1,3,4,5]]
-The mean function by default gives the mean of the flattened sequence.
-A Flattened sequence means a list obtained by concatenating all the
-smaller lists into a large long list. In this case, the list obtained
-by writing the two lists one after the other. ::
- mean(two_dimension)
- flattened_seq=[1,5,6,8,1,3,4,5]
- mean(flattened_seq)
-As you can see both the results are same. ``mean`` function can also
-give us the mean of each column, or the mean of corresponding elements
-in the smaller lists. ::
- mean(two_dimension, 0)
- array([ 1. , 4. , 5. , 6.5])
-we pass an extra argument 0 in that case.
-If we use an argument 1, we obtain the mean along the rows. ::
- mean(two_dimension, 1)
- array([ 5. , 3.25])
-We can see more option of mean using ::
- mean?
-Similarly we can calculate median and stanard deviation of a list
-using the functions median and std::
- median(age_list)
- std(age_list)
-Median and std can also be calculated for two dimensional arrays along
-columns and rows just like mean.
-For example ::
- median(two_dimension, 0)
- std(two_dimension, 1)
-This gives us the median along the colums and standard devition along
-the rows.
-Now lets apply this to a real world example
-We will a data file that is at the a path ``/home/fossee/sslc2.txt``.
-It contains record of students and their performance in one of the
-State Secondary Board Examination. It has 180, 000 lines of record. We
-are going to read it and process this data. We can see the content of
-file by double clicking on it. It might take some time to open since
-it is quite a large file. Please don't edit the data. This file has
-a particular structure.
+For this tutorial We will use data file that is at the a path
+``/home/fossee/sslc2.txt``. It contains record of students and their
+performance in one of the State Secondary Board Examination. It has
+180,000 lines of record. We are going to read it and process this
+data. We can see the content of file by double clicking on it. It
+might take some time to open since it is quite a large file. Please
+don't edit the data. This file has a particular structure.
We can do ::
@@ -134,6 +65,9 @@ We can do ::
to check the contents of the file.
+{{{ Show the data structure on a slide }}}
Each line in the file is a set of 11 fields separated
by semi-colons Consider a sample line from this file.
A;015163;JOSEPH RAJ S;083;042;47;00;72;244;;;
@@ -147,45 +81,97 @@ Science 35 ** Social 72
* Total marks 244
-Now lets try and find the mean of English marks of all students.
-For this we do. ::
+Lets try and load this data as an array and then run various function on
- L=loadtxt('/home/fossee/sslc2.txt',usecols=(3,),delimiter=';')
+To get the data as an array we do. ::
+ L=loadtxt('/home/amit/sslc2.txt',usecols=(3,4,5,6,7,),delimiter=';')
- mean(L)
loadtxt function loads data from an external file.Delimiter specifies
-the kind of character are the fields of data seperated by.
-usecols specifies the columns to be used so (3,). The 'comma' is added
-because usecols is a sequence.
+the kind of character are the fields of data seperated by. usecols
+specifies the columns to be used so (3,4,5,6,7) loads those
+colums. The 'comma' is added because usecols is a sequence.
-To get the median marks. ::
+As we can see L is an array. We can get the shape of this array using::
- median(L)
+ L.shape
+ (185667, 5)
+Lets start applying statistics operations on these. We will start with
+the most basic, summing. How do you find the sum of marks of all
+subjects for the first student.
+As we know from our knowledge of accessing pieces of arrays. To acess
+the first row we will do ::
-Standard deviation. ::
- std(L)
+ L[0,:]
+Now to sum this we can say ::
+ totalmarks=sum(L[0,:])
+ totalmarks
+To get the mean we can do ::
-Now lets try and and get the mean for all the subjects ::
+ totalmarks/len(L[0,:])
- L=loadtxt('/home/fossee/sslc2.txt',usecols=(3,4,5,6,7),delimiter=';')
- mean(L,0)
- array([ 73.55452504, 53.79828941, 62.83342759, 50.69806158, 63.17056881])
+or simply ::
-As we can see from the result mean(L,0). The resultant sequence
-is the mean marks of all students that gave the exam for the five subjects.
+ mean(L[0,:])
+But we have such a large data set calculating one by one the mean of
+each student is impossible. Is there a way to reduce the work.
+For this we will look into the documentation of mean by doing::
+ mean?
+As we know L is a two dimensional array. We can calculate the mean
+across each of the axis of the array. The axis of rows is referred by
+number 0 and columns by 1. So to calculate mean accross all colums we
+will pass extra parameter 1 for the axis.::
-and ::
-is the average accumalative marks of individual students. Clearly, mean(L,0)
-was a row wise calcultaion while mean(L,1) was a column wise calculation.
+L here is the two dimensional array.
+Similarly to calculate average marks scored by all the students for each
+subject can be calculated using ::
+ mean(L,0)
+Next lets now calculate the median of English marks for the all the students
+We can access English marks of all students using ::
+ L[:,0]
+To get the median we will do ::
+ median(L[:,0])
+For all the subjects we can use the same syntax as mean and calculate
+median across all rows using ::
+ median(L,0)
+Similarly to calculate standard deviation for English we can do::
+ std(L[:,0])
+and for all rows::
+ std(L,0)
+Following is an exercise that you must do.
+%% %% In the given file football.txt at path /home/fossee/football.txt , one column is player name,second is goals at home and third goals away.
+ 1.Find the total goals for each player
+ 2.Mean home and away goals
+ 3.Standard deviation of home and away goals
{{{ Show summary slide }}}