path: root/outline_and_allocations.rst
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authorNishanth Amuluru2010-09-22 19:49:42 +0530
committerNishanth Amuluru2010-09-22 19:49:42 +0530
commit4d109d28e7fc91a8ad125f2a35ac9768d9058057 (patch)
tree6145410df9e263bb289af051d513d5afd1b7b171 /outline_and_allocations.rst
parent16d7c6289bc2712d30473e7423c1957286be3bbc (diff)
added outline file
Diffstat (limited to 'outline_and_allocations.rst')
1 files changed, 491 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/outline_and_allocations.rst b/outline_and_allocations.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..765b50f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/outline_and_allocations.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+1 Module 1: Basic Plotting (16)
+1.1 ABCD
+* Audience
+ + same
+* Behaviour
+ - should be able to generate plots with any combination of built-in
+ mathematical functions provided by pylab
+* Condition
+ - being learnt in a self-study tutorial.
+ - have python setup in their machine
+* Degree
+ - RBT - Ap
+1.2 LO: getting started with =ipython= (2) [punch]
+* Objective
+ Participants will be able to invoke and use basic features of ipython.
+ + Condition
+ - have =python= & =ipython= setup in their machine. no mention of =pylab=
+* Assessment Strategy
+ Built-in interspersed exercises
+ - workbook
+ + errors, make connection with error message
+* Outline
+ + invoking ipython
+ if there's a problem, pre-requisites are not met.
+ + getting out
+ + explain the prompt
+ + typing commands
+ - 1+2
+ * careful wording to differentiate from print
+ - print 1+2
+ - history (up, down arrows)
+ - backspace, delete key
+ - tab completion
+ * ab
+ * a
+ * rou
+ * ro
+ * r
+ + =abs?=, =round?=
+ + handling typing errors
+ - round(2.48,
+ + close it
+ + use ^C
+1.3 LO: using the =plot= command interactively (2) [amit]
+* Outline
+ + ipython -pylab
+ - pylab brings in the libraries necessary for Scientific Computing.
+ + =linspace=,
+ + =len=
+ + =clf=
+ + =plot=
+ + using the plot ui
+1.4 LO: embellishing a plot (2) [nishanth]
+* Outline
+ + [X]line width, color, style
+ + [X]Title
+ + [X]Label
+ + [X]annotations
+1.5 LO: saving plots (2) [anoop]
+* Outline
+ + basic savefig
+ + png, pdf, ps, eps, svg
+ + going to OS and looking at the file
+1.6 LO: multiple plots (3) [madhu]
+* Outline
+ + overlays
+ - linspace
+ * give one with very few points, more points
+ * show smoothness of the curve
+ + legend
+ + figure 1, figure2
+ + subplots
+1.7 LO: additional features of IPython (2) [nishanth]
+* Outline
+ + =%save=, =%history=, =%run=
+1.8 LO: module level assessment (3) [madhu]
+* 10-12 question, time the questions
+* pause & and play when ready to look at answers
+* show the answers
+* one large or two medium questions
+* ex: four_plot
+2 Module 2: Plotting Experimental Data (12)
+2.1 ABCD
+* Audience
+ + same
+* Behaviour
+ - should be able to generate plots with numeric data from files.
+* Condition
+ - being learnt in a self-study tutorial.
+ - have python setup in their machine
+* Degree
+ - Same
+2.2 LO: loading data from files (3) [punch]
+* loadtxt with unpack=True
+ + primes.list (one col)
+ + pendulum.txt (two col)
+2.3 LO: plotting the data (3) [amit]
+* plot L vs. T^2
+ + using square function
+* problem with 3 cols
+ + 3rd column is error
+ + error bar
+2.4 LO: other types of plots (3) [anoop]
+* scatter
+* pie chart
+* bar chart
+* log
+* illustration of other plots, matplotlib help
+2.5 LO: module level assessment (3) [nishanth]
+* pos.txt is evaluation
+3 Module 3: Handling Large Data Files (17)
+3.1 LO: getting started with lists (2) [amit]
+* empty
+* filled lists
+ + heterogenity
+* accessing
+* len
+* =append= elements
+* del (+ remove)
+3.2 LO: getting started with =for= (2) [anoop]
+* blocks in python
+ + (indentation)
+* blocks in ipython
+ + ... prompt
+ + hitting enter
+* =for= with a list
+* =range= function
+3.3 LO: getting started with strings (2) [madhu]
+* strings
+ + single, double, triple quoted
+* accessing elements
+* show immutability
+* tell that there are methods for manipulation
+3.4 LO: getting started with files (3) [punch]
+* show file object
+* read the file with =read=
+* closing the file
+* for line in file:
+* print a line
+* append the lines to a list
+3.5 LO: parsing data (3) [nishanth]
+* explain what is parsing
+* strip (with strings)
+* split (with strings)
+ + with delimiters
+ - specify space as delimiter
+* datatype conversion
+* reading from files
+ + do the same problem done with loadtxt (for pendulum)
+ + basic parse sslc text
+3.6 LO: statistics (2) [amit]
+* mean
+ + summing
+* median
+* std
+3.7 LO: module level assessment (3) [madhu]
+* mean g
+4 Module 4: Arrays and Matrices (14)
+4.1 LO: getting started with arrays (2) [anoop]
+* why arrays
+ + speed - simply say
+ + array level operations
+* creating arrays
+ + direct data
+ + list conversion
+ + homogeneous
+ + builtins - identitiy, zeros,
+* array operations
+ + =+ - * /=
+4.2 LO: accessing parts of arrays (4) [punch]
+* accessing individual elements
+* slicing, striding
+* image manipulation
+4.3 LO: Matrices (3) [anoop]
+* creating matrices
+ + direct data
+ + list conversion
+ + builtins - identitiy, zeros,
+* matrix operations
+ + + - * /
+ + dot
+ + inv
+ + det
+ + eig
+ + norm
+ + svd
+4.4 LO: Least square fit (2) [nishanth]
+* show pendulum
+ + use loadtxt
+* lstsq
+4.5 LO: Assessment (3) [punch]
+* extract faces from a group photograph
+5 Module 5: using Sage (13)
+5.1 LO: getting started with sage notebook (3) [madhu]
+* about sage
+ + ...
+* starting the notebook server
+* using the UI
+ + typesetting & print
+ + selecting language
+ - sage
+ - LaTeX
+ - python
+ + help
+ - sum(<tab>
+ - ?
+5.2 LO: getting started with symbolics (3) [amit]
+* symbolic expressions
+ + built-in constants & functions
+ + algebraic expressions,
+ + series
+ + integration, differentiation
+ + matrices
+* symbolic functions
+ + defining
+* simplification
+* finding roots & factors
+* substituting expressions
+* output formats
+5.3 LO: using Sage (4) [punch]
+ + Degree
+ - RBT - U
+* Calculus
+ + limits
+ + differentiation
+ + integration
+ - indefinite
+ - definite
+ + piece-wise functions
+ + differential equations
+ + maxima, minima
+* Linear Algebra
+ + Vectors and Matrices
+ - constructions
+ + Vector Operations
+ - linear combination
+ - dot
+ - cross
+ - pairwise
+ + Matrix Operations
+ - linear combination
+ - matrix multiplication
+ - inverse
+ - transpose
+ - adjoint
+ - rank
+ - determinant
+ - trace
+ - norm
+ + Solving equations
+ + Eigenvalues, eigenvectors
+* Graph Theory
+* Number Theory
+5.4 LO: using sage to teach (3) [nishanth]
+* @interact
+* 2D, 3D graphics
+* Graph Theory
+* Share, Publish
+* print
+5.5 LO: Assessment (3) [anoop]
+* 5 questions
+* choice of exercises from one area
+6 Module 6: Python Language: Basics (12)
+6.1 LO: basic datatypes & operators (4) [amit]
+* int
+ + L, long
+* float
+ + repr, str
+* complex
+ + methods like imag, real
+* boolean
+ + short circuit logic
+* conversion functions
+* sequence datatypes & mutability
+ + list available sequence datatypes
+ - string
+ - list
+ - tuple
+ + mutability
+ + conversion
+ + common stuff
+ - len
+ - in
+ - max, min, sum, sorted, reversed
+ - accessing individual elements
+ - slicing, striding
+ - containership
+6.2 LO: I/O (1) [nishanth]
+* print statement
+* raw_input
+6.3 LO: conditionals (2) [Madhu]
+* if, elif, else
+* pass
+* ternary operator
+6.4 LO: loops (2) [punch]
+* while
+* for
+* pass, break, continue
+6.5 LO: Assessment (3) [Anoop]
+* 10 Questions
+* One of collatz or armstrong numbers
+7 Module 7: Python Language: Datastructures (14)
+7.1 LO: manipulating lists (3) [Madhu]
+* concatenation
+* slicing
+* striding
+* .sort
+* sorted
+* .reverse
+* reversed
+7.2 LO: manipulating strings (2) [punch]
+* upper, lower,
+* replace
+* slicing
+* [::-1]
+* reversed
+* palindrome check
+7.3 LO: getting started with tuples (2) [nishanth]
+* immutability
+* tuple packing, unpacking
+ + a, b = b, a
+* accessing individual elements
+* slicing, striding
+7.4 LO: dictionaries (2) [anoop]
+* empty
+* filled
+* accessing via keys
+* .values(), .keys()
+* in
+* iteration
+7.5 LO: sets (2) [nishanth]
+* Operations
+ + Union
+ + Intersection
+ + Complement
+ + Symmetric Difference
+* Containership
+* Subset
+* len
+7.6 LO: Assessment (3) [amit]
+* 10 Questions
+* Anagrams for sets and dictionaries
+* A problem for lists and strings
+8 Module 8: Python Language: Advanced (16)
+8.1 LO: getting started with functions (3) [nishanth]
+* defining function
+* arguments
+* docstrings
+* return values
+ + can return multiple values
+* code reading exercises
+8.2 LO: advanced features of functions (3) [punch]
+* default arguments
+* keyword arguments
+* built-in functions show off
+8.3 LO: using python modules (3) [anoop]
+* executing python scripts from command line
+* import
+* scipy
+* pylab
+* sys
+* STDLIB modules show off
+8.4 LO: writing python scripts (2) [nishanth]
+* importing our own modules
+* if __name__ == '__main__'
+8.5 LO: testing and debugging (2) [amit]
+* Types of errors and exceptions
+* Strategy for debugging
+ + Using print
+8.6 LO: Assessment (3) [punch]
+* 10 Questions
+* Find four digit numbers whose digits are all even
+* Write a script to use methods from pylab (like plot, show and other commands) and execute it as a stand-alone script