path: root/other-type-of-plots/script.rst
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authorAnoop Jacob Thomas2010-10-11 14:02:36 +0530
committerAnoop Jacob Thomas2010-10-11 14:02:36 +0530
commit66e9ff1998b8656e8c48afc9a5ee6adb027a9fa1 (patch)
treedd3a6e55d747a59bb3f73517bb6f817f7aa171aa /other-type-of-plots/script.rst
parent088a6dd537967e36a84f518a527c8392384f0d40 (diff)
added few questions for other-type-of-plots.
Diffstat (limited to 'other-type-of-plots/script.rst')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/other-type-of-plots/script.rst b/other-type-of-plots/script.rst
index 010045b..aa5e25b 100644
--- a/other-type-of-plots/script.rst
+++ b/other-type-of-plots/script.rst
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ In this tutorial we will cover scatter plot, pie chart, bar chart and
log plot. We will also see few other plots and also introduce you to
the matplotlib help.
Let us start with scatter plot.
{{{ switch to the next slide }}}
@@ -55,11 +54,12 @@ profit percentages.
{{{ close the file and switch to the terminal }}}
-To product the scatter plot first we need to load the data from the
+To produce the scatter plot first we need to load the data from the
file using ``loadtxt``. We learned in one of the previous sessions,
and it can be done as ::
- year,profit = loadtxt('/home/fossee/other-plot/company-a-data.txt',dtype=type(int()))
+ year,profit =
+ loadtxt('/home/fossee/other-plot/company-a-data.txt',dtype=type(int()))
Now in-order to generate the scatter graph we will use the function
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ We can plot the pie chart using the function ``pie()``.
-Notice that we passed two arguments to the function ``pie()``. The
-first one the values and the next one the set of labels to be used in
-the pie chart.
+Notice that we passed two arguments to the function ``pie()``. First
+one the values and the next one the set of labels to be used in the
+pie chart.
{{{ switch to the next slide which has the problem statement of
problem to be tried out }}}
@@ -195,14 +195,10 @@ matplotlib over the internet.
Help about matplotlib can be obtained from
-.. #[[Anoop: I am not so sure how to do the rest of it, so I guess we
- can just browse through the side and tell them few. What is your
- opinion??]]
-Now let us see few plots from
-{{{ browse through the site quickly }}}
+More plots can be seen at and also at
{{{ switch to recap slide }}}