path: root/getting_started_with_arrays
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authorPuneeth Chaganti2010-12-01 16:51:35 +0530
committerPuneeth Chaganti2010-12-01 16:51:35 +0530
commitf3a34dfb4e879f3eb7274704f44546aac4add88f (patch)
tree1cb0a8cc5dbd5ee2b374350915ed2addfa0fb447 /getting_started_with_arrays
parent347866ed0d29db61ee062563b1e1616cfb85588c (diff)
Renamed all LOs to match with their names in
Diffstat (limited to 'getting_started_with_arrays')
4 files changed, 776 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/getting_started_with_arrays/quickref.tex b/getting_started_with_arrays/quickref.tex
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index 0000000..10714c4
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+Creating an array:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| a = array([[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]])|}
+Finding shape of array:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| a.shape|}
+Reshape an array:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| a.reshape(4,2)|}
+Creating identity matrix:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| identity(3)|}
+Creating matrix with all zeros:\\
+{\ex \lstinline| z = zeros((4,2))|}
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+.. Objectives
+.. ----------
+.. At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to
+.. 1. Create arrays using data
+.. #. Create arrays from lists
+.. #. Basic array operations
+.. #. Creating identity matrix using ``identity()`` function.
+.. #. Learn about ``zeros()``, ``zeros_like()``, ``ones()``,
+ ``ones_like()`` functions.
+.. Prerequisites
+.. -------------
+.. 1. should have ``ipython`` and ``pylab`` installed.
+.. #. getting started with ``ipython``.
+.. #. getting started with lists.
+.. Author: Anoop Jacob Thomas <>
+ Internal Reviewer : Puneeth
+ External Reviewer :
+ Language Reviewer : Bhanukiran
+ Checklist OK? : <11-11-2010,Anand, OK > [2010-10-05]
+Getting started with Arrays
+.. #[Puneeth: Prerequisites and Objectives are missing. Fill them in]
+{{{ show the welcome slide }}}
+Welcome to the spoken tutorial on getting started with arrays.
+{{{ switch to next slide, outline slide }}}
+In this tutorial, we will learn about the data structure called an array, how to convert
+a list into an array, operations on arrays and also why an array is preferred
+to lists.
+.. #[Puneeth: Fix the grammar above.]
+{{{ switch to next slide on overview of array }}}
+Arrays are homogeneous data structures. Unlike lists, arrays cannot have
+heterogeneous data elements, that is, they can have only one type of data
+as their entries, be them all integers, strings, or maybe floats, but not a mix.
+.. #[Puneeth: Use multiple short sentences, rather than one long sentence
+ I would've written something like this.
+ Unlike lists, arrays are homogeneous data structures. They can have only
+ type of data, ....]
+Arrays of a given length are comparatively much faster in mathematical
+operations than lists of the same length, because of the fact that they are
+homogeneous data structures.
+.. #[Puneeth: For what size of an array is that the comparison?
+{{{ switch to the next slide, creating arrays }}}
+Now let us see how to create arrays.
+Run your IPython interpreter with ``-pylab`` option, to load the required
+modules to work with arrays.
+{{{ take terminal and run the following command }}}
+ ipython -pylab
+.. #[Puneeth: 'I am assuming' doesn't sound right. Ask them to open if it
+.. is not open?]
+To create an array we will use the function ``array()`` as,
+ a1 = array([1,2,3,4])
+Notice that we created a one dimensional array here. Also notice the object
+we passed to create an array. We passed a list to create an array.
+Now let us see how to create a two dimensional array. Pause here and try to
+do it yourself before looking at the solution.
+{{{ switch to next slide, creating two dimensional arrays }}}
+.. #[Puneeth: I don't think this question can be solved by an average
+.. viewer. Questions during the tutorial, should generally be to re-iterate
+.. concepts learnt? ]
+.. #[Puneeth: Also, you didn't even point out that we are converting a
+.. list, using the ``array`` function. Bring the later section about
+.. converting a list, here. A separate section is not necessary, IMHO.]
+We create two dimensional array by converting a list of lists to an array
+ a2 = array([[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]])
+.. #[Puneeth: Again, you could explain a bit about the fact that we are
+.. converting a list of lists.]
+Now let us use ``arange()`` function to create the same array as before.
+ ar = arange(1,9)
+.. #[Puneeth: say, creating the same array as before. for some time I got
+.. confused .]
+And we obtained a one dimensional array with elements from 1 to 8.
+ print ar
+.. #[Puneeth: be consistent with voice. say, we obtained... or something.]
+And how can we make it a two dimensional array of order 2 by 4? Pause here
+and try to do it yourself, try ```` and find a suitable method for
+{{{ switch to next slide, reshape() method }}}
+We can use the function ``reshape()`` for that purpose and it can be done
+ ar.reshape(2,4)
+ ar.reshape(4,2)
+ ar = ar.reshape(2,4)
+{{{ switch to next slide, creating array from list}}}
+Now, let us see how to convert a list object to an array. As you have
+already seen, in both of the previous statements we have passed a list, so
+creating an array can be done so, first let us create a list ``l1``
+ l1 = [1,2,3,4]
+Now we can convert the list to an array as,
+ a3 = array(l1)
+{{{ switch to the next slide, problem statement of unsolved exercise 1 }}}
+Create a three dimensional array of the shape (2,2,4).
+.. #[Puneeth: s/order/shape or size ?]
+{{{ switch to the next slide, shape of an array }}}
+To find the shape of an array we can use the method ``.shape``, let us
+check the shape of the arrays we have created so far,
+.. #[Puneeth: s/object/method ?]
+ a2.shape
+``a2.shape`` object is a tuple, and it returned a tuple (2, 4).
+.. #[Puneeth: first show a 2D array, so that it becomes easier to explain.
+.. Also, the word ``tuple`` need not be mentioned. ]
+{{{ switch to the next slide, unsolved exercise 2 }}}
+Find out the shape of the other arrays that we have created.
+.. #[Puneeth: solution missing.]
+It can be done as,
+ a1.shape
+ a3.shape
+ ar.shape
+{{{ Array can have only a single type of data }}}
+.. #[Puneeth: I guess, this whole section can be skipped. If you want to
+.. keep this, just briefly mention that arrays are homogeneous in the
+.. intro, don't explain it there.]
+Now let us try to create a new array with a mix of elements and see what
+will happen,
+ a4 = array([1,2,3,'a string'])
+Well, we would expect an error as it has been previously mentioned that arrays handle
+elements with the same datatype, but it didn't raise an error. Let us check the values
+in the new array created. In your IPython terminal type,
+ a4
+Did you notice it,
+{{{ switch to next slide, implicit type casting }}}
+.. #[Puneeth: typecasting may be unnecessary. (Also too advanced?) an
+.. average guy wouldn't use arrays with strings.]
+.. #[Puneeth: You may want to mention that float is the default dtype.]
+{{{ highlight all the array elements one by one using mouse movements }}}
+all the elements have been implicitly type casted as strings, though our
+first three elements were meant to be integers.
+.. #[Puneeth: when I type a4 it says some ``dtype`` etc. I don't understand
+.. what it is, can you explain? ;)]
+{{{ switch to the next slide, identity & zeros methods }}}
+.. #[Puneeth: something needs to motivate this. why are we suddenly talking
+.. of an identity matrix?]
+Now let us see how to create an identity matrix of a given size, that is a
+two-dimensional array in which all the diagonal elements are ones and rest of the
+elements are zeros. We can create an identity matrix using the function
+The function ``identity()`` takes an integer argument which specifies the
+size of the desired matrix,
+ identity(3)
+As you can see the identity function returned a three by three square matrix
+with all the diagonal elements as ones and the rest of the elements as zeros.
+.. #[Puneeth: You say array here, matrix there -- it's a bit messed up.
+.. Clarify, explicitly.]
+``zeros()`` function accepts a tuple, which is the order of the array that we
+want to create, and it generates an array with all elements as zeros.
+{{{ switch to the next slide, problem statement of solved exercise 1 }}}
+Let us creates an array of the order four by five with all the elements
+zero. We can do it using the method zeros, ::
+ zeros((4,5))
+Notice that we passed a tuple to the function zeros.
+{{{ switch to next slide, learning exercise }}}
+We learned two functions ``identity()`` and ``zeros()``, find out more
+about the functions ``zeros_like()``, ``ones()``, ``ones_like()``.
+{{{ switch to next slide, array operations }}}
+Try the following, first check the value of a1,
+ a1
+``a1`` is a single dimensional array, and now try,
+ a1 * 2
+It returned a new array with all the elements multiplied by 2.
+ a1
+note that the value of a1 still remains the same.
+Similarly with addition,
+ a1 + 2
+it returns a new array, with all the elements summed with two. But
+again notice that the value of a1 has not been changed.
+ a1
+You may change the value of a1 by simply assigning the newly returned
+array as,
+ a1 += 2
+Notice the change in elements of a,
+ a
+We can use all the mathematical operations with arrays, Now let us try this
+ a1 = array([1,2,3,4])
+ a2 = array([1,2,3,4])
+ a1 + a2
+Returns an array with element by element addition,
+ a1 * a2
+Returns an array with element by element multiplication, notice that it
+does not perform matrix multiplication.
+{{{ switch to next slide, summary slide }}}
+So this brings us to the end of this tutorial, in this tutorial we covered
+basics of arrays, learned how to create an array, saw how to convert a list
+to an array, and basic array operations etc.
+.. #[Puneeth: s/how to create an array/creating an array]
+{{{ switch to next slide, thank you }}}
+Thank you!
+ Local Variables:
+ mode: rst
+ indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ sentence-end-double-space: nil
+ fill-column: 75
+ End:
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+#+TITLE: Getting started with arrays
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+* Outline
+ - Arrays
+ - why arrays over lists
+ - Creating arrays
+ - Array operations
+* Overview of Arrays
+ - Arrays are homogeneous data structures.
+ - elements have to the same data type
+ - Arrays are faster compared to lists
+ - at least /80-100 times/ faster than lists
+* Creating Arrays
+ - Creating a 1-dimensional array
+ : In []: a1 = array([1, 2, 3, 4])
+ ~[1, 2, 3, 4]~ is a list.
+* Creating two-dimensional array
+ - Creating a 2-dimensional array
+ : In []: a2 = array([[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]])
+ here we convert a list of lists to an array making a 2-d array.
+ - Using ~arange()~ function
+ : In []: ar = arange(1,9)
+* ~reshape()~ method
+ - To reshape an array
+ : In []: ar.reshape(2, 4)
+ : In []: ar.reshape(4, 2)
+ : In []: ar = ar.reshape(2, 4)
+* Creating ~array~ from ~list~.
+ - ~array()~ method accepts list as argument
+ - Creating a list
+ : In []: l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+ - Creating an array
+ : In []: a3 = array(l1)
+* Exercise 1
+ Create a 3-dimensional array of the order (2, 2, 4).
+* ~.shape~ of array
+ - ~.shape~
+ To find the shape of the array
+ : In []: a2.shape
+ - ~.shape~
+ returns a tuple of shape
+* Exercise 2
+ Find out the shape of the other arrays(a1, a3, ar) that we have created.
+* Homogeneous data
+ - All elements in array should be of same type
+ : In []: a4 = array([1,2,3,'a string'])
+* Implicit type casting
+ : In []: a4
+ All elements are type casted to string type
+* ~identity()~, ~zeros()~ methods
+ - ~identity(n)~
+ Creates an identity matrix, a square matrix of order (n, n) with diagonal elements 1 and others 0.
+ - ~zeros((m, n))~
+ Creates an ~m X n~ matrix with all elements 0.
+* Learning exercise
+ - Find out about
+ - ~zeros_like()~
+ - ~ones()~
+ - ~ones_like()~
+* Array operations
+ - ~a1 * 2~
+ returns a new array with all elements of ~a1~ multiplied by ~2~.
+ - Similarly ~+~, ~-~ \& ~/~.
+ - ~a1 + 2~
+ returns a new array with all elements of ~a1~ summed with ~2~.
+ - ~a1 += 2~
+ adds ~2~ to all elements of array ~a1~.
+ - Similarly ~-=~, ~*=~ \& ~/=~.
+ - ~a1 + a2~
+ does elements-wise addition.
+ - Similarly ~-~, ~*~ \& ~/~.
+ - ~a1 * a2~
+ does element-wise multiplication
+ *Note* - array(A) * array(B) does element wise multiplication and not matrix multiplication
+* Summary
+ In this tutorial we covered,
+ - Basics of arrays
+ - Creating arrays
+ - Arrays from lists
+ - Basic array operations
+* Thank you!
+ \begin{block}{}
+ \begin{center}
+ This spoken tutorial has been produced by the
+ \textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the
+ \end{center}
+ \begin{center}
+ \textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\
+ Information \& Communication Technology \\
+ MHRD, Govt. of India}.
+ \end{center}
+ \end{block}
diff --git a/getting_started_with_arrays/slides.tex b/getting_started_with_arrays/slides.tex
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index 0000000..7273c59
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+% Created 2010-11-07 Sun 15:18
+\usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{ae,aecompl}
+\usepackage{mathpazo,courier,euler} \usepackage[scaled=.95]{helvet}
+\lstset{language=Python, basicstyle=\ttfamily\bfseries,
+commentstyle=\color{red}\itshape, stringstyle=\color{darkgreen},
+showstringspaces=false, keywordstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries}
+\title{Getting started with arrays}
+\item Arrays
+\item why arrays over lists
+\item Creating arrays
+\item Array operations
+\frametitle{Overview of Arrays}
+\item Arrays are homogeneous data structures.
+\item elements have to the same data type
+\item Arrays are faster compared to lists
+\item at least \emph{80-100 times} faster than lists
+\frametitle{Creating Arrays}
+\item Creating a 1-dimensional array
+ In []: a1 = array([1, 2, 3, 4])
+ \texttt{[1, 2, 3, 4]} is a list.
+\frametitle{Creating two-dimensional array}
+\item Creating a 2-dimensional array
+ In []: a2 = array([[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]])
+ here we convert a list of lists to an array making a 2-d array.
+\item Easier method of creating array with consecutive elements.
+ In []: ar = arange(1,9)
+\frametitle{\texttt{reshape()} method}
+\item To reshape an array
+ In []: ar.reshape(2, 4)
+ In []: ar.reshape(4, 2)
+ In []: ar = ar.reshape(2, 4)
+\frametitle{Creating \texttt{array} from \texttt{list}.}
+\item \texttt{array()} method accepts list as argument
+\item Creating a list
+ In []: l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+\item Creating an array
+ In []: a3 = array(l1)
+\frametitle{Exercise 1}
+ Create a 3-dimensional array of the order (2, 2, 4).
+\frametitle{\texttt{.shape} of array}
+\item \texttt{.shape}
+ To find the shape of the array
+ In []: a1.shape
+\item \texttt{.shape}
+ returns a tuple of shape
+\frametitle{Exercise 2}
+ Find out the shape of the other arrays(a2, a3, ar) that we have created.
+\frametitle{Homogeneous data}
+\item All elements in array should be of same type
+ In []: a4 = array([1,2,3,'a string'])
+\frametitle{Implicit type casting}
+ In []: a4
+ All elements are type casted to string type
+\frametitle{\texttt{identity()}, \texttt{zeros()} methods}
+\item \texttt{identity(n)}
+ Creates an identity matrix, a square matrix of order (n, n) with diagonal elements 1 and others 0.
+\item \texttt{zeros((m, n))}
+ Creates an \texttt{m X n} matrix with all elements 0.
+\frametitle{Learning exercise}
+\item Find out about
+\item \texttt{zeros\_like()}
+\item \texttt{ones()}
+\item \texttt{ones\_like()}
+\frametitle{Array operations}
+\item \texttt{a1 * 2}
+ returns a new array with all elements of \texttt{a1} multiplied by \texttt{2}.
+\item Similarly \texttt{+}, \texttt{-} \& \texttt{/}.
+\item \texttt{a1 + 2}
+ returns a new array with all elements of \texttt{a1} summed with \texttt{2}.
+\item \texttt{a1 += 2}
+ adds \texttt{2} to all elements of array \texttt{a1}.
+\item Similarly \texttt{-=}, \texttt{*=} \& \texttt{/=}.
+\item \texttt{a1 + a2}
+ does elements-wise addition.
+\item Similarly \texttt{-}, \texttt{*} \& \texttt{/}.
+\item \texttt{a1 * a2}
+ does element-wise multiplication
+ \textbf{Note} - array(A) * array(B) does element wise multiplication and not matrix multiplication
+ In this tutorial we covered,
+\item Basics of arrays
+\item Creating arrays
+\item Arrays from lists
+\item Basic array operations
+\frametitle{Thank you!}
+ \begin{block}{}
+ \begin{center}
+ This spoken tutorial has been produced by the
+ \textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the
+ \end{center}
+ \begin{center}
+ \textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\
+ Information \& Communication Technology \\
+ MHRD, Govt. of India}.
+ \end{center}
+ \end{block}