path: root/basic-data-type
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authorPuneeth Chaganti2010-12-01 16:51:35 +0530
committerPuneeth Chaganti2010-12-01 16:51:35 +0530
commitf3a34dfb4e879f3eb7274704f44546aac4add88f (patch)
tree1cb0a8cc5dbd5ee2b374350915ed2addfa0fb447 /basic-data-type
parent347866ed0d29db61ee062563b1e1616cfb85588c (diff)
Renamed all LOs to match with their names in
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5 files changed, 0 insertions, 1204 deletions
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-\textbf{Basic DataType Quick Reference}\\
-Declaring an Integer:\\
-{\ex \lstinline| b=9999999999999999999 |}
-Declaring a float:\\
-{\ex \lstinline| p=3.141592 |}
-Declaring a Complex number:\\
-{\ex \lstinline| c = 3.2+4.6j |}
-Modulo Operator:\\
-{\ex \lstinline| 87 % 6 |}
-Exponent Operator:\\
-{\ex \lstinline| 7**8 |}
-Declaring a list:\\
-{\ex \lstinline| var_list = [1, 1.2, [1,2]] |}
-Declaring a string:\\
-{\ex \lstinline| k='Single quote' |}
-{\ex \lstinline| l="Double quote contain's single quote" |}
-{\ex \lstinline| m='''"Contain's both"''' |}
-Declaring a tuple:\\
-{\ex \lstinline| var_tup = (1,2,3,4) |}
-Accessing Lists, string and tuples:\\
-{\ex \lstinline| seq[-1] |}
-Interconversion of number datatype:\\
-{\ex \lstinline| float(2.3+4.2j) |}
-Interconversion of sequences:\\
-{\ex \lstinline| tup=tuple([1,2,3,4,5]) |}
-Spliting string into lists:\\
-{\ex \lstinline| ''split this sting''.split() |}
-Join lists to create strings:\\
-{\ex \lstinline| ','.join['List','joined','on','commas'] |}
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-.. Objectives
-.. ----------
-.. At the end of this tutorial, you should know --
-.. 1. Learn about Python Data Structures and Operators.(Remembering)
-.. #.Use them to do basic operations.(Applying)
-.. Prerequisites
-.. -------------
-.. None
-.. Author : Amit Sethi
- Internal Reviewer :
- External Reviewer :
- Checklist OK? : <put date stamp here, if OK> [2010-10-05]
-Hello friends and welcome to the tutorial on Basic Data types and operators
-in Python.
-{{{ Show the slide containing title }}}
-{{{ Show the slide containing the outline slide }}}
-In this tutorial, we shall look at
-* Datatypes in Python
- * Numbers
- * Boolean
- * Sequence
-* Operators in Python
- * Arithmetic Operators
- * Boolean Operators
-* Python Sequence Data types
- * list
- * string
- * tuple
-First we will explore python data structures in the domain of numbers.
-There are three built-in data types in python to represent numbers.
-{{{ A slide to make a memory note of the different datatypes }}}
-These are:
- * int
- * float
- * complex
-Lets first talk about int. ::
- a = 13
- a
-Now, we have our first int variable a.
-If we now see ::
- type(a)
- <type 'int'>
-This means that a is a type of int. There are lot of functions associated
-with the int datatype, to manipulate it in different ways. These can be
-explored by doing, ::
- a.<Tab>
-*int* datatype can hold integers of any size lets see this by an example.
- b = 99999999999999999999
- b
-As you can see even when we put a value of 9 repeated 20 times python did
-not complain. This is because python's int data-type can hold integers of any
-Let us now look at the float data-type.
-Decimal numbers in python are represented by the float data-type ::
- p = 3.141592
- p
-If you notice the value of output of ``p`` isn't exactly equal to ``p``.
-This is because computer saves floating point values in a specific format.
-There is always an approximation. This is why we should never rely on
-equality of floating point numbers in a program.
-The last data type in the list is complex number ::
- c = 3.2+4.6j
-as simple as that so essentialy its just a combination of two floats the
-imaginary part being defined by j notation instead of i. Complex numbers
-have a lot of functions specific to them. Let us look at these ::
- c.<Tab>
-Lets try some of them ::
- c.real
- c.imag
-c.real gives the real part of the number and c.imag the imaginary.
-We can get the absolute value using the function ::
- abs(c)
-Following is are exercises that you must do.
-%% %% Find the absolute value of 3+4j
- abs(3+4j)
-%% %% What is the datatype of number 999999999999999999? Is it
-not int?
- Long
- Big integers are internally stored in python
- as Long datatype.
-Please, pause the video here. Do the exercises and then continue.
-{{ Slide for showing Boolean datatypes }}
-Python also has Boolean as a built-in type.
-Try it out just type ::
- t = True
-note that T in true is capitalized.
-You can apply different Boolean operations on t now for example ::
- f = not t
- f
- f or t
- f and t
-The results are self explanatory.
-What if you want to apply one operator before another.
-Well you can use parenthesis for precedence.
-Lets write some piece of code to check this out.::
- a=False
- b=True
- c=True
-To check how precedence changes with parenthesis, we will try two
-expressions and their evaluation.
-one ::
- (a and b) or c
-This expression gives the value True
-where as the expression ::
- a and (b or c)
-gives the value False.
-Let's now look at some operators available in Python to manipulate
-these data types.
-Python uses '+' for addition ::
- 23 + 74
-'-' for subtraction ::
- 23 - 56
-'*' for multiplication ::
- 45*76
-'/' for division ::
- 384/16
- 8/3
- 8.0/3
-When we did 8/3 the first case results in am integer
-output as both the operands are integer however when
-8.0/3 is used the answer is float as one of the operands is
-'%' for modulo operation ::
- 87 % 6
-and two stars for a exponent. ::
- 7**8
-In case one wishes to use the current value of variable in which the result
-is stored in the expression one can do that by putting the operator before
-`equal to`. ::
- a=73
- a*=34
-is same as ::
- a=a*34
-and ::
- a/=23
-is same as ::
- a=a/23
-Following is are exercises that you must do.
-%% %% Using python find sqaure root of 3?
-%% %% Is 3**1/2 and 3**0.5 same
-Please, pause the video here. Do the exercises and then continue.
- 3**0.5
- No,One gives an int answer and the other float
-Lets now discuss sequence data types in Python. Sequence data types
-are those in which elements are kept in a sequential order and all the
-elements are accessed using index numbers.
-{{{ slide introducing sequence datatype }}}
-The sequence datatypes in Python are ::
- * list
- * string
- * tuple
-The list type is a container that holds a number of other objects, in the
-given order.
-We create our first list by typing ::
- num_list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
- num_list
-Items enclosed in square brackets separated by comma constitutes a list.
-Lists can store data of any type in them.
-We can have a list something like ::
- var_list = [1, 1.2, [1,2]]
- var_list
-Lets look at another sequence data type, strings
-type ::
- greeting_string="hello"
-greeting_string is now a string variable with the value "hello"
-{{{ All the different types of strings shown }}}
-Python strings can actually be defined in three different ways ::
- k='Single quote'
- l="Let's see how to include a single quote"
- m='''"Let's see how to include both"'''
-As you can see, single quotes are used as delimiters usually.
-When a string contains a single quote, double quotes are used as
-delimiters. When a string quote contains both single and double quotes,
-triple quotes are used as delimiters.
-The last in the list of sequence data types is tuple.
-To create a tuple we use normal brackets '(' unlike '[' for lists.::
- num_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
-Because of their sequential property there are certain functions and
-operations we can apply to all of them.
-The first one is accessing.
-They can be accessed using index numbers ::
- num_list[2]
- num_list[-1]
- greeting_string[1]
- greeting_string[3]
- greeting_string[-2]
- num_tuple[2]
- num_tuple[-3]
-Indexing starts from 0 from left to right and from -1 when accessing lists
-in reverse. Thus num_list[2] refers to the third element 3. and greetings
-[-2] is the second element from the end , that is 'l'.
-Addition gives a new sequence containing both sequences ::
- num_list+var_list
- a_string="another string"
- greeting_string+a_string
- t2=(3,4,6,7)
- num_tuple+t2
-len function gives the length ::
- len(num_list)
- len(greeting_string)
- len(num_tuple)
-Prints the length the variable.
-We can check the containership of an element using the 'in' keyword ::
- 3 in num_list
- 'H' in greeting_string
- 2 in num_tuple
-We see that it gives True and False accordingly.
-Find maximum using max function and minimum using min::
- max(num_tuple)
- min(greeting_string)
-Get a sorted list ::
- sorted(num_list)
-As a consequence of their order, we can access a group of elements in a
-sequence, together. This is called slicing and striding.
-First lets discuss Slicing,
-Given a list ::
- j=[1,2,3,4,5,6]
-Lets say we want elements starting from 2 and ending in 5.
-For this we can do ::
- j[1:4]
-The syntax for slicing is, sequence variable name square bracket first
-element index, colon, second element index. The last element however is not
-included in the resultant list::
- j[:4]
-If first element is left blank default is from beginning and if last
-element is left blank it means till the end.
- j[1:]
- j[:]
-This effectively is the whole list.
-Striding is similar to slicing except that the step size here is not one.
-Lets see by example ::
- new_num_list=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
- new_num_list[1:8:2]
- [2, 4, 6, 8]
-The colon two added in the end signifies all the alternate elements. This
-is why we call this concept striding because we move through the list with
-a particular stride or step. The step in this example being 2.
-We have talked about many similar features of lists, strings and tuples.
-But there are many important features in lists that differ from strings and
-tuples. Lets see this by example.::
- new_num_list[1]=9
- greeting_string[1]='k'
-{{{ slide to show the error }}}
-As you can see while the first command executes with out a problem there is
-an error on the second one.
-Now lets try ::
- new_tuple[1]=5
-Its the same error. This is because strings and tuples share the property
-of being immutable. We cannot change the value at a particular index just
-by assigning a new value at that position.
-We have looked at different types but we need to convert one data type into
-another. Well lets one by one go through methods by which we can convert
-one data type to other:
-We can convert all the number data types to one another ::
- i=34
- d=float(i)
- d
-Python has built in functions int, float and complex to convert one number
-type data structure to another.
- dec=2.34
- dec_con=int(dec)
- dec_con
-As you can see the decimal part of the number is simply stripped to get the
- com=2.3+4.2j
- float(com)
- com
-In case of complex number to floating point only the real value of complex
-number is taken.
-Similarly we can convert list to tuple and tuple to list ::
- lst=[3,4,5,6]
- tup=tuple(lst)
- tupl=(3,23,4,56)
- lst=list(tuple)
-However converting a string to a list and a list to a string is an
-interesting problem. Let's say we have a string ::
- In: somestring="Is there a way to split on these spaces."
- In: somestring.split()
-This produces a list with the string split at whitespace. Similarly we can
-split on some other character.
- In: otherstring="Tim,Amy,Stewy,Boss"
-How do we split on comma , simply pass it as argument ::
- In: otherstring.split(',')
-join function does the opposite. Joins a list to make a string.::
- ','.join['List','joined','on','commas']
-Thus we get a list joined on commas. Similarly we can do spaces.::
- ' '.join['Now','on','spaces']
-Note that the list has to be a list of strings to apply join operation.
-With this we come to the end of this tutorial .
-Following is an (are) exercise(s) that you must do.
-%% %% Check if 3 is an element of the list [1,7,5,3,4]. In case
-it is change it to 21.
- l=[1,7,5,3,4]
- 3 in l
- l[3]=21
- l
-%% %% Convert the string "Elizabeth is queen of england" to
-"Elizabeth is queen"
- s="Elizabeth is queen of england"
- stemp=s.split()
- ' '.join(stemp[:3])
-Please, pause the video here. Do the exercise(s) and then continue.
-This brings us to the end of the tutorial. In this tutorial we have
-1. Number Datatypes , integer,float and complex
-2. Boolean and datatype and operators
-3. Sequence data types ,List,String and Tuple
-4. Accesing sequence
-5. Slicing sequences
-6. Finding length , sorting and reversing operations on sequences.
-7. Immutability.
-{{{ Show the "sponsored by FOSSEE" slide }}}
-This tutorial was created as a part of FOSSEE project, NME ICT, MHRD India
-Hope you have enjoyed and found it useful.
-Thank You.
- Local Variables:
- mode: rst
- indent-tabs-mode: nil
- sentence-end-double-space: nil
- fill-column: 75
- End:
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-#+TITLE: Plotting Data
-#+DATE: 2010-09-14 Tue
-#+OPTIONS: H:1 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t
-#+OPTIONS: TeX:t LaTeX:nil skip:nil d:nil todo:nil pri:nil tags:not-in-toc
-#+STARTUP: align fold nodlcheck hidestars oddeven lognotestate
-* Outline
-** Datatypes in Python
-*** Numbers
-*** Boolean
-*** Sequence
-** Operators in Python
-*** Arithmetic Operators
-*** Boolean Operators
-** Python Sequence Datatypes
-*** list
-*** string
-*** tuple
-* Numbers
- - int
- - float
- - complex
-* Question 1
- - Find the absolute value of 3+4j
-* Solution 1
- #+begin_src python
- abs(3+4j)
- #+end_src python
-* Question 2
- - What is the datatype of number 999999999999999999? Is it
-not int?
-* Solution 2
- - Long
- - Large integers numbers are internally stored in python as Long
- datatype.
-* Boolean
- #+begin_src python
- In []: t=True
- In []: f=False
- #+end_src
-* Question 3
- - Using python find sqaure root of 3?
-* Solution 3
- - 3**0.5
-* Question 4
- - Is 3**1/2 and 3**0.5 same
-* Solution 4
- - No,One gives an int answer and the other float
-* Sequence Data types
-** Properties
- - Data in Sequence
- - Accessed using Index
-** Type
- - list
- - String
- - Tuple
-* All are Strings
- #+begin_src python
- k = 'Single quote'
- l = "Double quote contain's single quote"
- m = '''"Contain's both"'''
- #+end_src
-* Immutabilty Error
- #+begin_src python
- In []: greeting_string[1]='k'
- -------------------------------------------------------
- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
- /home/fossee/<ipython console> in <module>()
- TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
- #+end_src
-* Question 5
- Check if 3 is an element of the list [1,7,5,3,4]. In case it is
-change it to 21.
-* Solution 5
- #+begin_src python
- l=[1,7,5,3,4]
- 3 in l
- l[3]=21
- l
- #+end_src
-* Question 6
- Convert the string ~"Elizabeth is queen of england"~ to ~"Elizabeth is
-* Solution 6
- #+begin_src python
- s = "Elizabeth is queen of england"
- stemp = s.split()
- ' '.join(stemp[:3])
- #+end_src
-* Summary
- - Number Datatypes -- integer,float and complex
- - Boolean and datatype and operators
- - Sequence data types -- List, String and Tuple
- - Accesing sequence
- - Slicing sequences
- - Finding length, sorting and reversing operations on sequences
- - Immutability
-* Thank you!
- \begin{block}{}
- \begin{center}
- This spoken tutorial has been produced by the
- \textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the
- \end{center}
- \begin{center}
- \textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\
- Information \& Communication Technology \\
- MHRD, Govt. of India}.
- \end{center}
- \end{block}
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-#+TITLE: Plotting Data
-#+DATE: 2010-09-14 Tue
-#+OPTIONS: H:1 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t
-#+OPTIONS: TeX:t LaTeX:nil skip:nil d:nil todo:nil pri:nil tags:not-in-toc
-#+STARTUP: align fold nodlcheck hidestars oddeven lognotestate
-* Outline
-** Datatypes in Python
-*** Numbers
-*** Boolean
-*** Sequence
-** Operators in Python
-*** Arithmetic Operators
-*** Boolean Operators
-** Python Sequence Datatypes
-*** list
-*** string
-*** tuple
-* Numbers
- - int
- - float
- - complex
-* Question 1
- - Find the absolute value of 3+4j
-* Solution 1
- #+begin_src python
- abs(3+4j)
- #+end_src python
-* Question 2
- - What is the datatype of number 999999999999999999? Is it
-not int?
-* Solution 2
- - Long
- - Large integers numbers are internally stored in python as Long
- datatype.
-* Boolean
- #+begin_src python
- In []: t=True
- In []: f=False
- #+end_src
-* Question 3
- - Using python find sqaure root of 3?
-* Solution 3
- - 3**0.5
-* Question 4
- - Is 3**1/2 and 3**0.5 same
-* Solution 4
- - No,One gives an int answer and the other float
-* Sequence Data types
-** Properties
- - Data in Sequence
- - Accessed using Index
-** Type
- - list
- - String
- - Tuple
-* All are Strings
- #+begin_src python
- k = 'Single quote'
- l = "Double quote contain's single quote"
- m = '''"Contain's both"'''
- #+end_src
-* Immutabilty Error
- #+begin_src python
- In []: greeting_string[1]='k'
- -------------------------------------------------------
- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
- /home/fossee/<ipython console> in <module>()
- TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
- #+end_src
-* Question 5
- Check if 3 is an element of the list [1,7,5,3,4]. In case it is
-change it to 21.
-* Solution 5
- #+begin_src python
- l=[1,7,5,3,4]
- 3 in l
- l[3]=21
- l
- #+end_src
-* Question 6
- Convert the string ~"Elizabeth is queen of england"~ to ~"Elizabeth is
-* Solution 6
- #+begin_src python
- s = "Elizabeth is queen of england"
- stemp = s.split()
- ' '.join(stemp[:3])
- #+end_src
-* Summary
- - Number Datatypes -- integer,float and complex
- - Boolean and datatype and operators
- - Sequence data types -- List, String and Tuple
- - Accesing sequence
- - Slicing sequences
- - Finding length, sorting and reversing operations on sequences
- - Immutability
-* Thank you!
- \begin{block}{}
- \begin{center}
- This spoken tutorial has been produced by the
- \textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the
- \end{center}
- \begin{center}
- \textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\
- Information \& Communication Technology \\
- MHRD, Govt. of India}.
- \end{center}
- \end{block}
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-% Created 2010-11-09 Tue 15:26
-\usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{ae,aecompl}
-\usepackage{mathpazo,courier,euler} \usepackage[scaled=.95]{helvet}
-\lstset{language=Python, basicstyle=\ttfamily\bfseries,
-commentstyle=\color{red}\itshape, stringstyle=\color{darkgreen},
-showstringspaces=false, keywordstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries}
-\title{Plotting Data }
-\date{2010-09-14 Tue}
-\item Datatypes in Python
-\item Numbers\\
-\item Boolean\\
-\item Sequence\\
-\end{itemize} % ends low level
-\item Operators in Python
-\item Arithmetic Operators\\
-\item Boolean Operators\\
-\end{itemize} % ends low level
-\item Python Sequence Datatypes
-\item list\\
-\item string\\
-\item tuple\\
-\end{itemize} % ends low level
-\end{itemize} % ends low level
-\item int
-\item float
-\item complex
-\frametitle{Question 1}
-\item Find the absolute value of 3+4j
-\frametitle{Solution 1}
-\frametitle{Question 2}
-\item What is the datatype of number 999999999999999999? Is it
-not int?
-\frametitle{Solution 2}
-\item Long
-\item Large integers numbers are internally stored in python as Long
- datatype.
-In []: t=True
-In []: f=False
-\frametitle{Question 3}
-\item Using python find sqaure root of 3?
-\frametitle{Solution 3}
-\item 3**0.5
-\frametitle{Question 4}
-\item Is 3**1/2 and 3**0.5 same
-\frametitle{Solution 4}
-\item No,One gives an int answer and the other float
-\frametitle{Sequence Data types}
-\item Properties
-\item Data in Sequence
-\item Accessed using Index
-\item Type
-\item list
-\item String
-\item Tuple
-\end{itemize} % ends low level
-\frametitle{All are Strings}
-k = 'Single quote'
-l = "Double quote contain's single quote"
-m = '''"Contain's both"'''
-\frametitle{Immutabilty Error}
-In []: greeting_string[1]='k'
-TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
-/home/fossee/<ipython console> in <module>()
-TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
-\frametitle{Question 5}
- Check if 3 is an element of the list [1,7,5,3,4]. In case it is
-change it to 21.
-\frametitle{Solution 5}
-3 in l
-\frametitle{Question 6}
- Convert the string \~{}''Elizabeth is queen of england''\~{} to \~{}''Elizabeth is
-\frametitle{Solution 6}
-s = "Elizabeth is queen of england"
-stemp = s.split()
-' '.join(stemp[:3])
-\item Number Datatypes -- integer,float and complex
-\item Boolean and datatype and operators
-\item Sequence data types -- List, String and Tuple
-\item Accesing sequence
-\item Slicing sequences
-\item Finding length, sorting and reversing operations on sequences
-\item Immutability
-\frametitle{Thank you!}
- \begin{block}{}
- \begin{center}
- This spoken tutorial has been produced by the
- \textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the
- \end{center}
- \begin{center}
- \textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\
- Information \& Communication Technology \\
- MHRD, Govt. of India}.
- \end{center}
- \end{block}