path: root/versionControl/handOut.rst
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-09-18Arithmetic section, typo correction, eg script.Shantanu Choudhary
2009-09-16First version of 5-6 Session of ult.Shantanu Choudhary
2009-08-26Some more typo correction.Shantanu Choudhary
2009-08-25Added merging section, and typo correction.Shantanu Choudhary
2009-08-24Completed rough HandOut.Shantanu Choudhary
2009-08-22Basic file management in Repo.Shantanu Choudhary
2009-08-21Completed Getting Started with Repository.Shantanu Choudhary
2009-08-21Started hg command section.Shantanu Choudhary
2009-08-21Added CVCS and DVCS subsection.Shantanu Choudhary
2009-08-20Hand out doc for version contol added.Shantanu Choudhary