path: root/ult/ult_6/script.rst
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ult/ult_6/script.rst')
1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ult/ult_6/script.rst b/ult/ult_6/script.rst
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/ult/ult_6/script.rst
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+.. Objectives
+.. ----------
+ .. At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to:
+ .. 1. Prepare a simple shell script.
+ .. 2. Run a script successfully and print it's result.
+ .. 3. Understand what an environment variable is.
+.. Prerequisites
+.. -------------
+.. 1. Using Linux tools - Part 1
+.. 2. Using Linux tools - Part 2
+.. 3. Using Linux tools - Part 3
+.. 4. Using Linux tools - Part 4
+.. 5. Using Linux tools - Part 5
+.. L1
+{{{ Show the first slide containing title, name of the production
+team along with the logo of MHRD }}}
+.. R1
+Hello friends and Welcome to the tutorial on
+'Using linux tools - Part 6'.
+.. L2
+{{{ Show slide with objectives }}}
+.. R2
+At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to,
+ 1. Prepare a simple shell script.
+ #. Run a script successfully and print it's result.
+ #. Understand what an environment variable is.
+.. L3
+{{{ Switch to the pre-requisite slide }}}
+.. R3
+Before beginning this tutorial,we would suggest you to complete the
+tutorial on "Using Linux tools from Part 1 to Part 5".
+Let us start with creating a simple shell script.
+A shell script is simply a sequence of commands, that are put into a file,
+instead of entering them one by one onto the shell. The script can then be
+run, to run the sequence of commands in a single shot instead of manually
+running, each of the individual commands.
+For instance, let's say we wish to create a directory called ``marks`` in the
+home folder and save the results of the students into a file
+.. R4
+We open our editor and save the following text to ````
+.. L4
+{{{ Open an editor and type the following }}}
+ #!/bin/bash
+ mkdir ~/marks
+ cut -d " " -f 2- marks1.txt | paste -d " " students.txt - | sort > ~/marks/results.txt
+.. R5
+We can now run the script as,
+.. L5
+{{{ Open the terminal }}}
+ ./
+.. R6
+We get an error saying, Permission denied! Why? Can you think of the
+reason? Yes, the file doesn't have execute permissions.
+We make the file executable and then run it.
+.. L6
+ chmod u+x
+ ./
+.. R7
+We get back the prompt. We can check the contents of the file
+``results.txt`` to see if the script has run.
+So, here, we have our first shell script. The first line of the script is used
+to specify the interpreter or shell which should be used to execute the script.
+In this case, we are asking it to use the bash shell.
+Once, the script has run, we get back the prompt. Here, we had to manually check,
+if the contents of the file are correct. It would be useful to have our script
+print out messages. For this, we can use the ``echo`` command. We can edit our
+```` script, as follows.
+.. L7
+{{{ Open an editor and type the following }}}
+ #!/bin/bash
+ mkdir ~/marks
+ cut -d " " -f 2- marks1.txt | paste -d " " students.txt - | sort > ~/marks/results.txt
+ echo "Results generated."
+.. R8
+Now, on running the script, we get a message on the screen informing us,
+when the script has run.
+Let's now say, that we wish to let the user decide the file to which the
+results should be written to. The results file, should be specifiable by an
+argument in the command line. We can do so, by editing the file, as below.
+.. L8
+{{{ Make the necessary changes in the previous script }}}
+ #!/bin/bash
+ mkdir ~/marks
+ cut -d " " -f 2- marks1.txt | paste -d " " students.txt - | sort > ~/marks/$1
+ echo "Results generated."
+{{{ Highlight the text ``$1`` }}}
+.. R9
+The ``$1`` above, corresponds to the first command line argument to the
+script. So, we can run the script as shown below, to save the results to
+.. L9
+ ./ grades.txt
+.. R10
+When we run the ```` file, we are specifying the location of the
+script by using ``./``. But for any of the other commands,
+we didn't have to specify their locations. Why? The
+shell has a set of locations where it searches, for the command that we are
+trying to run.
+.. L10
+.. L11
+{{{ Show slide, PATH }}}
+.. R11
+These set of locations are saved in an "environment"
+variable called PATH.let us look at what the value of the PATH variable is. To view the
+values of variables, we can use the echo command.
+.. L12
+{{{ Switch to the terminal }}}
+ echo $PATH
+.. R12
+So, these are all the paths that are searched, when looking to execute a
+command. If we put the script in one of these locations, we
+could simply run it, without using the ``./`` at the beginning.
+.. L13
+{{{ Show slide, variables & comments }}}
+.. R13
+As expected, it is possible to define our own variables inside our shell
+scripts. For example,
+.. L14
+{{{ Switch to the terminal }}}
+ name="FOSSEE"
+.. R14
+It creates a new variable ``name`` whose value is ``FOSSEE``. To refer to this
+variable, inside our shell script, we would refer to it, as ``$name``.
+Note that, there is no space around the ``=`` sign.
+.. L15
+ ls $name*
+.. R15
+.. R16
+It is possible to store the output of a command in a variable, by enclosing
+the command in back-quotes.
+.. L16
+ count=`wc -l wonderland.txt`
+.. R17
+It saves the number of lines in the file ``wonderland.txt`` in the variable
+The ``#`` character is used to comment out content from a shell script.
+Anything that appears after the ``#`` character in a line, is ignored by
+the bash shell.
+.. L18
+.. L19
+{{{ Switch to 'Summary' slide }}}
+.. R19
+This brings us to the end of the end of this tutorial.
+In this tutorial, we have learnt to,
+ 1. Prepare a shell script.
+ #. Display the result of a script, using the ``echo`` command.
+ #. Use the environment variable ``PATH``.
+ #. Create variables and comment out content using the ``#`` sign.
+.. L20
+{{{ Show self assessment questions slide }}}
+.. R20
+Here are some self assessment questions for you to solve
+.. L21
+{{{ Solution of self assessment questions on slide }}}
+.. R21
+And the answers,
+.. L22
+{{{ Show the Thank you slide }}}
+.. R22
+Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and found it useful.
+Thank you!