path: root/tdd
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diff --git a/tdd/tdd.rst b/tdd/tdd.rst
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index 0000000..9455b67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdd/tdd.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+Test Driven Development, abbreviated as TDD is a method of software
+development which banks on the idea of writing test cases that fail for the
+code that doesn't even exist yet. The actual code is written later to pass
+the test and then refactored.
+Writing tests
+Writing a test is simple. Writing a failing test? It is much more simple.
+Let us consider a very simple program which returns the Greatest Common
+Divisor (GCD) of two numbers. Since the test cases for the code is written
+prior to the code itself, it is necessary to have a clear idea of the code
+units that our program will contain. Let us attempt to clearly define the
+code units in our case of a GCD program. Let our program contain one and
+only one function called gcd() which takes in two arguments as parameters.
+These arguments are the numbers for which GCD must be computed. The gcd()
+function returns a single value which is the GCD of the two arguments
+passed. So if we want to find out GCD of 44, 23, I will call my code unit
+as c = gcd(44, 23) where c will contain the GCD of those two numbers.
+Now we have defined our code units, how will we write tests? Before writing
+the test, a very fundamental question arises in our minds. How do tests
+look like? So let us answer this question first. Tests are nothing but a
+series of assertions which are either True or False depending on the
+expected behaviour of the code. We tell our tests whether our code unit
+asserts True or asserts False based on the expected behaviour of the code
+units. If we happen to run the tests now we are sure to get errors. Oh! But
+why? We don't even have the function gcd to call. The test code doesn't
+even compile! So what should we do now? So the idea is to first write the
+stubs for the code units before we start writing tests. This is necessary
+for two reasons. Firstly, by writing the stubs for the code units we will
+be able to correctly decide and fix on to the code units that we have
+planned to include in our program. We have a clear cut idea as to how our
+program is structured, how the tests must be written among other
+things. Secondly, the tests must at least compile and then fail! If the
+tests don't even compile, that doesn't mean the tests failed. It means
+it was a failure on the programmer's part. Let us define our stub::
+ def gcd(a, b):
+ pass
+This stub does nothing other than defining a new function called gcd which
+takes two parameters a and b for which the GCD must be calculated. The body
+of the function just contains pass which means it does nothing, i.e. empty.
+We have our stub ready. One important thing we need to keep in mind when
+we adopt TDD methodology is that we need to have a clear set of results
+defined for our code units. To put it more clearly, for every given set of
+inputs as test case we must have, before hand, the exact outputs that are
+expected for those input test cases. If we don't have that we have failed
+in the first step of the TDD methodology itself. We must never run for
+outputs for our test cases after we have the code ready or even while
+writing tests. The expected outputs/behaviour must be in our hands before
+we start writing tests. Therefore let us define our test cases and the
+expected output for those inputs. Let one of our test cases be 48 and 64
+as *a* and *b* respectively. For this test case we know that the GCD is
+16. So that is the expected output. Let our second test case be 44 and
+19 as *a* and *b* respectively. We know that their GCD is 1 by simple paper
+and pen calculation.
+Now we know what a test is? What are the ingredients required to write
+tests? So what else should we wait for? Let us write our first test!::
+ tc1 = gcd(48, 64)
+ if tc1 != 16:
+ print "Test failed for the case a=48 and b=64. Expected 16. Obtained
+ %d instead." % tc1
+ exit(1)
+ tc2 = gcd(44, 19)
+ if tc2 != 1:
+ print "Test failed for the case a=44 and b=19. Expected 1. Obtained
+ %d instead." % tc2
+ exit(1)
+ print "All tests passed!"