path: root/tdd/tdd.rst
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Test Driven Development
+What is TDD?
-Test Driven Development, abbreviated as TDD is a method of software
-development which banks on the idea of writing test cases that fail for the
-code that doesn't even exist yet. The actual code is written later to pass
-the test and then refactored.
+At the end of this section, you will be able to:
+1. Write your code using the TDD paradigm.
+#. Use doctests to test your Python code.
+#. Use unittests to test your Python code.
+#. Use the nose module to test your code.
+Test Driven Development (TDD), as the name suggests, is a style or method
+of software development based on the idea of writing code, after writing
+tests for them. As the tests are written for code, that doesn't even exist
+yet, it is bound to fail. Actual code is later written, to pass the test
+and later on refactored.
+The basic steps of TDD are roughly as follows -
+1. Decide upon the feature to implement and the methodology of testing it.
+#. Write the tests for the feature decided upon.
+#. Just write enough code, so that the test can be run, but it fails.
+#. Improve the code, to just pass the test and at the same time passing all
+ previous tests.
+#. Run the tests to see, that all of them run successfully.
+#. Refactor the code we've just written -- optimize the algorithm, remove
+ duplication, add documentation, etc.
+#. Run the tests again, to see that all the tests still pass.
+#. Go back to 1.
First "Test"
-Writing a test is simple. Writing a failing test? It is much more simple.
-Let us consider a very simple program which returns the Greatest Common
-Divisor (GCD) of two numbers. Since the test cases for the code is written
-prior to the code itself, it is necessary to have a clear idea of the code
-units that our program will contain. Let us attempt to clearly define the
-code units in our case of a GCD program. Let our program contain one and
-only one function called gcd() which takes in two arguments as parameters.
-These arguments are the numbers for which GCD must be computed. The gcd()
-function returns a single value which is the GCD of the two arguments
-passed. So if we want to find out GCD of 44, 23, I will call my code unit
-as c = gcd(44, 23) where c will contain the GCD of those two numbers.
-Now we have defined our code units, how will we write tests? Before writing
-the test, a very fundamental question arises in our minds. How do tests
-look like? So let us answer this question first. Tests are nothing but a
-series of assertions which are either True or False depending on the
-expected behaviour of the code. We tell our tests whether our code unit
-asserts True or asserts False based on the expected behaviour of the code
-units. If we happen to run the tests now we are sure to get errors. Oh! But
-why? We don't even have the function gcd to call. The test code doesn't
-even compile! So what should we do now? So the idea is to first write the
-stubs for the code units before we start writing tests. This is necessary
-for two reasons. Firstly, by writing the stubs for the code units we will
-be able to correctly decide and fix on to the code units that we have
-planned to include in our program. We have a clear cut idea as to how our
-program is structured, how the tests must be written among other
-things. Secondly, the tests must at least compile and then fail! If the
-tests don't even compile, that doesn't mean the tests failed. It means
-it was a failure on the programmer's part. Let us define our stub::
+Now, that we have an overview of TDD, let's get down to writing our first
+test. Let us consider a very simple program which returns the Greatest
+Common Divisor (GCD) of two numbers.
- def gcd(a, b):
- pass
+Before being able to write our test, we need to have a clear idea of the
+code units our program will contain, so that we can test each of them.
+Let's first define the code units that our GCD program is going to have.
+Our program is going to contain only one function called ``gcd``, which
+will take in two arguments, and return a single value, which is the GCD of
+the two arguments. So if we want to find out GCD of 44, 23, we call the
+function, with the arguments 44 and 23.
+ c = gcd(44, 23)
+c will contain the GCD of the two numbers.
+We have defined the code units in our program. So, we can go ahead and
+write tests for it.
+When adopting the TDD methodology, it is important to have a clear set of
+results defined for our code units i.e., for every given set of inputs as
+that we wish use as a test case, we must have, before hand, the exact
+outputs that are expected for those input test cases. We must not be
+running around looking for outputs for our test cases after we have the
+code ready, or even while we are writing the tests.
+Let one of our test cases be 48 and 64 as ``a`` and ``b``, respectively.
+For this test case we know that the expected output, the GCD, is 16. Let
+our second test case be 44 and 19 as ``a`` and ``b``, respectively. We know
+that their GCD is 1, and that is the expected output.
-This stub does nothing other than defining a new function called gcd
-which takes two parameters a and b for which the GCD must be
-calculated. The body of the function just contains Python's **pass**
-statement which means it does nothing, i.e. empty. We have our stub
-ready. One important thing we need to keep in mind when we adopt TDD
-methodology is that we need to have a clear set of results defined for
-our code units. To put it more clearly, for every given set of inputs
-as test case we must have, before hand, the exact outputs that are
-expected for those input test cases. If we don't have that we have
-failed in the first step of the TDD methodology itself. We must never
-run looking for outputs for our test cases after we have the code
-ready or even while writing tests. The expected outputs/behaviour must
-be in our hands before we start writing tests. Therefore let us define
-our test cases and the expected output for those inputs. Let one of
-our test cases be 48 and 64 as *a* and *b* respectively. For this test
-case we know that the GCD is 16. So that is the expected output. Let
-our second test case be 44 and 19 as *a* and *b* respectively. We know
-that their GCD is 1 by simple paper and pen calculation.
-Now we know what a test is? What are the ingredients required to write
-tests? So what else should we wait for? Let us write our first test!::
+But before writing one, we should What does a test look like? What does it
+do? Let's answer this question first.
+Tests are just a series of assertions which are either True or False
+depending on the expected behaviour of the code and the actual behaviour.
+Tests for out GCD function could be written as follows.
tc1 = gcd(48, 64)
if tc1 != 16:
- print "Test failed for the case a=48 and b=64. Expected 16. Obtained %d instead." % tc1
+ print "Failed for a=48, b=64. Expected 16. Obtained %d instead." % tc1
tc2 = gcd(44, 19)
if tc2 != 1:
- print "Test failed for the case a=44 and b=19. Expected 1. Obtained %d instead." % tc2
+ print "Failed for a=44, b=19. Expected 1. Obtained %d instead." % tc2
print "All tests passed!"
-Let us put all these in a file and call this file ****::
+The next step is to run the tests we have written, but if we run the tests
+now, the tests wouldn't even run. Why? We don't even have the function
+``gcd`` defined, for it to be called by the tests. The test code doesn't
+even run! What is the way out? We shall first write a very minimal
+definition (or a stub) of the function ``gcd``, so that it can be called by
+the tests.
+A minimal definition for the ``gcd`` function would look like this
+ def gcd(a, b):
+ pass
+As you can see, the stub for ``gcd`` function does nothing, other than
+define the required function which takes the two arguments a and b. No
+action is done upon the arguments, passed to the function, yet. The
+function definition is empty and just contains the ``pass`` statement.
+Let us put all these in a file and call this file ````
def gcd(a, b):
@@ -88,307 +121,297 @@ Let us put all these in a file and call this file ****::
if __name__ == '__main__':
tc1 = gcd(48, 64)
if tc1 != 16:
- print "Test failed for the case a=48 and b=64. Expected 16. Obtained %d instead." % tc1
+ print "Failed for a=48 and b=64. Expected 16. Obtained %d instead." % tc1
tc2 = gcd(44, 19)
if tc2 != 1:
- print "Test failed for the case a=44 and b=19. Expected 1. Obtained %d instead." % tc2
+ print "Failed for a=44 and b=19. Expected 1. Obtained %d instead." % tc2
print "All tests passed!"
-Note that we have introduced a new semantic which uses two new magic names
-in Python *__name__* and *__main__*. This is a very common idiom used in
-Python. Every Python code in a file can be run in two ways: Either as an
-independent stand-alone script or as a Python module which can be imported
-by other Python scripts or modules. When the idiom::
+Recall that, the condition ``__name__ == '__main__'`` becomes true, only
+when the python script is ran directly as a stand-alone script. So any code
+within this ``if`` block is executed only when the script is run as a
+stand-alone script and doesn't run when it is used as a module and
- if __name__ == '__main__':
+Let us run our code as a stand-alone script.
-is used, the code within this if block is executed first when we run the
-Python file as a stand-alone script. In other words, when we run this
-python file as a stand-alone script the control of the program first starts
-from the code that is within this if block from which the control is
-transferred to other parts of the program or to other modules from
-here. This comes as an extremely handy feature especially when we want to
-test our modules individually. Now let us run our code as a stand-alone
$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "", line 7, in <module> print "Test failed for the case a=48 and b=64. Expected 16. Obtained %d instead." % tc1
+ File "", line 7, in <module> print "Failed for a=48 and b=64. Expected 16. Obtained %d instead." % tc1
TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not NoneType
-Now we have our tests, the test cases and the code unit stub at
-hand. We also have the failing test. So we know for sure that we have
-cleared the first check point of TDD where the tests have failed. The
-failing tests also give a green signal for us to go ahead to our next
-check point i.e. to write the actual code in our code unit and make
-the test pass. So let us write the code for the gcd function by
-removing the **pass** control statement which had just created a gcd
-function stub for us.
-Most of us have learnt in high school math classes that the best and
-the easiest known algorithm to compute the gcd of two numbers was
-given to us 2300 years ago by a greek mathematician named Euclid. So
-let us use the Euclid's algorithm to compute the gcd of two numbers a
-and b::
+We now have our tests, the code unit stub, and a failing test. The next
+step is to write code, so that the test just passes.
- def gcd(a, b):
- if a == 0:
- return b
- while b != 0:
- if a > b:
- a = a - b
- else:
- b = b - a
- return a
-**Note**: If you are unaware of Euclidean algorithm to compute the gcd
-of two numbers please refer to it on wikipedia. It has a very detailed
-explanation of the algorithm and its proof of validity among other
-Now let us run our script which already has the tests written in it
-and see what happens::
+Let's us the algorithm given by a greek mathematician, 2300 years ago, the
+Euclidean algorithm, to compute the GCD of two numbers.
- $ python
- All tests passed!
-Success! We managed to pass all the tests. But wasn't that code simple
-enough? Indeed it was. If you take a closer look at the code you will
-soon realize that the chain of subtraction operations can be replaced
-by a modulo operation i.e. taking remainders of the division between
-the two numbers since they are equivalent operations. Also modulo
-operation is far better than chain of subtractions because you will
-reduce much faster using modulo operation than the subtraction. For
-example if let us take 25, 5 as a and b in our example. If we write
-down the steps of the algorithm written above we have the following:
-Step 1: a = 25 b = 5: Since both a and b are not 0 and b is greater
-than a: b = 25 - 5 = 20
-Step 2: Since b is still not 0 and b is greater than a: b = 20 - 5 =
-Step 3: Since b is still not 0 and b is greater than a: b = 15 - 5 =
-Step 4: Since b is still not 0 and b is greater than a: b = 10 - 5 = 5
-Step 5: Since b is still not 0 and b is equal to a: b = 5 - 5 = 0
-Step 6: Since b is 0 the gcd is a = 5 which is returned
-If we adopt the modulo operation instead of subtraction and follow the
-Step 1: a = 25 b = 5: Since both a and b are not 0 and b is greater
-than a: b = 25 % 5 = 0
-Step 2: Since b is 0 the gcd is a = 5 which is returned
-Wow! That was overwhelmingly lesser number of steps! So now we are
-convinced that if we replace the subtraction operation with the modulo
-operation our code performs much better. But if we think carefully we
-know that the modulo of a and b is less than b irrespective of how
-large the value of a is, including the case where a is already less
-than b. So we can eliminate that extra conditional **if** statement by
-just swapping the result of the modulo operation to the position of b
-and b to the position of a. This ensures that a is always greater than
-b and if not the swapping combined with modulo operation takes care of
-it. To exemplify it, if a = 5 and b = 25 then by swapping and
-performing modulo we have a = b = 25 and b = a % b = 5 % 25 = 5 and
-hence we proceed. So let us replace our original code with this new
-improved code we have come up with simple observations::
+**Note**: If you are unaware of Euclidean algorithm to compute the gcd of
+two numbers please refer to it on wikipedia. It has a very detailed
+explanation of the algorithm and its proof of validity among other things.
- def gcd(a, b):
- while b != 0:
- a, b = b, a % b
- return a
+The ``gcd`` stub function can be modified to the following function,
+ def gcd(a, b):
+ if a == 0:
+ return b
+ while b != 0:
+ if a > b:
+ a = a - b
+ else:
+ b = b - a
+ return a
-Executing our script again we will see that all the tests pass. One
-final improvement we can think of which is not necessary in terms of
-efficiency but is certainly good to do keeping in mind the readability
-is that we can use the concept of recursion for the same
-algorithm. Without going into much detail this is how the code looks
-if we use a recursive approach::
+Now let us run our script which already has the tests written in it and see
+what happens
+ $ python
+ All tests passed!
+Success! We managed to write code, that passes all the tests. The code we
+wrote was simplistic, actually. If you take a closer look at the code you
+will soon realize that the chain of subtraction operations can be replaced
+by a modulo operation i.e. taking remainders of the division between the
+two numbers since they are equivalent operations. The modulo operation is
+far better, since it combines a lot of subtractions into one operation and
+the reduction is much faster. Take a few examples, and convince yourself
+that using the modulo operation is indeed faster than the subtraction
+ def gcd1(a, b):
+ while b != 0 and a != 0:
+ if a > b:
+ a = a%b
+ else:
+ b = b%a
+ if a == 0:
+ return b
+ else:
+ return a
+But we know that the modulo of ``a%b`` is always less than b. So, if the
+condition ``a>b`` is True in this iteration, it will definitely be False in
+the next iteration. Also note that , and in the case when ``a < b``,
+``a%b`` is equal to ``a``. So, we could, essentially, get rid of the
+``if-else`` block and combine a swapping operation along with the modulo
+ def gcd(a, b):
+ while b != 0:
+ a, b = b, a % b
+ return a
+Let's run our tests again, and check that all the tests are passed, again.
+We could make one final
+improvement to our ``gcd`` function, which is strictly not necessary in
+terms of efficiency, but is definitely more readable and easy to
+understand. We could make our function a recursive function, as shown below
def gcd(a, b):
if b == 0:
return a
return gcd(b, a%b)
-Much shorter and sweeter! And it passes all the tests! But there is
-one small problem yet. For the users of this function there is no way
-to determine how to use it, how many parameters it takes what it
-returns among other things. And same as well for those who read the
-code. So this function is not a very well written piece of code since
-it lacks documentation. So to make this function mode readable let us
-add the docstring for this function. Rewriting the function with the
-docstring looks like this::
+Much shorter and sweeter! We again run all the tests, and check that they
+are passed. It indeed does pass all the tests!
- def gcd(a, b):
- """Returns the Greatest Common Divisor of the two integers
- passed as arguments.
+But there is still one small problem. There is no way, for the users of
+this function, to determine how to use it, how many arguments it takes and
+what it returns, among other things. This is a handicap for the people
+reading your code, as well. This is well written function, with no
+documentation whatsoever.
- Args:
- a: an integer
- b: another integer
+Let's add a docstring as shown,
- Returns: Greatest Common Divisor of a and b
- """
- if b == 0:
- return a
- return gcd(b, a%b)
+ def gcd(a, b):
+ """Returns the Greatest Common Divisor of the two integers
+ passed as arguments.
+ Args:
+ a: an integer
+ b: another integer
+ Returns: Greatest Common Divisor of a and b
+ """
+ if b == 0:
+ return a
+ return gcd(b, a%b)
Now we have refactored our code enough to make it well written piece
-of code. Let us move on.
-More realistic "Tests"
-Now we have successfully completed writing our first test, writing the
-relevant code and ensured the tests passed. We also refactored our
-code to perform better. With the knowledge of all these and some
-concepts and semantics like __main__ magic names we learnt we have
-come a long way with respect to writing tests. But our thirst is still
-unquenched! We want to do more and more tests! Not just write better
-code but also better tests! So let us keep building upon what we have
-learnt so far.
-Let us start writing tests for more realistic test cases. Generally
-tests are predetermined as said above, if not the software design in
-itself is flawed. The predetermined tests are stored along with the
-test code in some persistent format like in a database, a text file, a
-file of specific format like XML or in some other way. Let us continue
-with our example of GCD function. We will keep all our test cases in a
-text file, which is indeed persistent. Let us specify the format of
-the test data in our file as follows.
+of code. We have now successfully completed writing our first test, writing
+the relevant code, ensuring that the tests are passed and refactoring the
+code, until we are happy with the way it works and looks.
+Let's now build on what we have learnt so far and learn more about writing
+tests and improve our methodology of writing tests and simplify the process
+of writing them.
+Persistent Test Cases
+As already stated, tests should be predetermined and you should have your
+test cases and their outputs ready, even before you write the first line of
+code. This test data is repeatedly used in the process of writing code. So,
+it makes sense to have the test data to be stored in some persistent format
+like a database, a text file, a file of specific format like XML, etc.
+Let us modify the test code for the GCD function and save our test data in
+a text file. Let us decide upon the following format for the test data.
1. The file has multiple lines of test data.
2. Each line in this file corresponds to a single test case.
- 3. Each line consists of three comma separated coloumns:
+ 3. Each line consists of three comma separated values --
i. First two coloumns are the integers for which the GCD has to
be computed
ii. Third coloumn is the expected GCD to the preceding two
-So how do we write our tests to use these test cases? Pretty simple, let
-us review the machinery required first.
+Now, how do we modify our tests to use this test data? We read the file
+line by line and parse it to obtain the required numbers whose GCD we wish
+to calculate, and the expected output. We can now call the ``gcd`` function
+with the correct arguments and verify the output with the expected output.
- 1. File reading: We already have learnt this in the modules on
- Basic Python.
- 2. Parsing the read data from the file: This just involves a using a
- **for** loop which iterates over the data line by line since we
- know that the file contains each test case as a sepate line which
- are equivalent to the file records and hence parse the data line
- by line as strings as we iterate over it and convert it to the
- required data type.
+Let us call our data file ``gcd_testcases.dat``
-Since we already have all the machinery required, let us proceed writing
-our test cases. We do not need not make any changes to the gcd
-function so we will just write down the test here. Let us call our
-data file gcd_testcases.dat::
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- for line in open('gcd_testcases.dat'):
- values = line.split(', ')
- a = int(values[0])
- b = int(values[1])
- g = int(values[2])
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ for line in open('gcd_testcases.dat'):
+ values = line.split(', ')
+ a = int(values[0])
+ b = int(values[1])
+ g = int(values[2])
+ tc = gcd(a, b)
+ if tc != g:
+ print "Failed for a=%d and b=%d. Expected %d. Obtained %d instead." % (a, b, g, tc)
+ exit(1)
- tc = gcd(a, b)
- if tc != g:
- print "Test failed for the case a=%d and b=%d. Expected %d. Obtained %d instead." % (a, b, g, tc)
- exit(1)
+ print "All tests passed!"
- print "All tests passed!"
+When we execute the script again we will notice that the code passes
+all the tests.
-When we execute the script again we will notice that all the
-tests passed.
+Now, we have learnt how to write simple test cases and develop code based
+on these test cases. We shall now move on to learn to use some testing
+frameworks available for Python, which make some of the task easier.
-Python Testing Framework
+Python Testing Frameworks
-Python provides two ways to test the code we have written. One of them
-is the unittest framework and the the other is the doctest module.
+Python provides two ways to test the code we have written. One of them is
+the unittest framework and the the other is the doctest module. To start
+with, let us discuss the doctest module.
-To start with let us discuss the doctest module. As we have already
-discussed a well written piece of code must always be accompanied by
-its documentation. For a function or a module we document them in their
-respective docstrings. In addition to this, we can also place the
-samples of using these functions or modules in the Python interactive
-interpreter in the docstrings. When we run the doctest module it picks
-up all such interactive session samples, executes them and determines
-if the documented piece of code runs as it is documented. Let us see
-how to write doctests for our gcd function::
- def gcd(a, b):
- """Returns the Greatest Common Divisor of the two integers
- passed as arguments.
- Args:
- a: an integer
- b: another integer
- Returns: Greatest Common Divisor of a and b
+As we have already discussed, a well written piece of code must always be
+accompanied by documentation. We document functions or modules using
+docstrings. In addition to writing a generic description of the function or
+the module, we can also add examples of using these functions in the
+interactive interpreter to the docstrings.
- >>> gcd(48, 64)
- 16
- >>> gcd(44, 19)
- 1
- """
- if b == 0:
- return a
- return gcd(b, a%b)
+Using the ``doctest`` module, we can pick up all such interactive session
+examples, execute them, and determine if the documented piece of code runs,
+as it was documented.
-This is all a doctest is. To explain it in more simple terms tests
-which are written as part of the docstrings are called as
-doctests. Now how do we use our doctest module to execute this
-tests. That is fairly straight forward as well. All we need to do is
-tell the doctest module to execute. Let us place this piece of code at
-the same place where we placed our tests earlier. So putting all these
-together we have our module which looks as follows::
+The example below shows how to write ``doctests`` for our ``gcd`` function.
- def gcd(a, b):
- """Returns the Greatest Common Divisor of the two integers
- passed as arguments.
- Args:
- a: an integer
- b: another integer
+ def gcd(a, b):
+ """Returns the Greatest Common Divisor of the two integers
+ passed as arguments.
+ Args:
+ a: an integer
+ b: another integer
+ Returns: Greatest Common Divisor of a and b
+ >>> gcd(48, 64)
+ 16
+ >>> gcd(44, 19)
+ 1
+ """
+ if b == 0:
+ return a
+ return gcd(b, a%b)
+That is all there is, to writing a ``doctest`` in Python. Now how do we use
+the ``doctest`` module to execute these tests. That too, is fairly straight
+forward. All we need to do is tell the doctest module to execute, using the
+``doctest.testmod`` function.
+Let us place this piece of code at the same place where we placed our tests
+earlier. So putting all these together we have our ```` module which
+looks as follows
+ def gcd(a, b):
+ """Returns the Greatest Common Divisor of the two integers
+ passed as arguments.
+ Args:
+ a: an integer
+ b: another integer
+ Returns: Greatest Common Divisor of a and b
+ >>> gcd(48, 64)
+ 16
+ >>> gcd(44, 19)
+ 1
+ """
+ if b == 0:
+ return a
+ return gcd(b, a%b)
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import doctest
+ doctest.testmod()
- Returns: Greatest Common Divisor of a and b
+The ``testmod`` function automatically picks up all the docstrings that
+have sample sessions from the interactive interpreter, executes them and
+compares the output with the results as specified in the sample sessions.
+If all the outputs match the expected outputs that have been documented, it
+doesn't say anything. It complains only if the results don't match as
+documented, expected results.
- >>> gcd(48, 64)
- 16
- >>> gcd(44, 19)
- 1
- """
- if b == 0:
- return a
- return gcd(b, a%b)
+When we execute this script as a stand-alone script we will get back the
+prompt with no messages which means all the tests passed
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- import doctest
- doctest.testmod()
-All we need to do is import the doctest module that is part of the
-Python's standard library. Call the testmod() function in this
-module. This function automatically checks for all the docstrings that
-have sample sessions from the interactive interpreter, if they exist
-it executes them and compares the output with the results as specified
-in the sample sessions. It complains if the results don't match as
-documented. When we execute this script as a stand-alone script we
-will get back the prompt with no messages which means all the tests
+ $ python
+ $
- $ python
- $
+If we further want to get a more detailed report of the tests that were
+executed we can run python with -v as the command line option to the script
-If we further want to get a more detailed report of the tests that
-were executed we can run python with -v as the command line option
-to the script::
$ python -v
@@ -411,35 +434,38 @@ to the script::
**Note:** We can have the sample sessions as test cases as long as the
-outputs of the test cases do not contain any blank lines. In such
-cases we may have to use the exact string *<BLANKLINE>*
+outputs of the test cases do not contain any blank lines. In such cases we
+may have to use the exact string ``<BLANKLINE>``
-For the sake of illustrating a failing test case, let us assume that
-we made a small mistake in our code. Instead of returning **a** when b
-= 0 we typed it as return b when b = 0. So all the gcds returned will
-have the value of 0 in such a piece of code. The code looks as
+For the sake of illustrating a failing test case, let us assume that we
+made a small mistake in our code. Instead of returning ``a`` when b = 0, we
+typed it as ``return b`` when b = 0. Now, all the GCDs returned will have
+the value 0. The code looks as follows
- def gcd(a, b):
- """Returns the Greatest Common Divisor of the two integers
- passed as arguments.
- Args:
- a: an integer
- b: another integer
+ def gcd(a, b):
+ """Returns the Greatest Common Divisor of the two integers
+ passed as arguments.
+ Args:
+ a: an integer
+ b: another integer
+ Returns: Greatest Common Divisor of a and b
+ >>> gcd(48, 64)
+ 16
+ >>> gcd(44, 19)
+ 1
+ """
+ if b == 0:
+ return b
+ return gcd(b, a%b)
- Returns: Greatest Common Divisor of a and b
+Executing this code snippet without -v option to the script
- >>> gcd(48, 64)
- 16
- >>> gcd(44, 19)
- 1
- """
- if b == 0:
- return a
- return gcd(b, a%b)
-Executing this code snippet without -v option to the script::
$ python
@@ -465,154 +491,166 @@ Executing this code snippet without -v option to the script::
The output clearly complains that there were exactly two test cases
that failed. If we want a more verbose report we can pass -v option to
-the script. This is pretty much about the doctest module in
-Python. doctest is extremely useful when we want to test each Python
-function or module individually. For more information about the
-doctest module refer to the Python library reference on doctest[0].
+the script.
+This is all there is, to using the ``doctest`` module in Python.
+``doctest`` is extremely useful when we want to test each Python function
+or module individually.
+For more information about the doctest module refer to the Python library
+reference on doctest[0].
unittest framework
-Not too far ahead we go we, we will start complaining that the doctest
-is not sufficient to write complicated tests especially when we want
-to automate our tests, write tests that need to test for more
-convoluted code pieces. For such scenarios Python provides a unittest
-framework. unittest framework provides methods to efficiently
-automate tests, setup and teardown functionalities which helps to
-setup the initializing code and data for executing the specific tests
-and cleanly shutting them down once the tests are executed and ways to
-aggregate tests into collections and better way of reporting the
+We needn't go too far ahead, to start complaining that ``doctest`` is not
+sufficient to write complicated tests especially when we want to automate
+our tests, write tests that need to test for more convoluted code pieces.
+For such scenarios, Python provides a ``unittest`` framework.
+The ``unittest`` framework provides methods to efficiently automate tests,
+easily initialize code and data for executing the specific tests, cleanly
+shut them down once the tests are executed and easy ways of aggregating
+tests into collections and better way of reporting the tests.
Let us continue testing our gcd function in the Python module named To get ourselves started, the unittest framework expects us to
-subclass TestCase class in unittest module and place all our test code
-as methods of this class. We will begin the name of the test method
-with **test_** so that the test runner knows which methods are to be
-executed as tests. We will use the test cases supplied by
-gcd_testcases.dat. Lastly, to illustrate the way to test Python code
-as a module let create a new file called following the
-same convention used to name the test methods. We will place our test
-code within module. Our test code looks like this::
+````. The ``unittest`` framework expects us to subclass the
+``TestCase`` class in ``unittest`` module and place all our test code as
+methods of this class. The name of the test methods are expected to be
+started with ``test_``, so that the test runner knows which methods are to
+be executed as tests. We shall use the test cases supplied by
+Lastly, to illustrate the way to test Python code as a module, let's create
+a new file called ```` following the same convention used to
+name the test methods, and place our test code in it.
- import gcd
- import unittest
- class TestGcdFunction(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.test_file = open('gcd_testcases.dat')
- self.test_cases = []
- for line in self.test_file:
- values = line.split(', ')
- a = int(values[0])
- b = int(values[1])
- g = int(values[2])
- self.test_cases.append([a, b, g])
- def test_gcd(self):
- for case in self.test_cases:
- a = case[0]
- b = case[1]
- g = case[2]
- self.assertEqual(gcd.gcd(a, b), g)
- def tearDown(self):
- self.test_file.close()
- del self.test_cases
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
+ import gcd
+ import unittest
+ class TestGcdFunction(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.test_file = open('gcd_testcases.dat')
+ self.test_cases = []
+ for line in self.test_file:
+ values = line.split(', ')
+ a = int(values[0])
+ b = int(values[1])
+ g = int(values[2])
+ self.test_cases.append([a, b, g])
+ def test_gcd(self):
+ for case in self.test_cases:
+ a = case[0]
+ b = case[1]
+ g = case[2]
+ self.assertEqual(gcd.gcd(a, b), g)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.test_file.close()
+ del self.test_cases
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
-Please note that although we highly recommend to write a docstring for
-all the classes, functions and modules we have not done so to keep
-above code compact and we have left it as an exercise for the you to
-add them.
+Please note that although we highly recommend writing docstrings for all
+the classes, functions and modules, we have not done so, in this example to
+keep it compact. Adding suitable docstrings wherever required is left to
+you, as an exercise.
-Coming back to tests themselves, since we don't want to read this file
-into memory each time we run a separate test method, we will read all
-the data in the file into Python lists in the setUp method. The entire
-data file is kept in a list called test_cases which happens to be an
-attribute of the TestGCDFunction class. In the tearDown method of the
-class we will delete this attribute to free up the memory and close
-the opened file.
+It would be a waste, to read the test data file, each time we run a test
+method. So, in the setUp method, we read all the test data and store it
+into a list called test_cases, which is an attribute of the TestGCDFunction
+class. In the tearDown method of the class we will delete this attribute to
+free up the memory and close the opened file.
Our actual test code sits in the method which begins with the name
-**test_** as said earlier, the test_gcd method. Note that we import
-the gcd Python module we have written at the top of this test file and
-from this test method we call the gcd function within the gcd module
-to be tested with the each set of **a** and **b** values in the
-attribute test_cases. Once we execute the function we obtain the
+``test_``, as stated earlier, the ``test_gcd`` method. Note that, we import
+the ``gcd`` Python module we have written at the top of this test file and
+from this test method we call the ``gcd`` function within the ``gcd``
+module to be tested with the each set of ``a`` and ``b`` values
+``test_cases``. Once we execute the ``test_gcd`` function, we obtain the
result and compare it with the expected result as stored in the
-corresponding test_cases attribute using the assertEqual methods
-provided by our parent class TestCase in the unittest framework. There
-are several other assertion methods supplied by the unittest
-framework. For a more detailed information about this, refer to the
-unittest library reference at [1].
+corresponding ``test_cases`` attribute using the ``assertEqual`` method
+provided by ``TestCase`` class in the ``unittest`` framework. There are
+several other assertion methods supplied by the unittest framework. For a
+more detailed information about this, refer to the unittest library
+reference at [1]. This brings us to the end of our discussion of the
+``unittest`` framework.
-Now we know almost all the varities of tests we may have to use to
-write self-sustained, automated tests for our code. There is one last
-thing that is left. However one question remains, how do we easily
-organize choose and run the tests that is scattered around several
-To further explain, the idea of placing tests with in the Python
-scripts and executing that test scripts themselves as stand-alone
-scripts works well as long as we have our code in a single Python file
-or as long as the tests for each script can be run separately. But in
-a more realistic software development scenario, often this is not the
-case. The code is spread around multiple Python modules and may be
-even across several Python packages.
-In such a such a scenario we wish we had a better tool to
-automatically aggregate these tests and execute them. Fortunately for
-us there exists a tool called nose. Although nose is not part of the
-standard Python distribution itself, it can be very easily installed
-by using easy_install command as follows::
+We have seen the ``unittest`` frame work and Python ``doctest`` module. .
+One problem however remains. It is not easy to organize, choose and run
+tests, when our code is scattered across multiple files. In the real world
+scenario, this is often the case.
+In such a such a scenario, a tool which can aggregate these tests
+automatically, and run them. The ``nose`` module, does precisely this, for
+us. It can aggregate ``unittests`` and ``doctests`` into a collection and
+run them. It also helps output the test-results and aggregate them in
+various formats.
+Although nose is not part of the standard Python distribution itself, it
+can be very easily installed by using easy_install command as follows
$ easy_install nose
-Or download the nose package from [2], extracting the archive and
-running the command from the extracted directory::
+Or download the nose package from [2], extracting the archive and running
+the command from the extracted directory
$ python install
-Now we have nose up and running, but how do we use it? It is very
-straight forward as well. We will use the command provided by nose
-called as nosetests. Run the following command in the top level
-directory of your code::
+Now we have nose up and running, but how do we use it? We shall use the
+``nosetests`` command provided by the ``nose`` module, in the top-level
+directory of our code.
$ nosetests
-Thats all, nose automatically picks all the tests in all the
-directories and subdirectories in our code base and executes them
-all. However if we want to execute specific tests we can pass the test
-file names or the directories as arguments to nosetests command. For a
-detailed explanation about this, refer to [3]
+That's all! ``nose`` will now automatically pick all the tests in all the
+directories and subdirectories in our code base and execute them.
+However if we want to execute specific tests we can pass the test file
+names or the directories as arguments to nosetests command. For a detailed
+explanation about this, refer to [3]
-Now we have all the trappings we want to write state-of-the art
-tests. To emphasize the same point again, any code which was written
-before writing the test and the testcases in hand is flawed by
-design. So it is recommended to follow the three step approach while
-writing code for any project as below:
+Now we have all the trappings we want to write state-of-the art tests. To
+emphasize the same point again, any code which was written before writing
+the test and the testcases in hand is flawed by design. So it is
+recommended to follow the three step approach while writing code for any
+project as below:
1. Write failing tests with testcases in hand.
2. Write the code to pass the tests.
3. Refactor the code for better performance.
-This approach is very famously known to the software development world
-as "Red-Green-Refactor" approach[4].
+This approach is very famously known to the software development world as
+"Red-Green-Refactor" approach[4].
[0] -
[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -
+ Local Variables:
+ mode: rst
+ indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ sentence-end-double-space: nil
+ fill-column: 75
+ End: