path: root/SDES-design.tex
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1 files changed, 18 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/SDES-design.tex b/SDES-design.tex
index 07eb192..4262f58 100644
--- a/SDES-design.tex
+++ b/SDES-design.tex
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- \item[Version] 0.8
+ \item[Version] 0.9
\item[Purpose] This document captures the design of the Software
Tools, Techniques and Practices course. This course is designed
under the project on ``Software Development Techniques for Engineers and Scientist''
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ After successfully completing the program, the participants will be able to:
\item \label{scr} automate tasks by writing shell scripts and python scripts,\hfill \texttt{RBT Ap}
\item \label{sty} realise the impact of coding style and readbility on quality,\hfill \texttt{RBT U\phantom{p}}
\item \label{py} write mid-sized programs that carry out typical engineering/numerical computations such as those that involve (basic) manipulation of large arrays in an efficient manner,\hfill \texttt{RBT Ap}
-\item \label{plot} generate 2D and simple 3D plots, \hfill \texttt{RBT Ap}
+\item \label{plot} generate 2D plots, \hfill \texttt{RBT Ap}
\item \label{dbg} debug programs using a standardised approach,\hfill \texttt{RBT Ap}
\item \label{test} understand the importance of tests and the philosophy of Test Driven Development,\hfill \texttt{RBT U\phantom{p}}
\item \label{unit} write unit tests and improve the quality of code. \hfill \texttt{RBT Ap}
@@ -93,12 +93,12 @@ The objectives listed against the modules may be covered only partially in that
Seq & Module & Course Objectives & Duration\\
Num & Name & Covered & (Hours)\\\hline
-1 & Using Linux Tools & \ref{intro}, \ref{cmd}, \ref{scr}, \ref{dbg} and \ref{test} & 7\\\hline
-2 & Basic Python Programming & \ref{scr}, \ref{sty}, \ref{dbg} and \ref{test} & 8\\\hline
-3 & LaTeX & \ref{pdf} and \ref{scr} & 2\\\hline
-4 & Version Control & \ref{VC} & 2\\\hline
-5 & Test Driven Development & \ref{test}, \ref{unit}, \ref{cmd} and \ref{scr} & 4\\\hline
-6 & Advanced Python & \ref{py}, \ref{dbg}, \ref{plot} and \ref{test} & 8\\\hline
+1 & Using Linux Tools & \ref{intro}, \ref{cmd}, \ref{scr}, \ref{dbg} and \ref{test} & 4.5\\\hline
+2 & Basic Python Programming & \ref{scr}, \ref{sty}, \ref{dbg} and \ref{test} & 4.5\\\hline
+3 & LaTeX & \ref{pdf} and \ref{scr} & 3\\\hline
+4 & Version Control & \ref{VC} & 2.5\\\hline
+5 & Test Driven Development & \ref{test}, \ref{unit}, \ref{cmd} and \ref{scr} & 2.5\\\hline
+6 & Advanced Python & \ref{py}, \ref{dbg}, \ref{plot} and \ref{test} & 3.5\\\hline
7 & Project & All applied & 6\\\hline
@@ -189,21 +189,21 @@ After successfully completing this module a participant will be able to:
Session & Topic & Duration\\\hline
-1 & Introduction to the Python language. Philosophy & ~5 mts\\
+1 & Introduction to the Python language. Philosophy & 10 mts\\
& The python interpreter, its's features & 10 mts \\
& Basic data types: \tt{int, float, complex} & ~5 mts \\
& Operation on numbers & 10 mts\\
& Sequences and operations on them & 10 mts\\\hline
-2 & Intoduction to strings & ~5 mts\\
+2 & Intoduction to strings & 10 mts\\
& Operations on strings & 10 mts\\
- & Problem set 1: \tt{slicing, striding, solution} & 15 mts\\
+ & Problem set 1: \tt{slicing, striding, solution} & 15 mts\\
& Syntax: \tt{.join()} & ~5 mts\\
& Conditionals: \tt{if-else, if-elif-else,ternanry operator, pass} & 10 mts\\
& Loops: \tt{while, for} & 15 mts\\
& Lists: \tt{Creation,Accessing elements, Operations} & 15 mts\\\hline
-3 & I/O: \tt{print x \& print x, raw\_input} & 15 mts\\
+3 & I/O: \tt{print x \& print x, raw\_input} & 15 mts\\
& Files: \tt{opening \& reading the files} & ~5 mts\\
& Exercise: \tt{parsing, tokenization} & 10 mts\\
& Functions: \tt{definition, doc-strings, code reading,} & 30 mts\\
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ Session & Topic & Duration\\\hline
& \tt{Adding \& removing elements, containership, keys and values} &\\
& Sets: \tt{creating, operations, sub-sets, example} & 10 mts\\\hline
-5 & Assessment & 50 mts\\\hline\hline
+5 & Assessment & 50 mts\\\hline\hline
\section{Module 3: LaTeX}
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ Session & Topic & Duration\\\hline
& Typesetting a minimal document, & \\
& Commands and Environments, & \\
& Comments and special characters, Spacing. & \\
- & Adding Structure: documentclass, top matter, & 25 mts\\
+ & Adding Structure: documentclass, top matter, & 30 mts\\
& abstract, sections, appendix, ToC, & \\
& Typesetting Text: quotation marks,fonts, & 20 mts\\
& emphasis, lists, footnotes, & \\
@@ -283,12 +283,12 @@ After successfully completing this module a participant will be able to:
Session & Topic & Duration\\\hline
1 & Introduction to version control & 10 mts\\
- & Introduction to Hg and it's installation & 10 mts\\
+ & Introduction to Hg and it's installation & 15 mts\\
& Getting started: \tt{hg init, hg status,hg help, hg commit} & 20 mts\\
& Practical use of VC: \tt{hg revert, hg diff} & 20 mts\\\hline
-2 & Collaborating using VC & 15 mts\\
- & Working in a team: \tt{hg pull, hg push, hg merge} & 15 mts\\
+2 & Collaborating using VC & 20 mts\\
+ & Working in a team: \tt{hg pull, hg push, hg merge} & 20 mts\\
& Resolving conflicts: \tt{hg incoming, hg parent} & 15 mts\\\hline
3 & Assessment & 30 mts\\\hline\hline
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ Session & Topic & Duration\\\hline
& Matrix operations & 10 mts\\
& Least square fit & 15 mts\\\hline
-3 & Solving equations: \tt{solve, roots, fsolve} & 15 mts\\
+3 & Solving equations: \tt{solve, roots, fsolve} & 20 mts\\
& ODEs: \tt{1st order, 2nd order} & 20 mts\\
& Python modules: \tt{imports, sys.path, writing own modules} & 20 mts\\\hline