path: root/ult/Section_5.rst
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authorShantanu Choudhary2009-09-18 15:39:01 +0530
committerShantanu Choudhary2009-09-18 15:39:01 +0530
commit1f9ebf82461e99bbeb1b4d7acb9a4701eea82464 (patch)
tree6f4b0bf01fe4a2e804f758d82e268c7ad4ade6c3 /ult/Section_5.rst
parent2a5c97fae7c0685ded1d36c53f0c09fcf1dea94e (diff)
Arithmetic section, typo correction, eg script.
Diffstat (limited to 'ult/Section_5.rst')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/ult/Section_5.rst b/ult/Section_5.rst
index df10ba8..4dc09e7 100644
--- a/ult/Section_5.rst
+++ b/ult/Section_5.rst
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ After successfully completing this module a participant will be able to: ::
diff, cmp, comm
- Create and extract archives(.tar files) and zipped files(.gz) Ap
- Set/Modify environment as per need Ap
- - Create shell scripts to autmoate tasks. Ap
+ - Create shell scripts to automate tasks. Ap
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ These spaces in between operator and operands is important, without them shell i
$ expr 2*3
expr: syntax error
-One can use backquotes(`) also to get value of expr. ::
+One can use back-quotes(`) also to get value of expr. ::
$ echo `expr 6 + 3`
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ One can use backquotes(`) also to get value of expr. ::
$ echo $result
-Shell uses three kinds of quotes. Double quotes("), anything enclosed among them except from variable trailing after $, and characters after \ would be printed as it is. Single quotes('), anything enclsed within them is just same, no formulation/interpretaion. Back quotes(`), anything inclosed is considered as command, or is executed. ::
+Shell uses three kinds of quotes. Double quotes("), anything enclosed among them except from variable trailing after $, and characters after \ would be printed as it is. Single quotes('), anything enclosed within them is just same, no formulation/interpretation. Back quotes(`), anything inclosed is considered as command, or is executed. ::
$ echo "Today is date"
Today is date
@@ -453,8 +453,8 @@ Shell uses three kinds of quotes. Double quotes("), anything enclosed among them
Today is
Wed Sep 16 17:41:13 IST 2009
-if construct:
+if else construct:
One can have simple *if else if* constructs in shell scripts to check conditions. Lets take simple example of writing a script which returns back whether the argument passed is positive or not: ::
@@ -594,6 +594,40 @@ Say we wish to write a simple program that takes user input and prints it back,
exit 0
+Now lets try and use these above mentioned options provided by shell to write a utility. Until now, when we try find or locate it looks through directories and files for result. But they wont search through tar archives and zipped files. Lets create a shell script for especially looking through these files: ::
+ #!/bin/sh
+ #To check number of arguments being passed.
+ if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then
+ echo "Correct usage: $0 tar-archive filename \nOr $0 filename"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then
+ tar_archive=`find $PWD -name "*.tar*"`
+ else
+ tar_archive=`find $PWD -name $1`
+ fi
+ fi
+ #Search of particular file inside archives.
+ for archive in $tar_archive
+ do
+ echo $archive
+ variable=`tar -tf $archive`
+ for word in $variable
+ do
+ if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then
+ echo "$word" | grep -q ".*$1"
+ else
+ echo "$word" | grep -q ".*$2"
+ fi
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
+ echo "File present in $archive!"
+ fi
+ done
+ done
@@ -661,6 +695,9 @@ As an exercise, modify the function to accept the input for the number of top fr
Further Reading:
- *
+ *
+ *
+.. LocalWords: allfiles txt cvf vf tf regex mkdir cp cd xvf gzip gz stdout