path: root/lecture_notes/advanced_python/lambda.rst
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authorhardythe12014-06-13 18:29:04 +0530
committerhardythe12014-06-13 18:29:04 +0530
commit2f9d25d3e6d8ecaed6f86452c845fd9c70154710 (patch)
tree039e33eeef6f719078dd34722be6ea7a66e5b78b /lecture_notes/advanced_python/lambda.rst
parenta6b748ea000473c4cb36ec769a64fa5c9595a59e (diff)
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-Functional programming
-In this section, we shall look at a different style of programming called
-Functional programming, which is supported by Python.
-The fundamental idea behind functional programming is that the output of a
-function, should not depend on the state of the program. It should only
-depend on the inputs to the program and should return the same output,
-whenever the function is called with the same arguments. Essentially, the
-functions of our code, behave like mathematical functions, where the output
-is dependent only on the variables on which the function depends. There is
-no "state" associated with the program.
-Let's look at some of the functionality that Python provides for writing
-code in the Functional approach.
-List Comprehensions
-Let's take a very simple problem to illustrate how list comprehensions
-work. Let's say, we are given a list of weights of people, and we need to
-calculate the corresponding weights on the moon. Essentially, return a new
-list, with each of the values divided by 6.0.
-It's a simple problem, and let's first solve it using a ``for`` loop. We
-shall initialize a new empty, list and keep appending the new weights
- weights = [30, 45.5, 78, 81, 55.5, 62.5]
- weights_moon = []
- for w in weights:
- weights_moon.append(w/6.0)
- print weights_moon
-We had to initialize an empty list, and write a ``for`` loop that appends
-each of the values to the new list. List comprehensions provide a way of
-writing a one liner, that does the same thing, without resorting to
-initializing a new empty list. Here's how we would do it, using list
- [ w/6.0 for w in weights ]
-As we can see, we have the same list, that we obtained previously, using
-the ``for`` loop.
-Let's now look at a slightly more complex example, where we wish to
-calculate the weights on the moon, only if the weight on the earth is
-greater than 50.
- weights = [30, 45.5, 78, 81, 55.5, 62.5]
- weights_moon = []
- for w in weights:
- if w > 50:
- weights_moon.append(w/6.0)
- print weights_moon
-The ``for`` loop above can be translated to a list comprehension as shown
- [ w/6.0 for w in weights if w>50 ]
-Now, let's change the problem again. Say, we wish to give the weight on the
-moon (divide by 6), when the weight is greater than 50, otherwise triple
-the weight.
- weights = [30, 45.5, 78, 81, 55.5, 62.5]
- weights_migrate = []
- for w in weights:
- if w > 50:
- weights_migrate.append(w/6.0)
- else:
- weights_migrate.append(w * 3.0)
- print weights_migrate
-This problem, however, cannot be translated into a list comprehension. We
-shall use the ``map`` built-in, to solve the problem in a functional
-But before getting to the more complex problem, let's solve the easier
-problem of returning the weight on moon for all the weights.
-The ``map`` function essentially allows us to apply a function to all the
-elements of a list, and returns a new list that consists of the outputs
-from each of the call. So, to use ``map`` we need to define a function,
-that takes an input and returns a sixth of it.
- def moonize(weight):
- return weight/6.0
-Now, that we have our ``moonize`` function, we can pass the function and the
-list of weights as an argument to ``map`` and get the required list.
- map(moonize, weights)
-Let's define a new function, that compares the weight value with 50 and
-returns a new value based on the condition.
- def migrate(weight):
- if weight < 50:
- return weight*3.0
- else:
- return weight/6.0
-Now, we can use ``map`` to obtain the new weight values
- map(migrate, weights)
-As you can see, we obtained the result, that we obtained before.
-But, defining such functions each time, is slightly inconvenient. We are
-not going to use these functions at any later point, in our code. So, it is
-slightly wasteful to define functions for this. Wouldn't it be nice to
-write them, without actually defining functions? Enter ``lambda``!
-Essentially, lambda allows us to define small functions anonymously. The
-first example that uses the ``moonize`` function can now be re-written as
-below, using the lambda function.
- map(lambda x: x/6.0, weights)
-``lambda`` above is defining a function, which takes one argument ``x`` and
-returns a sixth of that argument. The ``lambda`` actually returns a
-function object which we could in fact assign to a name and use later.
- l_moonize = lambda x: x/6.0
-The ``l_moonize`` function, now behaves similarly to the ``moonize``
-The ``migrate`` function can be written using a lambda function as below
- l_migrate = lambda x: x*3.0 if x < 50 else x/6.0
-If you observed, we have carefully avoided the discussion of the example
-where only the weights that were above 50 were calculated and returned.
-This is because, this cannot be done using ``map``. We may return ``None``
-instead of calculating a sixth of the element, but we cannot ensure that
-the element is not present in the new list.
-This can be done using ``filter`` and ``map`` in conjunction.
-The ``filter`` function, like the ``map`` takes two arguments, a function
-and a sequence and calls the function for each element of the sequence. The
-output of ``filter`` is a sequence consisting of elements for which the
-function returned ``True``
-The problem of returning a sixth of only those weights which are more than
-50, can be solved as below
- map(lambda x: x/6.0, filter(lambda x: x > 50, weights))
-The ``filter`` function returns a list containing only the values which are
-greater than 50.
- filter(lambda x: x > 50, weights)
-As, the name suggests, ``reduce`` reduces a sequence to a single object.
-``reduce`` takes two arguments, a function and a sequence, but the function
-should take two arguments as input.
-``reduce`` initially passes the first two elements as arguments, and
-continues iterating of the sequence and passes the output of the previous
-call with the current element, as the arguments to the function. The final
-result therefore, is just a single element.
- reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, [1, 2, 3, 4])
-multiplies all the elements of the list and returns ``24``.
- Local Variables:
- mode: rst
- indent-tabs-mode: nil
- sentence-end-double-space: nil
- fill-column: 75
- End: