path: root/advanced_python/rst.rst
diff options
authorPuneeth Chaganti2011-04-18 12:21:06 +0530
committerPuneeth Chaganti2011-04-18 12:21:06 +0530
commitc562712666400d405605a4e8f2f35421f0c17458 (patch)
tree14c76d27666b5931512070fab86ef4457d97176a /advanced_python/rst.rst
parentffbad34318ed5b0d94a17e57df28c66d2bce7398 (diff)
adv_py: Add notes, slides and a few exercises.
Diffstat (limited to 'advanced_python/rst.rst')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/advanced_python/rst.rst b/advanced_python/rst.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf8e73d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advanced_python/rst.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+The Pythonic way to Document
+.. author: FOSSEE
+.. date: 2010-07-22 Thu
+What is ReST?
+ + Sage Docs - Linear Algebra | Sources
+ + ReST is a lightweight markup language.
+ + Developed by the Python community
+ + Heavily used in documentation of Python code
+Why ReST?
+ + Highly readable source format.
+ + Easy to learn and write.
+ + Simple yet Powerful markup that can produce html/LaTeX output.
+Tools used
+ + You will need python-docutils to compile your ReST documents::
+ sudo apt-get install python-docutils
+ + To build websites, look at Sphinx, rest2web, etc.
+ + rst2html doesn't support math. We shall use Sphinx to see how math works::
+ sudo apt-get install python-sphinx
+Generating output
+ + html::
+ rst2html source.rst destination.html
+ + LaTeX ::
+ rst2latex source.rst destination.tex
+ + Slide shows ::
+ rst2s5 source.rst destination.html
+ + The most basic structural element
+ + Just a chunk of text separated by blank lines.
+ + Must begin at the left edge margin.
+ + Indented paragraphs are output as quoted text.
+ + Example ::
+ Sage provides standard constructions from linear algebra,
+ e.g., the characteristic polynomial, echelon form, trace,
+ decomposition, etc., of a matrix.
+Section Headings
+ + Single line of text with adornment
+ + Adornment is underline alone or an over- and underline
+ + ``- = ` : ' " ~ ^ _ * + # < >`` can be used for adornment
+ + All headings with same adornment are at same level
+ + **NOTE**- The over/under line should be at least as long as the heading
+ ::
+ Linear Algebra
+ ==============
+ Matrix spaces
+ -------------
+ Sparse Linear Algebra
+ ---------------------
+Text Styles
+ ======================= ====================
+ Markup text Resulting text
+ ======================= ====================
+ ``*italics*`` *italics*
+ ``**strong**`` **strong**
+ ````inline literal```` ``inline literal``
+ ======================= ====================
+Code Samples
+ + To include code, end the prior paragraph with =::=
+ + Code needs to be indented one level
+ + The code block ends, when text falls back to the previous indentation
+ + For instance ::
+ For example, each of the following is legal ::
+ plot(x, y) # plot x and y using default line style and color
+ plot(x, y, 'bo') # plot x and y using blue circle markers
+ plot(y) # plot y using x as index array 0..N-1
+ plot(y, 'r+') # ditto, but with red plusses
+ + ReST in itself doesn't support math
+ + Sphinx has support for math using ~jsmath~ or ~pngmath~
+ ::
+ :math: `3 \times 3`
+ .. math::
+ \sum_{n=0}^N x_n = y
+ + Three flavors - Enumerated, Bulleted, Definition
+ + Always start as a new paragraph --- preceeded by a new line
+ + Enumerated
+ Number or Letter followed by a =.=, =)= or surrounded by =( )=.
+ ::
+ 1) Numbers
+ #) auto numbered
+ A. Upper case letters
+ a) lower case letters
+ i) roman numerals
+ (I) more roman numerals
+Lists ...
+ + Bulleted lists
+ Start a line with -, + or *
+ ::
+ * a bullet point using "*"
+ - a sub-list using "-"
+ + yet another sub-list
+ - another item
+Lists ...
+ + Definition Lists
+ * Consist of Term, and it's definition.
+ * Term is one line phrase; Definition is one or more paragraphs
+ * Definition is indented relative to the term
+ * Blank lines are not allowed between term and it's definition
+ what
+ Definition lists associate a term with a definition.
+ + Simple Tables
+ * Each line is a row.
+ * The table ends with ~=~
+ * Column Header is specified by using ~=~
+ * Cells may span columns; ~-~ is used to specify cells spanning columns.
+ ============ ============ ===========
+ Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
+ ============ ============ ===========
+ body row 1 column 2 column 3
+ body row 2 Cells may span columns.
+ ------------ ------------------------
+ body row 3 column 2 column 3
+ ============ ============ ===========
+Grid Tables
+ +------------+------------+-----------+
+ | Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
+ +============+============+===========+
+ body row 1 column 2 column 3
+ +------------+------------+-----------+
+ body row 2 Cells may span columns.
+ +------------+------------+-----------+
+ body row 3 Cells may - Cells
+ +------------+ span rows. - contain
+ body row 4 - blocks.
+ +------------+------------+-----------+
+ + External links
+ Python_ is my favorite programming language.
+.. _Python:
+ + Internal links
+ * To generate a link target, add a label to the location
+.. _example:
+ * Titles & Section headings automatically produce link targets (in ReST)
+ * Linking to Target
+ + in ReST ::
+ This is an example_ link.
+ A Title
+ =======
+ `A Title`_ automatically generates hyperlink targets.
+ + in Sphinx ::
+ :ref: `This is an example <example>` link.
+ This is an :ref: `example` link.
+ This[#]_ gives auto-numbered[#]_ footnotes.
+ This[*]_ gives auto-symbol footnotes[*]_.
+ .. [#] First auto numbered footnote
+ .. [#] Second auto numbered footnote
+ .. [*] First auto symbol footnote
+ .. [*] Second auto symbol footnote
+ + An Introduction to reStructured Text -- David Goodger
+ + Quick reStructuredText
+ + reStructuredText-- Bits and Pieces -- Christoph Reller
+.. `An Introduction to reStructured Text`:
+.. `Quick reStructuredText`:
+.. `reStructuredText-- Bits and Pieces`: