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authorMadhusudan.C.S2010-08-31 20:15:06 +0530
committerMadhusudan.C.S2010-08-31 20:15:06 +0530
commita38276efc80c0c98b435ffa28148807f4cff06f5 (patch)
parent837f3192a27b8367ff55d98865029947e7db9a50 (diff)
Completed the section on realistic test scenarios and introductory paragraphs on nose.
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/tdd/tdd.rst b/tdd/tdd.rst
index 9330643..02aadb1 100644
--- a/tdd/tdd.rst
+++ b/tdd/tdd.rst
@@ -226,41 +226,90 @@ unquenched! We want to do more and more tests! Not just write better
code but also better tests! So let us keep building upon what we have
learnt so far.
-Let us start writing tests for more realistic test cases. Generally
-tests are predetermined as said above, if not the code itself is
-flawed. The predetermined tests are stored along with the test code in
-some persistent way like in a database, a text file, a file of
-specific format like XML or in other way. Let us continue with our
-example of GCD function. We will keep all our test cases in a text
-file, which is indeed persistent. Let our file have multiple
-lines. Each line in this file corresponds to a single test case. Each
-line consists of three coloumns: first two coloumns are the integers
-for which the GCD has to be computed and the last coloumn is the
-expected GCD to the preceding two numbers. So how do we write our
-tests to use these test cases? Pretty simple, let us review the
-machinery required first.
- 1. File reading: We already have learnt this in our chapters on
+Let us start writing tests for more realistic test cases. Generally
+tests are predetermined as said above, if not the software design in
+itself is flawed. The predetermined tests are stored along with the
+test code in some persistent format like in a database, a text file, a
+file of specific format like XML or in some other way. Let us continue
+with our example of GCD function. We will keep all our test cases in a
+text file, which is indeed persistent. Let us specify the format of
+the test data in our file as follows.
+ 1. The file has multiple lines of test data.
+ 2. Each line in this file corresponds to a single test case.
+ 3. Each line consists of three comma separated coloumns:
+ i. First two coloumns are the integers for which the GCD has to
+ be computed
+ ii. Third coloumn is the expected GCD to the preceding two
+ numbers.
+So how do we write our tests to use these test cases? Pretty simple, let
+us review the machinery required first.
+ 1. File reading: We already have learnt this in the modules on
Basic Python.
- 2. Parsing read data from file: This just involves a for loop over
- the data since we know that file contains lines which are
- equivalent to file records and hence parse the data line by line
- as strings as we iterate Over it and convert it to required data
- type.
+ 2. Parsing the read data from the file: This just involves a using a
+ **for** loop which iterates over the data line by line since we
+ know that the file contains each test case as a sepate line which
+ are equivalent to the file records and hence parse the data line
+ by line as strings as we iterate over it and convert it to the
+ required data type.
Since we already have all the machinery required, let us proceed writing
-our test cases.
+our test cases. We do not need not make any changes to the gcd
+function so we will just write down the test here. Let us call our
+data file gcd_testcases.dat::
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ for line in open('gcd_testcases.dat'):
+ values = line.split(', ')
+ a = int(values[0])
+ b = int(values[1])
+ g = int(values[2])
+ tc = gcd(a, b)
+ if tc != g:
+ print "Test failed for the case a=%d and b=%d. Expected %d. Obtained %d instead." % (a, b, g, tc)
+ exit(1)
+ print "All tests passed!"
-%%%%%%%%% Much Later %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-The idea of placing the tests with in the Python scripts and to
-execute them when the script is run as a stand-alone script works well
-as long as we have our code in a single Python file or the tests for
-each script can be run separately. But in a more realistic software
-development scenario, often this is not the case. The code is spread
-around multiple Python scripts, each Python script also being called
-as a Python module, and across several Python packages. In such a
-scenario we may want to do more.
+When we execute the script again we will notice that all the
+tests passed.
+Running at the **nose**
+Not too far ahead we go we will start running at the nose saying of
+Python developers saying that this is not sufficient to write
+complicated tests in an efficient manner and writing tests for the
+programs are so important that Python should provide a tool for
+managing large tests. To further explain, the idea of placing the
+tests with in the Python scripts and to execute them when the script
+is run as a stand-alone script works well as long as we have our code
+in a single Python file or as long as the tests for each script can be
+run separately. But in a more realistic software development scenario,
+often this is not the case. The code is spread around multiple Python
+scripts, each script also called as a Python module, and also across
+several Python packages.
+In such a scenario what we would like to do is to create a separate
+directory for holding these test. The structure of this directory is
+the exact replica of the Python package hierarchy of our software to
+be tested. This structure is especially useful because of the fact
+that we have a one to one correspondence to our code and to its test.
+Hence it is easy for us to navigate through the tests as we maintain
+the existing tests and to add new tests as the code evolves. We have a
+collection of tests in the specified structure. Any collection of
+tests is called as the test suite for the *software package*. Hence we
+shall call this directory of tests as our test suite.
+Fine we have all these, but how do we make our tests aware that they
+are the tests for such and such a Python module or code and when
+executed must test that corresponding code? To make the lives of
+Python developers and testers easy Python provides a very handy tool
+called as **nose**. The name should have been pretty evident from the
+heading of this section! So in the rest of this module let us discuss
+how to use **nose** to write, maintain and extend our tests as the
+code evolves.