path: root/ult/ult_7/script2col.rst
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+.. Objectives
+.. ----------
+ .. At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to:
+ .. 1. Sort lines of text files
+ .. 2. Print lines matching a pattern
+ .. 3. Translate or delete characters
+ .. 4. Omit repeated lines
+.. Prerequisites
+.. -------------
+.. 1. Getting started with Linux
+.. 2. Redirection and Piping
+| {{{ Show the first slide containing title, name of the production | Hello friends and Welcome to the tutorial on 'Text Processing'. |
+| team along with the logo of MHRD }}} | |
+| {{{ Show slide with objectives }}} | At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to, |
+| | |
+| | 1. Sort lines of text files |
+| | #. Print lines matching a pattern |
+| | #. Translate or delete characters |
+| | #. Omit repeated lines. |
+| {{{ Switch to the pre-requisite slide }}} | Before beginning this tutorial,we would suggest you to complete the |
+| | former tutorials as being displayed currently. |
+| {{{ Open the terminal }}} | In this tutorial, we shall learn about text processing. |
+| :: | TO begin with, consider data kept in two files, namely marks1.txt and |
+| | students.txt |
+| cat marks1.txt | Let us see what data they contain. Open a terminal and type, |
+| cat students.txt | |
+| :: | Let's say we wish to sort the output in the alphabetical order |
+| | of the names of the files. We can use the ``sort`` command for this |
+| cut -d " " -f 2- marks1.txt | paste -d " " students.txt -| sort | purpose. |
+| | |
+| | We just pipe the previous output to the ``sort`` command as, |
+| :: | Let's say we wish to sort the names, based on the marks in the first |
+| | subject i.e. the first column after the name. ``sort`` command also allows us to |
+| cut -d " " -f 2- marks1.txt | paste -d " " students.txt -| sort -t " " -k 2 | specify the delimiter between the fields and sort the data on a particular |
+| | field. ``-t`` option is used to specify the delimiter and ``-k`` option |
+| | is used to specify the field. |
+| {{{ Show slide with, Sort... }}} | This command give us a sorted output as required. But, what if we would |
+| | like the output to appear in the reverse order. ``-r`` option allows the output |
+| | to be sorted in the reverse order and the ``-n`` option is used to choose |
+| | a numerical sorting. |
+| {{{ Switch to the terminal }}} | Let us do it on the terminal and see for ourselves, |
+| :: | |
+| | |
+| cut -d " " -f 2- marks1.txt | paste -d " " students.txt -| | |
+| sort -t " " -k 2 -rn | |
+| :: | Suppose, While you are compiling the student marklist, Anne walks up to you and |
+| | wants to know her marks. You, being a kind person that you are, oblige. |
+| cut -d " " -f 2- marks1.txt | paste -d " " students.txt - | grep Anne | But you do not wish to her to see the marks that others have scored. What |
+| | do you do? Here, the ``grep`` command comes to your rescue. |
+| | |
+| | ``grep`` is a command line text search utility. You can use it to search |
+| | for Anne and show her, what she scored. ``grep`` allows us to search for a |
+| | search string in files. But we could, like any other command, pipe the |
+| | output of other commands to it. So, we shall use the previous combination |
+| | of cut and paste that we had, to get the marks of students along with their |
+| | names and search for Anne in that. |
+| :: | This will give us only the line containing the word Anne as the output. |
+| | The grep command is by default case-sensitive. So, we wouldn't have got |
+| cut -d " " -f 2- marks1.txt | paste -d " " students.txt - | grep -i Anne | the result if we had searched for anne, with a small a, instead of |
+| | Anne, with a capital a. But, what if we didn't know, whether the name was |
+| | capitalized or not? ``grep`` allows you to do case-insensitive searches |
+| | by using the ``-i`` option. |
+| :: | Now, in another scenario, if we wished to print all the lines, which do |
+| | not contain the word Anne, we could use the ``-v`` option. |
+| cut -d " " -f 2- marks1.txt | paste -d " " students.txt - | grep -iv Anne | |
+| {{{ Switch to the terminal }}} | grep allows us to do more complex searches, for instance, searching for |
+| :: | sentences starting or ending with a particular pattern and regular |
+| | expression based searches. |
+| cat students.txt | tr a-z A-Z | |
+| | {{{ Show slide with, tr }}} |
+| | |
+| | ``tr`` is a command that takes two sets of characters as parameters, and |
+| | replaces occurrences of the characters in the first set with the |
+| | corresponding elements from the other set. It reads from the standard |
+| | output and writes to the standard output. |
+| | |
+| | For instance, if we wish to replace all the lower case letters in the |
+| | students file with upper case, we can do it as, |
+| :: | A common task is to remove empty newlines from a file. The ``-s`` flag |
+| | causes ``tr`` to compress sequences of identical adjacent characters in its |
+| tr -s '\n' '\n' | output to a single token. For example, |
+| :: | Hit enter 2-3 times and see that every time we hit enter we get a newline. |
+| | |
+| <Enter> | |
+| <Enter> | |
+| :: | It replaces sequences of one or more newline characters with a single newline. |
+| | |
+| cat foo.txt | tr -d '\r' > bar.txt | The ``-d`` flag causes ``tr`` to delete all tokens of the specified set of |
+| | characters from its input. In this case, only a single character set |
+| | argument is used. The following command removes carriage return characters, |
+| | thereby converting a file in DOS/Windows format to the Unix format. |
+| :: | The ``-c`` flag complements the first set of characters. |
+| | |
+| tr -cd '[:alnum:]' | |
+| :: | It therefore removes all non-alphanumeric characters. |
+| | |
+| cat items.txt | Let us consider one more scenario.Suppose we have a list of items, say books, |
+| | and we wish to obtain a list which names of all the books only once, without |
+| | any duplicates. To achieve this, we use the ``uniq`` command. Let us first |
+| | have a look at our file |
+| :: | Now, let us try and get rid of the duplicate lines from this file using |
+| | the ``uniq`` command. |
+| uniq items.txt | |
+| :: | Nothing happens! Why? The ``uniq`` command removes duplicate lines only when |
+| | they are next to each other. So, henceforth, we get a sorted file from the |
+| sort items.txt | uniq | original file and work with that file. |
+| :: | ``uniq -u`` command gives the lines which are unique and do not have any |
+| | duplicates in the file. ``uniq -d`` outputs only those lines which |
+| uniq -u items-sorted.txt | have duplicates. |
+| :: | The ``-c`` option displays the number of times each line occurs in the file. |
+| | |
+| uniq -dc items-sorted.txt | |
+| {{{ Show summary slide }}} | This brings us to the end of the end of this tutorial. |
+| | In this tutorial, we have learnt to, |
+| | |
+| | 1. Use the ``sort`` command to sort lines of text files. |
+| | #. Use the ``grep`` command to search text pattern. |
+| | #. Use the ``tr`` command to translate and/or delete characters. |
+| | #. Use the ``uniq`` command to omit repeated lines in a text. |
+| {{{ Show self assessment questions slide }}} | Here are some self assessment questions for you to solve |
+| | |
+| | 1. To obtain patterns; one per line, which of the following command is used ? |
+| | |
+| | - grep -f |
+| | - grep -i |
+| | - grep -v |
+| | - grep -e |
+| | |
+| | 2. Translate the word 'linux' to upper-case. |
+| | |
+| | 3. Sort the output of the ``ls -al`` command. |
+| {{{ Solution of self assessment questions on slide }}} | And the answers, |
+| | |
+| | 1. In order to obtain patterns one per line, we use the ``grep`` command |
+| | alongwith the -f option. |
+| | |
+| | 2. We use the tr command to change the word into uppercase |
+| | :: |
+| | |
+| | echo 'linux' | tr a-z A-Z |
+| | |
+| | |
+| | 3. We use the sort command as, |
+| | :: |
+| | |
+| | ls -al | sort -n -k5 |
+| | The -n means "sort numerically", and the -k5 option means to key off of |
+| | column five. |
+| {{{ Show the SDES & FOSSEE slide }}} | Software Development techniques for Engineers and Scientists - SDES, is an |
+| | initiative by FOSSEE. For more information, please visit the given link. |
+| | |
+| | Free and Open-source Software for Science and Engineering Education - FOSSEE, is |
+| | based at IIT Bombay which is funded by MHRD as part of National Mission on |
+| | Education through ICT. |
+| {{{ Show the ``About the Spoken Tutorial Project'' slide }}} | Watch the video available at the following link. It summarises the Spoken |
+| | Tutorial project.If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and |
+| | watch it. |
+| {{{ Show the `` Spoken Tutorial Workshops'' slide }}} | The Spoken Tutorial Project Team conducts workshops using spoken tutorials, |
+| | gives certificates to those who pass an online test. |
+| | |
+| | For more details, contact |
+| {{{ Show the ``Acknowledgements'' slide }}} | Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the "Talk to a Teacher" project. |
+| | It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, |
+| | Government of India. More information on this mission is available at the |
+| | given link. |
+| {{{ Show the Thank you slide }}} | Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and found it useful. |
+| | Thank you! |