path: root/ult/ult_1
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authorhardythe12012-08-08 15:04:04 +0530
committerhardythe12012-08-08 15:04:04 +0530
commit7ee1718d5b9d6f8450cb5cdd023b8a067f8d06ec (patch)
tree792641223966b966693e22f2049e2534cef154c4 /ult/ult_1
parent8dfb36c8626f56f96b4be431596a7a902b410955 (diff)
parentd0c0139c362aa0d04073fbb901ee81b3c47bf158 (diff)
fixing errors
Diffstat (limited to 'ult/ult_1')
2 files changed, 270 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/ult/ult_1/script.rst b/ult/ult_1/script.rst
index 4708de6..c05f6a4 100644
--- a/ult/ult_1/script.rst
+++ b/ult/ult_1/script.rst
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ team along with the logo of MHRD }}}
.. R1
Hello friends and Welcome to the tutorial on
-'Using linux tools - Part 1'.
+'Getting started with Linux'.
.. L2
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ principles established in Unix. It consists of an important and central
piece called the Linux kernel, which, manages system resources like process
control, networking, peripherals and file system access. This is
complemented by the application software, written on top of the kernel that
-give the higher level functionality that facilitate the user to carry out
+gives the higher level functionality that facilitates the user to carry out
various tasks.
.. L4
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ The security model used in Linux is based on the UNIX idea of security,
which is known to be robust and of proven quality. Also, there are no
viruses in the GNU/Linux world.
-Python is used a lot for scientific computing. Why? Beause,
+Linux is used a lot for scientific computing. Why? Beause,
we can share our operating system and the libraries that we are using
with our co-workers, without any headaches of licensing.
There are a host of tools and libraries, that are useful in day-to-day
@@ -92,52 +92,72 @@ You can log-in once you provide your authentication details.
It is a popular misconception that GNU/Linux doesn't have a GUI (Graphical
user interface). It does have a fully functional GUI, but for the purpose
of this course we shall start with using the CLI (Command line interface).
+.. R6
Once your system has booted up, hit ``Ctrl + Alt + F1`` to switch to the
command line interface.
-You can log out using the ``logout`` command.
+.. L6
-.. R6
+{{{ Hit ``Ctrl + Alt + F1'' and login as ``fossee'' with it's password }}}
-Now hit ``Ctrl + Alt + F7`` and come back to the GUI. For the purpose
-of the spoken tutorials, we shall use the terminal on the GUI.
+.. R7
-.. L6
+To logout from the CLI, you can use the ``logout`` command.
+.. L7
+ logout
+.. R8
+Now hit ``Ctrl + Alt + F7`` and come back to the GUI.
+.. L8
+{{{ Hit ``Ctrl + Alt + F7`` }}}
+.. R9
+For the purpose of spoken tutorials, we shall use the terminal on the GUI.
+.. L9
{{{ Open the terminal }}}
-.. R7
+.. R10
Now that we have logged in, where are we?
To find out the present working directory, we use the ``pwd`` command.
-.. L7
+.. L10
-.. R8
+.. R11
Now, to see what is in the current directory, we use the ``ls`` command.
-.. L8
+.. L11
-.. R9
+.. R12
It gives us a list of all the files in our present working directory.
``ls`` command takes the directory, in which we want to see the list of
files present, as an argument. To see all the files present in the
``Music`` directory, we say
-.. L9
+.. L12
ls Music
-.. R10
+.. R13
Note that everything in GNU/Linux and the Unix world is case sensitive.
@@ -146,106 +166,110 @@ What if we wanted the files to be more organized? Say,
we would like to put all our work during this course in a separate
directory. Let us now create a directory ``sdes`` by saying
-.. L10
+.. L13
mkdir sees
-.. R11
+.. R14
Type ``ls`` to see that a new directory has been
-.. L11
+.. L14
-.. L12
+.. L15
{{{ Switch to slide, New folders }}}
-.. R12
+.. R15
Also, note that special characters need to be escaped. For example if we
wanted to create a directory with the name ``software engineering``, we do
it either as
- mkdir software\ engineering
+ mkdir software \\ engineering
or as
- mkdir "software engineering"
+ mkdir "software engg"
But it is generally a practice to use hyphens or underscores instead of
spaces in filenames and directory names.
Also in modern GNU/Linux filesystems all characters except the forward
slash are allowed.
-.. R13
+.. R16
Now that we have seen how to create a new empty directory and navigate into
it, let us create a new blank file. We use the ``touch`` command for this.
-.. L13
+.. L16
-{{{ Switch to the termninal }}}
+{{{ Switch to the terminal }}}
cd sees
touch first
-.. R14
+.. R17
This creates a file named first in our present working directory. Use the
``ls`` command to see that the file has been created.
-.. L14
+.. L17
-.. R15
+.. R18
To get a quick description of the command, we could use the ``whatis``
command. It gives a short one-line description of the command that is
passed as an argument to it. For example,
-.. L15
+.. L18
whatis touch
-.. R16
+.. R19
To get a more detailed description of the command,
we use the ``man`` command.
-.. L16
+.. L19
man touch
-.. R17
+.. R20
This page gives a detailed description of the command. We can see that the
``touch`` command has a whole host of options that can be passed to it.
Every command in Linux has such a list of options that can be passed to the
command to do specific tasks. Hit the ``q`` key to quit the ``man`` page.
+.. L20
+ q
To see the manual on man itself do,
-.. L17
+.. L21
man man
-.. L18
+.. L21
{{{ Switch to slide, Using additional options }}}
-.. R18
+.. R22
As you may have observed, often the ``man`` page is a bit too much for
quickly cross checking what option to use for a specific task. For this
@@ -255,21 +279,23 @@ command.
Pause the video here, try out the following exercise and resume the video.
-.. L19
+.. L22
+.. L23
{{{ Show slide with exercise 1 }}}
-.. R19
+.. R23
Which option should be used with ``ls`` command to list all the directories,
sub-directories and files contained in it?
Hint: Use ``man`` or ``--help``
-.. R20
+.. R24
Switch to terminal for solution.
-.. L20
+.. L24
{{{continue from paused state}}}
{{{ Switch to the terminal }}}
@@ -277,78 +303,87 @@ Switch to terminal for solution.
ls -R
-.. R21
+.. R25
This lists out all the files in the sub-tree of the current directory,
-.. L21
+.. L25
-.. R22
+.. R26
When you wish to create a new directory deep inside a directory structure,
using a ``-p`` option with the ``mkdir`` command would be useful. For
example,if we wish to create a folder ``scripts`` inside the directory
``linux-tools`` inside the directory ``sees``, we could simply say,
-.. L22
+.. L26
mkdir -p sees/linux-tools/scripts
-.. R23
+.. R27
Let's now say, we wish to remove a directory or a file. How do we find out
what command to use? We use the ``apropos`` command to search for commands
based on their descriptions. To search for the command to remove a
file/directory say,
-.. L23
+.. L27
apropos remove
-.. R24
+.. R28
This gives us a whole list of commands that have the word ``remove``, in
their description. Looking through the list tells us that ``rm`` or
``rmdir`` is the command to use.
-.. L24
+.. L28
-.. L25
+.. L29
{{{ Show summary slide }}}
-.. R25
+.. R29
This brings us to the end of the tutorial.In this tutorial, we have learnt to,
1. Understand the basic structure of linux and it's need.
- #. Move around in directories and files.
+ #. Use ``pwd'' command, to check the current working directory.
+ #. List a directory's contents by using the command ``ls''.
+.. L30
+{{{ Show the Summary... slide }}}
+.. R30
#. Use commands like ``mkdir`` and ``rmdir`` to make and remove directories
#. Use commands such as ``man`` and ``whatis`` to get a description of
what a particular command does.
+ #. Search the manual page names and descriptions, using the “ apropos” command.
-.. L26
+.. L31
{{{ Show self assessment questions slide }}}
-.. R26
+.. R31
Here are some self assessment questions for you to solve
-1. Which is the default directory after logging into the terminal?
+1. What is the default directory after logging into the terminal?
2. How to view file attributes with ls command?
-.. L27
+.. L32
{{{ Solution of self assessment questions on slide }}}
-.. R27
+.. R32
And the answers,
@@ -361,11 +396,56 @@ And the answers,
ls -l <filename>
-.. L28
+.. L33
+{{{ Show the SDES & FOSSEE slide }}}
+.. R33
+Software Development techniques for Engineers and Scientists - SDES, is an
+initiative by FOSSEE. For more information, please visit the given link.
+Free and Open-source Software for Science and Engineering Education - FOSSEE, is
+based at IIT Bombay which is funded by MHRD as part of National Mission on
+Education through ICT.
+.. L34
+{{{ Show the ``About the Spoken Tutorial Project'' slide }}}
+.. R34
+Watch the video available at the following link. It summarises the Spoken
+Tutorial project.If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and
+watch it.
+.. L35
+{{{ Show the `` Spoken Tutorial Workshops'' slide }}}
+.. R35
+The Spoken Tutorial Project Team conducts workshops using spoken tutorials,
+gives certificates to those who pass an online test.
+For more details, contact
+.. L36
+{{{ Show the ``Acknowledgements'' slide }}}
+.. R36
+Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the "Talk to a Teacher" project.
+It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD,
+Government of India. More information on this mission is available at the
+given link.
+.. L37
{{{ Show the Thankyou slide }}}
-.. R28
+.. R37
Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and found it useful.
Thank you!
diff --git a/ult/ult_1/ult1.tex b/ult/ult_1/ult1.tex
index 9ad3f03..ca6062b 100644
--- a/ult/ult_1/ult1.tex
+++ b/ult/ult_1/ult1.tex
@@ -1,59 +1,71 @@
-% Using Linux Tools
-% Author: FOSSEE
-% Copyright (c) 2009, FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
+ \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
+% Taken from Fernando's slides.
-% Taken from Fernando's slides.
+% change the alerted colour to LimeGreen
+\institute[IIT Bombay]{}
+% \setbeamercovered{transparent}
+% theme split
- commentstyle=\color{red}\itshape,
- stringstyle=\color{darkgreen},
- keywordstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries}
+ keywordstyle=\color{black}\bfseries}
+% logo
+\logo{\includegraphics[height=1.30 cm]{3t-logo.pdf}}
+\logo{\includegraphics[height=1.30 cm]{fossee-logo.pdf}
+\sffamily \bfseries
+[Getting started with Linux]
+{Getting started with Linux}
+{\small Talk to a Teacher\\{\color{blue}\url{}}\\\vspace{0.25cm}National Mission on Education
+ through ICT\\{\color{blue}\url{}} \\ [1.65cm]
+ Contributed by FOSSEE Team \\IIT Bombay \\[0.3cm]
-\textcolor{blue}{\huge Using Linux Tools\\Part I}
-\scriptsize Developed by FOSSEE Team, IIT-Bombay. \\
-\scriptsize Funded by National Mission on Education through ICT\\
-\scriptsize MHRD,Govt. of India\\
+% slide 1
+ \titlepage
@@ -62,26 +74,20 @@
At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to,
-\item Know what is linux.
-\item Understand the need for linux in today's world.
-\item Move around in directories and files.
-\item Use basic commands of Linux.
+\item Know what is Linux
+\item Understand the need for Linux in today's world
+\item Move around in directories and files
+\item Use basic commands of Linux
- \begin{block}{What is the Linux OS?}
+ \begin{block}{What is \textbf{GNU/Linux} Operating System?}
- \item Free Open Source Operating System
- \begin{description}
- \item[Free]
- Free as in Free Speech
- \item[Open-Source]
- Permit modifications and redistribution of source code
- \end{description}
- \item Also called GNU/Linux
- \item Unix-inspired
- \item Runs on a variety of hardware
+ \item Free Open Source Operating System\\
+ {\color{LimeGreen}{Free}} Free as in Free Speech\\
+ {\color{LimeGreen}{Open-Source}} permits modifications \& redistribution of source code
+ \item Unix-inspired \& runs on a variety of hardware
\item Linux Kernel + Application software
@@ -90,14 +96,12 @@ At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to,
\frametitle{Why Linux?}
- \item Free
- \item Secure \& versatile
+ \item Free, secure \& versatile
\begin{block}{Why Linux for Scientific Computing?}
- \item Free as in Free Speech
- \item Can run for \emph{ever}
+ \item Can run forever
\item Libraries
\item Parallel Computing
@@ -111,11 +115,12 @@ At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to,
\item Command Line for this module
\item Hit \texttt{Ctrl + Alt + F1}
\item \texttt{logout} command logs you out
+ \item Hit \texttt{Ctrl + Alt + F7} to come back to GUI
- \frametitle{Creating folders}
+ \frametitle{New folders}
\item Special characters need to be escaped OR quoted
@@ -132,20 +137,23 @@ At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to,
\frametitle{Using additional options}
- \item \texttt{-h} or \texttt{--help} gives summary of command usage
+ \item \texttt{-h} or \texttt{---help} gives summary of command usage
+ $ ls -h
$ ls --help
\end{lstlisting} % $
\frametitle{Exercise 1}
+ Which option should be used with 'ls' command to list all\\
- \item Which option should be used with ``ls'' command to list all the directories,
- sub-directories and files contained in it?
+ \item the directories,\\
+ \item the sub-directories,\\
+ \item the files contained in it
- Hint: Use ``man'' or ``--help''
+ Hint: Use \texttt{man} or \texttt{---help}
@@ -156,31 +164,37 @@ At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to,
-\item Understand the basic structure of linux and it's need.
-\item See the current directory in which we are working, using the command ``pwd''.
-\item List a directory's contents by using the command ``ls''.
-\item Change file timestamps, using the command ``touch''.
- \item Use commands like ``mkdir'' and ``rmdir'' to make and remove directories
- respectively.
-\item Use commands such as ``man'' and ``whatis'' to get a description of
- what a particular command does.
-\item Search the manual page names and descriptions, using the `` apropos'' command.
+\item Understand the basic structure of Linux and it's need
+\item Use ``pwd'' command, to check the current working directory
+\item List a directory's contents by using the command ``ls''
+\item Use ``mkdir'' to create, ``rmdir'' to delete directories
+\item Use ``man'' and ``whatis'' to get a description of a command
+\item Use ``apropos'' to search manual page names and descriptions
-\item Which is the default directory after logging into the terminal?
+\item What is the default directory after logging into the terminal?
\item How to view file attributes with ``ls'' command?
@@ -189,20 +203,65 @@ At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to,
\item ls -l <filename>
+\frametitle{SDES \& FOSSEE}
+\item \small{SDES}\\
+\small{\color{LimeGreen}Software Development techniques for Engineers and Scientists} \\
+\scriptsize An initiative by FOSSEE. \\
+\scriptsize For more information on SDES, please visit {\color{blue}\url{}}\\
+\item \small{FOSSEE}\\
+\small {\color{LimeGreen}Free and Open-source Software for \\Science and Engineering Education} \\
+\scriptsize Based at IIT Bombay, Funded by MHRD.\\
+\scriptsize Part of National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT). \\
+\frametitle{About the Spoken Tutorial Project}
+\item Watch the video available at {\color{blue}\url{ /What\_is\_a\_Spoken\_Tutorial}}
+\item It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project
+\item If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it
+\frametitle{Spoken Tutorial Workshops}The Spoken Tutorial Project Team
+\item Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials
+\item Gives certificates to those who pass an online test
+\item For more details, please write to \\ \hspace {0.5cm}{\color{blue}}
+\item Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project
+\item It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India
+\item More information on this Mission is available at: \\{\color{blue}\url{}}
- \textcolor{blue}{\Large THANK YOU!}
+ {\Large THANK YOU!}
For more Information, visit our website\\
- \url{}
+ {\color{blue}\url{}}