path: root/Latex/Latex5/Latex_FTF.tex
diff options
authorhardythe12012-08-08 14:58:43 +0530
committerhardythe12012-08-08 14:58:43 +0530
commit8dfb36c8626f56f96b4be431596a7a902b410955 (patch)
tree1ab1eb3048d20c503b08ed0e9d0f186f6713d1d0 /Latex/Latex5/Latex_FTF.tex
parentb04a635ce50752a3a7bdc61d555d16ea656d8ff8 (diff)
Modified scripts & slides according to the new checklist
Diffstat (limited to 'Latex/Latex5/Latex_FTF.tex')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/Latex/Latex5/Latex_FTF.tex b/Latex/Latex5/Latex_FTF.tex
index c7c50ae..e992ac5 100644
--- a/Latex/Latex5/Latex_FTF.tex
+++ b/Latex/Latex5/Latex_FTF.tex
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
% Author: FOSSEE
% Copyright (c) 2009, FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
\usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{ae,aecompl}
\usepackage{mathpazo,courier,euler} \usepackage[scaled=.95]{helvet}
@@ -34,58 +35,94 @@
postbreak = \space\dots
+ \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
+% Taken from Fernando's slides.
+% change the alerted colour to LimeGreen
+\institute[IIT Bombay]{}
+% \setbeamercovered{transparent}
-\setbeamercolor{emphbar}{bg=blue!20, fg=black}
+% theme split
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily\bfseries,
+ showstringspaces=false,
+ keywordstyle=\color{black}\bfseries}
+% logo
+\logo{\includegraphics[height=1.30 cm]{../images/3t-logo.pdf}}
+\logo{\includegraphics[height=1.30 cm]{../images/fossee-logo.pdf}
+\sffamily \bfseries
+[{\LaTeX}: Tables \& Figures]
+{{\LaTeX}: Tables \& Figures}
+{\small Talk to a Teacher\\{\color{blue}\url{}}
+\\\vspace{0.25cm}National Mission on Education
+ through ICT\\{\color{blue}\url{}} \\ [1.65cm]
+ Contributed by FOSSEE Team \\IIT Bombay \\[0.3cm]
-\textcolor{blue}{\huge {\LaTeX}:Tables, Figures and Floats}
-\scriptsize Developed by FOSSEE Team, IIT-Bombay. \\
-\scriptsize Funded by National Mission on Education through ICT\\
-\scriptsize MHRD,Govt. of India\\
+ \titlepage
- At the end of this session, you will be able to:
+ In this tutorial we will learn how to:
- \item Learn how to add figures to your document
- \item Include tabular environments
+ \item Add graphics in Latex document
+ \item Include tabular environments in Latex document
- \frametitle{Prerequisite}
+ \frametitle{Prerequisites}
Spoken Tutorial on:
- \item {\LaTeX} - Getting Started
+ \item {\LaTeX} - Installation
\item {\LaTeX} - Introduction
- \item {\LaTeX} - Structuring the Content
+ \item {\LaTeX} - Basics \& Structuring
\item {\LaTeX} - Typesetting Text
@@ -98,70 +135,94 @@
\item To add a graphic, use \lstinline{\includegraphics} command
\item Use relative path to the image
- \tiny See rev17 of \typ{hg}
- \frametitle{\lstinline{includgraphics}}
+ \frametitle{\lstinline{includegraphics}}
It takes following optional arguments
- \item \lstinline+scale+ --- specifies the factor by which to scale
- the image
- \item \lstinline+height+, \lstinline+width+ --- If only one of them
+ \item \lstinline+height+, \lstinline+width+ -- If only one of them
is specified, aspect ratio is maintained
- \item \lstinline+keepaspectratio+ --- boolean value to keep aspect
+ \item \lstinline+keepaspectratio+ -- boolean value to keep aspect
ratio or not
- \item \lstinline+angle+ --- specify by what angle the image should
+ \item \lstinline+angle+ -- specify by what angle the image should
be rotated
+ \frametitle{\lstinline{includegraphics..}}
+ Syntax for \lstinline{includegraphics} command with optional arguments and
+ relative path to the image:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \lstinline{\includegraphics[<args>]}\{<img path> \}
+ \end{itemize}
- \item Graphics (\& Tables) are special because they cannot be broken
- across pages
- \item They are ``floated'' to the next page, if they don't fit in
- the current page
+ \item Graphics (\& Tables) are special
+ \item They are ``floated'' to the next page
\item Enclose graphic within \lstinline+figure+ environment to make
it float
\item Figure environment takes additional parameter for location of
- \begin{table}
- \caption{Permission Specifiers}
- \begin{tabular}{|c|c|}
+ \frametitle{Floats..}
+ \begin{tabular}{|c|l}
Specifier & Permission\\\hline
t & Top of page\\
b & Bottom of page\\
p & Separate page for floats\\
- h & here (the same place where command appears in source)\\
- ! & override \LaTeX's internal parameters for good position
+ h & Here (the same place)\\
+ ! & Overrides internal parameters
\frametitle{Captions and References}
- \item Figure environment allows us add a caption
- \item To place the image in the center we enclose it in the
+ \item \lstinline+caption+ to add captions to figures
+ \item To place the image in the center, we enclose it in the
\lstinline+center+ environment
\item We can label images too
- \item label should be added after the caption command
+ \item Add label after caption command
\item Figures are auto numbered
- \tiny See rev17 of \typ{hg}
+ \frametitle{Captions and References..}
+ Sample code to include caption and label in a center aligned figure:
+ \vspace{8pt}
+ {\tiny
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ \begin{figure}
+ \begin{center}
+ \includegraphics{some image}
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{A caption for some image !}
+ \label{Label for some image !}
+ \end{figure}
+ \end{verbatim}
+ }
\item \lstinline+tabular+ is used to typeset a table
\item It is enclosed in a \lstinline+table+ environment to make it a
- \item \lstinline+table+ environment also gives captions, auto
+ \item \lstinline+table+ environment also gives captions, labels \& auto
@@ -170,12 +231,9 @@
- \item tabular takes formatting of each column as argument
+ \item Tabular takes formatting of each column as argument
- \caption{tabular environment}
\lstinline+l+ & left justified column content\\\hline
\lstinline+r+ & right justified column content\\\hline
@@ -183,18 +241,41 @@
\lstinline+|+ & produces a vertical line\\
- \begin{itemize}
- \item also takes an optional parameter for specifying position of
+ \frametitle{\lstinline+tabular+..}
+ \item Also takes an optional parameter for specifying position of
\item \lstinline+t+ for top, \lstinline+b+ for bottom, \lstinline+c+
for center
- \item each column of table is separated by \&
- \item each row is separated by newline \lstinline{\\}
+ \item Seperate each column of a table by '\&'
+ \item Each row is separated by newline \lstinline{\\}
\item \lstinline+\hline+ give a horizontal line between two rows
- \tiny See rev18 of \typ{hg}
+ \frametitle{\lstinline+tabular+..}
+ A sample code that shows complete use of tabular environment:
+ \vspace{8pt}
+ {\tiny
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{ l | c || r | }
+ \hline
+ 1 & 2 & 3 \\ \hline
+ 4 & 5 & 6 \\ \hline
+ 7 & 8 & 9 \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{verbatim}
+ }
\frametitle{List of Tables, Figures}
@@ -204,7 +285,8 @@
- \frametitle{Summary...}
+ \frametitle{Summary}
+ We learned how to,
\item Add graphics to a LateX document
\item Include tabular environments in a LateX document
@@ -214,9 +296,9 @@
-\item Why the figures and tables are called as floats?
-\item What are the input parameters the figure environment take to make it float?
-\item What is the mandatory arguement in tabular environment specification?
+\item Which input parameter is used in the figure environment to make it float
+ to the bottom of the page ?
+\item What is the mandatory argument in tabular environment specification ?
@@ -224,34 +306,71 @@
-\item Figures and tables are called as floats because they float to the nearest location.
-\item The following can be used as parameters to a figure environment to make it float.
+\item Input parameter `b' is passed as argument, to make it float to the bottom
+ of the page.
+\item It is mandatory to specify alignment of each column in tabular
+ environment.
+\frametitle{SDES \& FOSSEE}
-\item t - Top of the page.
-\item b - Bottom of the page.
-\item p - Separate pages for float
-\item h - Here(the place where command appears)
-\item !- To override Latex internal parameters for good position
+\item \small{SDES}\\
+\small{\color{LimeGreen}Software Development techniques for Engineers and Scientists} \\
+\scriptsize An initiative by FOSSEE. \\
+\scriptsize For more information on SDES, please visit {\color{blue}\url{}}\\
+\item \small{FOSSEE}\\
+\small {\color{LimeGreen}Free and Open-source Software for \\Science and Engineering Education} \\
+\scriptsize Based at IIT Bombay, Funded by MHRD.\\
+\scriptsize Part of National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) \\
-\item Alignment of each column
+\frametitle{About the Spoken Tutorial Project}
+\item Watch the video available at {\color{blue}\url{ /What\_is\_a\_Spoken\_Tutorial}}
+\item It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project
+\item If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it
+\frametitle{Spoken Tutorial Workshops}The Spoken Tutorial Project Team
+\item Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials
+\item Gives certificates to those who pass an online test
+\item For more details, please write to \\ \hspace {0.5cm}{\color{blue}}
+\item Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project
+\item It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India
+\item More information on this Mission is available at: \\{\color{blue}\url{}}
+ \begin{block}{}
- \textcolor{blue}{\Large THANK YOU!}
+ {\Large THANK YOU!}
For more Information, visit our website\\
- \url{}
+ {\color{blue}\url{}}