diff options
authorKiran Isukapatla2012-01-24 18:01:41 +0530
committerKiran Isukapatla2012-01-24 18:01:41 +0530
commitfcc74360086b4335e937817c1e56d2ea95fa35cd (patch)
parent02898fbf66a78d798911df818c5866658fcb332f (diff)
Added Latex 1 files, few changes to Latex Intro Script.
3 files changed, 320 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/Latex/Latex1/latex_install_script.rst b/Latex/Latex1/latex_install_script.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2013e40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Latex/Latex1/latex_install_script.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+.. Prerequisites
+.. -------------
+.. 1. You'll need a TeX distribution.
+... A good text editor and a DVI or PDF viewer.
+... Updated Linux distribution as Operating System.
+... Working internet connection (for installation over the network).
+.. Author: Kiran Isukapatla < kiran [at] fossee [dot] in >
+.. Internal Reviewer:
+.. Check-list OK?: <put date stamp here, if OK>
+.. L1
+{{{Show the first slide containing title, name of the production team along with the logo of MHRD}}}
+.. R1
+Hello friends, welcome to the tutorial on 'LaTeX Installation'.
+.. L2
+{{{Show the slide containing the objectives}}}
+.. R2
+At the end of this tutorial you will be able to:
+.. 1. Install LaTeX on your computer.
+.. #. Learn how to install a plug-in for a TeX editor.
+.. #. Configure the TeX editor with the LaTeX plug-in.
+.. #. Useful information on some LaTeX packages.
+.. #. Compile a TeX file to pdf.
+.. L3
+{{{Show the slide 'Prerequisites'}}}
+.. R3
+Before beginning this tutorial, make sure to have a Linux Distribution as Operating System on your computer. You would then require a TeX distribution and a Text editor of your choice. You would require a working Internet connection (for installation over the network).
+.. L4
+{{{Show the slide 'TeX Distribution'}}}
+.. R4
+TeX Live is an easy way to get up and running with the TeX document production system. It provides a comprehensive TeX system with binaries for most flavors of Unix, including GNU/Linux, and also Windows.
+.. L5
+{{{Show the slide 'Installation'}}}
+.. R5
+There are multiple ways of installation. You may download a LaTeX distribution and run the installer.
+An other way is to install using the command: 'sudo apt-get install texlive' (or) 'sudo apt-get install texlive-full'.
+.. L6
+{{{Move onto next slide of 'Installation'}}}
+.. R6
+We may also install LaTeX using a package manager like 'Synaptic Package Manager in Ubuntu'.
+Using 'Synaptic Package Manager': Open the 'Package Manager' > Search for 'texlive-full' > Mark for installation and apply.
+.. L7
+{{{Show the slide 'LaTeX Plug-in'}}}
+.. R7
+We may use a Text editor (as per your choice) as LaTeX editor. However, we require a plug-in to do this.
+We would like to illustrate the same using Gedit.
+Install the plug-in: 'sudo apt-get install gedit-latex-plugin'.
+To activate the plug-in: Click (Edit > Preferences > Plugins > Check LaTeX Plugin).
+.. L8
+{{{Show the slide 'LaTeX Packages'}}}
+.. R8
+Add-on features for LaTeX are known as packages. Dozens of these are pre-installed with LaTeX and can be used in your documents immediately.
+Listed here are a few popular ones and their usage.
+.. L9
+{{{Show the slide 'Compilation'}}}
+.. R9
+A given LaTeX document may be compiled using the command: 'pdflatex filename.tex'
+This produces an output file, in the pdf format.
+.. L10
+{{{Show the slide 'Summary'}}}
+.. R10
+This brings us to the end of the tutorial. In this tutorial, we have
+learnt to,
+.. 1. Install LaTeX on your computer.
+.. #. How to install a plug-in for a TeX editor.
+.. #. Configure the TeX editor with the LaTeX plug-in.
+.. #. Choose a LaTeX packages as per requirement.
+.. #. Compile a TeX file to pdf.
+.. L11
+{{{Show the thank you slide}}}
+.. R11
+Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and found it useful.
+Thank you.
diff --git a/Latex/Latex1/latex_installation.tex b/Latex/Latex1/latex_installation.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca64d44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Latex/Latex1/latex_installation.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+% LateX
+% Author: FOSSEE
+% Copyright (c) 2009, FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
+ \usetheme{Warsaw}
+ \useoutertheme{infolines}
+ \setbeamercovered{transparent}
+% Taken from Fernando's slides.
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily\bfseries,
+ commentstyle=\color{red}\itshape,
+ stringstyle=\color{darkgreen},
+ showstringspaces=false,
+ keywordstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries}
+\newcommand{\inctime}[1]{\addtocounter{time}{#1}{\tiny \thetime\ m}}
+\newcommand{\kwrd}[1]{ \texttt{\textbf{\color{blue}{#1}}} }
+\setbeamercolor{emphbar}{bg=blue!20, fg=black}
+\textcolor{blue}{\huge {\LaTeX}: Installation}
+\scriptsize Developed by FOSSEE Team, IIT-Bombay. \\
+\scriptsize Funded by National Mission on Education through ICT\\
+\scriptsize MHRD,Govt. of India\\
+ \frametitle{Objectives}
+ At the end of this session, you will
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Learn how to install LaTeX
+ \item Learn how to install a TeX editor plug-in
+ \item Know how to configure the TeX editor for LaTeX
+ \item Know some useful information on LaTeX packages.
+ \item Be able to complie a TeX file to pdf.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Prerequisites}
+ Prerequisites for Installation of LaTeX
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item You'll need a TeX distribution.
+ \item A good text editor and a DVI or PDF viewer.
+ \item Updated Linux distribution as Operating System.
+ \item Working Internet connection (recommended, for installation over the network).
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{TeX Distribution}
+ TeX Live
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Easy way to get up and running with the TeX document production system.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Acquire TeX Live in many ways
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Getting TeX Live on DVD (recommended, for installation from media).
+ \item Installing TeX Live over the Internet (recommended, for installation over the network).
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Installation}
+ Running the installer
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Run the \emph{install-tl} script to install.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Commands
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \emph{sudo apt-get install texlive} : Basic subset of TeX Live's functionality.
+ \item \emph{sudo apt-get install texlive-full} : Complete TeX Live distribution.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Installation}
+ Using a Package Manager
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Open \emph{Package Manager}
+ \item Search for \emph{texlive-full}
+ \item Mark for installation and apply
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{LaTeX Plug-in}
+ Gedit has a plug-in for LaTeX which converts Gedit into a LaTeX editor
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \emph{sudo apt-get install gedit-latex-plugin} : Installs plug-in
+ \item \emph Activate the plug-in : Click (Edit > Preferences > Plugins > Check LaTeX Plugin)
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{LaTeX Packages}
+ Recommended LaTeX Packages
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \emph{latex-beamer} : Beamer package is used to create presentations.
+ \item \emph{TeXPower} : Is a bundle of style and class files for creating dynamic online presentations with LaTeX.
+ \item \emph{Prosper} : A LaTeX class for writing transparencies.
+ \item \emph{texlive-pictures} : This is a LaTeX package for drawing graphics.
+ \item \emph{texlive-latex-extra} : This is a large collection of add-on packages for LaTeX.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Compilation}
+ LaTeX distribution installed, you may compile a LaTeX document
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \emph{pdflatex filename.tex} : Compiles the LaTeX document.
+ \item Output : PDF file.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Summary}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Installing a LaTeX distribution.
+ \item Install/Configure LaTeX Plug-in.
+ \item Recommended LaTeX Packages.
+ \item Compile a LaTeX document.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{center}
+ \textcolor{blue}{\Large THANK YOU!}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{block}
+ \begin{center}
+ For more Information, visit our website\\
+ \url{}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{block}
diff --git a/Latex/Latex2/latex_intro_script.rst b/Latex/Latex2/latex_intro_script.rst
index 398907d..bb3b0ad 100644
--- a/Latex/Latex2/latex_intro_script.rst
+++ b/Latex/Latex2/latex_intro_script.rst
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
.. By the end of this tutorial, you will
.. 1. Get acquainted to LaTeX.
-.. #. Know why we prefer LaTeX ??
-.. #. Know about the advantages and disadvantages of typesetting documents
+.. #. Know why we prefer LaTeX?
+.. #. Know the advantages and disadvantages of typesetting documents
.. using the LaTeX approach.
.. #. Have a description, of a typical work flow; which uses LaTeX to typeset
.. documents.
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
.. -------------
.. 1. Should have already installed LaTeX and its supported packages on the host machine.
-.. #. Should be comfortable using a text editor of choice.
+.. #. Should be comfortable using a text editor of your choice.
.. Author : Harish Badrinath < harish [at] fossee [dot] in >
- Internal Reviewer :
+ Internal Reviewer : Kiran Isukapatla < kiran [at] fossee [dot] in >
External Reviewer :
Langauge Reviewer :
Checklist OK? : <put date stamp here, if OK>
@@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ Hello Friends and welcome to the tutorial on introduction to LaTeX.
.. By the end of this tutorial, you will
.. 1. Get acquainted to LaTeX.
-.. #. Know why we prefer LaTeX ??
-.. #. Know about the advantages and disadvantages of typesetting documents
+.. #. Know why we prefer LaTeX?
+.. #. Know the advantages and disadvantages of typesetting documents
.. using the LaTeX approach.
.. #. Have a description, of a typical work flow; which uses LaTeX to typeset
.. documents.
.. #. Recognize and differentiate between LaTeX commands, LaTeX comments and
.. special characters, spacing and actual document content.
-.. #. Create and compile a very simple LaTeX document.
+.. #. Be able to create and compile a very simple LaTeX document.
.. L3
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Hello Friends and welcome to the tutorial on introduction to LaTeX.
.. R3
-Before beginning this tutorial,we would suggest having a working installation of
+Before beginning this tutorial, we would suggest having a working installation of
LaTeX on your computer. You can do this by completing the tutorial titled
"Installing LaTeX".