path: root/project/kiwipycon/proceedings/booklet/
diff options
authorMadhusudan.C.S2010-04-01 11:59:35 +0530
committerMadhusudan.C.S2010-04-01 11:59:35 +0530
commitf245bcffa2d4bd4efc6ab934db85eb76626ec599 (patch)
tree4c91dd755d542e7e0bc9e3154f93990410617e45 /project/kiwipycon/proceedings/booklet/
parent93ab9caaffc346dfceb70648cd4bbaea7eb266ac (diff)
Add admin interface and views for proceedings. Booklet is also setup to generate paper.
Diffstat (limited to 'project/kiwipycon/proceedings/booklet/')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/project/kiwipycon/proceedings/booklet/ b/project/kiwipycon/proceedings/booklet/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c27ddf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/kiwipycon/proceedings/booklet/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+import os
+import sys
+import codecs
+import re
+ from sanum import model
+ root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd() + '/../../')
+ os.chdir(root_dir)
+ sys.path.append(root_dir)
+ from sanum import model
+import sanum
+import turbogears
+ modulename="sanum.config")
+from mk_scipy_paper import tex2pdf, current_dir , copy_files, preamble, \
+ render_abstract, addfile, sourcedir, outdir, outfilename
+def hack_include_graphics(latex_text, attach_dir):
+ """ Replaces all the \includegraphics call with call that impose the
+ width to be 0.9\linewidth.
+ """
+ latex_text = re.sub(r'\\includegraphics(\[.*\])?\{',
+ r'\includegraphics\1{' + attach_dir,
+ latex_text)
+ return latex_text
+class MyStringIO(object):
+ """ An unicode-friendly stringIO-like object.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.lines = []
+ def write(self, line):
+ self.lines.append(line)
+ def getvalue(self):
+ return u''.join(self.lines)
+def mk_booklet_tex(outfilename):
+ """ Generate the entire booklet latex file.
+ """
+ outfile =, 'w', 'utf-8')
+ preamble(outfile)
+ copy_files()
+ #addfile(outfile, sourcedir + os.sep + 'title.tex')
+ addfile(outfile, sourcedir + os.sep + 'introduction.tex')
+ #outfile.write(ur'\setcounter{page}{0}' + '\n')
+ #from sanum.controllers import Root as Controller
+ abstracts =
+ for abstract in abstracts:
+ if not abstract.approved:
+ continue
+ print abstract.title
+ # Hack: I don't use a stringIO, because it is not unicode-safe.
+ tmpout = MyStringIO()
+ # Hack: I don't wont to be bound to the controller, to be
+ # abstractle to run without cherrypy.
+ #attach_dir = Controller._paper_attach_dir(
+ attach_dir = os.path.abspath(os.sep.join(
+ (os.path.dirname(sanum.__file__), 'static',
+ 'papers', '%i' % + os.sep
+ render_abstract(tmpout, abstract)
+ outstring = hack_include_graphics(tmpout.getvalue(),
+ attach_dir)
+ outfile.write(outstring)
+ #outfile.write(ur'\fillbreak' + '\n')
+ outfile.write(ur'\end{document}' + '\n')
+def mk_booklet(outfilename=outfilename):
+ """ Generate the entire booklet pdf file.
+ """
+ name, ext = os.path.splitext(outfilename)
+ mk_booklet_tex(name + '.tex')
+ return tex2pdf(name, remove_tex=False, timeout=60)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ mk_booklet(outfilename)