path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-08-22fixed proposal edit validation issueprashantsinalkar
2016-08-22formated book preferences for ease of readingprashantsinalkar
2016-08-18formated the codeprashantsinalkar
2016-04-13added url to hyperlink filter to referenceprashantsinalkar
2016-04-11added prams and fixed book dependancy issueprashantsinalkar
2016-04-07added category in book proposal and edited mail functionprashantsinalkar
2015-09-24module updated to Drupal 7prashant
2015-07-07added city and state in formfiled with some minor changesprashant
2015-05-21Added new departmentspriyankabhagwat
2015-01-29added book suggestion formprashant
2014-12-22fixed proposal fetch queryprashant
2014-11-11updated proposal fetch queryprashant
2014-10-08done minor changes in aicte book proposalprashant
2014-10-08done minor changesprashant
2014-10-07done minor changesprashant
2014-08-05added failed notification pageJayaram R Pai
2014-07-16beta - aicte_proposalJayaram R Pai
2014-05-27Merge branch 'master' into develJayaram Pai
2014-05-27added missing table headerJayaram Pai
2014-04-22created aicte_proposal baseJayaram Pai
2014-04-10major changes done, updating to githubroot
2013-09-03Email: BCC to TBC adminssanmugam
2013-08-13book proposal and edit error fixed.sanmugasundaram
2013-08-13initial repo 13-08-2013root