path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 619 insertions, 682 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index aa99d85..07d7690 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,81 +1,71 @@
// $Id$
function upload_examples()
- return drupal_get_form('upload_examples_form');
+ return drupal_get_form('upload_examples_form');
-function upload_examples_form($form, $form_state)
+function upload_examples_form($form, &$form_state)
- global $user;
- /************************ start approve book details ************************/
- /*$proposal_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_proposal} WHERE uid = %d ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", $user->uid);
- $proposal_data = db_fetch_object($proposal_q);*/
+ global $user;
+ /************************ start approve book details ************************/
+ /*$proposal_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_proposal} WHERE uid = %d ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", $user->uid);
+ $proposal_data = db_fetch_object($proposal_q);*/
$query = db_select('textbook_companion_proposal');
$query->condition('uid', $user->uid);
$query->orderBy('id', 'DESC');
$query->range(0, 1);
$result = $query->execute();
- $proposal_data=$result->fetchObject();
- if (!$proposal_data)
- {
- drupal_set_message("Please submit a " . l('proposal', 'proposal') . ".", 'error');
- drupal_goto('');
- }
- if ($proposal_data->proposal_status != 1 && $proposal_data->proposal_status != 4)
- {
- switch ($proposal_data->proposal_status )
- {
- case 0:
- drupal_set_message(t('We have already received your proposal. We will get back to you soon.'), 'status');
- drupal_goto('');
- return;
- break;
- case 2:
- drupal_set_message(t('Your proposal has been dis-approved. Please create another proposal ' . l('here', 'proposal') . '.'), 'error');
- drupal_goto('');
- return;
- break;
- case 3:
- drupal_set_message(t('Congratulations! You have completed your last book proposal. You have to create another proposal ' . l('here', 'proposal') . '.'), 'status');
- drupal_goto('');
- return;
- break;
- default:
- drupal_set_message(t('Invalid proposal state. Please contact site administrator for further information.'), 'error');
- drupal_goto('');
- return;
- break;
- }
- }
- /*$preference_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_preference} WHERE proposal_id = %d AND approval_status = 1 LIMIT 1", $proposal_data->id);
- $preference_data = db_fetch_object($preference_q);*/
+ $proposal_data = $result->fetchObject();
+ if (!$proposal_data)
+ {
+ drupal_set_message("Please submit a " . l('proposal', 'proposal') . ".", 'error');
+ drupal_goto('');
+ } //!$proposal_data
+ if ($proposal_data->proposal_status != 1 && $proposal_data->proposal_status != 4)
+ {
+ switch ($proposal_data->proposal_status)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ drupal_set_message(t('We have already received your proposal. We will get back to you soon.'), 'status');
+ drupal_goto('');
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ drupal_set_message(t('Your proposal has been dis-approved. Please create another proposal ' . l('here', 'proposal') . '.'), 'error');
+ drupal_goto('');
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ drupal_set_message(t('Congratulations! You have completed your last book proposal. You have to create another proposal ' . l('here', 'proposal') . '.'), 'status');
+ drupal_goto('');
+ return;
+ break;
+ default:
+ drupal_set_message(t('Invalid proposal state. Please contact site administrator for further information.'), 'error');
+ drupal_goto('');
+ return;
+ break;
+ } //$proposal_data->proposal_status
+ } //$proposal_data->proposal_status != 1 && $proposal_data->proposal_status != 4
+ /*$preference_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_preference} WHERE proposal_id = %d AND approval_status = 1 LIMIT 1", $proposal_data->id);
+ $preference_data = db_fetch_object($preference_q);*/
$query = db_select('textbook_companion_preference');
$query->condition('proposal_id', $proposal_data->id);
$query->condition('approval_status', 1);
$query->range(0, 1);
$result = $query->execute();
- $preference_data=$result->fetchObject();
- if (!$preference_data)
- {
- drupal_set_message(t('Invalid Book Preference status. Please contact site administrator for further information.'), 'error');
- drupal_goto('');
- return;
- }
- /************************ end approve book details **************************/
- /* add javascript for automatic book title, check if example uploaded, dependency selection effects */
- $chapter_name_js = "(function ($) {
+ $preference_data = $result->fetchObject();
+ if (!$preference_data)
+ {
+ drupal_set_message(t('Invalid Book Preference status. Please contact site administrator for further information.'), 'error');
+ drupal_goto('');
+ return;
+ } //!$preference_data
+ /************************ end approve book details **************************/
+ /* add javascript for automatic book title, check if example uploaded, dependency selection effects */
+ $chapter_name_js = "(function ($) {
@@ -91,7 +81,7 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
$('#edit-example-number').change(function() {
$.get('" . base_path() . "textbook_companion/ajax/example_exists/' + $('#edit-number').val() + '/' + " . $preference_data->id . " + '/' + $('#edit-example-number').val(), function(data) {
if (data) {
- alert(data);
+ //alert(data);
@@ -119,251 +109,227 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
- drupal_add_js($chapter_name_js, 'inline', 'header');
- $form['#attributes'] = array('enctype' => "multipart/form-data");
- $form['book_details']['book'] = array(
- '#type' => 'item',
- '#markup' => $preference_data->book,
- '#title' => t('Title of the Book'),
- );
- $form['contributor_name'] = array(
- '#type' => 'item',
- '#markup' => $proposal_data->full_name,
- '#title' => t('Contributor Name'),
- );
- $options = array('' => '(Select)');
- for($i=1;$i<=100;$i++){
- $options[$i] = $i;
- }
- //var_dump($options);
- $form['number'] = array(
- '#type' => 'select',
- '#title' => t('Chapter No'),
- '#options' => $options,
- // '#options' => array('' => '(Select)', '1' => '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10',
- // '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20',
- // '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30',
- // '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40',
- // '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50'),
- '#multiple' => FALSE,
- '#size' => 1,
- '#required' => TRUE,
- );
- $form['name'] = array(
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#title' => t('Title of the Chapter'),
- '#size' => 40,
- '#maxlength' => 255,
- '#required' => TRUE,
- );
- $form['example_number'] = array(
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#title' => t('Example No'),
- '#size' => 5,
- '#maxlength' => 10,
- '#description' => t("Example number should be separated by dots only.<br />Example: 1.1.a &nbsp;or&nbsp; 1.1.1"),
- '#required' => TRUE,
- );
- $form['example_caption'] = array(
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#title' => t('Caption'),
- '#size' => 40,
- '#maxlength' => 255,
- '#description' => t('Example caption should contain only alphabets, numbers and spaces.'),
- '#required' => TRUE,
- );
- $form['example_warning'] = array(
- '#type' => 'item',
- '#title' => t('You should upload all the files (main or source files, result files, executable file if any)'),
- '#prefix' => '<div style="color:red">',
- '#suffix' => '</div>',
- );
- $form['sourcefile'] = array(
- '#type' => 'fieldset',
- '#title' => t('Main or Source Files'),
- '#collapsible' => FALSE,
- '#collapsed' => FALSE,
- );
- $form['sourcefile']['sourcefile1'] = array(
- '#type' => 'file',
- '#title' => t('Upload main or source file'),
- '#size' => 48,
- '#description' => t('Separate filenames with underscore. No spaces or any special characters allowed in filename.') . '<br />' .
- t('Allowed file extensions : ') . variable_get('textbook_companion_source_extensions', ''),
- );
- $form['dep_files'] = array(
- '#type' => 'item',
- '#title' => t('Dependency Files'),
- );
- /************ START OF EXISTING DEPENDENCIES **************/
- /* existing dependencies */
- $form['existing_depfile'] = array(
- '#type' => 'fieldset',
- '#title' => t('Use Already Existing Dependency Files'),
- '#collapsible' => FALSE,
- '#collapsed' => FALSE,
- '#prefix' => '<div id="existing-depfile-wrapper">',
- '#suffix' => '</div>',
- '#tree' => TRUE,
- );
- /* existing dependencies */
- $form['existing_depfile']['selected'] = array(
- '#type' => 'item',
- '#title' => t('Existing Dependency Files Selected'),
- '#markup' => '<div id="existing_depfile_selected"></div>',
- );
- /* $form['existing_depfile']['dep_book_title'] = array(
- '#type' => 'select',
- '#title' => t('Title of the Book'),
- '#options' => _list_of_book_titles(),
- );*/
- list($files_options, $files_options_class) = _list_of_book_dependency_files($preference_data->id);
-$form['existing_depfile']['dep_book'] = array(
- '#type' => 'item',
- '#title' => t('Dependency Files'),
- );
- $form['existing_depfile']['dep_chapter_example_files'] = array(
- '#type' => 'checkboxes',
- //'#title' => t('Dependency Files'),
- '#options' => $files_options,
- '#options_class' => $files_options_class,
- '#prefix' => '<div id="ckb" style="height:500px;overflow:auto;">',
- '#suffix' =>'</div>',
- '#multiple' => TRUE,
- );
- $form['existing_depfile']['dep_upload'] = array(
- '#type' => 'item',
- '#markup' => '<hr style="color:red">'. l('Upload New Depedency Files', 'textbook_companion/code/upload_dep'),
- );
- /************ END OF EXISTING DEPENDENCIES **************/
- $form['result'] = array(
- '#type' => 'fieldset',
- '#title' => t('Result Files'),
- '#collapsible' => FALSE,
- '#collapsed' => FALSE,
- );
- $form['result']['result1'] = array(
- '#type' => 'file',
- '#title' => t('Upload result file'),
- '#size' => 48,
- '#description' => t('Separate filenames with underscore. No spaces or any special characters allowed in filename.') . '<br />' .
- t('Allowed file extensions : ') . variable_get('textbook_companion_result_extensions', ''),
- );
- $form['result']['result2'] = array(
- '#type' => 'file',
- '#title' => t('Upload result file'),
- '#size' => 48,
- '#description' => t('Separate filenames with underscore. No spaces or any special characters allowed in filename.') . '<br />' .
- t('Allowed file extensions : ') . variable_get('textbook_companion_result_extensions', ''),
- );
- $form['xcos'] = array(
- '#type' => 'fieldset',
- '#title' => t('XCOS Files'),
- '#collapsible' => FALSE,
- '#collapsed' => FALSE,
- );
- $form['xcos']['xcos1'] = array(
- '#type' => 'file',
- '#title' => t('Upload xcos file'),
- '#size' => 48,
- '#description' => t('Separate filenames with underscore. No spaces or any special characters allowed in filename.') . '<br />' .
- t('Allowed file extensions : ') . variable_get('textbook_companion_xcos_extensions', ''),
- );
- $form['xcos']['xcos2'] = array(
- '#type' => 'file',
- '#title' => t('Upload xcos file'),
- '#size' => 48,
- '#description' => t('Separate filenames with underscore. No spaces or any special characters allowed in filename.') . '<br />' .
- t('Allowed file extensions : ') . variable_get('textbook_companion_xcos_extensions', ''),
- );
- $form['submit'] = array(
- '#type' => 'submit',
- '#value' => t('Submit')
- );
- $form['cancel'] = array(
- '#type' => 'markup',
- '#value' => l(t('Cancel'), 'textbook_companion/code'),
- );
- return $form;
+ drupal_add_js($chapter_name_js, 'inline', 'header');
+ $form['#attributes'] = array(
+ 'enctype' => "multipart/form-data"
+ );
+ $form['book_details']['book'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#markup' => $preference_data->book,
+ '#title' => t('Title of the Book')
+ );
+ $form['contributor_name'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#markup' => $proposal_data->full_name,
+ '#title' => t('Contributor Name')
+ );
+ $options = array(
+ '' => '(Select)'
+ );
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++)
+ {
+ $options[$i] = $i;
+ } //$i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++
+ //var_dump($options);
+ $form['number'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Chapter No'),
+ '#options' => $options,
+ // '#options' => array('' => '(Select)', '1' => '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10',
+ // '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20',
+ // '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30',
+ // '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40',
+ // '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50'),
+ '#multiple' => FALSE,
+ '#size' => 1,
+ '#required' => TRUE
+ );
+ $form['name'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'textfield',
+ '#title' => t('Title of the Chapter'),
+ '#size' => 40,
+ '#maxlength' => 255,
+ '#required' => TRUE
+ );
+ $form['example_number'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'textfield',
+ '#title' => t('Example No'),
+ '#size' => 5,
+ '#maxlength' => 10,
+ '#description' => t("Example number should be separated by dots only.<br />Example: 1.1.a &nbsp;or&nbsp; 1.1.1"),
+ '#required' => TRUE
+ );
+ $form['example_caption'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'textfield',
+ '#title' => t('Caption'),
+ '#size' => 40,
+ '#maxlength' => 255,
+ '#description' => t('Example caption should contain only alphabets, numbers and spaces.'),
+ '#required' => TRUE
+ );
+ $form['example_warning'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#title' => t('You should upload all the files (main or source files, result files, executable file if any)'),
+ '#prefix' => '<div style="color:red">',
+ '#suffix' => '</div>'
+ );
+ $form['sourcefile'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'fieldset',
+ '#title' => t('Main or Source Files'),
+ '#collapsible' => FALSE,
+ '#collapsed' => FALSE
+ );
+ $form['sourcefile']['sourcefile1'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'file',
+ '#title' => t('Upload main or source file'),
+ '#size' => 48,
+ '#description' => t('Separate filenames with underscore. No spaces or any special characters allowed in filename.') . '<br />' . t('Allowed file extensions : ') . variable_get('textbook_companion_source_extensions', '')
+ );
+ $form['dep_files'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#title' => t('Dependency Files')
+ );
+ /************ START OF EXISTING DEPENDENCIES **************/
+ /* existing dependencies */
+ $form['existing_depfile'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'fieldset',
+ '#title' => t('Use Already Existing Dependency Files'),
+ '#collapsible' => FALSE,
+ '#collapsed' => FALSE,
+ '#prefix' => '<div id="existing-depfile-wrapper">',
+ '#suffix' => '</div>',
+ '#tree' => TRUE
+ );
+ /* existing dependencies */
+ $form['existing_depfile']['selected'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#title' => t('Existing Dependency Files Selected'),
+ '#markup' => '<div id="existing_depfile_selected"></div>'
+ );
+ /* $form['existing_depfile']['dep_book_title'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Title of the Book'),
+ '#options' => _list_of_book_titles(),
+ );*/
+ list($files_options, $files_options_class) = _list_of_book_dependency_files($preference_data->id);
+ $form['existing_depfile']['dep_book'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#title' => t('Dependency Files')
+ );
+ $form['existing_depfile']['dep_chapter_example_files'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'checkboxes',
+ //'#title' => t('Dependency Files'),
+ '#options' => $files_options,
+ '#options_class' => $files_options_class,
+ '#prefix' => '<div id="ckb" style="height:500px;overflow:auto;">',
+ '#suffix' => '</div>',
+ '#multiple' => TRUE
+ );
+ $form['existing_depfile']['dep_upload'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#markup' => '<hr style="color:red">' . l('Upload New Depedency Files', 'textbook_companion/code/upload_dep')
+ );
+ /************ END OF EXISTING DEPENDENCIES **************/
+ $form['result'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'fieldset',
+ '#title' => t('Result Files'),
+ '#collapsible' => FALSE,
+ '#collapsed' => FALSE
+ );
+ $form['result']['result1'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'file',
+ '#title' => t('Upload result file'),
+ '#size' => 48,
+ '#description' => t('Separate filenames with underscore. No spaces or any special characters allowed in filename.') . '<br />' . t('Allowed file extensions : ') . variable_get('textbook_companion_result_extensions', '')
+ );
+ $form['result']['result2'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'file',
+ '#title' => t('Upload result file'),
+ '#size' => 48,
+ '#description' => t('Separate filenames with underscore. No spaces or any special characters allowed in filename.') . '<br />' . t('Allowed file extensions : ') . variable_get('textbook_companion_result_extensions', '')
+ );
+ $form['xcos'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'fieldset',
+ '#title' => t('XCOS Files'),
+ '#collapsible' => FALSE,
+ '#collapsed' => FALSE
+ );
+ $form['xcos']['xcos1'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'file',
+ '#title' => t('Upload xcos file'),
+ '#size' => 48,
+ '#description' => t('Separate filenames with underscore. No spaces or any special characters allowed in filename.') . '<br />' . t('Allowed file extensions : ') . variable_get('textbook_companion_xcos_extensions', '')
+ );
+ $form['xcos']['xcos2'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'file',
+ '#title' => t('Upload xcos file'),
+ '#size' => 48,
+ '#description' => t('Separate filenames with underscore. No spaces or any special characters allowed in filename.') . '<br />' . t('Allowed file extensions : ') . variable_get('textbook_companion_xcos_extensions', '')
+ );
+ $form['submit'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'submit',
+ '#value' => t('Submit')
+ );
+ $form['cancel'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'markup',
+ '#value' => l(t('Cancel'), 'textbook_companion/code')
+ );
+ return $form;
function upload_examples_form_validate($form, &$form_state)
- if (!check_name($form_state['values']['name']))
- form_set_error('name', t('Title of the Chapter can contain only alphabets, numbers and spaces.'));
- if (!check_name($form_state['values']['example_caption']))
- form_set_error('example_caption', t('Example Caption can contain only alphabets, numbers and spaces.'));
- if (!check_chapter_number($form_state['values']['example_number']))
- form_set_error('example_number', t('Invalid Example Number. Example Number can contain only alphabets and numbers sepereated by dot.'));
- if (isset($_FILES['files']))
- {
- /* check if atleast one source or result file is uploaded */
- if ( ! ($_FILES['files']['name']['sourcefile1'] || $_FILES['files']['name']['xcos1']))
- form_set_error('sourcefile1', t('Please upload atleast one main or source file or xcos file.'));
- /* check for valid filename extensions */
- foreach ($_FILES['files']['name'] as $file_form_name => $file_name)
- {
- if ($file_name)
- {
- /* checking file type */
- if (strstr($file_form_name, 'source'))
- $file_type = 'S';
- else if (strstr($file_form_name, 'result'))
- $file_type = 'R';
- else if (strstr($file_form_name, 'xcos'))
- $file_type = 'X';
- else
- $file_type = 'U';
- $allowed_extensions_str = '';
- switch ($file_type)
- {
- case 'S':
- $allowed_extensions_str = variable_get('textbook_companion_source_extensions', '');
- break;
- case 'R':
- $allowed_extensions_str = variable_get('textbook_companion_result_extensions', '');
- break;
- case 'X':
- $allowed_extensions_str = variable_get('textbook_companion_xcos_extensions', '');
- break;
- }
- $allowed_extensions = explode(',' , $allowed_extensions_str);
- $temp_extension = end(explode('.', strtolower($_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name])));
- if (!in_array($temp_extension, $allowed_extensions))
- form_set_error($file_form_name, t('Only file with ' . $allowed_extensions_str . ' extensions can be uploaded.'));
- if ($_FILES['files']['size'][$file_form_name] <= 0)
- form_set_error($file_form_name, t('File size cannot be zero.'));
- /* check if valid file name */
- if (!textbook_companion_check_valid_filename($_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name]))
- form_set_error($file_form_name, t('Invalid file name specified. Only alphabets, numbers and underscore is allowed as a valid filename.'));
- }
- }
- }
- /* add javascript again for automatic book title, check if example uploaded, dependency selection effects */
- $chapter_name_js = "(function ($) {
+ if (!check_name($form_state['values']['name']))
+ form_set_error('name', t('Title of the Chapter can contain only alphabets, numbers and spaces.'));
+ if (!check_name($form_state['values']['example_caption']))
+ form_set_error('example_caption', t('Example Caption can contain only alphabets, numbers and spaces.'));
+ if (!check_chapter_number($form_state['values']['example_number']))
+ form_set_error('example_number', t('Invalid Example Number. Example Number can contain only alphabets and numbers sepereated by dot.'));
+ if (isset($_FILES['files']))
+ {
+ /* check if atleast one source or result file is uploaded */
+ if (!($_FILES['files']['name']['sourcefile1'] || $_FILES['files']['name']['xcos1']))
+ form_set_error('sourcefile1', t('Please upload atleast one main or source file or xcos file.'));
+ /* check for valid filename extensions */
+ foreach ($_FILES['files']['name'] as $file_form_name => $file_name)
+ {
+ if ($file_name)
+ {
+ /* checking file type */
+ if (strstr($file_form_name, 'source'))
+ $file_type = 'S';
+ else if (strstr($file_form_name, 'result'))
+ $file_type = 'R';
+ else if (strstr($file_form_name, 'xcos'))
+ $file_type = 'X';
+ else
+ $file_type = 'U';
+ $allowed_extensions_str = '';
+ switch ($file_type)
+ {
+ case 'S':
+ $allowed_extensions_str = variable_get('textbook_companion_source_extensions', '');
+ break;
+ case 'R':
+ $allowed_extensions_str = variable_get('textbook_companion_result_extensions', '');
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ $allowed_extensions_str = variable_get('textbook_companion_xcos_extensions', '');
+ break;
+ } //$file_type
+ $allowed_extensions = explode(',', $allowed_extensions_str);
+ $temp_extension = end(explode('.', strtolower($_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name])));
+ if (!in_array($temp_extension, $allowed_extensions))
+ form_set_error($file_form_name, t('Only file with ' . $allowed_extensions_str . ' extensions can be uploaded.'));
+ if ($_FILES['files']['size'][$file_form_name] <= 0)
+ form_set_error($file_form_name, t('File size cannot be zero.'));
+ /* check if valid file name */
+ if (!textbook_companion_check_valid_filename($_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name]))
+ form_set_error($file_form_name, t('Invalid file name specified. Only alphabets, numbers and underscore is allowed as a valid filename.'));
+ } //$file_name
+ } //$_FILES['files']['name'] as $file_form_name => $file_name
+ } //isset($_FILES['files'])
+ /* add javascript again for automatic book title, check if example uploaded, dependency selection effects */
+ $chapter_name_js = "(function ($) {
$('#edit-number').change(function() {
$.get('" . base_path() . "textbook_companion/ajax/chapter_title/' + $('#edit-number').val() + '/' + " . $row->pre_id . ", function(data) {
@@ -398,456 +364,427 @@ function upload_examples_form_validate($form, &$form_state)
- drupal_add_js($chapter_name_js, 'inline', 'header');
+ drupal_add_js($chapter_name_js, 'inline', 'header');
-function upload_examples_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
- global $user;
- $root_path = textbook_companion_path();
- /************************ start approve book details ************************/
- /*$proposal_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_proposal} WHERE uid = %d ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", $user->uid);
- $proposal_data = db_fetch_object($proposal_q);*/
+function upload_examples_form_submit($form, &$form_state)
+ global $user;
+ $root_path = textbook_companion_path();
+ /************************ start approve book details ************************/
+ /*$proposal_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_proposal} WHERE uid = %d ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", $user->uid);
+ $proposal_data = db_fetch_object($proposal_q);*/
$query = db_select('textbook_companion_proposal');
$query->condition('uid', $user->uid);
$query->orderBy('id', 'DESC');
$query->range(0, 1);
$result = $query->execute();
- $proposal_data=$result->fetchObject();
- if (!$proposal_data)
- {
- drupal_set_message("Please submit a " . l('proposal', 'proposal') . ".", 'error');
- drupal_goto('');
- }
- if ($proposal_data->proposal_status != 1 && $proposal_data->proposal_status != 4)
- {
- switch ($proposal_data->proposal_status )
- {
- case 0:
- drupal_set_message(t('We have already received your proposal. We will get back to you soon.'), 'status');
- drupal_goto('');
- return;
- break;
- case 2:
- drupal_set_message(t('Your proposal has been dis-approved. Please create another proposal ' . l('here', 'proposal') . '.'), 'error');
- drupal_goto('');
- return;
- break;
- case 3:
- drupal_set_message(t('Congratulations! You have completed your last book proposal. You have to create another proposal ' . l('here', 'textbook_companion/proposal') . '.'), 'status');
- drupal_goto('');
- return;
- break;
- default:
- drupal_set_message(t('Invalid proposal state. Please contact site administrator for further information.'), 'error');
- drupal_goto('');
- return;
- break;
- }
- }
- /*$preference_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_preference} WHERE proposal_id = %d AND approval_status = 1 LIMIT 1", $proposal_data->id);
- $preference_data = db_fetch_object($preference_q);*/
+ $proposal_data = $result->fetchObject();
+ if (!$proposal_data)
+ {
+ drupal_set_message("Please submit a " . l('proposal', 'proposal') . ".", 'error');
+ drupal_goto('');
+ } //!$proposal_data
+ if ($proposal_data->proposal_status != 1 && $proposal_data->proposal_status != 4)
+ {
+ switch ($proposal_data->proposal_status)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ drupal_set_message(t('We have already received your proposal. We will get back to you soon.'), 'status');
+ drupal_goto('');
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ drupal_set_message(t('Your proposal has been dis-approved. Please create another proposal ' . l('here', 'proposal') . '.'), 'error');
+ drupal_goto('');
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ drupal_set_message(t('Congratulations! You have completed your last book proposal. You have to create another proposal ' . l('here', 'textbook_companion/proposal') . '.'), 'status');
+ drupal_goto('');
+ return;
+ break;
+ default:
+ drupal_set_message(t('Invalid proposal state. Please contact site administrator for further information.'), 'error');
+ drupal_goto('');
+ return;
+ break;
+ } //$proposal_data->proposal_status
+ } //$proposal_data->proposal_status != 1 && $proposal_data->proposal_status != 4
+ /*$preference_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_preference} WHERE proposal_id = %d AND approval_status = 1 LIMIT 1", $proposal_data->id);
+ $preference_data = db_fetch_object($preference_q);*/
$query = db_select('textbook_companion_preference');
$query->condition('proposal_id', $proposal_data->id);
$query->condition('approval_status', 1);
$query->range(0, 1);
$result = $query->execute();
- $preference_data=$result->fetchObject();
- if (!$preference_data)
- {
- drupal_set_message(t('Invalid Book Preference status. Please contact site administrator for further information.'), 'error');
- drupal_goto('');
- return;
- }
- /************************ end approve book details **************************/
- $preference_id = $preference_data->id;
- $dest_path = $preference_id . '/';
- if (!is_dir($root_path . $dest_path))
- mkdir($root_path . $dest_path);
- /* inserting chapter details */
- $chapter_id = 0;
- /*$chapter_result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_chapter} WHERE preference_id = %d AND number = %d", $preference_id, $form_state['values']['number']);*/
+ $preference_data = $result->fetchObject();
+ if (!$preference_data)
+ {
+ drupal_set_message(t('Invalid Book Preference status. Please contact site administrator for further information.'), 'error');
+ drupal_goto('');
+ return;
+ } //!$preference_data
+ /************************ end approve book details **************************/
+ $preference_id = $preference_data->id;
+ $dest_path = $preference_id . '/';
+ if (!is_dir($root_path . $dest_path))
+ mkdir($root_path . $dest_path);
+ /* inserting chapter details */
+ $chapter_id = 0;
+ /*$chapter_result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_chapter} WHERE preference_id = %d AND number = %d", $preference_id, $form_state['values']['number']);*/
$query = db_select('textbook_companion_chapter');
$query->condition('preference_id', $preference_id);
$query->condition('number', $form_state['values']['number']);
$chapter_result = $query->execute();
- if (!$chapter_row =$chapter_result->fetchObject())
- {
- /*db_query("INSERT INTO {textbook_companion_chapter} (preference_id, number, name) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s')",
- $preference_id,
- $form_state['values']['number'],
- $form_state['values']['name']
- );
- $chapter_id = db_last_insert_id('textbook_companion_chapter', 'id'); */
+ if (!$chapter_row = $chapter_result->fetchObject())
+ {
+ /*db_query("INSERT INTO {textbook_companion_chapter} (preference_id, number, name) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s')",
+ $preference_id,
+ $form_state['values']['number'],
+ $form_state['values']['name']
+ );
+ $chapter_id = db_last_insert_id('textbook_companion_chapter', 'id'); */
$query = "INSERT INTO {textbook_companion_chapter} (preference_id, number, name) VALUES(:preference_id, :number, :name)";
$args = array(
- ":preference_id"=> $preference_id,
- ":number"=> $form_state['values']['number'],
- ":name"=>$form_state['values']['name'],
- );
- $result = db_query($query, $args, array('return' => Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID));
- $chapter_id=$result;
- } else {
- $chapter_id = $chapter_row->id;
- /*db_query("UPDATE {textbook_companion_chapter} SET name = '%s' WHERE id = %d", $form_state['values']['name'], $chapter_id);*/
- $query = db_update('textbook_companion_chapter');
- $query->fields(array(
- 'name' =>$form_state['values']['name'],
- ));
- $query->condition('id',$chapter_id);
- $num_updated = $query->execute();
- }
- /* get example details - dont allow if already example present */
- /*$cur_example_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_example} WHERE chapter_id = %d AND number = '%s'", $chapter_id, $form_state['values']['example_number']);*/
+ ":preference_id" => $preference_id,
+ ":number" => $form_state['values']['number'],
+ ":name" => $form_state['values']['name']
+ );
+ $result = db_query($query, $args, array(
+ 'return' => Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID
+ ));
+ $chapter_id = $result;
+ } //!$chapter_row = $chapter_result->fetchObject()
+ else
+ {
+ $chapter_id = $chapter_row->id;
+ /*db_query("UPDATE {textbook_companion_chapter} SET name = '%s' WHERE id = %d", $form_state['values']['name'], $chapter_id);*/
+ $query = db_update('textbook_companion_chapter');
+ $query->fields(array(
+ 'name' => $form_state['values']['name']
+ ));
+ $query->condition('id', $chapter_id);
+ $num_updated = $query->execute();
+ }
+ /* get example details - dont allow if already example present */
+ /*$cur_example_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_example} WHERE chapter_id = %d AND number = '%s'", $chapter_id, $form_state['values']['example_number']);*/
$query = db_select('textbook_companion_example');
$query->condition('chapter_id', $chapter_id);
$query->condition('number', $form_state['values']['example_number']);
$cur_example_q = $query->execute();
- if ($cur_example_d = $cur_example_q->fetchObject())
- {
- if ($cur_example_d->approval_status == 1)
- {
- drupal_set_message(t("Example already approved. Cannot overwrite it."), 'error');
- drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
- return;
- } else if ($cur_example_d->approval_status == 0) {
- drupal_set_message(t("Example is under pending review. Delete the example and reupload it."), 'error');
- drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
- return;
- } else {
- drupal_set_message(t("Error uploading example. Please contact administrator."), 'error');
- drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
- return;
- }
- }
- /* creating directories */
- $dest_path .= 'CH' . $form_state['values']['number'] . '/';
- if (!is_dir($root_path . $dest_path))
- mkdir($root_path . $dest_path);
- $dest_path .= 'EX' . $form_state['values']['example_number'] . '/';
- if (!is_dir($root_path . $dest_path))
- mkdir($root_path . $dest_path);
- /* creating example database entry */
- /*db_query("INSERT INTO {textbook_companion_example} (chapter_id, number, caption, approval_status, timestamp) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d)",
- $chapter_id,
- $form_state['values']['example_number'],
- $form_state['values']['example_caption'],
- 0,
- time()
- );
- $example_id = db_last_insert_id('textbook_companion_example', 'id');*/
+ if ($cur_example_d = $cur_example_q->fetchObject())
+ {
+ if ($cur_example_d->approval_status == 1)
+ {
+ drupal_set_message(t("Example already approved. Cannot overwrite it."), 'error');
+ drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
+ return;
+ } //$cur_example_d->approval_status == 1
+ else if ($cur_example_d->approval_status == 0)
+ {
+ drupal_set_message(t("Example is under pending review. Delete the example and reupload it."), 'error');
+ drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
+ return;
+ } //$cur_example_d->approval_status == 0
+ else
+ {
+ drupal_set_message(t("Error uploading example. Please contact administrator."), 'error');
+ drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
+ return;
+ }
+ } //$cur_example_d = $cur_example_q->fetchObject()
+ /* creating directories */
+ $dest_path .= 'CH' . $form_state['values']['number'] . '/';
+ if (!is_dir($root_path . $dest_path))
+ mkdir($root_path . $dest_path);
+ $dest_path .= 'EX' . $form_state['values']['example_number'] . '/';
+ if (!is_dir($root_path . $dest_path))
+ mkdir($root_path . $dest_path);
+ /* creating example database entry */
+ /*db_query("INSERT INTO {textbook_companion_example} (chapter_id, number, caption, approval_status, timestamp) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d)",
+ $chapter_id,
+ $form_state['values']['example_number'],
+ $form_state['values']['example_caption'],
+ 0,
+ time()
+ );
+ $example_id = db_last_insert_id('textbook_companion_example', 'id');*/
$query = "INSERT INTO {textbook_companion_example} (approver_uid, chapter_id, number, caption, approval_date, approval_status, timestamp) VALUES (:approver_uid, :chapter_id, :number, :caption, :approval_date,:approval_status, :timestamp)";
- $args = array(
- ":approver_uid"=> 0,
- ":chapter_id"=> $chapter_id,
- ":number"=> $form_state['values']['example_number'],
- ":caption"=> $form_state['values']['example_caption'],
- ":approval_date"=>time(),
- ":approval_status"=> 0,
- ":timestamp"=>time(),
- );
- $result = db_query($query, $args, array('return' => Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID));
- $example_id =$result;
- /* linking existing dependencies */
- foreach ($form_state['values']['existing_depfile']['dep_chapter_example_files'] as $row)
- {
- if ($row > 0)
- {
- /* insterting into database */
- /*db_query("INSERT INTO {textbook_companion_example_dependency} (example_id, dependency_id, approval_status, timestamp)
- VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d)",
- $example_id,
- $row,
- 0,
- time()
- );*/
- $query = "INSERT INTO {textbook_companion_example_dependency} (example_id, dependency_id, approval_status, timestamp)
+ $args = array(
+ ":approver_uid" => 0,
+ ":chapter_id" => $chapter_id,
+ ":number" => $form_state['values']['example_number'],
+ ":caption" => $form_state['values']['example_caption'],
+ ":approval_date" => time(),
+ ":approval_status" => 0,
+ ":timestamp" => time()
+ );
+ $result = db_query($query, $args, array(
+ 'return' => Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID
+ ));
+ $example_id = $result;
+ /* linking existing dependencies */
+ foreach ($form_state['values']['existing_depfile']['dep_chapter_example_files'] as $row)
+ {
+ if ($row > 0)
+ {
+ /* insterting into database */
+ /*db_query("INSERT INTO {textbook_companion_example_dependency} (example_id, dependency_id, approval_status, timestamp)
+ VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d)",
+ $example_id,
+ $row,
+ 0,
+ time()
+ );*/
+ $query = "INSERT INTO {textbook_companion_example_dependency} (example_id, dependency_id, approval_status, timestamp)
VALUES (:example_id, :dependency_id, :approval_status, :timestamp)";
$args = array(
- ":example_id"=>$example_id,
- ":dependency_id"=>$row,
- ":approval_status"=> 0,
- ":timestamp"=>time(),
- );
- $result = db_query($query, $args, array('return' => Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID));
- }
- }
- /* uploading files */
- foreach ($_FILES['files']['name'] as $file_form_name => $file_name)
- {
- if ($file_name)
- {
- /* checking file type */
- if (strstr($file_form_name, 'source'))
- $file_type = 'S';
- else if (strstr($file_form_name, 'result'))
- $file_type = 'R';
- else if (strstr($file_form_name, 'xcos'))
- $file_type = 'X';
- else
- $file_type = 'U';
- if (file_exists($root_path . $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name]))
- {
- drupal_set_message(t("Error uploading file. File !filename already exists.", array('!filename' => $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name])), 'error');
- return;
- }
- /* uploading file */
- if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$file_form_name], $root_path . $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name]))
- {
- /* for uploaded files making an entry in the database */
- /*db_query("INSERT INTO {textbook_companion_example_files} (example_id, filename, filepath, filemime, filesize, filetype, timestamp)
- VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d)",
- $example_id,
- $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name],
- $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name],
- $_FILES['files']['type'][$file_form_name],
- $_FILES['files']['size'][$file_form_name],
- $file_type,
- time()
- );*/
- $query = "INSERT INTO {textbook_companion_example_files} (example_id, caption, filename, filepath,filemime, filesize, filetype, timestamp)
+ ":example_id" => $example_id,
+ ":dependency_id" => $row,
+ ":approval_status" => 0,
+ ":timestamp" => time()
+ );
+ $result = db_query($query, $args, array(
+ 'return' => Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID
+ ));
+ } //$row > 0
+ } //$form_state['values']['existing_depfile']['dep_chapter_example_files'] as $row
+ /* uploading files */
+ foreach ($_FILES['files']['name'] as $file_form_name => $file_name)
+ {
+ if ($file_name)
+ {
+ /* checking file type */
+ if (strstr($file_form_name, 'source'))
+ $file_type = 'S';
+ else if (strstr($file_form_name, 'result'))
+ $file_type = 'R';
+ else if (strstr($file_form_name, 'xcos'))
+ $file_type = 'X';
+ else
+ $file_type = 'U';
+ if (file_exists($root_path . $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name]))
+ {
+ drupal_set_message(t("Error uploading file. File !filename already exists.", array(
+ '!filename' => $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name]
+ )), 'error');
+ return;
+ } //file_exists($root_path . $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name])
+ /* uploading file */
+ if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$file_form_name], $root_path . $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name]))
+ {
+ /* for uploaded files making an entry in the database */
+ /*db_query("INSERT INTO {textbook_companion_example_files} (example_id, filename, filepath, filemime, filesize, filetype, timestamp)
+ VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d)",
+ $example_id,
+ $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name],
+ $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name],
+ $_FILES['files']['type'][$file_form_name],
+ $_FILES['files']['size'][$file_form_name],
+ $file_type,
+ time()
+ );*/
+ $query = "INSERT INTO {textbook_companion_example_files} (example_id, caption, filename, filepath,filemime, filesize, filetype, timestamp)
VALUES (:example_id, :caption, :filename, :filepath,:filemime, :filesize, :filetype, :timestamp)";
- $args = array(
- ":example_id"=>$example_id,
- ":caption" => 'None',
- ":filename"=>$_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name],
- ":filepath"=>$dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name],
- ":filemime"=>$_FILES['files']['type'][$file_form_name],
- ":filesize"=>$_FILES['files']['size'][$file_form_name],
- ":filetype"=> $file_type,
- ":timestamp"=>time(),
+ $args = array(
+ ":example_id" => $example_id,
+ ":caption" => 'None',
+ ":filename" => $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name],
+ ":filepath" => $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name],
+ ":filemime" => $_FILES['files']['type'][$file_form_name],
+ ":filesize" => $_FILES['files']['size'][$file_form_name],
+ ":filetype" => $file_type,
+ ":timestamp" => time()
- $result = db_query($query, $args, array('return' => Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID));
- drupal_set_message($file_name . ' uploaded successfully.', 'status');
- } else {
- drupal_set_message('Error uploading file : ' . $dest_path . '/' . $file_name, 'error');
- }
- }
- }
- drupal_set_message('Example uploaded successfully.', 'status');
- /* sending email */
- $email_to = $user->mail;
- $from = variable_get('textbook_companion_from_email', '');
- $bcc= variable_get('textbook_companion_emails', '');
- $cc=variable_get('textbook_companion_cc_emails', '');
- $params['example_uploaded']['example_id'] = $example_id;
- $params['example_uploaded']['user_id'] = $user->uid;
- $params['example_uploaded']['headers']=array('From'=>$from,'MIME-Version'=> '1.0',
- 'Content-Type'=> 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed; delsp=yes',
- 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => '8Bit',
- 'X-Mailer'=> 'Drupal','Cc' => $cc, 'Bcc' => $bcc);
- if (!drupal_mail('textbook_companion', 'example_uploaded', $email_to, language_default(), $params, $from, TRUE))
- drupal_set_message('Error sending email message.', 'error');
- drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
+ $result = db_query($query, $args, array(
+ 'return' => Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID
+ ));
+ drupal_set_message($file_name . ' uploaded successfully.', 'status');
+ } //move_uploaded_file($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$file_form_name], $root_path . $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name])
+ else
+ {
+ drupal_set_message('Error uploading file : ' . $dest_path . '/' . $file_name, 'error');
+ }
+ } //$file_name
+ } //$_FILES['files']['name'] as $file_form_name => $file_name
+ drupal_set_message('Example uploaded successfully.', 'status');
+ /* sending email */
+ $email_to = $user->mail;
+ $from = variable_get('textbook_companion_from_email', '');
+ $bcc = variable_get('textbook_companion_emails', '');
+ $cc = variable_get('textbook_companion_cc_emails', '');
+ $params['example_uploaded']['example_id'] = $example_id;
+ $params['example_uploaded']['user_id'] = $user->uid;
+ $params['example_uploaded']['headers'] = array(
+ 'From' => $from,
+ 'MIME-Version' => '1.0',
+ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed; delsp=yes',
+ 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => '8Bit',
+ 'X-Mailer' => 'Drupal',
+ 'Cc' => $cc,
+ 'Bcc' => $bcc
+ );
+ if (!drupal_mail('textbook_companion', 'example_uploaded', $email_to, language_default(), $params, $from, TRUE))
+ drupal_set_message('Error sending email message.', 'error');
+ drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
/***************************** DELETE EXAMPLE *********************************/
function _upload_examples_delete()
- global $user;
- $root_path = textbook_companion_path();
- $example_id = arg(3);
- /* check example */
- /*$example_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_example} WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", $example_id);
- $example_data = db_fetch_object($example_q);*/
+ global $user;
+ $root_path = textbook_companion_path();
+ $example_id = arg(3);
+ /* check example */
+ /*$example_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_example} WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", $example_id);
+ $example_data = db_fetch_object($example_q);*/
$query = db_select('textbook_companion_example');
$query->condition('id', $example_id);
$query->range(0, 1);
$result = $query->execute();
- $example_data=$result->fetchObject();
- if (!$example_data)
- {
- drupal_set_message('Invalid example.', 'error');
- drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
- return;
- }
- if ($example_data->approval_status != 0)
- {
- drupal_set_message('You cannnot delete an example after it has been approved. Please contact site administrator if you want to delete this example.', 'error');
- drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
- return;
- }
- /*$chapter_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_chapter} WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", $example_data->chapter_id);
- $chapter_data = db_fetch_object($chapter_q);*/
+ $example_data = $result->fetchObject();
+ if (!$example_data)
+ {
+ drupal_set_message('Invalid example.', 'error');
+ drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
+ return;
+ } //!$example_data
+ if ($example_data->approval_status != 0)
+ {
+ drupal_set_message('You cannnot delete an example after it has been approved. Please contact site administrator if you want to delete this example.', 'error');
+ drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
+ return;
+ } //$example_data->approval_status != 0
+ /*$chapter_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_chapter} WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", $example_data->chapter_id);
+ $chapter_data = db_fetch_object($chapter_q);*/
$query = db_select('textbook_companion_chapter');
- $query->condition('id', $example_data->chapter_id);
+ $query->condition('id', $example_data->chapter_id);
$query->range(0, 1);
$result = $query->execute();
- $chapter_data=$result->fetchObject();
- if (!$chapter_data)
- {
- drupal_set_message('You do not have permission to delete this example.', 'error');
- drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
- return;
- }
- /*$preference_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_preference} WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", $chapter_data->preference_id);
- $preference_data = db_fetch_object($preference_q);*/
+ $chapter_data = $result->fetchObject();
+ if (!$chapter_data)
+ {
+ drupal_set_message('You do not have permission to delete this example.', 'error');
+ drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
+ return;
+ } //!$chapter_data
+ /*$preference_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_preference} WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", $chapter_data->preference_id);
+ $preference_data = db_fetch_object($preference_q);*/
$query = db_select('textbook_companion_preference');
$query->condition('id', $chapter_data->preference_id);
$query->range(0, 1);
$result = $query->execute();
- $preference_data=$result->fetchObject();
- if (!$preference_data)
- {
- drupal_set_message('You do not have permission to delete this example.', 'error');
- drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
- return;
- }
- /*$proposal_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_proposal} WHERE id = %d AND uid = %d LIMIT 1", $preference_data->proposal_id, $user->uid);
- $proposal_data = db_fetch_object($proposal_q);*/
+ $preference_data = $result->fetchObject();
+ if (!$preference_data)
+ {
+ drupal_set_message('You do not have permission to delete this example.', 'error');
+ drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
+ return;
+ } //!$preference_data
+ /*$proposal_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_proposal} WHERE id = %d AND uid = %d LIMIT 1", $preference_data->proposal_id, $user->uid);
+ $proposal_data = db_fetch_object($proposal_q);*/
$query = db_select('textbook_companion_proposal');
$query->condition('id', $preference_data->proposal_id);
$query->condition('uid', $user->uid);
$query->range(0, 1);
$result = $query->execute();
- $proposal_data=$result->fetchObject();
- if (!$proposal_data)
- {
- drupal_set_message('You do not have permission to delete this example.', 'error');
- drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
- return;
- }
- /* deleting example files */
- if (delete_example($example_data->id))
- {
- drupal_set_message('Example deleted.', 'status');
- /* sending email */
- $email_to = $user->mail;
- $from = variable_get('textbook_companion_from_email', '');
- $bcc= variable_get('textbook_companion_emails', '');
- $cc=variable_get('textbook_companion_cc_emails', '');
- $params['example_deleted_user']['book_title'] = $preference_data->book;
- $params['example_deleted_user']['chapter_title'] = $chapter_data->name;
- $params['example_deleted_user']['example_number'] = $example_data->number;
- $params['example_deleted_user']['example_caption'] = $example_data->caption;
- $params['example_deleted_user']['user_id'] = $user->uid;
- $params['example_deleted_user']['headers']=array('From'=>$from,'MIME-Version'=> '1.0',
- 'Content-Type'=> 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed; delsp=yes',
- 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => '8Bit',
- 'X-Mailer'=> 'Drupal','Cc' => $cc, 'Bcc' => $bcc);
- if (!drupal_mail('textbook_companion', 'example_deleted_user', $email_to, language_default(), $params, $from, TRUE))
- drupal_set_message('Error sending email message.', 'error');
- } else {
- drupal_set_message('Error deleting example.', 'status');
- }
- drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
- return;
+ $proposal_data = $result->fetchObject();
+ if (!$proposal_data)
+ {
+ drupal_set_message('You do not have permission to delete this example.', 'error');
+ drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
+ return;
+ } //!$proposal_data
+ /* deleting example files */
+ if (delete_example($example_data->id))
+ {
+ drupal_set_message('Example deleted.', 'status');
+ /* sending email */
+ $email_to = $user->mail;
+ $from = variable_get('textbook_companion_from_email', '');
+ $bcc = variable_get('textbook_companion_emails', '');
+ $cc = variable_get('textbook_companion_cc_emails', '');
+ $params['example_deleted_user']['book_title'] = $preference_data->book;
+ $params['example_deleted_user']['chapter_title'] = $chapter_data->name;
+ $params['example_deleted_user']['example_number'] = $example_data->number;
+ $params['example_deleted_user']['example_caption'] = $example_data->caption;
+ $params['example_deleted_user']['user_id'] = $user->uid;
+ $params['example_deleted_user']['headers'] = array(
+ 'From' => $from,
+ 'MIME-Version' => '1.0',
+ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed; delsp=yes',
+ 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => '8Bit',
+ 'X-Mailer' => 'Drupal',
+ 'Cc' => $cc,
+ 'Bcc' => $bcc
+ );
+ if (!drupal_mail('textbook_companion', 'example_deleted_user', $email_to, language_default(), $params, $from, TRUE))
+ drupal_set_message('Error sending email message.', 'error');
+ } //delete_example($example_data->id)
+ else
+ {
+ drupal_set_message('Error deleting example.', 'status');
+ }
+ drupal_goto('textbook_companion/code');
+ return;
/************************** GENERAL FUNCTIONS *********************************/
function _list_of_book_titles()
- $book_titles = array('0' => 'Please select...');
- /*$book_titles_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_preference} WHERE approval_status = 1 OR approval_status = 3 ORDER BY book ASC");*/
+ $book_titles = array(
+ '0' => 'Please select...'
+ );
+ /*$book_titles_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_preference} WHERE approval_status = 1 OR approval_status = 3 ORDER BY book ASC");*/
$query = db_select('textbook_companion_preference');
$or = db_or();
$or->condition('approval_status', 1);
$or->condition('approval_status', 3);
$query->orderBy('book', 'ASC');
$book_titles_q = $query->execute();
- while ($book_titles_data =$book_titles_q->fetchObject())
- {
- $book_titles[$book_titles_data->id] = $book_titles_data->book . ' (Written by ' . $book_titles_data->author . ')';
- }
- return $book_titles;
+ while ($book_titles_data = $book_titles_q->fetchObject())
+ {
+ $book_titles[$book_titles_data->id] = $book_titles_data->book . ' (Written by ' . $book_titles_data->author . ')';
+ } //$book_titles_data = $book_titles_q->fetchObject()
+ return $book_titles;
function _list_of_book_dependency_files($book_id)
- global $user;
- $book_dependency_files = array();
- $book_dependency_files_class = array();
- $query = db_select('textbook_companion_dependency_files');
- $query->fields('textbook_companion_dependency_files');
- $query->condition('preference_id', $book_id);
- $query->orderBy('filename', 'ASC');
- $book_dependency_files_q = $query->execute();
- while ($book_dependency_files_data = $book_dependency_files_q->fetchObject())
- {
- $temp_caption = '';
- if ($book_dependency_files_data->caption){
- $book_dependency_files[$book_dependency_files_data->id] = l($book_dependency_files_data->filename , 'download/dependency/' . $book_dependency_files_data->id, array('attributes' => array('class' => 'title'))). $temp_caption;
- $book_dependency_files_class[$book_dependency_files_data->id] = $book_dependency_files_data->preference_id;
- }
- }
- return array($book_dependency_files, $book_dependency_files_class);
+ global $user;
+ $book_dependency_files = array();
+ $book_dependency_files_class = array();
+ $query = db_select('textbook_companion_dependency_files');
+ $query->fields('textbook_companion_dependency_files');
+ $query->condition('preference_id', $book_id);
+ $query->orderBy('filename', 'ASC');
+ $book_dependency_files_q = $query->execute();
+ while ($book_dependency_files_data = $book_dependency_files_q->fetchObject())
+ {
+ $temp_caption = '';
+ if ($book_dependency_files_data->caption)
+ {
+ $book_dependency_files[$book_dependency_files_data->id] = l($book_dependency_files_data->filename, 'download/dependency/' . $book_dependency_files_data->id, array(
+ 'attributes' => array(
+ 'class' => 'title'
+ )
+ )) . $temp_caption;
+ $book_dependency_files_class[$book_dependency_files_data->id] = $book_dependency_files_data->preference_id;
+ } //$book_dependency_files_data->caption
+ } //$book_dependency_files_data = $book_dependency_files_q->fetchObject()
+ return array(
+ $book_dependency_files,
+ $book_dependency_files_class
+ );