path: root/pdf/fpdf/makefont
diff options
authorroot2013-08-13 12:25:45 +0530
committerroot2013-08-13 12:25:45 +0530
commitd08a74c09b2974ab9db2e4ac12627da62d19f912 (patch)
treedb2297f62e563e3f3bbfa7643d7bc5b8e9882e01 /pdf/fpdf/makefont
initial repo 13-08-2013
Diffstat (limited to 'pdf/fpdf/makefont')
22 files changed, 5658 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pdf/fpdf/makefont/ b/pdf/fpdf/makefont/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ec110af
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+!14 U+0014 .notdef
+!15 U+0015 .notdef
+!16 U+0016 .notdef
+!17 U+0017 .notdef
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+!77 U+0077 w
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+!F9 U+016F uring
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+!FB U+0171 uhungarumlaut
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diff --git a/pdf/fpdf/makefont/ b/pdf/fpdf/makefont/
new file mode 100755
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+!16 U+0016 .notdef
+!17 U+0017 .notdef
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+!67 U+0067 g
+!68 U+0068 h
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+!6A U+006A j
+!6B U+006B k
+!6C U+006C l
+!6D U+006D m
+!6E U+006E n
+!6F U+006F o
+!70 U+0070 p
+!71 U+0071 q
+!72 U+0072 r
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+!74 U+0074 t
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+!77 U+0077 w
+!78 U+0078 x
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diff --git a/pdf/fpdf/makefont/ b/pdf/fpdf/makefont/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dd490e5
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+!51 U+0051 Q
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+!54 U+0054 T
+!55 U+0055 U
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+!57 U+0057 W
+!58 U+0058 X
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+!5A U+005A Z
+!5B U+005B bracketleft
+!5C U+005C backslash
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+!62 U+0062 b
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+!64 U+0064 d
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+!67 U+0067 g
+!68 U+0068 h
+!69 U+0069 i
+!6A U+006A j
+!6B U+006B k
+!6C U+006C l
+!6D U+006D m
+!6E U+006E n
+!6F U+006F o
+!70 U+0070 p
+!71 U+0071 q
+!72 U+0072 r
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+!74 U+0074 t
+!75 U+0075 u
+!76 U+0076 v
+!77 U+0077 w
+!78 U+0078 x
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+!8B U+2039 guilsinglleft
+!8C U+0152 OE
+!8E U+017D Zcaron
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+!94 U+201D quotedblright
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+!F7 U+03C7 chi
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+!6F U+006F o
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+!71 U+0071 q
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+!F9 U+016F uring
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+!C5 U+00C5 Aring
+!C6 U+00C6 AE
+!C7 U+012E Iogonek
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+!E5 U+00E5 aring
+!E6 U+00E6 ae
+!E7 U+012F iogonek
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+!F5 U+00F5 otilde
+!F6 U+00F6 odieresis
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+!F8 U+00F8 oslash
+!F9 U+0173 uogonek
+!FA U+00FA uacute
+!FB U+00FB ucircumflex
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+!EE U+041D afii10031
+!EF U+041E afii10032
+!F0 U+041F afii10033
+!F1 U+042F afii10049
+!F2 U+0420 afii10034
+!F3 U+0421 afii10035
+!F4 U+0422 afii10036
+!F5 U+0423 afii10037
+!F6 U+0416 afii10024
+!F7 U+0412 afii10019
+!F8 U+042C afii10046
+!F9 U+042B afii10045
+!FA U+0417 afii10025
+!FB U+0428 afii10042
+!FC U+042D afii10047
+!FD U+0429 afii10043
+!FE U+0427 afii10041
+!FF U+042A afii10044
diff --git a/pdf/fpdf/makefont/ b/pdf/fpdf/makefont/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..40a7e4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pdf/fpdf/makefont/
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+!00 U+0000 .notdef
+!01 U+0001 .notdef
+!02 U+0002 .notdef
+!03 U+0003 .notdef
+!04 U+0004 .notdef
+!05 U+0005 .notdef
+!06 U+0006 .notdef
+!07 U+0007 .notdef
+!08 U+0008 .notdef
+!09 U+0009 .notdef
+!0A U+000A .notdef
+!0B U+000B .notdef
+!0C U+000C .notdef
+!0D U+000D .notdef
+!0E U+000E .notdef
+!0F U+000F .notdef
+!10 U+0010 .notdef
+!11 U+0011 .notdef
+!12 U+0012 .notdef
+!13 U+0013 .notdef
+!14 U+0014 .notdef
+!15 U+0015 .notdef
+!16 U+0016 .notdef
+!17 U+0017 .notdef
+!18 U+0018 .notdef
+!19 U+0019 .notdef
+!1A U+001A .notdef
+!1B U+001B .notdef
+!1C U+001C .notdef
+!1D U+001D .notdef
+!1E U+001E .notdef
+!1F U+001F .notdef
+!20 U+0020 space
+!21 U+0021 exclam
+!22 U+0022 quotedbl
+!23 U+0023 numbersign
+!24 U+0024 dollar
+!25 U+0025 percent
+!26 U+0026 ampersand
+!27 U+0027 quotesingle
+!28 U+0028 parenleft
+!29 U+0029 parenright
+!2A U+002A asterisk
+!2B U+002B plus
+!2C U+002C comma
+!2D U+002D hyphen
+!2E U+002E period
+!2F U+002F slash
+!30 U+0030 zero
+!31 U+0031 one
+!32 U+0032 two
+!33 U+0033 three
+!34 U+0034 four
+!35 U+0035 five
+!36 U+0036 six
+!37 U+0037 seven
+!38 U+0038 eight
+!39 U+0039 nine
+!3A U+003A colon
+!3B U+003B semicolon
+!3C U+003C less
+!3D U+003D equal
+!3E U+003E greater
+!3F U+003F question
+!40 U+0040 at
+!41 U+0041 A
+!42 U+0042 B
+!43 U+0043 C
+!44 U+0044 D
+!45 U+0045 E
+!46 U+0046 F
+!47 U+0047 G
+!48 U+0048 H
+!49 U+0049 I
+!4A U+004A J
+!4B U+004B K
+!4C U+004C L
+!4D U+004D M
+!4E U+004E N
+!4F U+004F O
+!50 U+0050 P
+!51 U+0051 Q
+!52 U+0052 R
+!53 U+0053 S
+!54 U+0054 T
+!55 U+0055 U
+!56 U+0056 V
+!57 U+0057 W
+!58 U+0058 X
+!59 U+0059 Y
+!5A U+005A Z
+!5B U+005B bracketleft
+!5C U+005C backslash
+!5D U+005D bracketright
+!5E U+005E asciicircum
+!5F U+005F underscore
+!60 U+0060 grave
+!61 U+0061 a
+!62 U+0062 b
+!63 U+0063 c
+!64 U+0064 d
+!65 U+0065 e
+!66 U+0066 f
+!67 U+0067 g
+!68 U+0068 h
+!69 U+0069 i
+!6A U+006A j
+!6B U+006B k
+!6C U+006C l
+!6D U+006D m
+!6E U+006E n
+!6F U+006F o
+!70 U+0070 p
+!71 U+0071 q
+!72 U+0072 r
+!73 U+0073 s
+!74 U+0074 t
+!75 U+0075 u
+!76 U+0076 v
+!77 U+0077 w
+!78 U+0078 x
+!79 U+0079 y
+!7A U+007A z
+!7B U+007B braceleft
+!7C U+007C bar
+!7D U+007D braceright
+!7E U+007E asciitilde
+!7F U+007F .notdef
+!80 U+2500 SF100000
+!81 U+2502 SF110000
+!82 U+250C SF010000
+!83 U+2510 SF030000
+!84 U+2514 SF020000
+!85 U+2518 SF040000
+!86 U+251C SF080000
+!87 U+2524 SF090000
+!88 U+252C SF060000
+!89 U+2534 SF070000
+!8A U+253C SF050000
+!8B U+2580 upblock
+!8C U+2584 dnblock
+!8D U+2588 block
+!8E U+258C lfblock
+!8F U+2590 rtblock
+!90 U+2591 ltshade
+!91 U+2592 shade
+!92 U+2593 dkshade
+!93 U+2320 integraltp
+!94 U+25A0 filledbox
+!95 U+2022 bullet
+!96 U+221A radical
+!97 U+2248 approxequal
+!98 U+2264 lessequal
+!99 U+2265 greaterequal
+!9A U+00A0 space
+!9B U+2321 integralbt
+!9C U+00B0 degree
+!9D U+00B2 twosuperior
+!9E U+00B7 periodcentered
+!9F U+00F7 divide
+!A0 U+2550 SF430000
+!A1 U+2551 SF240000
+!A2 U+2552 SF510000
+!A3 U+0451 afii10071
+!A4 U+0454 afii10101
+!A5 U+2554 SF390000
+!A6 U+0456 afii10103
+!A7 U+0457 afii10104
+!A8 U+2557 SF250000
+!A9 U+2558 SF500000
+!AA U+2559 SF490000
+!AB U+255A SF380000
+!AC U+255B SF280000
+!AD U+0491 afii10098
+!AE U+255D SF260000
+!AF U+255E SF360000
+!B0 U+255F SF370000
+!B1 U+2560 SF420000
+!B2 U+2561 SF190000
+!B3 U+0401 afii10023
+!B4 U+0404 afii10053
+!B5 U+2563 SF230000
+!B6 U+0406 afii10055
+!B7 U+0407 afii10056
+!B8 U+2566 SF410000
+!B9 U+2567 SF450000
+!BA U+2568 SF460000
+!BB U+2569 SF400000
+!BC U+256A SF540000
+!BD U+0490 afii10050
+!BE U+256C SF440000
+!BF U+00A9 copyright
+!C0 U+044E afii10096
+!C1 U+0430 afii10065
+!C2 U+0431 afii10066
+!C3 U+0446 afii10088
+!C4 U+0434 afii10069
+!C5 U+0435 afii10070
+!C6 U+0444 afii10086
+!C7 U+0433 afii10068
+!C8 U+0445 afii10087
+!C9 U+0438 afii10074
+!CA U+0439 afii10075
+!CB U+043A afii10076
+!CC U+043B afii10077
+!CD U+043C afii10078
+!CE U+043D afii10079
+!CF U+043E afii10080
+!D0 U+043F afii10081
+!D1 U+044F afii10097
+!D2 U+0440 afii10082
+!D3 U+0441 afii10083
+!D4 U+0442 afii10084
+!D5 U+0443 afii10085
+!D6 U+0436 afii10072
+!D7 U+0432 afii10067
+!D8 U+044C afii10094
+!D9 U+044B afii10093
+!DA U+0437 afii10073
+!DB U+0448 afii10090
+!DC U+044D afii10095
+!DD U+0449 afii10091
+!DE U+0447 afii10089
+!DF U+044A afii10092
+!E0 U+042E afii10048
+!E1 U+0410 afii10017
+!E2 U+0411 afii10018
+!E3 U+0426 afii10040
+!E4 U+0414 afii10021
+!E5 U+0415 afii10022
+!E6 U+0424 afii10038
+!E7 U+0413 afii10020
+!E8 U+0425 afii10039
+!E9 U+0418 afii10026
+!EA U+0419 afii10027
+!EB U+041A afii10028
+!EC U+041B afii10029
+!ED U+041C afii10030
+!EE U+041D afii10031
+!EF U+041E afii10032
+!F0 U+041F afii10033
+!F1 U+042F afii10049
+!F2 U+0420 afii10034
+!F3 U+0421 afii10035
+!F4 U+0422 afii10036
+!F5 U+0423 afii10037
+!F6 U+0416 afii10024
+!F7 U+0412 afii10019
+!F8 U+042C afii10046
+!F9 U+042B afii10045
+!FA U+0417 afii10025
+!FB U+0428 afii10042
+!FC U+042D afii10047
+!FD U+0429 afii10043
+!FE U+0427 afii10041
+!FF U+042A afii10044
diff --git a/pdf/fpdf/makefont/makefont.php b/pdf/fpdf/makefont/makefont.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..78db0aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pdf/fpdf/makefont/makefont.php
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+* Utility to generate font definition files *
+* *
+* Version: 1.2 *
+* Date: 2011-06-18 *
+* Author: Olivier PLATHEY *
+function Message($txt, $severity='')
+ if(PHP_SAPI=='cli')
+ {
+ if($severity)
+ echo "$severity: ";
+ echo "$txt\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if($severity)
+ echo "<b>$severity</b>: ";
+ echo "$txt<br>";
+ }
+function Notice($txt)
+ Message($txt, 'Notice');
+function Warning($txt)
+ Message($txt, 'Warning');
+function Error($txt)
+ Message($txt, 'Error');
+ exit;
+function LoadMap($enc)
+ $file = dirname(__FILE__).'/'.strtolower($enc).'.map';
+ $a = file($file);
+ if(empty($a))
+ Error('Encoding not found: '.$enc);
+ $map = array_fill(0, 256, array('uv'=>-1, 'name'=>'.notdef'));
+ foreach($a as $line)
+ {
+ $e = explode(' ', rtrim($line));
+ $c = hexdec(substr($e[0],1));
+ $uv = hexdec(substr($e[1],2));
+ $name = $e[2];
+ $map[$c] = array('uv'=>$uv, 'name'=>$name);
+ }
+ return $map;
+function GetInfoFromTrueType($file, $embed, $map)
+ // Return informations from a TrueType font
+ $ttf = new TTFParser();
+ $ttf->Parse($file);
+ if($embed)
+ {
+ if(!$ttf->Embeddable)
+ Error('Font license does not allow embedding');
+ $info['Data'] = file_get_contents($file);
+ $info['OriginalSize'] = filesize($file);
+ }
+ $k = 1000/$ttf->unitsPerEm;
+ $info['FontName'] = $ttf->postScriptName;
+ $info['Bold'] = $ttf->Bold;
+ $info['ItalicAngle'] = $ttf->italicAngle;
+ $info['IsFixedPitch'] = $ttf->isFixedPitch;
+ $info['Ascender'] = round($k*$ttf->typoAscender);
+ $info['Descender'] = round($k*$ttf->typoDescender);
+ $info['UnderlineThickness'] = round($k*$ttf->underlineThickness);
+ $info['UnderlinePosition'] = round($k*$ttf->underlinePosition);
+ $info['FontBBox'] = array(round($k*$ttf->xMin), round($k*$ttf->yMin), round($k*$ttf->xMax), round($k*$ttf->yMax));
+ $info['CapHeight'] = round($k*$ttf->capHeight);
+ $info['MissingWidth'] = round($k*$ttf->widths[0]);
+ $widths = array_fill(0, 256, $info['MissingWidth']);
+ for($c=0;$c<=255;$c++)
+ {
+ if($map[$c]['name']!='.notdef')
+ {
+ $uv = $map[$c]['uv'];
+ if(isset($ttf->chars[$uv]))
+ {
+ $w = $ttf->widths[$ttf->chars[$uv]];
+ $widths[$c] = round($k*$w);
+ }
+ else
+ Warning('Character '.$map[$c]['name'].' is missing');
+ }
+ }
+ $info['Widths'] = $widths;
+ return $info;
+function GetInfoFromType1($file, $embed, $map)
+ // Return informations from a Type1 font
+ if($embed)
+ {
+ $f = fopen($file, 'rb');
+ if(!$f)
+ Error('Can\'t open font file');
+ // Read first segment
+ $a = unpack('Cmarker/Ctype/Vsize', fread($f,6));
+ if($a['marker']!=128)
+ Error('Font file is not a valid binary Type1');
+ $size1 = $a['size'];
+ $data = fread($f, $size1);
+ // Read second segment
+ $a = unpack('Cmarker/Ctype/Vsize', fread($f,6));
+ if($a['marker']!=128)
+ Error('Font file is not a valid binary Type1');
+ $size2 = $a['size'];
+ $data .= fread($f, $size2);
+ fclose($f);
+ $info['Data'] = $data;
+ $info['Size1'] = $size1;
+ $info['Size2'] = $size2;
+ }
+ $afm = substr($file, 0, -3).'afm';
+ if(!file_exists($afm))
+ Error('AFM font file not found: '.$afm);
+ $a = file($afm);
+ if(empty($a))
+ Error('AFM file empty or not readable');
+ foreach($a as $line)
+ {
+ $e = explode(' ', rtrim($line));
+ if(count($e)<2)
+ continue;
+ $entry = $e[0];
+ if($entry=='C')
+ {
+ $w = $e[4];
+ $name = $e[7];
+ $cw[$name] = $w;
+ }
+ elseif($entry=='FontName')
+ $info['FontName'] = $e[1];
+ elseif($entry=='Weight')
+ $info['Weight'] = $e[1];
+ elseif($entry=='ItalicAngle')
+ $info['ItalicAngle'] = (int)$e[1];
+ elseif($entry=='Ascender')
+ $info['Ascender'] = (int)$e[1];
+ elseif($entry=='Descender')
+ $info['Descender'] = (int)$e[1];
+ elseif($entry=='UnderlineThickness')
+ $info['UnderlineThickness'] = (int)$e[1];
+ elseif($entry=='UnderlinePosition')
+ $info['UnderlinePosition'] = (int)$e[1];
+ elseif($entry=='IsFixedPitch')
+ $info['IsFixedPitch'] = ($e[1]=='true');
+ elseif($entry=='FontBBox')
+ $info['FontBBox'] = array((int)$e[1], (int)$e[2], (int)$e[3], (int)$e[4]);
+ elseif($entry=='CapHeight')
+ $info['CapHeight'] = (int)$e[1];
+ elseif($entry=='StdVW')
+ $info['StdVW'] = (int)$e[1];
+ }
+ if(!isset($info['FontName']))
+ Error('FontName missing in AFM file');
+ $info['Bold'] = isset($info['Weight']) && preg_match('/bold|black/i', $info['Weight']);
+ if(isset($cw['.notdef']))
+ $info['MissingWidth'] = $cw['.notdef'];
+ else
+ $info['MissingWidth'] = 0;
+ $widths = array_fill(0, 256, $info['MissingWidth']);
+ for($c=0;$c<=255;$c++)
+ {
+ $name = $map[$c]['name'];
+ if($name!='.notdef')
+ {
+ if(isset($cw[$name]))
+ $widths[$c] = $cw[$name];
+ else
+ Warning('Character '.$name.' is missing');
+ }
+ }
+ $info['Widths'] = $widths;
+ return $info;
+function MakeFontDescriptor($info)
+ // Ascent
+ $fd = "array('Ascent'=>".$info['Ascender'];
+ // Descent
+ $fd .= ",'Descent'=>".$info['Descender'];
+ // CapHeight
+ if(!empty($info['CapHeight']))
+ $fd .= ",'CapHeight'=>".$info['CapHeight'];
+ else
+ $fd .= ",'CapHeight'=>".$info['Ascender'];
+ // Flags
+ $flags = 0;
+ if($info['IsFixedPitch'])
+ $flags += 1<<0;
+ $flags += 1<<5;
+ if($info['ItalicAngle']!=0)
+ $flags += 1<<6;
+ $fd .= ",'Flags'=>".$flags;
+ // FontBBox
+ $fbb = $info['FontBBox'];
+ $fd .= ",'FontBBox'=>'[".$fbb[0].' '.$fbb[1].' '.$fbb[2].' '.$fbb[3]."]'";
+ // ItalicAngle
+ $fd .= ",'ItalicAngle'=>".$info['ItalicAngle'];
+ // StemV
+ if(isset($info['StdVW']))
+ $stemv = $info['StdVW'];
+ elseif($info['Bold'])
+ $stemv = 120;
+ else
+ $stemv = 70;
+ $fd .= ",'StemV'=>".$stemv;
+ // MissingWidth
+ $fd .= ",'MissingWidth'=>".$info['MissingWidth'].')';
+ return $fd;
+function MakeWidthArray($widths)
+ $s = "array(\n\t";
+ for($c=0;$c<=255;$c++)
+ {
+ if(chr($c)=="'")
+ $s .= "'\\''";
+ elseif(chr($c)=="\\")
+ $s .= "'\\\\'";
+ elseif($c>=32 && $c<=126)
+ $s .= "'".chr($c)."'";
+ else
+ $s .= "chr($c)";
+ $s .= '=>'.$widths[$c];
+ if($c<255)
+ $s .= ',';
+ if(($c+1)%22==0)
+ $s .= "\n\t";
+ }
+ $s .= ')';
+ return $s;
+function MakeFontEncoding($map)
+ // Build differences from reference encoding
+ $ref = LoadMap('cp1252');
+ $s = '';
+ $last = 0;
+ for($c=32;$c<=255;$c++)
+ {
+ if($map[$c]['name']!=$ref[$c]['name'])
+ {
+ if($c!=$last+1)
+ $s .= $c.' ';
+ $last = $c;
+ $s .= '/'.$map[$c]['name'].' ';
+ }
+ }
+ return rtrim($s);
+function SaveToFile($file, $s, $mode)
+ $f = fopen($file, 'w'.$mode);
+ if(!$f)
+ Error('Can\'t write to file '.$file);
+ fwrite($f, $s, strlen($s));
+ fclose($f);
+function MakeDefinitionFile($file, $type, $enc, $embed, $map, $info)
+ $s = "<?php\n";
+ $s .= '$type = \''.$type."';\n";
+ $s .= '$name = \''.$info['FontName']."';\n";
+ $s .= '$desc = '.MakeFontDescriptor($info).";\n";
+ $s .= '$up = '.$info['UnderlinePosition'].";\n";
+ $s .= '$ut = '.$info['UnderlineThickness'].";\n";
+ $s .= '$cw = '.MakeWidthArray($info['Widths']).";\n";
+ $s .= '$enc = \''.$enc."';\n";
+ $diff = MakeFontEncoding($map);
+ if($diff)
+ $s .= '$diff = \''.$diff."';\n";
+ if($embed)
+ {
+ $s .= '$file = \''.$info['File']."';\n";
+ if($type=='Type1')
+ {
+ $s .= '$size1 = '.$info['Size1'].";\n";
+ $s .= '$size2 = '.$info['Size2'].";\n";
+ }
+ else
+ $s .= '$originalsize = '.$info['OriginalSize'].";\n";
+ }
+ $s .= "?>\n";
+ SaveToFile($file, $s, 't');
+function MakeFont($fontfile, $enc='cp1252', $embed=true)
+ // Generate a font definition file
+ if(get_magic_quotes_runtime())
+ @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
+ ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', '1');
+ if(!file_exists($fontfile))
+ Error('Font file not found: '.$fontfile);
+ $ext = strtolower(substr($fontfile,-3));
+ if($ext=='ttf' || $ext=='otf')
+ $type = 'TrueType';
+ elseif($ext=='pfb')
+ $type = 'Type1';
+ else
+ Error('Unrecognized font file extension: '.$ext);
+ $map = LoadMap($enc);
+ if($type=='TrueType')
+ $info = GetInfoFromTrueType($fontfile, $embed, $map);
+ else
+ $info = GetInfoFromType1($fontfile, $embed, $map);
+ $basename = substr(basename($fontfile), 0, -4);
+ if($embed)
+ {
+ if(function_exists('gzcompress'))
+ {
+ $file = $basename.'.z';
+ SaveToFile($file, gzcompress($info['Data']), 'b');
+ $info['File'] = $file;
+ Message('Font file compressed: '.$file);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $info['File'] = basename($fontfile);
+ Notice('Font file could not be compressed (zlib extension not available)');
+ }
+ }
+ MakeDefinitionFile($basename.'.php', $type, $enc, $embed, $map, $info);
+ Message('Font definition file generated: '.$basename.'.php');
+ // Command-line interface
+ if($argc==1)
+ die("Usage: php makefont.php fontfile [enc] [embed]\n");
+ $fontfile = $argv[1];
+ if($argc>=3)
+ $enc = $argv[2];
+ else
+ $enc = 'cp1252';
+ if($argc>=4)
+ $embed = ($argv[3]=='true' || $argv[3]=='1');
+ else
+ $embed = true;
+ MakeFont($fontfile, $enc, $embed);
diff --git a/pdf/fpdf/makefont/ttfparser.php b/pdf/fpdf/makefont/ttfparser.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..602a543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pdf/fpdf/makefont/ttfparser.php
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+* Utility to parse TTF font files *
+* *
+* Version: 1.0 *
+* Date: 2011-06-18 *
+* Author: Olivier PLATHEY *
+class TTFParser
+ var $f;
+ var $tables;
+ var $unitsPerEm;
+ var $xMin, $yMin, $xMax, $yMax;
+ var $numberOfHMetrics;
+ var $numGlyphs;
+ var $widths;
+ var $chars;
+ var $postScriptName;
+ var $Embeddable;
+ var $Bold;
+ var $typoAscender;
+ var $typoDescender;
+ var $capHeight;
+ var $italicAngle;
+ var $underlinePosition;
+ var $underlineThickness;
+ var $isFixedPitch;
+ function Parse($file)
+ {
+ $this->f = fopen($file, 'rb');
+ if(!$this->f)
+ $this->Error('Can\'t open file: '.$file);
+ $version = $this->Read(4);
+ if($version=='OTTO')
+ $this->Error('OpenType fonts based on PostScript outlines are not supported');
+ if($version!="\x00\x01\x00\x00")
+ $this->Error('Unrecognized file format');
+ $numTables = $this->ReadUShort();
+ $this->Skip(3*2); // searchRange, entrySelector, rangeShift
+ $this->tables = array();
+ for($i=0;$i<$numTables;$i++)
+ {
+ $tag = $this->Read(4);
+ $this->Skip(4); // checkSum
+ $offset = $this->ReadULong();
+ $this->Skip(4); // length
+ $this->tables[$tag] = $offset;
+ }
+ $this->ParseHead();
+ $this->ParseHhea();
+ $this->ParseMaxp();
+ $this->ParseHmtx();
+ $this->ParseCmap();
+ $this->ParseName();
+ $this->ParseOS2();
+ $this->ParsePost();
+ fclose($this->f);
+ }
+ function ParseHead()
+ {
+ $this->Seek('head');
+ $this->Skip(3*4); // version, fontRevision, checkSumAdjustment
+ $magicNumber = $this->ReadULong();
+ if($magicNumber!=0x5F0F3CF5)
+ $this->Error('Incorrect magic number');
+ $this->Skip(2); // flags
+ $this->unitsPerEm = $this->ReadUShort();
+ $this->Skip(2*8); // created, modified
+ $this->xMin = $this->ReadShort();
+ $this->yMin = $this->ReadShort();
+ $this->xMax = $this->ReadShort();
+ $this->yMax = $this->ReadShort();
+ }
+ function ParseHhea()
+ {
+ $this->Seek('hhea');
+ $this->Skip(4+15*2);
+ $this->numberOfHMetrics = $this->ReadUShort();
+ }
+ function ParseMaxp()
+ {
+ $this->Seek('maxp');
+ $this->Skip(4);
+ $this->numGlyphs = $this->ReadUShort();
+ }
+ function ParseHmtx()
+ {
+ $this->Seek('hmtx');
+ $this->widths = array();
+ for($i=0;$i<$this->numberOfHMetrics;$i++)
+ {
+ $advanceWidth = $this->ReadUShort();
+ $this->Skip(2); // lsb
+ $this->widths[$i] = $advanceWidth;
+ }
+ if($this->numberOfHMetrics<$this->numGlyphs)
+ {
+ $lastWidth = $this->widths[$this->numberOfHMetrics-1];
+ $this->widths = array_pad($this->widths, $this->numGlyphs, $lastWidth);
+ }
+ }
+ function ParseCmap()
+ {
+ $this->Seek('cmap');
+ $this->Skip(2); // version
+ $numTables = $this->ReadUShort();
+ $offset31 = 0;
+ for($i=0;$i<$numTables;$i++)
+ {
+ $platformID = $this->ReadUShort();
+ $encodingID = $this->ReadUShort();
+ $offset = $this->ReadULong();
+ if($platformID==3 && $encodingID==1)
+ $offset31 = $offset;
+ }
+ if($offset31==0)
+ $this->Error('No Unicode encoding found');
+ $startCount = array();
+ $endCount = array();
+ $idDelta = array();
+ $idRangeOffset = array();
+ $this->chars = array();
+ fseek($this->f, $this->tables['cmap']+$offset31, SEEK_SET);
+ $format = $this->ReadUShort();
+ if($format!=4)
+ $this->Error('Unexpected subtable format: '.$format);
+ $this->Skip(2*2); // length, language
+ $segCount = $this->ReadUShort()/2;
+ $this->Skip(3*2); // searchRange, entrySelector, rangeShift
+ for($i=0;$i<$segCount;$i++)
+ $endCount[$i] = $this->ReadUShort();
+ $this->Skip(2); // reservedPad
+ for($i=0;$i<$segCount;$i++)
+ $startCount[$i] = $this->ReadUShort();
+ for($i=0;$i<$segCount;$i++)
+ $idDelta[$i] = $this->ReadShort();
+ $offset = ftell($this->f);
+ for($i=0;$i<$segCount;$i++)
+ $idRangeOffset[$i] = $this->ReadUShort();
+ for($i=0;$i<$segCount;$i++)
+ {
+ $c1 = $startCount[$i];
+ $c2 = $endCount[$i];
+ $d = $idDelta[$i];
+ $ro = $idRangeOffset[$i];
+ if($ro>0)
+ fseek($this->f, $offset+2*$i+$ro, SEEK_SET);
+ for($c=$c1;$c<=$c2;$c++)
+ {
+ if($c==0xFFFF)
+ break;
+ if($ro>0)
+ {
+ $gid = $this->ReadUShort();
+ if($gid>0)
+ $gid += $d;
+ }
+ else
+ $gid = $c+$d;
+ if($gid>=65536)
+ $gid -= 65536;
+ if($gid>0)
+ $this->chars[$c] = $gid;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function ParseName()
+ {
+ $this->Seek('name');
+ $tableOffset = ftell($this->f);
+ $this->postScriptName = '';
+ $this->Skip(2); // format
+ $count = $this->ReadUShort();
+ $stringOffset = $this->ReadUShort();
+ for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++)
+ {
+ $this->Skip(3*2); // platformID, encodingID, languageID
+ $nameID = $this->ReadUShort();
+ $length = $this->ReadUShort();
+ $offset = $this->ReadUShort();
+ if($nameID==6)
+ {
+ // PostScript name
+ fseek($this->f, $tableOffset+$stringOffset+$offset, SEEK_SET);
+ $s = $this->Read($length);
+ $s = str_replace(chr(0), '', $s);
+ $s = preg_replace('|[ \[\](){}<>/%]|', '', $s);
+ $this->postScriptName = $s;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if($this->postScriptName=='')
+ $this->Error('PostScript name not found');
+ }
+ function ParseOS2()
+ {
+ $this->Seek('OS/2');
+ $version = $this->ReadUShort();
+ $this->Skip(3*2); // xAvgCharWidth, usWeightClass, usWidthClass
+ $fsType = $this->ReadUShort();
+ $this->Embeddable = ($fsType!=2) && ($fsType & 0x200)==0;
+ $this->Skip(11*2+10+4*4+4);
+ $fsSelection = $this->ReadUShort();
+ $this->Bold = ($fsSelection & 32)!=0;
+ $this->Skip(2*2); // usFirstCharIndex, usLastCharIndex
+ $this->typoAscender = $this->ReadShort();
+ $this->typoDescender = $this->ReadShort();
+ if($version>=2)
+ {
+ $this->Skip(3*2+2*4+2);
+ $this->capHeight = $this->ReadShort();
+ }
+ else
+ $this->capHeight = 0;
+ }
+ function ParsePost()
+ {
+ $this->Seek('post');
+ $this->Skip(4); // version
+ $this->italicAngle = $this->ReadShort();
+ $this->Skip(2); // Skip decimal part
+ $this->underlinePosition = $this->ReadShort();
+ $this->underlineThickness = $this->ReadShort();
+ $this->isFixedPitch = ($this->ReadULong()!=0);
+ }
+ function Error($msg)
+ {
+ if(PHP_SAPI=='cli')
+ die("Error: $msg\n");
+ else
+ die("<b>Error</b>: $msg");
+ }
+ function Seek($tag)
+ {
+ if(!isset($this->tables[$tag]))
+ $this->Error('Table not found: '.$tag);
+ fseek($this->f, $this->tables[$tag], SEEK_SET);
+ }
+ function Skip($n)
+ {
+ fseek($this->f, $n, SEEK_CUR);
+ }
+ function Read($n)
+ {
+ return fread($this->f, $n);
+ }
+ function ReadUShort()
+ {
+ $a = unpack('nn', fread($this->f,2));
+ return $a['n'];
+ }
+ function ReadShort()
+ {
+ $a = unpack('nn', fread($this->f,2));
+ $v = $a['n'];
+ if($v>=0x8000)
+ $v -= 65536;
+ return $v;
+ }
+ function ReadULong()
+ {
+ $a = unpack('NN', fread($this->f,4));
+ return $a['N'];
+ }