Checks that there are no import statements that use the * notation.
Rationale: Importing all classes from a package or static members from a class leads to tight coupling between packages or classes and might lead to problems when a new version of a library introduces name clashes.
name | description | type | default value |
excludes | packages where star imports are allowed. Note that this property is not recursive, subpackages of excluded packages are not automatically excluded. | list of strings | empty list |
allowClassImports |
whether to allow starred class imports like
import java.util.*; .
Boolean | false |
allowStaticMemberImports |
whether to allow starred static member imports like
import static org.junit.Assert.*; |
Boolean | false |
An example how to configure the check so that star imports from packages and as well as static members from class from java.lang.Math are allowed:
<module name="AvoidStarImport"> <property name="excludes" value=",,java.lang.Math"/> <property name="allowClassImports" value="false"/> <property name="allowStaticMemberImports" value="false"/> </module>
Checks that there are no static import statements.
Rationale: Importing static members can lead to naming conflicts between class' members. It may lead to poor code readability since it may no longer be clear what class a member resides in (without looking at the import statement).
name | description | type | default value |
excludes |
Allows for certain classes via a star notation to be
excluded such as java.lang.Math.* or specific static
members to be excluded like java.lang.System.out for a variable or
java.lang.Math.random for a
If you exclude a starred import on a class this automatically excludes each member individually. For example: Excluding java.lang.Math.* . will allow the
import of each static member in the Math class
individually like java.lang.Math.PI .
list of strings | empty list |
An example of how to configure the check so that the java.lang.System.out
member and all
members from java.lang.Math
<module name="AvoidStaticImport"> <property name="excludes" value="java.lang.System.out,java.lang.Math.*"/> </module>
Checks for imports from a set of illegal packages. By default, the
check rejects all sun.*
packages since
programs that contain direct calls to the sun.*
packages are not
100% Pure Java. To reject other packages, set property illegalPkgs
to a list of the illegal packages.
name | description | type | default value |
illegalPkgs | packages to reject | list of strings | sun |
To configure the check:
<module name="IllegalImport"/>
To configure the check so that it rejects packages*
and java.sql.*
<module name="IllegalImport"> <property name="illegalPkgs" value=", java.sql"/> </module>
Checks for redundant import statements. An import statement is considered redundant if:
package, e.g. importing java.lang.String
Checks for unused import statements. Checkstyle uses a simple but very reliable algorithm to report on unused import statements. An import statement is considered unused if:
. Most IDE's provide very sophisticated checks
for imports that handle wild-card imports.
package. For example importing java.lang.String
The main limitation of this check is handling the case where an imported type has the same name as a declaration, such as a member variable.
For example, in the following case the import java.awt.Component
will not be flagged as
import java.awt.Component; class FooBar { private Object Component; // IMHO bad practise ... }
Checks the ordering/grouping of imports. Features are:
name | description | type | default value |
option | policy on the relative order between regular imports and static imports | import order | under |
groups |
list of imports groups (every group identified either by a
common prefix string, or by a regular expression enclosed
in forward slashes (e.g. /regexp/ )
list of strings | empty list |
ordered | whether imports within group should be sorted | Boolean | true |
separated | whether imports groups should be separated by, at least, one blank line | Boolean | false |
caseSensitive | whether string comparision should be case sensitive or not | Boolean | true |
To configure the check so that it requires that:
<module name="ImportOrder"> <property name="groups" value="/^javax?\./,org"/> <property name="ordered" value="true"/> <property name="separated" value="true"/> <property name="option" value="above"/> </module>
Controls what can be imported in each package. Useful for ensuring that application layering rules are not violated, especially on large projects.
The DTD for a import control XML document is at It contains documentation on each of the elements and attributes.
The check validates a XML document when it loads the document. To validate against the above DTD, include the following document type declaration in your XML document:
<!DOCTYPE import-control PUBLIC "-//Puppy Crawl//DTD Import Control 1.1//EN" "">
name | description | type | default value |
file | name of the file containing the import control configuration. | string | null |
url | url of the file containing the import control configuration. | string | null |
To configure the check using a import control file called "import-control.xml", then have the following:
<module name="ImportControl"> <property name="file" value="import-control.xml"/> </module>
In the example below, all classes beginning with an I in the package java.awt are allowed. In the package only the classes File and InputStream are allowed.
<import-control pkg=""> <allow class="java\.awt\.I.*" regex="true"/> <allow class="java\.io\.(File|InputStream)" local-only="true" regex="true"/> </import-control>
For an example import control file, look at the file called import-control.xml which is part of the Checkstyle distribution.